Mega Charrie Sheet

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Mega Charrie Sheet

Mega Charrie Sheet RP:

This is a roleplay where we are our charries from the mega charrie sheet contest! There isn't really a plot--not yet. But we'll make up the story as we go!

It will take place in a fantasy world, just to clear that up. It starts out as us just living as our charrie sheet says we do, and we can meet up (if you so please), discover schemes, make friends and enemies, etc. Please do repost your charrie sheet here so we can refer to them without having to go to the old contest thread. 

Join quickly if you are joining, as the maximum charrie limit is eleven! You don't have to have been in the contest to join this! Use the guidelines from my charrie sheet to make your new charrie! (I have no idea where the original contest thread went.)

Feel free to modify your already-made charrie sheet if you want to! Just don't change it too terribly much...Here's my charrie:

Name: Hazel Harrier

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

Hair Color: Whitish-Blonde and it goes past her shoulders

Right Eye Color: Her eyes are brown, although when they turn electric blue you'd better look out, because that means she's lost her mind temporarily 

Left Eye Color: Brown or electric blue

Skin Color: Pale white

Scars: None

Weight: Very, very bony and skinny and lightweight

Shirt: A torn, loose, old bluish shirt

Pants: Bleached jeans

Shoes: None

Jacket: Never wears one, no matter how cold it is outside

Other Clothing: She wears a black headband that her mother gave her with her birthstone in the center of it

Other Attributes to Appearance: She has a grayish black right foot, due to an incident in her past six years ago. The blackness spirals up her leg, almost reaching her knee. It grows more and more; it grew slowly when she was young, and it grows at least a centimeter a week now that she's older.

Wings: None

Positive Personality Traits: She is quiet, never rude, ever, hates to be in the way, timid and afraid all the time. She likes to sing hymns, and climb trees. Her favorite food is spaghetti with no sauce or meatballs. So basically, noodles. She tries to be helpful and of some use.

Negative Personality Traits: Has spells of insanity, she's quiet all the time, which is annoying sometimes, reclusive, and she hardly ever gets angry, but when she does she kicks something that's black. She has no idea why. 

Other Personality Traits: Her attacks happens due to a blackness overtaking her body, occuring more frequently (about once or twice every other day) and for longer periods of time as the darkness climbs closer to her heart.

Power Type: When she was young, her parents discovered her power to heal. However, they grew greedy with it, and when they discovered that her power was weak as could be, they began looking for a way to maximize it. She ran away when she was four, since she did not know what was going on, and hated the extra attention. This changed her life forever. When she looses her mind, (which is part of her curse), she can shoot lightning. Her eyes change to electric blue.

Power Details and Limits: Lightning striking leaves her physically weak, but she cannot control herself when her eyes are blue; therefore, her curse could potentially kill her

Aura Color: When she is sane and healing somebody, her aura is faintly green. When her eyes are blue, her aura is as bright and vivid as her irises.

Aura Scent: When she is healing, you can smell mint in the air. When she's in her cursed mode, her aura smells like fresh burnt asphalt.

Other: She hates to be around people for fear of her curse breaking loose on them. This is her backstory:

When Hazel ran away into the woods at age four, she entered undetected into a grove fused with magical powers: The place where an evil creature had died and seeped into the ground. When her parents found her, she had collapsed next to a puddle of tar; where her foot was dangling in, dissolving. When her father pulled her out, he soon saw that her foot had not been dissolving, but soaking up the blackness.

All seemed well with her black tattooed foot until one day five-year-old Hazel woke up to feel a terrible pain in her ankle. To her mother and father's surprise, the blackness had spread up and into her ankle, and that was when the attacks started. Her eyes would flash blue for a moment, and Hazel would not look like herself.

Hazel is cursed by the tar, and as the darkness spreads still closer to her heart she knows for a fact that when it reaches her chest she will be fully transformed into something...not herself. She has no idea when or her eyes will suddenly turn blue, but at the age 15, her spells last a minute so.

She tries to enjoy herself while she can, but the years have harrowed worry into her and she spends her time in a tree house by herself. That way, she can harm no one and over all live life normally. 


I beg of you to join this! I haven't been in a roleplay in forever...I hope this one lives! 


submitted by Micearenice
(May 13, 2016 - 4:40 pm)

@ Leafmist

Oops! Sorry!

/-\ Ash

Waiting. I hate waiting. Waiting for my father. Waiting for my mother. When I left home I swore I would never wait again. No such luck. We're waiting here now, my rooftop home, with Jasmine sleeping peacefully on the blob of threadbare blankets that serve as my bed. Hugo, Crystal, Dusk, and Rena are crowding around her, trying to see if they can wake her. Crystal is crying quietly.

Dusk pushes past the others, and comes over to me. Glancing up at the sky he says: "It's nice up here."

