Three prisons of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Three prisons of

Three prisons of night


In the three cages of night, three treasures awaite the unseen eyes. The fourth is hidden in the lair of dark. Only the four as one can defeat the one of Evil. And only the four chosen can make four one. But be warned, a fith can destroy all four.  

Okay so this RP is about the Sun dragon and the Night dragon. But, here is where the tables turn. The Night dragon is all good, and the Sun dragon is evil. They are the two rulers of the Land of three tribes. This prophecy predicts that four chosen will go on a quest through the three prisons to find all three of the treasurs. Then they will venture to the lair of evil and retreave the fourth, to save all the land. 

The prisions are well, prisions to keep the evils contained. They are seperate walls of solid obsidain lined in a row. There is one for each of the tribes. The jungle tribe, the desert tribe, and the sea tribe. Each has a gardain who have been instructed to keep all inside, and trespassers will be killed. No one knows what the gardains are, and lived to tell the tale. 

The four treasurs are:

The Ruby elephant of the jungle.

The Jade cat of the desert.

The amythist dolphin of the sea.

The opal wolf of the jungle.

Either the Ruby elephant or Opal wolf are in the Sun dragons lair. 

You can be:

one of the four

a guardian or a guard for either of the kings or tribes

can be part of the dragons, which is like royalty, and can live with either of the kings 

one of the imprizoned

one of the desert tribe, which is any animals that live in a desert

one of the jungle tribe, which is any animals that live in jungles or forests

one of the sea tribe, which is any animals that live in water

i will be the Sun dragon and the Night dragon 

you must fill out this sheet:



Tribe/gardain of which tribe:


one of the four:






Name: Sun dragon

Location: The castle of gold

Tribe: the tribe of royalty

Imprizoned?: no. Though my brother makes it seem like it

one of the four: ha! The four will die

animal: dragon

personallity: stoic. Evil. What else is there to say?

appearance: long gold wings, a lashing spiked tail. Golden scales and emerald green eyes. Silver claws and white horns and spikes.

Background: turned evil when parents chose Night dragon to rule the tribes instead of him. So he stole a chunk of the royals land for all dragons, and slowly started taking the tribes by force. 



Name: Night dragon

Location: castle of royalty

Tribe: the tribe of royalty

Imprizoned?: if the four don't succeed, maybe one day 

one of the four: i wish them luck

animal: dragon

personality: wise beyond his years, caring and compationate. Alltogeather good

Apperance: long, black as midnight wings. Black scales dotted with white scales, seemingly like the night filled with stars. Silver talons and spikes and gray horns. Red eyes.

Background: was chosen to be the king, driving Sun dragon evil. He ran away and stole some of the land to make a new castle, is slowly convincing the dragons to join him, and slowly taking over the tribes. I have recently seen a vision, of the four who will save us....





submitted by Claaws
(August 10, 2016 - 11:43 pm)
submitted by Top now. Right now. , age Toptop, Topitty
(August 18, 2016 - 10:01 pm)
submitted by Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(August 18, 2016 - 10:31 pm)
submitted by Pleasepost, age Please, Now
(August 19, 2016 - 10:24 pm)

Im leaving on sunday for two weeks but can I reserve a spot?If not that's ok!BY!!!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(August 20, 2016 - 12:24 pm)
submitted by Top, age And, Post
(August 20, 2016 - 1:13 pm)

Darn i just wrote a really good post and it deleated. Oh well. To it again!!!

~Night dragon

His room was dark. Long white crystals hung from the ceiling, giving the room a starynight like look. Small lights were attached to each, aluminating the room. Dark gray crystals stuck from all round the room. Lamps were attached to each, but they were all turned off. Curtains with small holes dotted in no specific patteren hung over the cloudy glass windows. Small dotts of light spotted the room. Making it look like a bright night. 

His throne room was open and in the middle of the castle surrounded by courtyards. But he barely ever used it. He like the darkness and being alone. So he could preform his dark magic without anyone seeing. For no one knew about it. He learned he had it, or got it, thr night his father and sister were killed. Infact, this was the exact room. But its been so long every trace of the Black Opal Ram was gone. 

He sat, tail curled around his back talons and his midnight wings half folded. His silver spikes glittered, catching the light, and his silver talons sparkled.

He waved them, forming four carved gem stones.

The Ruby Elephant

The Amethyst Dolphin

The Jade Cat

And.......the Opal Wolf.

