Warriors Roleplay!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Warriors Roleplay!
Warriors Roleplay!
I know a lot of ppl have these, but I kinda wanted my own. If you have not read the books, check out Mei-Xue's Warriors RP thread on Blab About Books for a better description. Let's get right into the plot.
To put it simply, the Clans are a mess. Lovers have been crossing the borders, Completley disregarding the Warrior code, Medicine cats have been loving other cats, and StarClan has seemingly deserted them. It's up to five cats to bring the clans back together. One of Wind, one of Thunder, one of River, one of Shadow and one of Star. Can they do it?
Okay, so I am the prophecied cat from StarClan, and I have a living Clan cat(but she isn't part of the prophecy). You can have up to five charries. If you have already claimed a prophecy cat, you cannot claim another-one prophecy cat per CBer, first come, first served. Here is the sign up sheet:
We need at least one medicine cat love triangle! ;)
Here are my charries: STARCLAN
Name: Sunfoot
Rank: Warrior
Age: 16 Moons
Clan: StarClan
Apperance: Tawny gold fur, silver front paw. Bark brown eyes.
Purrsonality: Kind, young acting or wise acting.
Backstory: None
Name: Spottedtail
Rank: Deputy
Age: 17 Moons
Clan: ThunderClan
Apperance: Black, white and brown calico fur, black tail, gold front paw. Bark brown eyes.
Purrsonality: Wise, doesn't talk much. Very brave, will risk anything for her clan.
Backstory: Is the decendent of Sunfoot.
(June 21, 2016 - 8:35 pm)
Hey, can I post the medicine cat meeting, please? I have an idea for what I want to do with Dewstep, so I need to write about it.
(June 27, 2016 - 11:06 am)
Of course!!!;)
(June 27, 2016 - 2:47 pm)
A light drizzle misted over the RiverClan camp as Dewstep slipped out of her den. Today was the half-moon; the meeting of all the medicine cats at the Moonpool. It was a long walk to the Moonpool, especially since there were two cats traveling, herself and her apprentice, Mallowpaw. As she padded to the camp exit, Mallowpaw came dashing up behind her, her ginger fur fluffed out in the soft rain. Blinking a greeting to Dewstep, she fell in line with her mentor as they left the RiverClan camp. Rainstar called out a vague goodbye to Dewstep as she left, and she flicked her tail in response to her leader. Rainstar was getting to the end of his lives, and seemed to be more and more errant and distant with each passing sunrise.
After traveling for a long ways, the two medicine cats finally came to the base of the stream where WindClan and ThunderClan territory met. Swimming strongly across it, Dewstep leapt out of the water and shook her pelt, Mallowpaw close behind her. Mallowpaw dashed ahead, her bright yellow eyes wide and full of laughter. Turning back to her mentor, she purred mischievously and said, "See if you can't keep up, Snailstep!" Dewstep smiled, feeling energy course through her supple limbs.
"Snailstep?" she mewed, darting forwards to overtake her apprentice. "I'll show you Snailstep!" As the two she-cats raced along, Destep reflected on how she woud have to return to being a stately medicine cat when she reached the Moonpool. But for once, it was nice to let go of all of the weights pressing on her back and run along the stream. Finally, Dewstep and Mallowpaw reached the bank of the Moonpool. Dewstep slowed to a stop, and groomed down her wind-swept fur. Then she walked down the trail, her paws slipping into those of the ancient cats'. Already there was Lightfeather, her golden pelt glowing silver in the moonlight. Next to her was Gorsefrost, the WindClan medicine cat. He was sitting by his apprentice, Morningpaw. He turned to her, his green eyes sparking. "Hello, Dewstep. Mallowpaw," he said, dipping his head in greeting. Lightfeather did the same, and Dewstep settled down next to her, while Mallowpaw padded over to Morningpaw and began to talk to the she-cat apprentice in an undertone.
"Have you seen Swiftbreeze yet?" asked Lightfeather, her ear twitching. Dewstep shook her head. ShadowClan was closer than RiverClan to the Moonpool, but the gray-furreed medicine cat still hadn't shown up. Dewstep was about to offer to go and look for her when a scratching could be heard, and Swiftbreeze came scrambling down to the bank of the Moonpool.
"Sorry," she said, panting a little. "A patrol had some trouble at the ThunderClan border, so I had to stay behind for a little bit longer. Lightfeather let out a mrrow of laughter.