It's true. In the five hours that have passed since our little night trip, the sky has lighted into the shades of the sunrise, but the stars are still visible. "It is."

"Are you ok?" Dusk asks me, looking me straight in the eye. "It's been a long, long time since you've passed out like that."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because you look kind of-"

"I'm FINE," I insist.

"No he's not," a voice says softly.

All of us turn and stare at Jasmine, who is now awake and sitting up on my bed. "His aura is weak. Almost... Cold."

Dusk whips back to face me. "Cold? Ash, that shouldn't be possible-"

"I AM FINE!" I shout, but even as I speak I can feel a wave of chill air roll down me. "Oh no..." I gasp.

Then, I'm falling. Dusk is shouting as he catches me, and dragging me over to my bed where Jasmine scoots over to make room for me, but I can't hear. All my senses are overwhelmed with one thing: Cold.  

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 6, 2016 - 9:41 pm)


The fire boy. Falling. I know I'm screaming, but I don't know why.

Hugo faces me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Rena," He says quietly. Abruptly, my scream stops. "Rena, are you alright?" He asks. My breathing slows. I must get back to Charn.

"I ..."

"Are you alright?"

I clutch myself. "I have to go. I'll ..." The punishments he'll dream up for me. Hugo looks at me, worry in his eyes.

I wrench myself away from him, running. "Rena!" the others are calling me too.

No. I can't attach myself to them. They'll die. 

Like Mother and Father.

But they wern't real.

I look at my gloved hands. The destruction they can reap. The tears I'll weep. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 7, 2016 - 1:05 pm)

I'm confused. I think I said that Jasmine/Eclipse flew away...... Maybe she crash landed or something?

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 7, 2016 - 4:34 pm)

I was using at she crashed or was too badly hurt for Eclipse to stay in control or something..... Basically Eclipse is gone.  For now.

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(June 7, 2016 - 5:16 pm)

Ok, cool!

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 8, 2016 - 8:31 am)

I HAD AN AWESOME IDEA!!!! What if Charn was the monster king?! 


They are all too worried about Jen and the fireling to care about me too much. I run, running, running ... the pool.

I glare at it, blaming at it for all the misery I have dreaded before passing through it. I take a deep breath and step in.

I awaken in the shadows, little tounges of fire dancing around me. "You're late." His cold voice snaps. 

I smile, knowing he cannot see my face in the shadows. "That's because I have found valuable information."

"What?" He asks, clearly interested. "There are more like me. A wind boy, a fireling, a girl who is controled by a spirit ..."

"So ..." he says. "So ... my old followers have found me." I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me, sir?"

"None of your buisness, girl," he hisses. "Leave me in peace." 

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 8, 2016 - 4:22 pm)

That's a cool idea! I'm all for Charn being the monster king. Sorry that I haven't been posting. Cho, I'm really sorry if I get anything wrong.


"Rena!" I call as she slides out of my grip. She's running now; I have to follow her. There's something different about her, and it's not just because she has an aura. I need to know why she keeps her hands covered up, like I do. I need to know who Charn is. There's only one way to do that. I have to see her again. "Rena! Stop!"

She ceases to run when she comes to what looks like a pool. I hang back in the shadows, able to see her without her noticing me. She steps into the pool and disappears. "Rena?" I call. No one answers. Cautiously, I creep toward the water, wondering where she could've gone. When I dip a finger in, it doesn't seem harmful in any way. So, before I can lose the nerve, I take a deep breath and step in.

"There are more like me. A wind boy, a fireling, a girl who is controled by a spirit ..." I hear Rena say when I sit up. Little tongues of fire let off just enough light to let me know where she is, so I can back away. 

"So ..." a man says. "So ... my old followers have found me." His voice sends shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I can't move. Then, a little common sense returns to my head and I tap the tattoo of a spider that's behind my left ear.

"Excuse me, sir?" Rena says. As a spider, I can't exactly hear. It's more like I can sense vibrations. "None of your business, girl," the man hisses. "Leave me in peace." What does he mean, followers? I think. And Rena mentioned all of the rest of the group, all of them except -- except me. And Crystal, I guess. I scuttle closer to the man, but my mind is getting fuzzier and it's hard to hear what they are saying. I feel the sudden urge to build a web, and an odd craving for flies. Snap out of it, Hugo. I tell myself. My worst fear is getting stuck in the form of a tattoo, which is why I don't use my power very often. If I let it take over, I might never return to being a regular human being. Or, as regular as I can get.

The thoughts of a spider swarm my brain, giving me a massive headache. Get... control... now... I think. But it's too much. I can't keep at it; after all, I barely have any practice using my power.

