Warriors Roleplay!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors Roleplay!

Warriors Roleplay!


I know a lot of ppl have these, but I kinda wanted my own. If you have not read the books, check out Mei-Xue's Warriors RP thread on Blab About Books for a better description. Let's get right into the plot.


To put it simply, the Clans are a mess. Lovers have been crossing the borders, Completley disregarding the Warrior code, Medicine cats have been loving other cats, and StarClan has seemingly deserted them. It's up to five cats to bring the clans back together. One of Wind, one of Thunder, one of River, one of Shadow and one of Star. Can they do it?


Okay, so I am the prophecied cat from StarClan, and I have a living Clan cat(but she isn't part of the prophecy). You can have up to five charries. If you have already claimed a prophecy cat, you cannot claim another-one prophecy cat per CBer, first come, first served. Here is the sign up sheet:









We need at least one medicine cat love triangle! ;)

Here are my charries: STARCLAN

Name: Sunfoot

Rank: Warrior

Age: 16 Moons

Clan: StarClan

Apperance: Tawny gold fur, silver front paw. Bark brown eyes.

Purrsonality: Kind, young acting or wise acting.

Backstory: None


Name: Spottedtail

Rank: Deputy

Age: 17 Moons

Clan: ThunderClan

Apperance: Black, white and brown calico fur, black tail, gold front paw. Bark brown eyes.

Purrsonality: Wise, doesn't talk much. Very brave, will risk anything for her clan.

Backstory: Is the decendent of Sunfoot.



submitted by Trill W., age 13, A lot of places
(June 21, 2016 - 8:35 pm)

I spent, like, and hour writing this on the airplane to Maine. Sorry if it's incorrect, I only have, like, 20 seconds to post this in between flights!


Lightfeather padded into camp, pelt tingling with tension. She had long ago discovered that Doe was Dewstep; the vuage resemblence to her friend and the deeply buried fish scent had long given her away. But tonight, she would have to reveal the fact that she knew about Doe's buried identity, for the good of all the clans. For, without at least one proper medicine, Riverclan would surely fall. And no Riverclan would spell disaster for all of the clans. Taking a deep breath, Ligtfeather padded up to Doe and began speaking in a hushed voice. "Dewstep. We need to talk." She paused, looking expectantly at Dewstep for a retort, and when none came, she continue. "Dewstep, your clan is in trouble. Without a full medicine cat, Mallowpaw will never become one herself. And if she can't receive her whole name, Shimmermist will never become Shimmerstar. And without a leader, Riverclan will fall. So, Dewstep, I'm begging you, come back to Riverclan. I know they hurt you, and I'm sure that they will be sorry. If not, I wouldn't blame you for staying with us, and you are more then welcome. Just, come to the gathering. To make up your mind. I'll be with the others if you want to come." So saying, Lightfeather padded off to the group of cats that was waiting to go to the gathering, desperately hoping that Dewstep would follow. 