"Oh, yes," she said. "Lionclaw came back looking like he'd been pulled backards through a thornbush!" Swiftbreeze nodded happily. But before she could reply, Gorsefrost stuck his head in.
"Moonlight is passing by," he said, sounding slightly annnoyed. "I suggest we visit StarClan now, or never." Lightfeather stood up and wove past him to the water, purring.
"Easy, Gorsefrost," she said. "StarClan waits for us." She padded to the water's edge and settled down, wrapping her tail over her paw, and touched her nose to the icy water. Dewstep followed her, slipping into a smooth groove in the weathered stone. Touching her tongue to the surface of the water, she lapped up a few sparklign droplets. Instantly a force tugged at her eyelids, pulling her into sleep.
Slowly she became aware of a wetness at her paws. Awkwardly shooting up, she opened her eyes to realize she was in the marshes on RiverClan territory. She looked around, expecting a cat to show themselves, but she saw no one. Just as she was about to call for a StarClan warrior, she heard footsteps behind her. Whipping around, she saw such a familiar face it made her heart ache. Bounding over, she purred and nuzzled the dark gray tabby warrior. "Streamfeather!" Streamfeather gently licked her ear in reply, looking at her with his bright green gaze.
"Dewstep," he said, purring back at her. "Dewstep..." He seemed choked for words, and he finally stepped back from Dewstep and looked her right in her eyes. "Dewstep," he began again, souding gentle. Still, for all his grace, Dewstep knew she would be hurt by this. "I know you are hurting because of me, and I am hurting too. I never meant to leave you so early. But you must stop grieving for me. It would have never worked, only hurt our Clan. You must leave me behind and focus on the living Clanmates. I promise, live your life to the fullest. Forget about old Streamfeather in StarClan. And when you finally join us, we can live together. But not yet, Dewstep... not yet..." WIth those words echoing in her ears, Streamfeather bowed his head and began to fade away, stars sparkling at his paws.
"No!" she begged, reaching for him. But no matter how desperately she clawed at the air, Streamfeather vanished into darkness. Dewstep was thrown back into the world. "Streamfeather, my love..." Dewstep's eyes shot open, and she scrambled to her paws, unsteady. No other at was awake yet, so she curled up once more, though not falling asleep. It was only then she heard the scuffling behind her, and turned to see the horrified eyes of her apprentice, Mallowpaw.
"D-Dewstep?" weakly mewed Mallowpaw. "You loved... Streamfeather?" Dewstep staggered up, shocked, and took a step towards Mallowpaw, but the ginger she-cat backed away, hissing. "You loved Streamfeather! And that was against the code!" Dewstep shook her head numble, but could say nothing to defend herself. She knew Mallowpaw's utter, unblinking loyalty to the code could be a strength, but it was also a weakness. Mallowpaw may never trust Dwstep again. She could even expose her secret, even if only by accident. Dewstep felt wave after wave of pani roll through her.
What would this mean for her?
For her Clan?
For her life?
(June 27, 2016 - 7:34 pm)
(June 28, 2016 - 8:23 pm)
That was.... deep, Dewstep. XD
I woke up the day after the border scuffle and felt refreshed. But there was a tangy scent in the air, and I knew that I really was pregnant. Well, only on thing for it. I would have to tell our leader.
I took a shaky breath. Even though Whitestar was the most forgiving leader in the Clans, I was still nervous. I slowly padded to the leaders den. Quietly, I listened. Lightfeather was already in there.
"I don't know, Whitestar. She seems...off." I heard Lightfeather's voice. She suspected something. I had to tell them both.
I entered the den softly. Whitestar turned around smoothly, and Lightfeather
"Whitestar? Lightfeather?" My voice shook. I tried desperately to calm it.
"I-I need to tell you something." Lightfeather looked relived.
"Im-" My voice broke. "I'm pregnant!" I started crying.
Whitestar and Lightfeather shared a look. "I'm really sorry. I don't know how it happened!" I tried to stop the tears rolling down my cheeks, but I couldnt.
Whitestar looked so disappointed I couldn't bear it. I had to get oUT of there.
I turned tail (literally)and ran. I passed the thorn border, and Cloverleaf looked sorrowfully at me. My heart raced. Was it me? No. That's just how Cloverleaf was. I flicked my tail. It wouldn't hurt to be polite. I ran and ran through the forest, not knowing where I was going. Eventually, I had to stop.