The next thing I know, I'm sprawled out in human form at the feet of the man with the creepy voice. He laughs, a cold, heartless sound, and says, "Well, well, Rena. I see you have brought one straight to me."



submitted by Bluebird
(June 8, 2016 - 8:24 pm)


What if that same evil witch who enchanted Crystal... IS ATTACKING ASH!!! Like, draining his powers!!! And maybe she's like tracking him, and closing in, and THEY HAVE TO FIGHT HER OFF!!!! And then they go on a quest to find whoever is tattooing Hugo, and see if they can find someone who can help Jasmine!!! And then they run into Rena, and help her to get rid of Charn!!!!

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 8, 2016 - 9:15 pm)


@Bluebird, THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! Awesome suspense!


"Well, well, Rena. I see you have brought one right to me." Charn says. My heart freezes. One of them did follow me. I whip around. Hugo. The only one who was really kind to me. 

I can't say anything kind to him. Charn will punish me. "Which one is this?" Charn asks in his snake-like voice. "Th-the boy with the tattoos." I say, barely managing to choke it out. Hugo looks up at me, something in-between fear and despair? No, he's confused to how, or why I'm wih Charn.

I mouth to him, I'm sorry.

"Rena, leave." Charn commands. I start walking out, but instead of leaving fully, I press myself up against the wall.

"Who are you, boy?" Charn asks, his voice icy cold.

"Hugo." Hugo says in a bold tone.

I hear a loud, sharp sound, like someone snapping. A bright light flashes in the room, but I can't see anything. I scurry away from my hiding spot to my room.

More like my prison. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 9, 2016 - 8:33 am)


"Are you ok?" I shudder slightly, thinking of just how much I sound like my 15-year-old self, bending over Ash when he had set the Grevinth Glade on fire as he told me, his eyes glistening from under a layer of black hair, "I'm running away." Something had changed in him that year. The year before I, too, ran away. Now, Ash assures me that he's fine, but he isn't. Why do I feel such a brotherly instinct for a neighborhood boy who used to poke his head over the fence once in a while? Maybe because he was the closest thing to a friend that I ever had. Was. I can't believe that I'd forgotten about him. 

"Ash? ASH?" Next to me, he gasps, slipping down the side of the shingled roof (Rose bud blabs: they're on a roof top, right? ) I catch him, pulling on his arms while his feet dangle in midair. Around us, the crickets and frogs burst into the refrain of their never-ending song. It almost sounds like they are warning us.

"You don't know what you're getting into. You don't know what you're getting into. You don't. You don't. You can't." 

Ash's eyes are closed. Looking quickly over at the remaining two girls, who aren't paying attention, I take a deep breath. I whisper the words that North Wind taught me when I was shivering in my miserable bed under a subdued, slanting roof. She had called it the wind lullaby (this was when I was 6, mind you), but I had used it since when I was stuck outside during a snowstorm. Nobody hears as I murmer the words, not trying to sing. As I finish, a sudden gust of warm air blows past, settling down on Ash and me. His cheeks return to the normal fiery red. His eyes remain closed. The girl looks over, brushing her strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

"Look after these two," I say, gesturing towards the unconscious dark-haired girl and Ash. Without another word, I slip off the rooftop, my hands and feet finding niches, and steal into the night.

I shouldn't have gotten involved at all.  

submitted by Rose bud
(June 9, 2016 - 9:09 pm)


What was the bright light? Sorry, I'm just wondering what you had in mind before I post. Also, if there's anything I need to know about Charn, can you tell me? Thanks!

submitted by Bluebird
(June 10, 2016 - 9:25 pm)

*smiles wryly* 

Fire. And since I haven't made up much about him, anyone can make anything about him up, as long as they make sure that it agrees with everyone else's. 

submitted by Cho Chang, Tale as old as time ...
(June 11, 2016 - 7:54 am)

Hey guys, I'm SO SORRY I haven't posted lately. Life has been busy. I will work on the post when I get a chance. 

