Solo Write~Guardians of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo Write~Guardians of

Solo Write~Guardians of Liritar

There is a little smoke from the fire, drifting upwards with the mystic scent of burning pine. The old man nods, looking upwards at the stars. He is a little man now, leaning forward with his arms on his knees and his bright eyes never fixed on one place, his silver hair falling into his eyes a little; but you see suddenly how he might once have been a great lord, a wild princeling from wild mountains, a man who you might have died for if you had known him then.

But that was a long time ago. Right now, you're too desparate to know about the present.

"Yes," the old man begins, his quavering voice low to make no disturbance in the peaceful night, "there used to be ten Guadians, Guardians of Liritar they were called - 'Liritar', all that is good..."


There used to be ten guardians: one for each element, or key. The elements were hope, light, earth, air, fire, water, pines, love, promises, and night. But those ten Guardians are gone. Somewhere, into the darkness. And without them the world is not the same; evil is fighting in distant lands for power over what the Guardians once protected.

The Guardians must return.


If you join, please sign up a Guardian and another (human) charrie. No more than one guardian of each power, please.

FORM (for Guardians)


Guardian of:



Favorite color:

Appearance (human-like):



FORM (for other characters)






Favorite of the 10 elements:

Shipping (open or not):

submitted by Idyrn, age between, in magic lands
(July 15, 2023 - 7:41 pm)

Name: Lilly

Guardian of: Hope

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 12

Favorite color: PINK

Appearance: Soft brown-blond hair, gray-blue eyes, wheres t-shirts and shorts all the time (even in winter!)

Personality: Shy and calm, is not very brave

(There all done.) 


submitted by Ayles C., age 12, Colorado
(July 19, 2023 - 9:51 am)


Name: Solstice, Sol for short.

Guardian of: Love, the most powerful of them all (at least according to Sol).

Pronouns: Sol's pronouns are always shifting and cycling. One moment they'll use one set of pronouns, another moment they'll use a different one. They might use the same sets of pronouns for hours, days, or even years on end, or they may change them every few seconds, as the mood strikes them. They have a tendency to use nounselfs over other pronouns, but they'll use anything when they feel like it.

Age: Nobody knows, not even Sol themself.

Favorite color: All of them and none of them, all at once.

Appearance (human-like): Their entire body is made of mist. They normally gather their mists into the shape of a human, but they can take any shape. In human-shape, they appear pretty tall, with an undercut. The long side of the undercut (the right side), comes down to about their shoulders. Most of their body is gray and mist-colored, but the irises of their eyes are a bright iridescent white. No matter what form they take, their eyes are always the same rainbowy-white color, although the rest of their body just looks like mist. In human-shape, they appear to be in the 17-19 range, and they have extremely dense freckles on their cheeks and arms, a smallish roundish nose, and long slender fingers. They're capable of interacting with the physical world despite being made of mist (so they can move things and lift things). Lemme know if there is anything about their appearance that needs changing, cause I can totally make it something a little more humanish if you want.

Personality: They're mysterious and secretive, and they know it and enjoy it. They're a bit of a loner, but they do appreciate good friends. They're friendly and usually honest, although quite a good liar when they want to be. They don't know anything about what species they are or where they came from, and that scares them, deep down inside. They're usually rather subdued and quiet, although they have a loud, rambunctious, and rather fun side in there too, if you can manage to find it.

I've gotta go now, so do you mind if I make the human charrie later? I promise I will do it as soon as possible, although it might take a little while since  I don't get much computer time during summer. I'll also try to add more to the personality section a little later, as it's a little scant.

submitted by Scuttles
(July 19, 2023 - 4:05 pm)

Thanks, Ayles :)

@Scuttles, since Solstice's pronouns are constantly changing, do you mind if I just use he/him or she/her in my writing? It would make things easier (to write and to read) :) And sure, it's fine if you post the other charrie's form later.

submitted by Idyrn, age between, in magic lands
(July 19, 2023 - 5:22 pm)

Yeah, ofc! You could also use they/them, or whatever. Sol wouldn't mind :D

I'm working on the human charrie, btw. I'll post it the next time I get on.

