Chatterbox: Inkwell
Oops I'm back again :P
Soooo..I know a lot of you guys have read the Warrior Cats series (the official title is just 'Warriors'). And A TON of people here love to make RPs and stories about it! So, may I introduce to you...the Warriors RP Den!
Here, YOU create the story! Well, most of it. I'm going to introduce the story after I'm done explaining things.
It's kind of similar to Kyngdom, if you think about it ;)
Confused? Allow me to explain..
So, I'll introduce the story, and you guys will take it from there! Although I might pitch in a little bit every once in a while :) The story is based around ONE CLAN, so it won't be too complicated. And there is no limit to the amount of cats in the roleplay! But, I would recommend 5 charries or under, because if we have A TON of cats, then I might be forced to make another thread about the Clan. But, even if I have to, we'll be fine! (I'll be sure to post the link to it if it comes down to that.)
Still confused? Don't worry, I'll explain more when I'm introducing the story. ;)
Okay, so now I'll introduce the story!
The Clan that the story revolves around is called MistClan, due to their habitat and their skills. They live in a forest, where the weather is commonly misty/foggy since it rains a lot there—except during leafbare and greenleaf. No other Clans live near them. MistClan uses the weather as an advantage to their skills—they can blend in with the terrain around them and can also be completely silent whenever needed. Their paws are made to not make noise when walking.
MistClan needs warriors, medicine cats, apprentices, queens, kits, and a LEADER! And, not to mention, enemies! Yep, that's right! MistClan is completely EMPTY, unless you guys fill it up! Remember, it's all up to you guys! Since a lot of people will probably want to be the leader and the medicine cat, I will help choose them! Oh, and only 1-4 enemy cats, please!
Fill up this upload with comments/stories about MistClan, from daily life to big quests and prophecies! It will be way more fun with interesting things going on from time to time! And remember: ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN JOIN! And you don't have to make an official signup form—just jump into the story and introduce yourself! The leader that I pick will be trusted with all of the Clan's decisions. I know you guys will have tons of fun with this!
And a few tips/reminders:
1.) Try to be as active as you can so that you can keep the story running!
2.) Don't be overpowering OR perfect! Your character has got to have a few flaws somewhere!
3.) Make things interesting from time to time! Prophecies and quests are a good way to spice things up, along with a few enemies!
4.) GROW! Make sure that you go through the process of life and that you don't stay as an apprentice (or any other stage) forever! And it's okay to become an elder!
So, yeah! I'm going to leave the rest to you guys! Have fun!
(February 25, 2017 - 3:22 pm)
this sounds great!
(February 25, 2017 - 4:02 pm)
Um, i have Quite a few cats (four currently, and i plan for more)... do i just post the names and which ones are queens, elders, etc? Or is there something else i should do?
(February 25, 2017 - 4:38 pm)
I would reccommend commenting their names and what jobs they have, but it doesn't really matter HOW you introduce them. I don't think we're going to start the story yet—we'll need to get a few jobs sorted out and more people to join. ;)
Oh, and 4+ charries is perfectly fine, you can have as many as you want :)
(February 26, 2017 - 9:07 am)
Can I make a charrie that is the leader of Mistclan? If that is taken, the deputy?
(February 25, 2017 - 7:15 pm)
Sure! Could you try to explain the charrie that's going to be leader to me?
(February 26, 2017 - 9:10 am)
Oops, I used my real name in that comment XD
(February 26, 2017 - 9:13 am)
Can you post a charrie sheet? I'm going to make a warrior.
Age [in moons]:
(February 26, 2017 - 12:19 am)
Sure! Here's my character (if I ever use it)—that's a good idea.
Name: Mintleaf
Age (in moons): 13 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Pretty gray tabby she-cat with light green eyes.
Personality: Calm, sweet, and gentle. Fierce when angry.
Skills: Can hunt well, and a good mentor. Fights fiercely in battle.
Weaknesses: Doesn't think things through, and is sometimes moody.
(February 26, 2017 - 3:43 pm)
Sure, Ill join! I reserve a queen and three or four kits that are only a few days away from apprintanceship.