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 11, 2016 - 8:45 am)
I wake up no longer a prisoner of my own mind. I can feel the sun on my skin, hear the birds chirping happily, smell the fresh morning mist. I open my eyes to see Crystal and Ash sleeping on the ground. The morning sunlight shines on their faces, making them look so....peaceful. I cast my eyes around the clearing, looking for something..... Someone that I know is missing. Three someones, actually. Where did Cobalt, Hugo, and the other girl go? I stand up and shiver. Dew has settled on me in the night, soaking me. The grass underneath my feet is soft and springy, and the old well sits highlighted in the glow of the sun. Eclipse tugs at the back of my mind, bringing forwards one thought. "Go towards the pond." What pond, I wonder? But then I feel some sense of direction, tugging me forwards. I know that I have to follow it. I quickly go back towards the others. I have to tell them where I'm going, but I can't wake them up. Doing that while they're sleeping so deeply might cause them harm. Following some sixth sense that I really can't put a finger on, I reach out and touch Ash and Crystal's foreheads. Instantly, I am transported to a small, moonlit clearing next to Ash and Crystal. Crystal looks at me with wide eyes. "Am I dreaming?" "Yes," I reply, "but I'm really here. I'm going to go find Hugo and that girl. Don't follow me, please." Ash grimaces. "You do realize that we're going to follow you, right?" I frown. "No. This is for me to do by myself." I summon my wings. "Sleep," I whisper. Both of them look at me with confusion. "Sleep," I say again. I realize that I can control what happens in their dreams. "Sleep deeply. Dream of some of your happiest memories. Sleep until you're fully rested, or until there's danger near." Crystal's eyes begin to droop. I give them a last, small smile, and fly away, out of the dream. 
I wake up with my wings out and a feeling of exhaustion that threatens to overwhelm me. This is no time for tiredness, though. I need to find Hugo. While I was sleeping, I had actually had a dream about Cobolt running away, so I know that wherever he is, he doesn't want to be found. I spring into the air and, following my senses, fly towards the pond where Hugo is with the wind whipping in my face. 
When I arrive at my destination, I am surprised to see that Hugo, or the other girl, is nowhere to be found. The pond sits at the center of the clearing, sparkling innocently in the sunlight. The tug of it is physical, and it's pulling me into the pond. I obey and instantly wish that I hadn't. I find myself inside a dark room with a living nightmare. The face that haunts my dreams is staring at me, smirking. I scream, and try to run away, but I can't. The face speaks. "Hello, my little tarling. I'm so glad that you chose to join us tonight." This is literally my worst nightmare coming true. I open my mouth and scream until my throat is sore. A pain is filling my body, and suddenly something starts to happen. Tar starts to appear next to me, flowing in black, sticky rivulets, seemingly from me. I scream again, becuase what I see the tar forming is more horrible then I could ever imagine. I am staring at a perfect image of myself. I am staring at Eclipse. She has the same pale skin as me, the same dark hair, the same grin. But something is different. Her eyes are dark blue, just like when she possesses me. The monster King laughs, the sound filling me with a nameless dread. "Jasmine" he purrs, "Meet Eclipse. I seriously doubt your "friends" will notice any difference at all." He turns to Eclipse. "Bring the Airling, the Waterling, and the Fireling to me." Eclipse nods, and flys out of the dark room. The monster King turns to me. "As for you.... You may be helpful." He snaps his finger, and I find myself transported to another dark room, except this one holds the girl from earlier and a boy. The boy is lying one the floor, and it takes me a moment to realize that it's Hugo. Without tattoos. Unable to give out another scream, I crawl across the floor towards him. Where his tattoos were earlier, there are now only black, smudgy marks. With the last of my strength I leap into his dreams. 
I find Hugo on a cobblestone floor, just like the one we are sitting on in the real world. He looks up at me in despair and whispers, "My tattoos. They all.... Came to life. They're gone." I nod. I had guessed as much. With my last bit of energy, I put Hugo to sleep and wish him good dreams. I open my eyes in the real world again. I am bleeding from several cuts from where I hit the hard stone floor, but all I can think about is the fact that Eclipse is going to hurt my friends...... I turn to the girl, who is staring at me with wide eyes. "What is your name?" I ask harshly. She whispers that her name is Rena, and I scowl at her, a burning anger inside me. "What. Have. You. Done???" I hiss. 
submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 12, 2016 - 2:30 pm)

Rena ~

I'm in my room, pacing when Hugo pops up in the middle of the floor, on his knees. "Hugo!" I scream. He's alive. Thank the gods. His tattoos are gone, black smudges in their place. I want to kneel down next to him and take his head into my lap, but I'm afraid that's too intimate of a gesture. 

"Oh, Hugo, what have I done?" I whisper hoarsely. He looks up at me. He opens his mouth but seems unable to speak. "I'm sorry." I wail, tears coming to my eyes. 

"I had no choice! He-he would have done terrible things to me." I say, my voice dropping to a whisper. Hugo looks faint. Suddenly, he kind of sways, falling to the ground, hitting his head hard. "Hugo!" I scream again. 

Oh, what have I done? One of the girls appears at the door, sprawled on her stomach. Her hands are bleeding as she slowly pulls her self up a bit, just enough to sit up.

Her eyes dart around the room, landing on Hugo. Her mouth opens in a soundless scream. And I can only watch. Frozen with fear and horror. She slowly crawls over to Hugo, then appears to sleep not far from him.

She sits up, growling,. "What. Have. You. Done???"

"Nothing." I whimper. "He followed me, and you, too! If you had just stayed put …" My voice stops, swallowed up by the sobs that are now racking my body. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 13, 2016 - 1:59 pm)