Three prisons of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Three prisons of

Three prisons of night


In the three cages of night, three treasures awaite the unseen eyes. The fourth is hidden in the lair of dark. Only the four as one can defeat the one of Evil. And only the four chosen can make four one. But be warned, a fith can destroy all four.  

Okay so this RP is about the Sun dragon and the Night dragon. But, here is where the tables turn. The Night dragon is all good, and the Sun dragon is evil. They are the two rulers of the Land of three tribes. This prophecy predicts that four chosen will go on a quest through the three prisons to find all three of the treasurs. Then they will venture to the lair of evil and retreave the fourth, to save all the land. 

The prisions are well, prisions to keep the evils contained. They are seperate walls of solid obsidain lined in a row. There is one for each of the tribes. The jungle tribe, the desert tribe, and the sea tribe. Each has a gardain who have been instructed to keep all inside, and trespassers will be killed. No one knows what the gardains are, and lived to tell the tale. 

The four treasurs are:

The Ruby elephant of the jungle.

The Jade cat of the desert.

The amythist dolphin of the sea.

The opal wolf of the jungle.

Either the Ruby elephant or Opal wolf are in the Sun dragons lair. 

You can be:

one of the four

a guardian or a guard for either of the kings or tribes

can be part of the dragons, which is like royalty, and can live with either of the kings 

one of the imprizoned

one of the desert tribe, which is any animals that live in a desert

one of the jungle tribe, which is any animals that live in jungles or forests

one of the sea tribe, which is any animals that live in water

i will be the Sun dragon and the Night dragon 

you must fill out this sheet:



Tribe/gardain of which tribe:


one of the four:






Name: Sun dragon

Location: The castle of gold

Tribe: the tribe of royalty

Imprizoned?: no. Though my brother makes it seem like it

one of the four: ha! The four will die

animal: dragon

personallity: stoic. Evil. What else is there to say?

appearance: long gold wings, a lashing spiked tail. Golden scales and emerald green eyes. Silver claws and white horns and spikes.

Background: turned evil when parents chose Night dragon to rule the tribes instead of him. So he stole a chunk of the royals land for all dragons, and slowly started taking the tribes by force. 



Name: Night dragon

Location: castle of royalty

Tribe: the tribe of royalty

Imprizoned?: if the four don't succeed, maybe one day 

one of the four: i wish them luck

animal: dragon

personality: wise beyond his years, caring and compationate. Alltogeather good

Apperance: long, black as midnight wings. Black scales dotted with white scales, seemingly like the night filled with stars. Silver talons and spikes and gray horns. Red eyes.

Background: was chosen to be the king, driving Sun dragon evil. He ran away and stole some of the land to make a new castle, is slowly convincing the dragons to join him, and slowly taking over the tribes. I have recently seen a vision, of the four who will save us....





submitted by Claaws
(August 10, 2016 - 11:43 pm)

This looks awesome! Cool plot! 

Name: Cleo Hartsworth


Tribe/gardain of which tribe: im gonna be in the sea tribe



one of the four: yup

animal: well, if I'm one of the four, I'm a human, right? If the four are animals, I will be the dolphin, I guess. 

personality: fun, carefree, loyal, humorous, optimistic, smart and likes to figure things out, is patient and doesn't get frustrated, but hates the heat and loves the cool/cold. 

appearance: well, if it's a dolphin, just a white dolphin, but if I am a human I have long, golden blonde hair, sea blue eyes, tall and flowy and graceful, slender, wears blueish green dresses with white leggings, and seashell belt and a beautiful pearl necklace that means a great deal to her (see background)

background: her mother, her last relative, died a few years ago. Before she died, she gave the park necklace to her daughter saying, "This is a special necklace, and only my special girl can wear it. Promise me, dearie, you will never take it off." Cleo promised, and if she has it in, she is confident and fun. However, if it ever gets lost, stolen, or broken, or she takes it off, she becomes sad and angry, and insecure.  



submitted by Daisy
(August 11, 2016 - 5:40 am)


The four must be animals....and for a sea creature i would advise one that can swim but also walk on land. There is going to be alot of traviling. 

submitted by Claaws
(August 11, 2016 - 11:56 pm)

we can start when all the four are filled, and whoever wants to join from there can. 

submitted by Claaws
(August 11, 2016 - 11:58 pm)

Name: Krta Gleon

Location: Sea castle?

