Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™



This Book of Myths and Legends is intended to inform, illuminate, educate, and elucidate. But the trepidatious Reader must proceed with caution. Once the Reader has filled their mind with thoughts of Beasts, the Reader can no longer un-know them. Sometimes, the only safeguard against the shuddersome creatures that stalk this Globe is to utterly deny their existence.

submitted by Dr. Sheepshank, Cypher Labs
(March 12, 2016 - 12:42 am)

I am a meif'wa and I live in a cozy hut in a forest (I am only there half the time because I am an adventurer too!Smile) And sometimes I go to town for neccessities.Cool 

submitted by LovelyAlpaca, age 9, U.S.A
(July 6, 2016 - 10:59 pm)


submitted by @LovelyAlpaca, age 11, The Forest
(July 9, 2016 - 7:18 pm)

There is a legend among the foxes of a very dark-furred fox  who collected all the powers(is that the right word?) when they were still young and unprotected thousands of years ago. This fox, who was also reigning queen of the whole animal kingdom in a time of great turmoil, scattered them far and wide, and assigned to each of them one of her most reliable agents: amongthem the griffon, the *page torn awaypage torn away page tornaway page torn away page torn away page torn away page torn away*
Since then, the animal hierarchy has been forgotton in the fragile relationships with humans, but this fox's descendants are marked with an especially dark coat. It is said that one will rise up an be a hero for the animal world, Is there a better time for it than now?

of course, it's just a silly legend.

submitted by Maggie H., age 12, Michigan
(July 7, 2016 - 6:29 pm)

It must be a legend...since that sounds like the PowerFriend, and I'm the PowerFriend...and also because we already decided the Power Origin...

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 7, 2016 - 6:58 pm)

I interpreted your definition of "Side-effect Powers." :)

Side-effected Powers 

These side-effected Powers are driven to ruin the Original Powers [Claw, Wing, Fin, Hoof, Howl, etc]. They "knew" they were special the moment they were created and do everything in their power to kill the true Powers and become their [the originals'] replacements. Some may be more intelligent than others and plan to kill the Powers in more efficient ways.

What they don't know is that if the Power that created them dies, then they too fall into a deep sleep [unconsciousness] and only wake once their "birth" Power is activated again.

No one knows how many side-effected Powers there are, most say there are only two. 

The side-effected Powers can also be killed like any normal creature. They are not immortal and cannot be poisoned by the Brazen goo. 

Here is a list of known* existing "side-effected Powers" and their creators.




*Known to the editor, Scylla. Other "side-effected Powers" (SEPs) may exist. If the reader really wishes to find out, then read "This RP is..." by Claaws on the RP board.

submitted by @CLAAWS, (Scylla)
(July 7, 2016 - 6:50 pm)

I am actually quite confused.

A woman I just ran into, I didn't  catch her name, told me that you lot were, well, "crackpots" and "tricksters." In my opinion, you all looked like some nice little group, but I sense something else here. Could someone please elaborate on this.

Oh! and I almost forgot. What in the world are powers? I keep hearing that word being thrown around but I have no idea what they are.


Anderithia Flock

Eavesdropper (sorry) 

submitted by Anderithia, age ..., B I G?
(July 8, 2016 - 10:30 am)

Powers are like....supernatural creatures that come out of instruments? I know allot about them... meet me in my house at Deep Forest if you want to learn more.

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 8, 2016 - 5:34 pm)

Hey, I think I might be different.

I am unussually tall, and have a lightning bolt-shaped birthmark on my right arm. I believe I am the last surviving Thunder-Elf. Just so you know, the last thunder-elves were destroyed by BIG. I must have survived somehow.

submitted by D-nite, age 11, Somewhere
(July 8, 2016 - 5:29 pm)

i saw it the other day over a forest during a bad rainstorm. i was seeking shelter under a tree. i saw a glimpse of silver scales, so i climbed a tree to get a better look. and that's when i saw this.

later i was looking at some info in a man's chest of papers. i believe what i saw is a Lightning Dragon, a large dragon that breathes lightning. it's roars sound like thunder, and most people mistake it for just that. it hides by always enshrouding itself in a stormcloud, so you never can tell if the rain that's coming is either normal weatther, or a giant powerful dragon.

i managed to throw together a sketch of what i think i remember it to look like, though it may not be exact. 

submitted by D-nite, age 11, Somewhere
(July 9, 2016 - 2:38 pm)
submitted by Moon Shadow , age 13, Illinois
(July 13, 2016 - 6:11 am)


Vampires are beings rare to Kyngdom. They posses the power of the -burned paper-

and are know for -more burnt paper-

I know more. SailHaven. 380438748534705784057485743895734807408782047580427580475847509 


submitted by Elliot
(July 17, 2016 - 9:09 pm)

I'm bored sooooo.......

