It's the 2nd

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

It's the 2nd

It's the 2nd day into your school's overnight historical education trip, where you are continously bored out of your mind with all the academic fun facts you already knew when you reserched the trip. Your'e on a hike, climbing up the cliff to see the view of the ruins of an ancient trading center. The school group is up ahead, you can hear their laughter and shouts. So you stumble up the small cliff -- a steep hill, really, the land is just so flat that this might as well be Mount Everest -- and you pull out your digital camera to take this picture.

You lean against the saftey rail and your'e not wearing your wriststrap and there's a really strong wind as you hold the camera out further off the cliff than you should and the camera drops from your hands, rolling down the cliff, and into a small pit. There's a crash and it's impossible that the camera hasn't broken into a millon pieces. You stare at the sky and the ruins and the messed-up world that broke your beautiful lapis lazuli blue camera that you got from your grandmother last Christmas. And as you come to your senses, you remember the school group you are on this stupid, meaningless trip with. You grab your backpack and run to catch up.

You walk into your cabin after dinner, lie down on the slightly uncomfortable mattress and see, out of the corner of  your eye, your blue digital camera sitting there up on the wooden dresser. You run over, carefully examining it. It's got your intails at the bottom, and it's good as new! You look through the pictures, and see something you definitely didn't take a picture of -- a Letter.

Dear young, undoubtably bored peasant,

You are cordially invited to the West Elmheart Castle, Doughnut Shop, and Luxury Hotel in 2 weeks time. This trip will start at the Southeast Ravelton Harbor- you will take The Ivy to our wonderful province of Elmheart. The trip will transfer you to a different world!  You are allowed to bring AEs and CAPATCHAs. We can not guarantee complete safety on these trips, but we can insure delicious and free doughnuts*. Come, or we will be forced to remove the information you have about us from your brain.

With doughnuts,

Duchess Lillia Zande the 9th of Elmheart 

*that may or may not be posioned.

submitted by Duchess Lillia Zande, age unknown, the 9th of Elmheart
(March 12, 2016 - 3:44 pm)

Can I come? Can I come!  PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!!

If I can I'm bringing:




and an everything summoning backpack.  

submitted by balletandbow And Co., age 12, Moon
(March 24, 2016 - 9:22 am)
submitted by TOP
(March 24, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

Um...when are we actuallly going to start this?

submitted by Hermione A.
(March 25, 2016 - 11:27 am)


submitted by Today!
(March 26, 2016 - 6:49 am)


submitted by Today!
(March 26, 2016 - 6:49 am)

Sorry that I haven't posted yet- I hopefully will be able to today .

Thank you for your patience.  

submitted by Duchess
(March 26, 2016 - 12:52 pm)
submitted by Today??
(March 26, 2016 - 12:34 pm)

Sorry about that. Countess Linnkla's mother is having surgery and she had to see her at the local hostpital, which is only 45 miles away, if the issue arises.


Shoshannah Lily jumps off the train, into the Harbor. It's a sunny day, and sea-gulls dot the sky. S/he is the first to get to the harbor. She checks her watch. There's about 45 minutes untill the boat leaves- enough time to read a few chapters, right? So she finds a quiet park, with a few scattered benches and sits down...

Moonflower and The Novelist step off the bus into a small quaint street near the Harbor. Moonflower takes whiff of something sweet- doughnuts*! S/he and the Novelist stop at a local coffee shop, Lapiz-Lazuli Cafe. Cool! Novelist thinks That's my favorite color! Moonflower contemplates. Is this is the last safe doughnut I'll have before the trip?  The two of them order. "I'd like a chocolate with a rasberry swirl,please!" says Moonflower. They take the elm coffee table with the throw pillows. "No doughnuts for you?" Moonflower asks the Novelist."No, I don't really like them," s/he replies. What is that thing even made of? 

Hot air balloon walked to the Harbor, and was  checking his/her bag for a snack as s/he saw Heremione A. "Hi! Sorry, I'm kind of lost- do you know where Southeast Ravelton Harbor is? Or The Ivy ship?" Heremione A. wondered. Hotairballoon was in momentary shock. Heremione A. turned around. "Okay, well, thank you..." and started to wander off. "Wait!" exclaimed Hot air ballon. "I know where it is- was your'e camera broken too?". 

Mirax and Cockleburr take the train together. In an online blog that shall remain nameless, they found a few other people who had recieved the same letters in eerily simmallar circumstances (This is how Moonflower and the Novelist as well as Mirax and Cockleburr know each other but Hot air balloon and Heremione A as well_____ don't). "It's really weird without the AEs here, isn't it?" inquires Mirax. "Definitely. I keep expecting Counter to hit me with a saucepan again."

I'm sorry I didn't get to anyone or really go anywhere with the story, I was SUPER busy. I'll add to it at the latest next weekend.

*I can assure you these are not posioned. 

submitted by Duchess Lillia Zande, age unknown, Elmheart
(March 26, 2016 - 9:58 pm)

That's okay! Wow, that was a really realistic portrayal of me.

submitted by ShoshannahLily, Deep in a book
(March 27, 2016 - 1:36 pm)
submitted by top
(March 27, 2016 - 2:43 pm)

Top! This Is great! Please continue!

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 1, 2016 - 5:00 am)
submitted by Today, maybe???
(April 2, 2016 - 10:10 am)

Here it is!

Please note that this is taking place on the ivy ship at the harbor. It's not sailed yet. 

Do you hear that noise?" Balletandbow asks St. Owl. "Sorry, got to bring this stuff into my room- hopefully my AEs haven't entirely trashed the place yet" she replies apologetically. "Wait, you have AEs too?!" exclaims Balletandbow. "What are their names? It's weird, I created a character one day and it started following me around..." 

"Hey, is it just me or do you hear it too? That song that's coming from the bottom of the sea? " Mixue asks a porter. "You've got to be more specific, there's a million sounds in this harbor " he responds with seemingly little interest. "That song? It's something classical-Christmas related, I think." Yea," he replies dully. "It's Pachabel's canon in d", and wonders off. How can a human being have so little enthusiasm in this?! Mixue wonders.

Suddenly, a huge spray of water comes up from the middle of the sea. Mixup sees a lapis-lazuli blue elm piano with sweethearts candy taped onto the elm, and two shark-like fins. S/he was climbing towards the starboard. Caroline and Candy King walk up the stairs onto the deck. Shoshanna Lily, reading in a reclining chair looks up from her book, sees the piano and in her shock, turns into a orange day lily. Candy King, oblivious to the obvious threat, started taking off the sweethearts off of the piano shark, joyously popping them into his mouth. The piano-shark had had enough of this. As candy King popped his last sweetheart into his mouth, the piano shark pushed him into the hoodstring thingy of the piano shark.

RIP candy King

submitted by Duchess Lillia Zande
(April 2, 2016 - 5:40 pm)

Oh well...we all knew this would happen soon!

Candy KING's ghost: oOooOoooO! hOw cOuLd YoU saY tHAt?!!!!! 

submitted by Carolion K,, and Candy King
(April 4, 2016 - 6:50 pm)

We offer our condolences.


submitted by Duchess Lillia Zande, age unknown
(April 5, 2016 - 10:21 am)