My belly hurt to much. "Annoying kits." I muttered. The I realized where I was. This was the River clan border. Dewstep peered out from the shadows.
I was caught.
(Sorry if I controlled anyone too much!!!!)
(June 28, 2016 - 9:09 pm)
Dewstep lifted her nose suddenly, a new scent flooding her nostrils. ThunderClan, she thought, her fur prickling. No ThunderClan cat should be going this deep into RiverClan territory. Slipping away from the watermint she'd been collecting, Dewstep silently padded towards the scent. It was filled with fear and shame so strong it nearly knocked Dewstep off her paws. Sticking her head out, she saw a face she was not expecting to see.
"Spottedtail!" she hissed, surprised. The she-cat looked up, her deep brown eyes wide and her body shaking. Spottedtail took an uneasy step back, but suddenly collapsed. What could the ThunderClan deputy be doing here? wondered Dewstep as she bounded otu of the bushes. She knew it was an enemy warrior, but something wa clearly wrong. She had to help her, even if she was nearly a proper medicine cat. Shaking her head and clearing the thought, she sot to Spottedtail's side.
One glance at the she-cat told her what was wrong. Her belly was swollen, and pulsing with the frantic kneading of unborn kits. Look at her, so close to kitting! she thought in horror as she ran a paw over Spottedtail's stomach, wincing as a spasm ran through it. She knew that Spottedtail was about to begin kitting. "I have to get you to my den!" she exclaimed. In spite of everything, though, Spottedtail shook her head in pain.
"If they're born... *huff* Then it must be in my own--camp!" Dewstep admired the tough she-cat's bravery, but she couldn't just let her kits be born here, too near to the river and to far from supplies. Willing StarClan to her paws, she whipped around and hared away, going to fetch Mallowpaw and supplies.
I'll let you do the rest, Spottedtail.
Whitesun's stormy amber eyes followed Nettlefur as he slipped out of the warrior's den, silent as a mouse. Slowly and carefully, he snuck out of camp, disappearing into the heather. Whitesun's head spun with shock as he hesitantly rose to his paws. Nettlefur had been one of his closest friends, back when the two of them were still apprentices. His betrayal to WindClan with Splashburst struck him to his core, but he had to follow his frend, and save him from the pain ahead in his path.
All the way to the RiverClan border Whitesun stalked Nettlefur as the pale brown tabby tom darted into the bushes curling his tail over his paws to wait. Whitesun froze, waiting in desperatin to see what would happen. Suddenly a blue-gray she-cat bounded towards him. Nettlefur stepped out, his mint-green eyes lighting up in happiness, and touched his nose to Splashburst's affectionately.
There was a muted gasp from somewhere behind the two cats, and a black apprentice dashed out of the bushes, her sharp blue eyes snapped shut. Whitesun watched her speed over the hills, sniffing in disgust. So Splashburst had a follower from her own Clan. He was about to ignore the small she-cat when his eyes filled witha vision of blood and pain, and cats screaming in agony. Suddenly a raven descended over the scene, sweeping a wing across it. As soon as the visio had come, it vanished. Whitesun stumbled out of the gorse and fled back to camp. Plunging into his nest, he thought furiously about what had happened.
That black apprentice... he was sure her name was Ravenpaw. He had heard it announced at a Gathering. Did this mean she was a cat of prophecy as well? Was there a prophecy cat from every Clan? It was then he decided that he must meet with this... Ravenpaw. Though it tore at him to be betraying his Clan and going across borders, especially as on of the cats who was supposed to heal them, he had to meet Ravenpaw no matter what.
(June 29, 2016 - 3:32 pm)
Yes! My first attempt at drama! It's works! Ok. I'm good now.
I winced as another spasm ran through my stomach. I was scared. Whitestar and Lightfeather were probably annoyed at her.
I needed help. Dewstep was my only chance at survival.
"Dewstep?" I croaked. No answer. I felt them coming, just as Pawsteps rang through the forest.
Dewstep helped me give birth. "Push." I did.
One came out. Dewstep licked while helping me. Another came. Dewstep had her hands rather full.
"One....more......" I whispered. Dewstep looked slightly frightened. The third kit came out. Some of them were mewling. Dewstep handed me one of the kits. I licked, hard.
"One of them.....I can't lick all!" Dewstep sounded frantic. The kit I was licing started breathing, so I moved on. I licked the other kit. He wasn't breathing. I licked harder.