Ravenpaw padded after her clan, pelt spicking in anticipation. Tonight Shimmermist, the clan's deputy, would have to ask for help finding Dewstep. It would be a humbling experience but, as the deputy said, being humbled was better then being leaderless. Shimmermist was a white she-cat whose pelt faded into soft grey in place, and whose blue eyes were filled with intuition and kindness. She was forgiving and kind, but she had a strong sense of loyalty to her clan. Ravenpaw was sure she'd make an amazing leader. As Riverclan padded onto the island, Ravenpaw noticed that the only other clan there so far was Shadowclan. She instantly padded up to Owlpaw. "Hi Owlpaw! How's life" Ravenpaw gave Owlpaw a look which said "Let's not talk about the prophecy here." Owlpaw instantly understood, and said "Pretty good. We have a new medicine cat apprientice; Spiderpaw. He was transferred from warrior training to medicine cat training. Want to go meet him?" Ravenpaw nodded, and the two friends padded over to where Spiderpaw and Swiftbreeze were sitting. Spiderpaw was a handsome, long-haired tom, with forest green eyes and white marking on his tail and paws. Ravenpaw felt her legs turn to jelly the instant she laid eyes on him. Owlpaw nudged her forwards. "This is Spiderpaw. Spiderpaw, meet Ravenpaw." Ravenpaw mumbled something unintelligible, but was saved from further embarrassment by the starting of the gathering. Windclan reported good hunting, Shadowclan announced their new apprientice, Spiderpaw, and Thunderclan hinted darkly at the scraps of prey that had been found bearing Shadowclan scent on their border, to which Shadowclan bristled angrily. Ravenpaw, however, was barely paying attention to any of this. She caught herself staring at Spiderpaw several time, and was rather frustrated at herself. She did, however, begin to take notice when Shimmermist began to speak. "Fellow clans." She meowed, looking rather small next to the other leaders. "I bear sad tidings. Rainstar is dead." This news as greeted by sympathetic murmurs from the croud. Shimmermist continued. "In his old age, Rainstar made many mistakes. For instance, the biggest one of all. Banishing out medicine cat for faded memories. I openly disagree with him on this point. The mistakes that have been made in the past should remain in the past, as long as they are learned from. If Dewstep is here today, I would like to openly apologize for any pain that Rainstar's mistake has caused. And I am begging you, please come home. We all want you back."  

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 13, 2016 - 7:51 am)

Ok, I'm now in a car, and I was looking that over..... *cringes* SO MANY TYPOS. Sorry, guys! A 

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 13, 2016 - 12:50 pm)

Ok, I'm now in a car, and I was looking that over..... *cringes* SO MANY TYPOS. Sorry, guys! 

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 13, 2016 - 12:51 pm)



Dewstep watched in shock as Lightfeather padded off to join the group. Did every cat in ThunderClan know her secret? Her golden shape fell out of sight as she walked into her blind spot, but she could still sense Lightfeather there, staring intently at her. So Lightfeather had seen past Doe and knew who Dewstep was. Dewstep slowly followed the group as they exited the camp and headed for the Gathering island. Thoughts tugged at her mind, badgering her with their questions. Am I doing the right thing by going to the Gathering? Will RiverClan ever welcome me back, now that I've joined a different Clan? Will I be welcome anywhere, either as Doe or Dewstep? Will Mallowpaw ever forgive me? Will I ever forgive myself?

She was so deep in thought she almost didn't notice as ThunderClan arrived at the treebridge. Jumping up and landing on the dense oak with a thud, she started in surprise as Lightfeather landed right next to her. Scrambling over to let the medicine cat through, she followed Lightfeather as she stalked across the treebridge. Dewstep could feel the statement hanging in the air between the two she-cats.

You must tell the truth.  

Silently, fortifying her decision, Dewstep nodded to Lightfeather's back. She would tell the truth tonight and face the consequences.





The waves lapped against the shore as the WindClan patrol passed the lake. Mintnose padded behind him, her golden-brown pelt rippling in the moonlight. A tinge of guilt pricked at Whitesun as he was aware of her. He still hadn't apologized for his rudeness before the patrol set out. Making up his mind, he slowed his gait and walked beside her, his creamy white pelt ruffling in the slight breeze. "Hey," he said, his voice rougher than he would have liked. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was just tired, and distracted, and it was rude of me." But looking into Mintnose's gentle green eyes, it seemed like she'd already forgiven him.

Purring, he crouched and leapt onto the treebridge with her on his trail. Scents of ThunderClan and ShadowClan came from the island, telling him two of the Clans had already arrived. Mintnose's warm presence soothed him, but one thought stuck out like a nasty burr, pulling him back. He was a cat of prophecy. How could he choose between his Clan, and all the Clans, or Mintnose?


submitted by Clouded Leopard, age 13, The Gathering Island
(July 14, 2016 - 8:38 pm)
submitted by Top top, sir!
(July 15, 2016 - 4:37 pm)

Yes! Hamilton reference! *shakes hand of topper who I'm 98% sure is Clouded*

Luna said her second real word! Grew!

submitted by Shadowtop
(July 17, 2016 - 7:37 am)


submitted by Top
(July 18, 2016 - 7:51 pm)

Er, Clouded, what would you like me to make Dewstep say? Could you maybe write the next post? Oh, and I LOVE the choice you're giving Whitesun. The feels!