Tribe/guardian of which tribe: A guardian of the sea tribe. Is a powerful sorceress, and can turn into a sea dragon. Sea dragons breathe frost.

Imprisoned?: No

one of the four: No, but helps them

animal: Kind of. Is a human/dragon shapeshifter.

personality: Wise, kind, smart.

appearance: As a human, long blue hair, sea green eyes; as a dragon, blue scales and sea green eyes.

background: nyeh

submitted by Brookeira
(August 12, 2016 - 8:59 am)
submitted by Top
(August 12, 2016 - 12:46 pm)

Name:  Eclipse

Location:  Uh desert tribe?

Tribe/guardian:  Guardian of desert tribe

Imprisoned?: nope

One of the four:  I'm kinda confused on that, and the guardian tghingh can you elaborate?

Animal:  winged fox

Personality:  quiet and overly harsh, never shows or speaks her mind.  Hates the night dragon but hates the sun dragon even more.  Very, very, very loyal.   

Appearence:  black fox with silver marking, icy blue eyes and snowy white wings with black tips, dressed in scars

Background:  Was raised in a family of whanna-be guardians, trained and taught ne'er to trust anyone or anything.  Very protective of the drsret tribe.


submitted by Windswift, age Thinking, Thinking of a new name
(August 12, 2016 - 3:20 pm)

Okay so the four are chosen ones who go on a jorney to stop the Sun dragon. The story plot basically follows the four.

The whole guardian thing, sorry i wasn't quite so elaborate on it. So the guardians guard the three prisons, the sea tribe prison, the sand tribe prison, and the jungle tribe. and the only other guardians besides those are the dragon guardians who guard the kings. Sorry I wasn't too clear on that! 

And also for the location you dont' have to fill out unless your in a castle of some sort. 

submitted by Claaws
(August 12, 2016 - 8:05 pm)

Name: Tiger 

Location: Sun Dragons Lair

Tribe: Used to be in the jungle tribe.

Imprizioned: Yes

One of the four: Hope they get me out

Animal: Ocelot

Apperance: Tawny pelt and Icy Blue eyes. 

Personality: Silent, in pain a lot. XD Shy, but always optimistic.

Background: Was the daughter of the chief and was constantly teased. She doesn't even think they know she's gone, even though she's been gone for four years.



Name: Marvelous

Location: Sun Dragons Lair

Tribe: Royalty

Imprizioned: Ha! I almost wish.

One of the four: I know they can do it

Animal: Dragon

Apperance: Dull silver scales (the Sun can't stand for anything to be shiner than him) and short stubby tail. Bright green eyes.

Personality: Brave and quiet, doesn't speak often.

Background: Used to be in the jungle but was lured into working for the Sun. Doesn't want to but knows Sun will kill her if she tries to leave.


Name: Paige

Location: Desert Castle

Tribe: Desert

Imprizioned: No

One of the four: Yes

Animal: Uh......ideas?? Idk

Apperance: Idk, depends on the animal

Personality: CHATTERBOX CHATTERBOX CHATTERBOX!!!! Loves talking, bubbly and optimistic, kind and caring. Brave and Fierce as well.

Background: Is the desert princess. Is that ok? 


submitted by Inktail
(August 12, 2016 - 9:18 pm)

I'm going to change eclipse to one of the four, but for now everyone thinks she's just a guardian.  That OK? 

Thanx for the explanation claaws!!! Really helped.   

submitted by Windswift, age Thinking, Thinking of a new name
(August 12, 2016 - 10:25 pm)

okay first off, there can only be ONE from each tribe, that is one of the four. 

Right now we have two from the sand tribe and one from the sea tribe.

The jungle tribe and royals tribe are still open. So sorry, but someone must change their charrie!

Maybe, Inktail, since you haven't chosen an animal yet you could change yours to the jungle or dragon tribe? 

And yes, you can be prinsess. But the only other rule for the four is that they must not be grown up yet, like between 10-16 human years.

Also, there is no gardains for the tribes themselves, there can be fighters or whatever, but the only gardains gaurd the tribe prisions. And no one knows what or who they are.....dun, dun, DUN!

I didn't think about a prision for the Royals tribe. How about there is a room or a dungon that they keep the prisoners in, or I know! There could be a secret prison for the Royals dragons, and they keep it far away since dragons, especially evil ones, can be dangourus. And how about the Sun dragon keeps his prisoners in the throne room in heavy chains so everyone who comes and visits him gets frightened and uncomfortable. How about he only has a set of three chains, so whenever there is a new prisoner, he kills someone to dit him in. 