Dewstep looked at me. "It's no use. He's gone." I said, sadly. The brown kit was laying on the ground. I sighed and turned away.
"Thank you, Dewstep. ThunderClan is in your dept. " I nodded to her.
I started thinking of names. "The calico one is Eclipsekit. The...brown one would have been Bloodkit. The white one with black paws and black tail tip is Lightningkit."
(June 29, 2016 - 6:43 pm)
(June 29, 2016 - 8:01 pm)
Sorry if this is too close to my last post, I just wrote this one in separate portions. ;)
Ravenpaw ran back to camp, her breath coming in short gasps. Splashburst was a traitor. She needed to tell someone, anyone. As she ran, Ravenpaw decided that the only person she would tell was Dewstep. The Riverclan medicine cat was kind and patient, and Ravenpaw was sure that she'd know what to do. But when she padded back into camp, Dewstep was not in her den. Why would the medicine cat be out in the middle of the night? Ravenpaw sighed, and resolved to talk to her in the morning. Ravenpaw curled up in the apprentice den and braced herself for the dreams that were bound to follow.
Ravenpaw was chasing the owl again, except this time it was different. She was running towards something, towards somewhere, and she could tell that the owl was too. She ran and ran, until the to with the red claws attacked again. Ravenpaw knew that it had to mean something, but she couldn't figure out what. After the owl saved her, she continued to run. She ran and she ran until she came to the moonpool. Something inside Ravenpaw told her that she needed to be here. The owl landed next to her, and a white sun shone in the sky next to a golden one. Then, she heard words echoing in the air. "Come, Ravenpaw. Come, and meet the others in your destiny." Then Ravenpaw woke up, sweating. She knew what she had to do. Following some inner compass, she slipped out of the camp for the second time, and headed for the moonpool, to meet the other cats of her destiny.
(June 30, 2016 - 11:36 am)
As Lightningkit and Eclipsekit went to suckle, I heard more pawsteps pounding through the woods. I knew I was deep in RiverClan territory, and that might be a patrol.What would they do if they found me!?!?
Dewstep obviously had the same thought. She glanced at me. I hugged the kits tightly with my tail. Then Lightfeather burst out of the trees. I sighed with relie. Lightfeather looked slightly worried, but relaxed when she saw the kits. Then she caught sight of Bloodkit.
"Wh--what.." She couldn't finish the sentince.
"We couldn't lick him in time.." My voice trailed off slightly. Lightfeather bowed her head slightly, a look of understanding in her eyes.
"Thank you, Dewstep. So much. ThunderClan is in your debt." Lightfeather spoke softly. Dewstep dipped her head.
"My pleasure." She said. "As for Spottedtail, we need to figure out something to do."
I nodded. I couldn't stay on RiverClan territory all night. I needed to get back to ThunderClan. But kitting makes cats weak. Oddly enough though, I didn't feel weak. In fact, I felt like I could take on the world.
Suddenly, a cat appeared in front of me. It was Sunfoot. "StarClan gives you our strength. Make it back to camp. You can do it, Spottedtail."
"Mom....." I whispered. But Sunfoot vainished. I knew what I had to do. Carefully, I picekd up Lightningkit by the scruff.
"Let's go." I said. Both medicine cats turned to look at me, suprised. "I can make it." I insisted. Lightfeather looked at Dewstep, who shrugged,
Lightfeather looked worried, but picked up Eclipsekit gently.
Around Lightningkit, I asked Dewstep the question that had been plauging me for a while. "Dewstep? It would be my honor if you would help me carry Bloodkit back to camp."
Dewstep looked suprised, but picked up Bloodkit. Together, we walked to the ThunderClan entrance.
"Thank you, Dewstep. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you." I whispered to her. Dewstep set Bloodkit down gently and licked me on the ear. Then she bounded off back towards RiverClan.
I started to walk into camp, but Lightfeather pawed at my tail. I turned around.
Lightfeather hesistated, then spoke. "Is the father in another Clan?"
I shifted uneasily. "No. The truth is....I don't have a father for the kits yet."
If Lightfeather was suprised, she hid it well. She only nodded and picked up Eclipsekit again. We silently padded to the nursery. I set down Lightningkit and Eclipsekit in the empty nest. Apparently, both Whitestar and Lightfeather knew I had had kits for a while. I just never noticed.
I pleaded to Lightfeather. "May I bring Bloodkit into camp?" Lightfeather nodded.