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 18, 2016 - 7:53 pm)

Dewstep will eventually reveal her identity and rejoin RiverClan, but however you want to say it is fine with me. 

Yeah, I wanted to give some attention and decision to Whitesun. 


submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 19, 2016 - 5:52 pm)

Okay, sorry I haven't posted on this!

Spottedtail(ps Clouded, I am not going to make Dewstep talk much about the Gathering, just what happens right before she speaks. ;))~

I had seen Lightfeather approach Dewstep earlier. She knew. I knew she did. No one else did, but we did. I hoped with all my heart that Lightfeather had shown Dewstep what to do at the Gathering tonight. Not even Whitestar knew what would happen.

Later that night, we padded along the bridge to the Gathering. I saw Lightfeather walk in front of Dewstep. Dewstep hesitated, then nodded to Lightfeather's waving tail. I smiled secretly. I knew what Dewstep would do.

At the Gathering, Whitestar spoke first.

"Cats of all Clans, we do not have much news to tell. Spottedtail, our deputy, had two kits. Lightningkit and Eclispekit." She nodded to me, and I held my head high. I hoped Silverleaf(I think that's her name) was taking good care of the kits.

"We also have a new warrior. Her name is Doe. She does not have a warrior name yet." Dewstep bowed her head, and looked uneasy, but said nothing. She glanced at me. I nodded. You know what you have to do, I mouthed. She nodded and turned back to the stump.

"ShadowClan has nothing to report. The prey is running well." Darkstar stepped back to let Speedstar go.

"WindClan has nothing either. One of our queens shall be kitting soon." Speedstar stepped back, and nodded to Shimmermist. Shimmermist stepped up shakily.

"As some of you may know, Rainstar, our old leader, has died. And Dewstep, our medicine cat, had been bainished under his rule. I hereby remove Dewstep's bainishment and ask her to return." Shimmermist looked right at the ThunderClan corner. I shifted. Did she know?

"Mallowpaw, our medicine cat right now, needs you, Dewstep. I know your there. Please. I need you." Shimmermist stepped back, bowing her head. She looked ashamed of giving the other Clans so much info on her Clan.

At that moment, Dewstep raised her head. There was a fire in her eyes I had only seen once before. When she had been helping kit me. I don't know if she did it more often in RiverClan, and I still don't. Honestly, I don't want to know. It made this moment even more special for me.

She glanced back at me again. I nodded. She looked at Lightfeather. She nodded too. Shakily, Dewstep walked onto the stump. Shimmermist whispered something into her ear, and Dewstep began to speak. 


submitted by Inktail
(July 19, 2016 - 8:31 pm)



Dewstep's heart thundered against her chest, threatening to break her ribs. "Cats of all Clans," she began, her voice trembling and weak. She breathed deep, steadying herself, and started again. "Cats of all Clans! You may have just been introduced to me as the newly-ThunderClan rogue Doe, but... I have something to confess. I am no cat other than the RiverClan medicine cat, Dewstep." Shocked gasps rose up at her words, and beside her, Speedstar bristled. Shimmermist's eyes were as wide and bright as the moon, and her tail twitched behind her. Waiting for the meows to die down, she continued to speak. Now it was all just tumbling out, unable to control anything she said. "When I was driven from the RiverClan camp by Rainstar, I had nowhere to go but the wildland bordering RiverClan and ShadowClan. I wandered through their territory, starved and weak." She broke off, wincing, as Darkstar let out a low growl, the lean muscles underneath his stormy gray fur rippling. Dewstep took a shivering step back as the fearsome leader impended on her, his green eyes blazing.

