The Deck of
Chatterbox: Inkwell
The Deck of
The Deck of Cards
You're an alley dog. You were born on the street with no master, no friends, a free dog in this crazy world. You steal food, find shelter under benches and trees, while constantly running away from the dog catcher and the threat of custody hanging over your head. You want your freedom, and you will do anything to keep it. Every new moon, when the sky is darkest, you and the other alley animals meet behind the local Casino to discuss everything that has happened since your last meeting. The last meeting you attended was in an uproar about the new disappearances of comrades, disappearances like nothing the city has ever seen before. It could just be the work of a new dog catcher on the streets… or something more sinister. 52 have gone missing since the last meeting, granting this case the name Deck of Cards. What will you do about this? What will you do to keep your freedom you have tried so hard to keep? What will happen to you?
Greetings. I am Asphalt, leader and organizer of the New Moon gatherings. We have gathered here today to discuss the outbreak of a new dog catcher. Yes, as you may know, this dog catcher has been the unfortunate fate of many of our comrades this past moon. Hush! Wait! Call to order! No, it is nothing more than a new dog catcher! Nothing more! Yes, 52 have gone missing. Yes, I suppose you’re right, that is the amount of a deck of cards. Call to order! Now, to protect our freedom, we must do something to get in the way of this new catcher. Yes, and save our 52 comrades. I need volunteers to help our cause. Call to order! These volunteers will work together to track this new dog catcher. Once they are found, if backup is needed, please see fit to start a bark track. No, nothing bad will happen to said volunteers. You will form a pack, nothing can hurt you when you are in a pack. Be careful not to let them solo you out. Do you understand how important that is? Good. Remember, a pack is as strong as its weakest link. Do I have my volunteers? Good. With the moons light, you will find this dog catcher and save our comrades. It is up to you. Good luck, chasers of the Deck of Cards. Meeting adjourned.
Charrie sheet
Gender (or preferred pronouns):
Species (you don’t have to be a dog):
Something random about you:
How you reacted to this meeting:
Password: The name of the meeting and the volunteers
Hey all! Yes that was pretty vague, if anyone has any questions, please ask! (Pre-answers to some questions probably) you can have had many charries as you wish, just don’t go overboard! Yes, the story will center around the volunteers, the chasers of the Deck of Cards. We will develop the plot as we move towards. I was thinking they lived in a suburb off of a city, so not too city-like but still dirty with allies and trash dumps and such. I’ll post my charrie later!
Noon says hypc. Are you hype for this! Me too!
(August 11, 2018 - 4:07 pm)
Ackkkk sorry I just disappeared off the face of the RP guys!!! Anyways.
I agree that this RP is getting very splintered, and kind of confusing and hard to follow. The whole introduction/meeting part was kind of discombobulated. Part of me wants to just say, "Hey let's start the meeting over and have a nice organized conclusion where they're like, 'Okay, we're done with this meeting now so we'll meet up to begin the chase tomorrow at dawn!'." I may or may not be back in a little bit to post.
(September 8, 2018 - 6:13 pm)
Well. This is dead. Let's try topping it anyway. Cinnamon's kind of bored.
(September 21, 2018 - 2:35 pm)
(October 4, 2018 - 5:15 pm)
(October 9, 2018 - 1:12 am)