"But, as much as you want to, you cannot sit vigil. These kits need milk." She gestured to the kits, mewling away in the nest. I nodded, and padded out to the entrance again.
Sedgefeather was on duty. She nodded to me, and said, "I am sorry for your loss, but congradulations! Who is the father?"
I aknowledged her, but didn't reply. I just picked up Bloodkit and walked into camp.
Quietly, I laid Bloodkit down in the middle of the camp, by the Highledge. I pressed my muzzle into his still fur, and sat for a moment, blinking tears.
"I'll always miss you." I said softly, then tore myself away and headed back to the nursery.
Thankfullly, Silverfern was asleep. I had time to think up answers to the awkward questioins I knew would be coming. Lightfeather gave me a poppy seed or two, then headed up the Highledge. Probably to tell Whitestar what had happened. As I licked up the poppy seeds and settled into the empty nest, all the fatigue of the day caught up with me. I suckled Eclipsekit and Lightningkit for a while, then fell asleep.
My last concious thought was, I need a father for these kits.
But who? I had never loved in my life. Ever. But now? I might have to.
For the good of ThunderClan, and for the good of my kits.
I will find a father.
(Once again, sorry if I controlled anyone too much!)
After helping Spottedtail, I was tired. But there was a new arrival, and so I went to the Highledge with Cinderpelt.
"Cats of all Clans! Spottedtail, the ThunderClan deputy, has just had kits!" Yowls of congrats came from all around. Bluestar raised a paw for silence.
"But one has died. He could not start breathing in time. Here with us tonight is Bloodkit. Bloodkit, we are sorry."
My eyes widened. Spottedtail had not told me that. Firestar raised his head.
"Another annoucement. Cinderpelt has had a prophecy. Tonight, the prophecied cats will gather by the Moonpool. Their names are Ravenpaw of RiverClan, Owlpaw of ShadowClan, Whitesun of WindClan, Breezesong of ThunderClan(I made this up since no one has applied. Please apply soon!!!), and Sunfoot of StarClan."
Everyone around me murmured. I knew I had to get to the Moonpool, so I bowed and left. Quickly, I scampered along to the Moonpool. I felt the living spirts of Whitesun and Ravenpaw. Owlpaw's feet were hitting the road outside, and Breezesong was right behind her. Quickly, as if guided by StarCla(which they were of course), they put their noses to the water and slept. I did the same.
My last concious thought was, I hope we can help the Clans.
Sorry for the superlong post today, guys. I need someone to sign up for the ThunderClan prophecy cat please. Also, sorry if I controlled ANYONE too much!!!!!!!! I have a tendinecy to do that, so sorry.
(June 30, 2016 - 1:23 pm)
I already have a prophecy cat, so I dunno if I could take her, but if you wanted me to, I could.
Whitesun awoke suddenly in his den, chest heaving. The dream he'd been having had ended in a sharp flash of light, and his fur stood on end. With an effort, he laid it flat and picked his way out of the den. He almost trod on Mintleaf's tail, and sent thanks to StarClan when she didn't wake up. Once he was out onto the fresh night air, he paced to the edge of the clearing and curled up there. The stuffy warriors' den had been too crowded for him to think properly. But now he could fully ponder over his dream. He'd seen a tall, spreading tree, with two birds, an owl and raven, seated on one of the branches. The wind whispered all around him, almost in a song, and two suns, one white and one gold, glittered in the sky, illuminating the whole scene. Then the Moonpool had appeared, its water sparkling with ice.
Whitesun shook his head and stood up. Who was he kidding? He knew where to go. Turning away and stalking out of the camp, he broke into a run as soon as he was on the moor, his lean muscles working to propel him over the short grasses. In no less time than it took to chase and catch a rabbit, Whitesun was at the Moonpool, breathing hard. Cautiously, he slipped into a clump of ferns on the outside of the pool. He knew Ravenpaw was another cat of prophecy, but who were the other two? A rustle in the bracken alerted him to the prescene of another cat. His fur instintivly raised, but he controlled it quickly. Stepping out of the bracken, he came face-to-face with another apprentice. He scented ShadowClan on her. She looked up at him, her amber eyes filled with curiousty.
"You're another one of the cats, aren't you?" she mewed, her tail flicking. She was small for a ShadowClan cat, with a lithe build. Whitesun towered over her, as he was big for a WindClan cat. He gave her a carefully guarded look.