"You trespassed on ShadowClan territory?" he snarled, hairs pricking along his spine. Dewstep opened her mouth to attempt to defend herself, but Shimmermist pushed in between them, forcefully thrusting Darkstar back.

"Let her speak, Darkstar," she said evenly, matching Darkstar's fiery glare coolly. "She had nowhere else to go." Darkstar reluctantly stepped back, bowing his head, but his eyes were still shadowed in anger. Dewstep padded forwards, tail low, and spoke.

"When I was nearing ThunderClan territory, a fox attacked me, and I barely escaped with my life, though one of my eyes was left behind." As she said this, most of the cats got a full view of the ragged scar that the fox had sliced down her face. A twinge of sadness passed through as she realized it could never be healed, but at least she wasn't a warrior. "At last I entered the camp, drawn by the scent of a Clan and the need for healing herbs. I wasn't intending to join, but perhaps the allure of fighting, healing, and living for a Clan once again attracted me. But now..." she turned to Shimmermist and bowed her head, her pelt hot. "Shimmermist, I did wrong to join ThunderClan. I only ask for your apologies, and hope I can ever regain the right to rejoin RiverClan." Shimmermist paused, only for a second, but in that time a dry voice called up.

"Shimmermist, can we really accept a traitor medicine cat back into the Clan? Will she really ever be loyal to RiverClan again?" Dewstep looked into the sea of cats to see the white and black tabby pelt of Skypatch. His expression was angry and sarcastic as he challenged Shimmermist. However, the soft-furred silver she-cat did not back down.

"Skypatch, Rainstar was out of his mind when he banished Dewstep. She was desperate, hungry, and would have died left on her own. Really, we are in debt to ThunderClan by saving the life of a medicine cat. Allowing her to hunt in their territory may have kept her alive." Dewstep narrowed her eyes in satisfaction. Calling out the debt she owed to ThunderClan, but not seeming to weak. Shimmermist would be an excellent leader. Shimmermist turned from Whitestar, her eyes glowing. "Dewstep, we would be honored to accept you back in RiverClan to serve StarClan and once again follow the path of a medicine cat.” Relief shot through Dewstep’s body as she dipped her head to Shimmermist. Right now, she cared none of the sparse calls of “Dewstep! Dewstep! Dewstep!” and how doubtful they sounded. Right now, she was just glad to be going home.  


Vixtion says "ahem". Ahem? Do you need attention to speak? Are you in a rival Clan, too? 

submitted by Clouded Leopard, The Gathering Island
(July 22, 2016 - 9:13 pm)
submitted by Top pity
(July 23, 2016 - 7:28 am)
submitted by Someone write!!!
(July 24, 2016 - 6:54 pm)
submitted by Top, poke, please!!!
(July 27, 2016 - 9:04 pm)

I'm back!


"Dewstep! Dewstep! Dewstep!" I joined in the chorus happily. I was glad she had stood up and explained things. I also thought Shimmermist would make an excellent leader because of the way she handled it. As we walked back from the Gathering, I fell behind, thinking about my kits. Soon they would become apprentices, whenever Whitestar was ready. Lightningkit made no means to hide his excitement, while his sister was more calm.

We entered the camp. Whitestar hopped onto the rock as cats emerged from their dens. There was no need to call the Clan for a meeting-they all came. I walked over to the Nursery smiled happily at Silverfern. 

"Thanks for watching them!" I said happily as they bustled out in front of me.

Silverfern dipped her head. "No problem!"

I ran ahead of my kits to the meeting. They sat with Leafkit and Doekit, Silverfern's new kits. I watched them chatter out of the corner of my eye as I listened to Whitestar.

Someone post. I want Lightningkit and Eclipsekit to become apprentices! 

submitted by Spottedtail/Sunfoot
(August 2, 2016 - 10:04 pm)