(February 26, 2017 - 12:35 am)
Your spots are reserved! ;)
(February 26, 2017 - 3:46 pm)
I'll join!
Name: Moonfrost (ever wondered where my name came from, here's your answer!)
Position (Leader. deputy, med. cat, ect...) : Elder
Age: Old
Apperance: pachy black cat, thick, long, tangled fur, ice blue eyes
Personality: Grumpy, loyal, loves to tell stories.
Other: Used to be a rouge from a strange clan a long, long, time ago.
That's it! Here's my other.
Name: Mintkit
Position: kit
Age: Five Moons!
Appearance: soft white fur, green eyes, light gray on the tip of her tail, light gray under belly, light gray mask around eyes, light gray paws, and her back has a light gray spot on it.
Personality: quiet, a rule folower, never is loud -unlike her sister-
Other: Is hoping to become a warrior
And my last one!
Name: Firekit
Posistion: Kit
Age: Five Moons!
Appearance: bright orange fur, red stripes, flashing green eyes
Personality: loud, not a rule folower, she isn't afraid to speak her mind, has escaped from camp many, many times.
That's all!
(February 26, 2017 - 8:08 am)
Great! I was wondering...could you change Mintkit to a different name, please? My charrie is called Mintleaf. If you don't want to, that's fine :)
(February 26, 2017 - 3:54 pm)
No, sorry. I have the perfect warrior name picked out! Mintcloud!
(February 27, 2017 - 7:42 am)
Okay, that's fine! I'll change my cat's name to Wolfheart. ;)
(February 27, 2017 - 6:09 pm)
Alright....here are my charries!
Name: Shallowpelt
Rank: Queen
Age: younge queen
Apperance: Short pelt, light grey base with white tabby stripes. Her paws and tail are white also. White starts at her muzzle and goes down her neck and chest to stop at her stomich. She has black accents on her stripes and claws. Her eyes are a blazing blue. Small, but the prettiest tabby in the clan.
Personallity: Kind, gental, and sweet. You can easily take advantage of her. Not very loyal, will do anything for anyone if they're convincing enough.
Other: Has no mate, no one knows who the father of her kits was. Has four kits.
Name: Clearkit
Gender: F
Age: 5 moons
Apperance: All white, at times it seems as if she vanishes into the mist, except for her blazing blue eyes.
Personallity: She's kind like her mother, but feisty and sassy. Loves pushing around the other kits, especially her siblings. The runt of the litter, she's smaller then her siblings, though she doesnt let that stop her from bragging that she's going to be the leader of the clan. Doesn't listen well, probably because she is half-deaf.
Other: Deaf in her right ear. Has three brothers.
Name: Leopardkit
Gender: M
Age: 5 moons
Apperance: All white with light grey bengal spots. Black accents on his spots, and around his eyes that strech in a line down to his neck. Large claws with black accents, one right grey paw and grey tip of tail.
Personallity: Stronge, likes compeating with his sister. Shy at times, wants to become a warrior but scared of the fact of being a leader. Bouncy, loves stories from the elders.
Other: Rumers say that the bengal spots are from his father, but no male in the clan has bengal spots. Has two brothers and a sister.
Name: Beetalkit
Gender: M
Age: 5 moons
Apperance: Black tom with dark brown spots on his eye, shoulder, mid-back, left haunch, right paw, and tail. Amber eyes.
Personallity: Belives he is both better then his sister and brother. Head-stronge, wins most play-fights with his brothers. Not the smartest kit in the den.
Other: Rumers have it that the coloring is from his father, and the spots are from his grandma, who was a celico. Has two brothers and a sister.
Name: Hawkkit
Gender: M
Age: 5 moons
Apperance: Dark grey pelt with zig-zags of brown and white tabby stripes. One white paw and tip of tail is black. Amber eyes.
Personallity: Quieter then hsi brothers, and smaller two, but he doesnt let that stop him. Curious and cunning, he doesn't let anyone stand up to him. He has even back-talked the clan-leader!
Other: His dark coloring is belived to be from his father. He has two brothers and a sister.
(February 26, 2017 - 2:25 pm)