Chatterbox: Inkwell
Oops I'm back again :P
Soooo..I know a lot of you guys have read the Warrior Cats series (the official title is just 'Warriors'). And A TON of people here love to make RPs and stories about it! So, may I introduce to you...the Warriors RP Den!
Here, YOU create the story! Well, most of it. I'm going to introduce the story after I'm done explaining things.
It's kind of similar to Kyngdom, if you think about it ;)
Confused? Allow me to explain..
So, I'll introduce the story, and you guys will take it from there! Although I might pitch in a little bit every once in a while :) The story is based around ONE CLAN, so it won't be too complicated. And there is no limit to the amount of cats in the roleplay! But, I would recommend 5 charries or under, because if we have A TON of cats, then I might be forced to make another thread about the Clan. But, even if I have to, we'll be fine! (I'll be sure to post the link to it if it comes down to that.)
Still confused? Don't worry, I'll explain more when I'm introducing the story. ;)
Okay, so now I'll introduce the story!
The Clan that the story revolves around is called MistClan, due to their habitat and their skills. They live in a forest, where the weather is commonly misty/foggy since it rains a lot there—except during leafbare and greenleaf. No other Clans live near them. MistClan uses the weather as an advantage to their skills—they can blend in with the terrain around them and can also be completely silent whenever needed. Their paws are made to not make noise when walking.
MistClan needs warriors, medicine cats, apprentices, queens, kits, and a LEADER! And, not to mention, enemies! Yep, that's right! MistClan is completely EMPTY, unless you guys fill it up! Remember, it's all up to you guys! Since a lot of people will probably want to be the leader and the medicine cat, I will help choose them! Oh, and only 1-4 enemy cats, please!
Fill up this upload with comments/stories about MistClan, from daily life to big quests and prophecies! It will be way more fun with interesting things going on from time to time! And remember: ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN JOIN! And you don't have to make an official signup form—just jump into the story and introduce yourself! The leader that I pick will be trusted with all of the Clan's decisions. I know you guys will have tons of fun with this!
And a few tips/reminders:
1.) Try to be as active as you can so that you can keep the story running!
2.) Don't be overpowering OR perfect! Your character has got to have a few flaws somewhere!
3.) Make things interesting from time to time! Prophecies and quests are a good way to spice things up, along with a few enemies!
4.) GROW! Make sure that you go through the process of life and that you don't stay as an apprentice (or any other stage) forever! And it's okay to become an elder!
So, yeah! I'm going to leave the rest to you guys! Have fun!
(February 25, 2017 - 3:22 pm)
Thank you for taking the time to make this! It really helps to keep track of things.
(February 27, 2017 - 6:21 pm)
Splash went to Twolegplace at 13 moons and stayed there until she was about 16 moons. She's been back with her Clan for at least ten. That should be enough, I think.
(February 26, 2017 - 10:42 pm)
Oops, I change them to apprentices then. My bad, I didn't even think about that. Sorry.
(February 27, 2017 - 7:54 am)
May I join? Or am I too late?
Name: Hollyfrost (one of my long-time OCs)
Age: 17 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Black-and-gold pelt. The right half of her face is gold-furred, while the other hald is black. Her main pelt color is black, but her paws, chest, and tail-tip are all gold. Icy-blue eyes and a thick, furry pelt. Very sharp claws and teeth - don't get on the wrong side of them.
Personality: Conniving, cruel, intelligent and cold-hearted. She won't hesitate to do something if it serves her own purposes. In the stories I've written about her (which, of course won't be active in this RP), she kills the leader and deputy of her Clan but it killed by the Dark Forest herself. Warning: don't trust Hollyfrost! She knows how to get on cats' good sides and is a master manipulator. She's also very good at not getting caught...
Skills: Fighting- she is a ruthless fighter and can take down nearly any cat. She was trained by the Dark Forest, after all. Talking- nearly as good a public speaker as Hawkfrost. She has a way with words and can make you believe exactly what you want to hear.
Weaknesses: Loyalty- her loyalty to the Dark Forest (in my story again, remember) got her in a terrible place. Though they eventually tricked and killed her, even after returning as a spirit she was loyal to only them. Pride- she's nearly blind to her own faults and refuses to see anything bad about what she's doing.
Other: Maybe she could be a main or supporting antagonist of the RP? She seems like that.
Name: Wingpaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice (Hollyfrost's apprentice)
Appearance: Short and coarse silvery fur that clings tightly to her body and sheds water easily. She has a darker gray tabby pattern that's just underneath the silver, and her eyes are a bright amber. Two bright, whitish streaks that are undreneath her eyes (hence the name Wing.) Neat paws that allow her to move almost silently.
Personality: Headstrong, bold and brash. She butts head with her mentor, Hollyfrost, nearly so often sometimes cats wonder why they were ever put together. She has her very idealistic and different way of thinking, and is never afraid to put forwards new ideas. Sharp-tongued, backtalker, temperamental and rash.
Skills: Passion- anything that Wingpaw does, she does hard. She throws her whole being into it, every ounce that she has. Tracking- Wingpaw has a particularily good nose and can scent nearly anything that's been hidden away. Straightforwardness- she isn't afraid to say what she thinks and she lets you know it. Always asserts her presence into the area and talks very freely.
Weaknesses: Tact- Wingpaw is not someone you would call 'tactful'. She's very blunt and honest, sometimes to the point of rudeness. She can often come off as arrogant, but mostly she's just trying to help. Mind wandering- she was never the best at staying on task or concentrating, and often she'll start to daydream during a lesson. As you can imagine, Hollyfrost never took this well and would berate her apprentice for it.