submitted by Scuttles@Idyrn
(July 20, 2023 - 11:10 am)

One of my charries is the guardian of hope but then Ayles also made theirs that guardian, so are there gonna be two, or...?  Just wondering.

submitted by @Idyrn, it's Sterling
(July 19, 2023 - 7:17 pm)

Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't noticed :) There is only supposed to be one Guardian of each element - would you mind changing Lilly's element, Ayles?

submitted by Idyrn
(July 19, 2023 - 7:31 pm)

LOL. I have not thought about other ones... *mind breaks*

submitted by Ayles C., age 12, Colorado
(July 27, 2023 - 3:42 pm)

Name: Wylie

Guardian of: words (if I can't do that I'll do the element of light)

Pronouns: he/him 

Age: 13 (but actually doesn't get older)

Favorite color: Gold

Appearance (human-like): Platinum blond almost white hair, cinnamon colored skin, gold eyes with star pupils, tall (ish), arms covered in tattoos of random words, pointy ears, large feathery wings, always carrying a satchel that has a notebook, a pencil, and a couple random trinkets.

Personality: Quiet and thoughtful, but has a presence that is hard to ignore. 


FORM (for other characters)

Name: Avi

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 13

Appearance: short, long black hair with red and orange tips, pale skin, freckles, dark piercing eyes.

Personality: fiery and commanding with major trust issues 

Favorite of the 10 elements: night

Shipping (open or not): yes!

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(July 20, 2023 - 8:46 pm)

If Wylie could be Guardian of Light that would be wonderful - I wasn't really planning to have words be an element.

submitted by Idyrn, age between, in magic lands
(July 21, 2023 - 3:28 pm)

This looks fun!!


Name: Vaytern

Guardian of: earth

Pronouns: he/him

Age: around 20

Favorite color: vermilion and gold

Appearance (human-like): medium height, with light, slightly reddish brown hair, gray-brown eyes, clearly defined but not sharp features, usually wearing clothes in forest tones (e.g. light green or soft brown)

Personality: Outgoing and warm, deeply caring, the truest of friends, knows his ideals and will defend them no matter what; he shares a strong bond with the earth and understands it fully, but he also loves people (or Guardians), places, and experiences.


Name: Robin

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 15

Appearance: average height, long, wavy, very dark brown hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, graceful, likes to wear dresses or slim jeans with ankle boots

Personality: Very kind and friendly, but opinionated and strong as well, loves horses and birds, quickly picks who she wants to be friends with and who she dislikes

Favorite of the 10 elements: hope

Shipping (open or not): maybe open with boys, but it's fine if she doesn't get shipped in the end :)


submitted by Amethyst
(July 24, 2023 - 9:21 am)

Could you choose another element for Lilly? Fire and air are still open.

@all, there's only one slot left!

submitted by @Ayles C.
(July 24, 2023 - 12:37 pm)

Air can be Lilly's element.

submitted by Ayles C., age 12, Colorado
(July 27, 2023 - 3:43 pm)

Is it all right if I submit another Guardian and another human charrie? I really want this solo write to start :)

submitted by Amethyst, fantasy lands
(July 26, 2023 - 5:42 pm)

Alright, I suppose so. And thanks!

submitted by Idyrn, age between, in magic lands
(July 26, 2023 - 7:49 pm)

Name: Riltava

Guardian of: fire

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 18

Favorite color: vermilion

Appearance (human-like): Small and graceful, with reddish hair and light brown eyes; usually wearing clothes in fire-like hues

Personality: Challenging, fiery, quick-tempered, often able to see only one side of a situation, but also strong, determined and loyal


Name: Ronald

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 17

Appearance: Black hair, tall, handsome, eyes that are usually dark brown but look gray in the sunlight

Personality: Cocky and likes to be in charge of things, but knows when he should let other people come first; he's fun to be around and in general is a good friend.

Favorite of the 10 elements: promises

Shipping (open or not): open!!!

submitted by Amethyst
(July 28, 2023 - 12:43 pm)