Tell me if you like it!  

submitted by Claaws
(August 12, 2016 - 11:22 pm)


OK that cleared everything up, thanx!!!!!

So Eclipse is just one of the four, maybe her father could be the guardian of a dungeon????? 

submitted by Windswift
(August 13, 2016 - 4:55 pm)

Yes!!!!!!!!! And maybe he couldn't let her know because it was forbidden?

submitted by Claaws
(August 13, 2016 - 6:43 pm)



submitted by Windswift, age Thinking, Thinking of a new name
(August 13, 2016 - 9:31 pm)

Could you elaborate on what the four treasures are?

I would love to reserve somebody related to the Opal Wolf, however. 

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(August 14, 2016 - 7:31 am)

Uggggg!!!! My phone just deleted an awesome story and now I have to write it again! It may not be as awsom, but here it goes.

The treasures are carvings of animals in different stones, jade, amethyst, ruby, and opal. If you Want to know the history, here it is:

A time not to long ago, there was a king, Star dragon. It was his daughter, Summer's (only the king or queen have dragon after their names), hatching day soon and he wanted to give her something no one else could. So has asked a stone carved to make her the most beautiful carvings in all of the tribes. The carved made four beautiful carvings to represent all of the tribes. An elephant of ruby, a cat of jade, a dolphin of amethyst, and a wolf of opal. This creative carved was also magic, and enchanted the treasures to, when they are all touching, transform into something beautiful and magical. 

The carved presented the carvings to the ling with deepest respect, but kept what they could do to herself, as a surprise for everyone. The king loved and admired all the carvings but one, the Opal wolf. In a blink of anger, he smashed the precious carving to the floor. He told the carved of how the castle was recently raided by wolves, who had killed the queen in their savage wake. It was informed that they all had rabies, but the Royals dragons still flinched whenever the carving of a wolf or any sight of a wolf was visible. The carved apologized and went off to carve another. She deposited the wolf in an abandoned Royal castle. If had not broken because she had cast an invincibility spell so that the princess would never loss them. 

So she made another to represent the Mountain tribe. Mountain tribe? There is no thing! Ah, keep reading and you will find out what happened. 

What the carved didn't know about her sorceress powers, that the king did know but couldn't warn her because he didn't know what she did, was that a spell could so easily go wronge if the words weren't pronounced correctly. 

The Black Opal ram was to replace the Opal wolf. 

The hatching day came and the gifts were presented from the carver as a gift from the king. Summer of course loved them, especially the ram made from the legendary Black Opal. The carver told her a special surprise was waiting when she put all four together. 

Her two curious brothers waited by the door. 

As the put each together, the Ruby elephant, the Jade cat, the Amethyst dolphin, and the Black Opal ram, a burst of light came from each one. And these words echoed throughout the palace.

Destroy the Opal wolf that is no more, destroy when four is one. Enchaint this piece to please the king, but now destroy the one of the Mountain tribe.

The ground trembled and the brothers emidiatly scrambled out the door. The king, princess, and carver were killed in the stone's light, as it spread through the castle.

In the four prisons of night, one trembled and fell, slowly, crushing everything within. The guardian raised one talons from the heap of stones, before going limp. 

The mountains of the land crumbled and slowly started caving in. Every last known Mountain tribe member was crushed.

The Mountain tribe was no more. 

One of the brothers slowly peeked into the room as the light faded from the stone carving. Something changed within in that moment, he could deal the evil within the stone run through his bones. The words he spoke no one heard. 

"You will indeed please me one day, Black Opal ram." 

The other brother ran into the room, looking around. Dead, half black crisps of their father, sister, and carver lay by the four stone, all of which are unharmed. 

"We must get rid of these." Night whispered. 

"But where?" Sun asked.

"In the three prisons of night. It's the safest place. They will be just as guarded as the criminals." 

Sun nodded. 

One brother took all three, while the other took the ram and flew to the farthest prision, the Mountain tribe prison. What he found was a crushed mess of once was prision, and the talon of the dead guardian. 

That moment was when he truley became evil. Not when Night was chosen to rule. That just fanned his flames.  

He became evil when he snuck the Black Opal Ram into his treasure box. And planned his revenge from there. 

submitted by Claaws
(August 14, 2016 - 4:41 pm)