Chatterbox: Inkwell
Oops I'm back again :P
Soooo..I know a lot of you guys have read the Warrior Cats series (the official title is just 'Warriors'). And A TON of people here love to make RPs and stories about it! So, may I introduce to you...the Warriors RP Den!
Here, YOU create the story! Well, most of it. I'm going to introduce the story after I'm done explaining things.
It's kind of similar to Kyngdom, if you think about it ;)
Confused? Allow me to explain..
So, I'll introduce the story, and you guys will take it from there! Although I might pitch in a little bit every once in a while :) The story is based around ONE CLAN, so it won't be too complicated. And there is no limit to the amount of cats in the roleplay! But, I would recommend 5 charries or under, because if we have A TON of cats, then I might be forced to make another thread about the Clan. But, even if I have to, we'll be fine! (I'll be sure to post the link to it if it comes down to that.)
Still confused? Don't worry, I'll explain more when I'm introducing the story. ;)
Okay, so now I'll introduce the story!
The Clan that the story revolves around is called MistClan, due to their habitat and their skills. They live in a forest, where the weather is commonly misty/foggy since it rains a lot there—except during leafbare and greenleaf. No other Clans live near them. MistClan uses the weather as an advantage to their skills—they can blend in with the terrain around them and can also be completely silent whenever needed. Their paws are made to not make noise when walking.
MistClan needs warriors, medicine cats, apprentices, queens, kits, and a LEADER! And, not to mention, enemies! Yep, that's right! MistClan is completely EMPTY, unless you guys fill it up! Remember, it's all up to you guys! Since a lot of people will probably want to be the leader and the medicine cat, I will help choose them! Oh, and only 1-4 enemy cats, please!
Fill up this upload with comments/stories about MistClan, from daily life to big quests and prophecies! It will be way more fun with interesting things going on from time to time! And remember: ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN JOIN! And you don't have to make an official signup form—just jump into the story and introduce yourself! The leader that I pick will be trusted with all of the Clan's decisions. I know you guys will have tons of fun with this!
And a few tips/reminders:
1.) Try to be as active as you can so that you can keep the story running!
2.) Don't be overpowering OR perfect! Your character has got to have a few flaws somewhere!
3.) Make things interesting from time to time! Prophecies and quests are a good way to spice things up, along with a few enemies!
4.) GROW! Make sure that you go through the process of life and that you don't stay as an apprentice (or any other stage) forever! And it's okay to become an elder!
So, yeah! I'm going to leave the rest to you guys! Have fun!
(February 25, 2017 - 3:22 pm)
my charries are:
Nightstorm (Queen, kits not yet born)
Storkwing (Queen, one kit)
Dreamflower (Nightstorm's sister, Med. cat maybe?)
Flamekit (Storkwing's kit)
I will post Charrie sheets soon. All my cats (currently) are female. Anyone can be their mates. (Unless Pastella is ok with Dreamflower being a Medicine cat)
(February 26, 2017 - 3:34 pm)
Dreamflower can definitely be a medicine cat!
(February 26, 2017 - 3:51 pm)
(February 26, 2017 - 4:00 pm)
Whoops. The second Storkwing was supposed to be Dreamflower.
(February 26, 2017 - 8:01 pm)
OK guys, so Scylla gave me a wonderful idea for the charrie sheet. You don't have to have one, but it is strongly recommended. Here it is:
Age (in moons):
Gender (M or F):
And there you have it! Oh, and I also have the logo for MistClan, which I will post soon.
(February 26, 2017 - 4:05 pm)
Here's the logo:
(February 26, 2017 - 4:26 pm)
Name: Splash
Age [in moons]: Around 25-27. Pretty experienced, but still young.
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: See the picture. Also, she has a collar the same colour as her eyes, which I forgot to add in the picture.
Personality: Kind of quiet and mysterious. Very intelligent and kind of brooding. Ever since her return from Twolegplace, her eyes have seem haunted by a strange loss and she spends much of her time alone. Her voice has a strange, musical lilt.
Skills: Close combat, hunting small game
Weaknesses: She's bad at hunting larger game such as rabbits and blackbirds.
Backstory: Splash's mother Flint was a rogue she-cat. She came to MistClan during pregnancy and gave birth to two kits: Splash and her brother Roe. Flint never changed her name or her kits' to a Clan cat's title. Roe died of a cough a couple days later. Flint, refusing to leave her kit, caught the cough and died as well. Splash was adopted by one of the nursing queens and grew up in the Clan. When she was a new warrior, her friend dared her to explore Twolegplace. Once there, Splash was captured by Twolegs and became a kittypet. She was unable to escape without the help of the kittypet Ember, who had become a dear friend during Splash's time in Twolegplace. Ember, a ginger tabby she-cat, walked with Splash back to MistClan's territory. Splash was unable to remove her collar, and will be stuck with it for the rest of her life.
Other: Splash was in love with Ember and will most likely never take a mate. However, she's open as a mentor.
Name: Darkbriar
Age [in moons]: 36
Gender: Tom
Rank: Deputy? If not, then warrior.
Appearance: Dark brown fur with thin, almost black stripes. Intense golden-yellow eyes, average build. Fur is neither long nor short, but somewhere in between. Ears are tufted and a small section of the left ear is torn away.
Personality: Supportive and kind. Very strong and not easily manipulated. Good with kits.
Skills: Hunting birds, jumping in general, most fighting
Weaknesses: Hunting in dense undergrowth
Other: Maybe Shallowpelt (@Claaws) was his apprentice? Open as a mate and mentor.
(February 26, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
Darkbriar can become deputy! ;)
(February 27, 2017 - 6:13 pm)
Making more charries!
