Important message. This

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Important message. This

Important message. This thread is for people with depression. If you wish to not write your CBer name, just post as The Three Dots. I have depression myself. I find that the best way to stop feeling so terrible is to write to other people about it.


Too much pain

So little gain 

A small world

Many people


It's hard to undertand them

And they can't understand me


That's a lie

Don't make yourself

Go and die

Rebel for me


They want us to surrender

But we have the right to fight


They fight with

Hate while we fight

With love true

Water fights fire


You can't defeat hate with hate

You can defeat hate with love


Go and share

Go love others

Tell the world

How you saved us


Such strength I see inside you

Please don't let it go to waste



submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(December 22, 2016 - 4:16 pm)

Maybe depression is all in one's head; I don't know if that's exactly true (since the head is connected to the body, and the rest of the body may be affected by depression), but it does seem that the source of depression does reside in the head.

1. That doesn't mean it isn't real

2. That doesn't mean it can't be overcome.

If you're feeling depressed, think about the reasons why... it doesn't come from nothing. Be kind to yourself; depression doesn't mean you're a bad person. And it does need expression (to sympathetic ears at least, which I believe we all are here).

(There is a distinction between depression and sadness, which I would not presume to diagnose.) 

Everyone wants to be happy, don't they? For some of us it's just a bit more complicated to get there than for others... but it's never impossible.

Hugs to all :)

submitted by Oregano, age 18, The spice rack
(January 2, 2017 - 2:45 pm)

You, my friend, have earned my respect. Those are some very wise words. A lot of people in this world can learn from you, including me. :)  

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 2, 2017 - 10:12 pm)

I feel alone

And invisible  

My friends move away

I am shy

Voices in my head push all hope away 


submitted by ..., age ..., ...
(January 2, 2017 - 4:31 pm)

I thinks I'll make a little song, one about marching through dark to find our way.


In the end, we travel through the forest

We can all make it back home

Once we get through the darkened trees

We can all make it back home


Though right not may not seem fine

We can all make it back home

Once we find the gravel path

We can all make it back home


Through the darkness, in the shadows, through the caves and mountains

If we all hang on to light

We can all make it back home  


Even if the wolves find us

Even if we are hunted

Even if our torch burns low

There is hope inside our broken hearts

Because they know, ahead lies treasure

They know, on the worn down gravel path

Our home lies peacefully, free of wrath 

They know, ahead lies our home 

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 2, 2017 - 10:17 pm)

Posting to top this...

submitted by topper
(January 5, 2017 - 8:31 pm)


submitted by Top
(January 6, 2017 - 4:37 pm)

Top top top top!

submitted by The Four Tops, Top top top top
(January 6, 2017 - 5:15 pm)

People with depression, don't worry. We are all here for you, and you are loved here. You are all amazing parts of the CB. Everyone is. So please remember that next time you get depressed.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(January 6, 2017 - 6:01 pm)

Haven't posted in a while. Didn't really feel like human interaction lately. So I thought I'd post my random thoughts. In story form, of course. 


I feel like there's nothing left. Nothing but a black hole. A black hole in my dead soul. They took the life from me. They took everything. My friends, my writing, my drawing, my music, everything. And they had the audacity to say they loved me. They never did. Not then, not now, not ever. So I just get tossed to the side. All the while they judge me. Mock me. Dismiss my accomplishments, to focus on their disappointment in me. Yea, that's love all right. Not that I'd know what love even is, not even if it slapped me in the face. Oh well, I say to myself. The tears are gone, now. The emotions suppressed. They build up inside me as I fade. Fade away. My head hits the ground as my demons welcome my darkened mind.


Captcha says pvxx. Yea, xx. Like the eyes of a dead cartoon character.  

submitted by don't guess
(January 6, 2017 - 6:01 pm)

I feel ya. I'm neglected by my parents also, its always about my brother. He has a future. Look at those grades! That other one, why cant she be more like him? You know, these walls arent soundproof. I know I dance but I fail. I know you try and say you love my drawings. I know what you really think though, the walls arent as soundproof as you hope for. Oh, and remember we love you! Ya sure. And on that first part, that's what you made me. You made me who I am. And I'm not selfish or unempathetic. I care, you just don't know what that looks like. Because you can't care. While my brother's over there with his new iphone seven, what do i get? Nothing. Nothing because I'm not famous. Second best, even though I was born first. So I suffer.

submitted by .....
(January 6, 2017 - 8:58 pm)

Yea I'm an only child, but to my parents, I think I'm just a mistake they wish they never had. I hope it gets better for you. If you ever need talk about it or get your feelings out, this thread's perfect for it. 

submitted by don't guess
(January 6, 2017 - 10:11 pm)

I actually know my parents think I'm a failure. My younger sibling is definitely their favorite. It's not fun for your parents to think you're just a mistake, or a helpless little thing that can't do anything right. I'm so sorry you both have to deal with it too. It's not fun at all. But, hey, underdogs have to get on top some time in their life, right?


It's not much, but it's hope. 

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 6, 2017 - 11:19 pm)

Yea I know the feeling. You guys on Cricket are pretty much my only friends, so thanks you guys :-1 Yea, underdogs! Gotta rise up! (Sorry, Hamilton reference. I'm one of those people who listen to musicals and nightcore, and stuff like that.) Hope everyone has a good day. 

submitted by don't guess
(January 7, 2017 - 10:38 am)

Also, don't guess is right. If you have any feelings you want to share, please do! It's better to tell someone anonymously than to keep them bottled up. We are here to listen.

submitted by The Four Dots, age ...., ....
(January 6, 2017 - 11:20 pm)

I don't think I'm depressed, bu sometimes I really psych myself out.

Imagine that you work really hard, you try, and you're smart. But whenever you raise your hand, a louder girl speaks first, and often what she says is meaningless. You try much harder than her. But her teachers think she's really smart. She gets awards, and tells you that they don't mean anything about how smart you are. Easy for her to say. She's the one getting them. You are so hopeful, but because of that awful girl, no one knows how intelligent you are.

I'm that awful girl, to everyone in my class.

I've heard people say, "Oh, Red Pimento, you're so perfect. You don't even have to try. It makes me so mad!"

Someone said, "Show me your test score, so that I can feel bad about myself."

I was joking, they say.

No, you weren't. You all hate me, and for good reason.


I don't really think this right now, but often, at home, at school, I do think this way. It makes me hate myself sometimes.

submitted by Anxious Red Pimento
(January 7, 2017 - 8:12 am)