~The beasts

The silver beasts that onced haunted the alleys and forgotten roads of kyndomopolis thousands of years ago, may or may have not been sighted along the rough stretches bordering "ghost forests" The rare sightings have accommodated only a few, all of which have mysteriously disappeared a few days after their encounters.  An elderly raccoon may have been the only one to specify which species he saw.  The raccoon (known as cormady) says he witnessed what he calls an "army" of large mammals.  Mainly wolves and big cats though an elephant was also visualised.   A few days later he was gone.  

Some say they are waiting.  Waiting for whom is yet to be known.


That OK?   Pwease tell me, OxO

submitted by Windswift
(July 20, 2016 - 7:41 pm)


There are many different species and clans of were-wolves, but they all share the one trait that defines them from other animals. They have two forms. One, of a human, and the other, of a wolf. Their bite does not turn you into one of them unless they bite you at full moon, and even then you are not a true Were-Wolf. You can be born as a Were-Wolf but only if you are born on full-moon. Were-Wolves worship the moon goddess and believe that she went down to the earth in wolf form and blessed Lykos, one of the first humans, with the ability to change form. The main species are these:

Moon Wolves. They are tormented by their wolf form and can only change form when it is full moon. And when they are in wolf-form, they are bloodthirsty savages who destroy all that are not like them. They search for 'cures' for their condition and are not born Were-Wolves but became them by the other species biting them at full moon. They are rare since not many Were-Wolves tend to bite humans. These Were-Wolves's true form is human since they are not truly Were-Wolves. The other Were-Wolves view them as devolved forms and not true Were-Wolves, they do not associate with them.

Genimenos Wolves. Named in the Greek word for 'born' they are exactly what their name implies. They were born Were-Wolves either by chance or born as an heir to other Were-Wolves. They are very common, or as common as the rare Were-Wolves are. They can turn into wolf form anytime but their most powerful wolf form is at full moon. They have control of themselves in wolf form as well as human form. However, since they are born were-wolves unlike the Moon Wolves, they have no true form of their own. They are between Wolf and Human.

Snow Wolves. They are the most rare and mysterious of all Were-Wolves. Rumored to be magical and learned in the ancient arts, they are rarely seen but can be recognized by their cat-like build and blazingly white fur. Their eyes are said to be bronze or Silver. Very little is known about them. They have only one clan and it is the Ice Wolves.

The clans are listed below: 

Black Wolves.  Also known as 'Night Wolves', this clan prides itself in silence and camoflauge. They have a arrow-shaped sign on their forehead in wolf-form and have jet-black hair or grey hair in both human and wolf form, if they are not then they will paint or dye their fur or hair to the proper colour. Their build is much like cats and they rely on wits and trickery to survive. They have a pact with the foxes. Even though they are slight in build, they are still formidable opponents. However, they are still honourable as all Were-Wolves are, but they will use loopholes. They prefer human form as it gives them an advantage over most creatures, but they are equaly human and wolf. When they shift form, they gently blurr and then turn into the form of their choice.


Sun Wolves. They are strongly-built Were-Wolves and are usually a golden colour or, very rarely, white. They have blonde hair as humans and tend to stay in wolf form. They would choose strength over wit but are excellant hunters and can be very clever when pushed. They are the most honourable of the Were-Wolves. They are a bit more wolf than human, and their incisors are noticeabley bigger than normal in human form. They have huge claws and have a special respect for Claaws. They are more merciful then most but can kill if needed. When they shift they look like a cross between human and wolf, then go to their form of choice.


Abnorm-Wolves. The biggest clan of Moon-Wolves, about 20 Were-Wolves are in it. They have meetings in human form to exchange remedies for their affliction and help calm their inner wolf. They are dangerous and when they shift they painfully turn slowly into wolf form or back into human form.  


Ice Wolves. The clan of mysterious Snow Wolves, they are blazing white and have six claws on eat paw. They howl an eerie, mournful howl to the moon at night, and have comepletely white hair in human form-except for a single, black line on their hair that is visible in both wolf and human form. Apparently the chief is replaced every hundred years. Their cheifs are said to be exactly half white and half black. One eye is black, and one white. Ying and Yang. Push and pull. Good and Evil. Their Chiefs are supposed to be the balance point. Their Cheif is said to meet with the Earth Dragons and Petal Carriers, also the Powers until the Powers were 'killed'. When they shift, they hover for a moment, as their true spirit form, then become their choice of form. I have heard from the Earth Dragons that whenever the balance tips, the Ice Wolves turn blood-red and howl every night. A howl of sadness. Of the balance that was lost. Maybe even, inside their lonely howl, their is a story of what once was and what might be. But if the balance is not restored, then they will restore it themselves. They keep the balance. But sometimes, they decide to choose several people, maybe animals, maybe Were-Wolves, maybe Griiffins, Dragons or Spirits..... and tell them to go out and save the world.


Some live to see the world. Some live to save it. Some live to help it. And some live to keep it hidden, safe, and joyful, from those who wish to destroy it.

submitted by Chinchilla, age TakeNoPart, IWillRecordTheHistoryBut
(July 21, 2016 - 3:00 pm)




submitted by Chinchilla
(July 21, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

Ya its fine. ;)

submitted by Claaws
(July 21, 2016 - 4:08 pm)