Lovcraftian Single Write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Lovcraftian Single Write

Lovcraftian Single Write

First of all, you need no knowledge of Lovcraft or his works to understand this.

Second: feel free to give me advice.

The story: You have certain, unusual, knowledge. Then, you get a letter. It says you are needed in Seattle, and included was a airplane ticket to Seattle, and a reservation at a hotel.

What knowledge do you have: PIck one, no two people can have the same.

Keeper of hidden tomes

Translator of ancient tomes

Archane warrior

Eldritch mage

Thinker of twisted thoughts

And the character sheet:




Strength (Physical) x/100

Strength (MEntal x/100

Resistance to Insanity x/100

Eldritch knowlage x/100

Spellcasting ability x/100

Weapon of choice

Backstory (Can be an ex-Cthulhu cultist)


Let's begin. 

submitted by Gared, Grinning Madly
(October 8, 2016 - 10:18 am)

Great job so far, Gared!!!

submitted by September
(October 17, 2016 - 8:56 pm)

S- Stan? NOOOOO, don't turn into a monster! 

Goodbye, my dearest love. 

Daisy, you do realize that is from a book, right? 

Oh, haha. Anyway, I love it Gared! 

submitted by Daisy
(October 18, 2016 - 8:03 pm)

I love how Daisy is all sad and Keira gives literally 0 cruds. Very accurate. A+

submitted by Brookeira
(October 18, 2016 - 8:57 pm)


submitted by Gared
(October 18, 2016 - 9:42 pm)

Top. New post soon.

submitted by Gared
(October 25, 2016 - 9:32 am)

Chapter Seven

Stan was thrown across the hall. The half fish cultist drew her silver, curved dagger.

“Lest you forget your failure,” she screeched at him, burning his face with a spell. “Your scarred features will do my work. And don’t give me reason to give you your gills.”

Stan stumbled towards his weapon, a gilded trident. He ran out to the London dock, and pointed his strident at the water.

“Cthulhuuuuuuu!!!!” Stan yelled.

Chapter Eight

West taunted the first wave of flying rats. Their rotten faces and putrid flesh reminded him of the first zombie he had made…

The plane tilted crazily.

“Get the parachutes, Keira.” Illaq yelled, blasting her rancid attackers. September ran to the cockpit. She saw that the front of the plane had been overrun by the rats, and quickly retreated.

West grabbed his parachute, Illaq jumped from the plane, her parachute inflating, ANd Keira Watched in horror as September was thrown from the plane by a swarm of flying rats. West watched, horrified, as she fell, arms splayed.

Daisy had already landed, thankfully, and when everyone had landed, they saw Daisy, horrified. She said September had been snached, mid air, by a mass of tentacles.

submitted by Gared
(October 27, 2016 - 10:04 pm)

Nice work!

submitted by Daisy
(October 28, 2016 - 11:34 pm)


submitted by Gared
(October 28, 2016 - 9:40 pm)

So I decided to use a similar plot for my NaNo story. I am not planning to include any of these characters, but I can if yiu want.

submitted by Gared
(October 29, 2016 - 9:25 am)


submitted by Tooooop
(October 30, 2016 - 9:59 pm)