"And if I am?" he growled, feeling unsettled by her openness. Her smile faded a small bit, but she remained underterred. She brushed past him, stepping down to the Moonpool.
"Then we're supposed to save the Clans together," she said, crouching by the waer's edge. Whitesun hissed, but followed her, settled down on the smooth stone. He could see the tabby apprentice trying to speak to him, but he ignored her for as long as possible. He couldn't tell her she reminded him of Brush--
"I'm Owlpaw," she said, interrupting his thoughts. "You're Sun something, right?" Whitesun glared at her.
"Whitesun, actually," he said. "WindClan." Then he abruptly turned away, not wishing to talk to Owlpaw any more. Luckily, another cat then emerged from the bushes, saving him from having to speak with Owlpaw. He shuffled aside as the cat down to the water's edge. He heard a stifled hiss of surprise, and he knew it was Ravenpaw, the black apprentice who'd seen Splashburst and Nettlefur.
"Ravenpaw, yes?" he said curtly, not giving her a chance to speak. He desperately wanted not to be here. He wasn't deserving nor fit for a prophecy. But he did want to get the other cats out of his fur, no matter how brusque he sounded. The black apprentice nodded, her brilliant blue eyes slitted. "I'm Whitesun. I assume you're the RiverClan cat?" She nodde, seeming as equally unwilling to chat. Well, good, thought Whitesun. I don't want to talk. Unfortunately, Ravenpaw and Owlpaw soon began a quiet conversation. Whitesun was about to stand and leave when the fourth and final cat arrived.
Her tortoishell fur gleamed silver as she walked into the moonlight. Dipping her head to the other cats, she said, "I am Breezesong. Nice to meet you all. Normally I wouldn't be here, but... if StarClan wishes me to, I must. Even if it means disobeying the warrior code..." she unexpecteddly sat down next to Whitesun, who bristled and quickly stuck his muzzle into the icy water. Instantly he felt sleep pulling down on him, and he closed his eyes and let it take him.
(June 30, 2016 - 7:42 pm)
Owlpaw was hunting in ShadowClan territory. A bird sang in the treetops, but Owlpaw remained concentrated on the mouse she was stalking.
Suddenly, she scented a new scent. A white figure slid from the shadows. "Blackstar!" Owlpaw exclaimed. Blackstar's face was stern. "I need to talk to you," he meowed. Owlpaw was confused. "Why would you want to talk to me?" she asked. Blackstar sat down. "Sit by me." he ordered. Owlpaw obeyed.
"The clans are a mess." Blackstar sighed. "Cats have lovers of other clans, medicine cats also have lovers, and...oh, everything is in chaos." Blackstar paused. "But there is hope. When destruction looms and the land rots from within, five of five will bring it to light once more." Owlpaw stated at Blackstar in astonishment. Then, as quickly as he came, Blackstar faded away.
(June 30, 2016 - 8:03 pm)
I'm sorry, I have to quit this RP. I was way too busy when this started, and now I have no idea what's going on.
Sloth says bpng. Beeping? Whaaa?
(July 1, 2016 - 9:45 am)
Someone post....pls....every one is accepted.
(July 2, 2016 - 6:19 pm)
Really don't want this thread to die, so I'm posting. Someone post, PLEASE! :)
I sighed. I was standing at the Moonpool with Whitesun, Breezesong, Owlpaw, and Ravenpaw. Even though they couldn't really see me yet, I lay down between Owlpaw and Breezesong. I heard the breathing of the four cats slow down as they fell asleep. Quietly, I tried to join them.
I awoke. I was standing in the fields of StarClan. Ravenpaw and Whitesun were standing next to me, and Owlpaw and Breezesong were just waking up.
"Hello," said a voice behind us. We all turned around to see Tallstar, Bluestar, Cinderpelt, Blackstar, and Owlstar behind us. Most of the other cats were surprised and looking pointedly at me. I bristled my fur in defense.
"Don't look at me! Just because I'm from StarClan, doesn't mean I know any more than any of you!" I growled slightly. The leaders and Cinderpelt looked sternly at us.
"Hush," Owlstar said.
The leaders and medicine cat spoke as one, in the same voice, each one sealing our fate.
"When destruction looms and the land rots from within, five of five will bring it to light once more."
The leaders started to fade. The four cats and I looked around in bewilderment.
(July 3, 2016 - 8:52 am)