Other: Could she have a love interest with someone, if possible? She wouldn't likely be the first to like, but as I said, if she falls in love, she falls in love.
(February 27, 2017 - 7:25 pm)
No, it is not too late! And those are really good characters. ;)
(February 28, 2017 - 2:32 pm)
Name: Rainheart
Age: 18 moons
Gender: M
Rank: Young warrior
Appearance: Small, with smooth gray fur and green-brown eyes.
Personality: A little shy and bashful. Often very focused and hardworking. Has a quiet sense of humor. Would prefer not to fight but will if he has to. If he is to battle to protect his territory, then so it will be. Rainheart, though he is sweet, is by no means naive, and is clever and able to see when something's wrong. He is loyal. He is well known and liked among most cats even though he is quiet.
Skills: Tracking and hunting, able to keep a cool head and swallow his fears when the need arises.
Weaknesses: As I said, he dislikes fighting (which could be said as a strength as well) and though he is alright at it (he did pass warrior training after all) against a really really good fighter he might have trouble. He is slightly awkward and a bit hesitant to approach someone, especially if *ahem* he might like them. He takes a long time to get comfortable in a situation but is not fidgety by any means.
Other: I suppose it would be alright if he had a love interest of sorts.
(February 27, 2017 - 8:18 pm)
Name: Gingerpelt
Age [in moons]: 14
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Brownish-orange pelt, spots, flecked tail, white nose, dark eyes.
Personality: Enjoys hunting and tree-climbing, doesn't like kittypets, strictly follows the warrior code and is very loyal
Skills: Excellent hunter, fast, works well with a team
Weaknesses: Over-thinks battle plans
Other: Would like to take a mate and have kits, but loves being a warrior too much.
(February 27, 2017 - 8:29 pm)
Can Stormpaw, Blackpaw, or Stonepaw like Wingpaw? Which do you think the charrie would like better?
@Claaws, I'm changing their ages to 9 moons, and they are apprentices.
(February 27, 2017 - 10:26 pm)
Sure, and I think she'd be able to connect the most with Stonepaw.
(February 28, 2017 - 6:38 am)
I made a document of the allegiances and am updating them with each new character. I'm also organising the cats within ranks by age. I think we need some more senior warriors as well.
@Bass Player, regarding the leader's age, remember that she had to serve an entire deputyship and mentor at least one apprentice (which takes six moons) so maybe 22 is a bit young? Sorry to badger you! I can't wait to start roleplaying.
(February 27, 2017 - 11:01 pm)
Okay. Let's say...26 moons?
(February 28, 2017 - 8:13 am)
The RP can now begin! Don't worry, more cats can join at any time in the RP. And Moonfrost, I'm keeping Mintleaf's name, but you can keep Mintkit. It's totally fine ;)
I WILL be participating! Oh, and whenever you make a post, make it however you want. But please add "~(Current participating cat's name)" at the beginning. Thanks! Please TOP this upload so that we can get more people to join!
(February 28, 2017 - 6:29 pm)
Tweaking my charrie a little...
Name: Gingerstep
Age [in moons]: 14
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Brownish-orange pelt, spots, flecked tail, white nose, dark eyes.
Personality: Enjoys hunting and tree-climbing, doesn't like kittypets, always suspicious and has a sharp tongue
Skills: Excellent hunter, fast
Weaknesses: Doesn't think before speaking
Other: Loves being a warrior, best friend Icefur (sort of likes him). Father (Frostnose) died in a clash witha bordering clan
(February 28, 2017 - 8:18 pm)
Oops XD since no other clans live around them, Gingerstep's father dies in a Thunderpath accident.
(February 28, 2017 - 8:20 pm)
OOOOOHHHHH maybe Wingpaw can have A LONG TRIANGLE?! Maybe she likes Foxpaw, EVENTHOUGH HE'S A MEDICEN CAT?!
@Bass player, can Snakefang mentor Stonekit? And can ChestnutSpiral mentor Stormpaw? Oh, and can Lostlion mentor Blackkit?
@Moonfrost can Snaketail be Moonfrost's son?
*cough* anywho....
Name: Snakefang
Age: Middle warrior
Gender: M
Apperance: Dark green eyes, like the color of a gaurdain snake. Silver stripped tabby with black tabby stripes and mask. Long black claws. Black tuft at the end of his slim tail. Short-furred.
Personallity: Gets agitated easily, holds grudges, extreamly loyal to his clan. Curious, loves going exploring outside their so called 'borders'. Loves nobal apprintances that respect their warriors. Good at fighting and hunting, especially at catching touge prey like ravens and snakes.
Other: N/A
Name: ChestnutSpiral
Age: Senior warrior
Gender: M
Apperance: Chestnut fur, like a squirl, with an odd white spiral spot on his shoulder. White chest and front paws, smaller spots amoung his back and down his tail to a white tip. Pink claws. Blue eyes.
Personallity: Kind, gental, great at fighting and a close friend to Oceanstar (if thats alright). Great at fighting, one of the strongest in the clan. Loyal to his clan, but may go behind his leader's/deupty's back if he feals it nessecary. Clumsy at times and getting old, so he rarley hunts anymore.
Other: Lostlion's brother
Name: Lostlion
Age: same as brother
Gende: F
Apperance: Light brown pelt, the color of a lion, with blazing blue eyes. White chest and back paws, spots so large along her back they overlap into a cailco look, whith smaller black and brown spots. One black spot covers her left eye.
Personallity: Kind, feirce, sarcastic, and an exilent hunter still. Takes pride in the youngens, and pride in her leader. Basically the whole clan. Can jump well even though she is getting old, and would rather not fight.
Other: ChestnutSpiral's sister
(February 28, 2017 - 8:52 pm)