If those rabid wolves hadn't attacked that castle earlyer in the year, killing his mother, maybe his father and sister would still be alive. Summer would be queen, and the war between the two brothers would never have happened. Atleast......he hoped. 

Away from the other hovering shapes he made a shimmering Black Opal Ram. And then whispes of silver talons and golden scals enclosing around it.

He paused, looking at the five. Then he swirled the four colors, red, purple, white, and green, togeather, to make a blue winged dragon with golden white eyes, green talons and white highlights. 

This dragon was Summer. His sister.

He only asumed the final thing would look like Summer, because it was originally a present for her hatching day.

A tear ran down his snout as he unfolded the golden dragon's talons and the Black Opal ram came to life. It pawed the air and charged, ramming into the blue dragon. 

Rainbow whisps of every color erupted into the air. It all swurled back in a dew seconds to create the Black Opal Ram, but more powerful. 

Now it had ruby red eyes and spikes down its back, blue saphire wings,  amythist back hooves, and jade front talons, white opal horns and highlights. 

The golden dragon folded its talons aross it, then opened them to free the Black Opal Ram.

Night dragon watched as the Ram ran fowards, through dense jungle trees, sand dunes, and dark green water. He watched as it ran around a minnature castle, ramming through it untill it colapsed in a dark heep of destruction.

He watched as each prision in turn fell. 

Then the Black Opal Ram ran back to the silver talons and golden scales. The talons closed around it, and his magic wove to form Sun dragon, his golden eyes whispy and blurred, standing over the fallen tribes and prisons. 

This was no longer Night dragons magic.

It was its own prophecy, woven of the four's death if the Black Opal Ram was not destroyed first. 


submitted by Claaws
(August 20, 2016 - 4:00 pm)
submitted by Toppity, age Top, Top
(August 22, 2016 - 8:05 pm)
submitted by Top please
(August 22, 2016 - 8:06 pm)

~Sun dragon

"Go. Leave." Sun dragon growled. "I said LEAVE!"

The gaurd dragon scambered out the door. Sun sighed, sinking into the royal chair. He didnt need to hear who they were chased away by Night's forces, again. He wanted to know that they one.

He glanced up at the Back Opal Ram, sparkling, the crown of the throne, sourounded by sparkling dimonds. He fingered his necklace, before unclping it to look at it. It was the Opal Wolf, wrapped in gold chain. The four will never get this back. Ever. 

He looked over at the prisoners, his jaws forming a smile. It was about time one of them died. He was board and dissapointed, a good kill will cheer him up.

He lifted himself from the chair, clipping his necklace back on. It thumped on his chest as he walked over, his wings half spread and his talons glimmering. 

There was a small ocelot, its golden fur raised and dirty with fear. A dragon, wings sagging and head lowered, and a tiger, a snarle glinnting off his teeth as Sun got closer. It lashed out, the chains clicking as it lenghend to a stop. It was battle scared and one eye was white with no puiple.

Sun arched his talons and in one clean movement, he had its neck between his talons. It squirmed as Sun tightened his grip. The tiger opened his mouth in a silent yowl, before Sun struck his talons through his neck, killing him instantly.

There was a clatter of talons and a gaurd came in, with dull silver scales and a stubbed tail. Sun despised any dragon who was shinner then himself, it gave him power. Authority.  

He was dragging an unconious lioness behind him, claws outstreached in one last fighting guester. 

"Perfect." Sun declared, dropping the tiger with a loud thump. "Just in time. Chain her up."

Sun circled onto his throne, curling his tail around his talons.

"Watch out, Night. I'm comming for you. Soon all the tribes will have the same fate as the Mountain tribe. And dragons will rule the world. With me as their king."


submitted by Claaws
(August 22, 2016 - 8:31 pm)
submitted by Top , age And please, Post
(August 22, 2016 - 9:18 pm)
submitted by Please post!!!!
(August 22, 2016 - 9:20 pm)
submitted by Please top!!!!
(August 23, 2016 - 10:22 pm)
(August 23, 2016 - 10:23 pm)

If you have signed up for this RP but quit please tell me!!! Especially if you are one of the four!!!!

submitted by Morepeoplejoin!!!!!!, Claaws
(August 26, 2016 - 6:54 pm)
submitted by Plztellmeifuquit!!!!, age Andifudont, Post!!!
(August 26, 2016 - 7:26 pm)