Name: Downypaw
Gender: F
Age: Almost a warrior
Apperance: Soft-looking coat with often ruffled light grey fur. Black underfur, often shown when her fur is ruffled. Her fur is hard to keep in place, no matter how hard she tries to make it stay in place. Looks like it has layers. Soft amber eyes, long tail, small claws. Her fur has the apperance and texture of a baby bird's feathers.
Personallity: Kind, gental, and calm all the time. excelant hunter but often refuses to fight, even if it's just training. Loves playing and babysitting the kits when their mothers are gone. Bouncy and playful with her siblings and the other apprintances. Knows she is almost a warrior and often gives taskes 110%
Other: has two other siblings. Mother died giving birth to them, father died of greencough, and used to be the old medicen cat, though he always put the others before himself and didn't admit he was sick until it was too late. No one but her and her siblings know that his dad was the medicen cat, and they plan it keep it that way.
Name: Shadepaw
Gender: M
Age: Almost a warrior!
Apperance: dark brown pelt with dark amber eyes. His back left foot is all black.
Personallity: Rouger then his sister, loves play-fighting and real-fighting for that matter. Extreamly loyal if it comes to that, will do anything for his siblings.
Other: has two other siblings. Mother's name was Ripplewing and his father was Aspenreed.
Last one for now...
Name: Foxpaw
Gender: M
Age: As old as his siblings
Rank: Med. cat apprintance (if that's alright)
Apperance: Light brown coat that looks red in the mist and sunlight. Amber eyes, light grey front paws and tail tip.
Personallity: Kind like his father, puts everyone before him, especially his siblings. Extreamly loyal, and not a bad fighter. If someone were to compare him to Aspenreed, they would see the simularites and guess his father.
Other: see Downypaw and Shadepaw's
(February 26, 2017 - 6:43 pm)
@Scylla, ya, that's fine! Darkbriar can have mentored Shallowpelt. Maybe he vistist her kits all time time, and maybe he can mentor one of them?
(February 26, 2017 - 7:03 pm)
Maybe! I was thinking Splash would mentor one, but either character would be fine.
(February 26, 2017 - 7:58 pm)
(February 26, 2017 - 7:52 pm)
Here's the list of everyone in the clan. Scylla, maybe Splash doesn't mentor anyone for now because of her name and that she was a kittypet for awhile, and the cats dont trust her yet?
Oh, also, @Pastella can Downypaw be Mintleaf's apprintance? And @Bass player can Shadepaw be Ashheart's apprintance?
And @Bass player, Oceanstar can't be leader if she's a queen. Maybe her kits are apprintances/warriors, or Oceanstar can be male and Ashheart can be femail.
@Moonfrost, Mint is already taken as a name.
@Pastella, what are the other clans called? How many other clans ae there? What is the meeting place and where are the borders?
Leader: Oceanstar (-Bass player
Duepty: Darkbrair (-Scylla
Med. cat: Dreamflower (-Fireburst
Med. cat Apprintance: Foxpaw
Warriors: Mintleaf (-Pastella, Splash (-Scylla, Ashheart (-Bass player
Apprintances: Downypaw (-Claaws, Shadepaw (-Claaws, Foxpaw (-Claaws
Queens: Shallowpelt (-Claaws, Nightstorm (-Fireburst, Storkwing (-Fireburst
Kits: Mintkit, Firekit (mother unknown) (-Moonfrost, Clearkit, Leopardkit, Beetalkit, Hawkkit (Shallowpelt's) (-Claaws, Flamkit (Storkwing's) (-Fireburst, Stonekit, Stormkit, Blackkit (Oceanstar's) (-Bass player
Elders: Moonfrost (-Moonfrost
(February 26, 2017 - 10:04 pm)
Answer to your first question: Yes, Mintleaf can mentor Downypaw!
Answer to your second question: There are no other Clans that they know of. Maybe an enemy Clan can be discovered soon? :0
(February 27, 2017 - 6:23 pm)
(If a name is italicised, it means the character is missing information. All kits belong to their creator's queen. Stormkit, Blackkit, and Stonekit belong to Oceanstar)
>>Current Allegiances of MistClan<<
>>Oceanstar: Dark gray-blue she-cat, blue-green eyes (Bass Player <3)
>>Darkbriar?: Brown tabby tom, yellow eyes (Scylla)
Medicine cat(s)
>>Dreamflower (Fireburst)
>>Mintleaf: Gray tabby she-cat, green eyes (Pastella)
>>Splash: Dark blue she-cat, violet eyes (Scylla)
>>Ashheart: Gray tom, blue eyes (Bass Player <3)
>>Shallowpelt: Light gray and white tabby she-cat, blue eyes (Claaws)
>>Nightstorm (Fireburst)
>>Storkwing (Fireburst)
>>Mintkit: Light gray and white she-kit, green eyes (Moonfrost)
>>Firekit: Orange and red tabby she-kit, green eyes (Moonfrost)
>>Clearkit: White she-kit, blue eyes (Claaws)
>>Leopardkit: Gray-spotted white tom-kit (Claaws)
>>Beetlekit: Brown-spotted black tom, amber eyes (Claaws)
>>Hawkkit: Gray, brown, and white tabby tom, amber eyes (Claaws)
>>Flamekit (Fireburst)
>>Stonekit: Light gray tom, blue eyes (Bass Player <3)
>>Stormkit: Light blue-gray fur, light green eyes (Bass Player <3)
>>Blackkit: Black tom, green eyes (Bass Player <3)
>>Downypaw: Light gray she-cat, amber eyes (Claaws)
>>Shadepaw: Dark brown tom, amber eyes (Claaws)
>>Foxpaw: Light brown tom, amber eyes (Claaws)
>>Moonfrost: Black she-cat, ice-blue eyes (Moonfrost)
(February 26, 2017 - 10:41 pm)