Mega Charrie Sheet
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Mega Charrie Sheet
Mega Charrie Sheet RP:
This is a roleplay where we are our charries from the mega charrie sheet contest! There isn't really a plot--not yet. But we'll make up the story as we go!
It will take place in a fantasy world, just to clear that up. It starts out as us just living as our charrie sheet says we do, and we can meet up (if you so please), discover schemes, make friends and enemies, etc. Please do repost your charrie sheet here so we can refer to them without having to go to the old contest thread.
Join quickly if you are joining, as the maximum charrie limit is eleven! You don't have to have been in the contest to join this! Use the guidelines from my charrie sheet to make your new charrie! (I have no idea where the original contest thread went.)
Feel free to modify your already-made charrie sheet if you want to! Just don't change it too terribly much...Here's my charrie:
Name: Hazel Harrier
Age: 15
Gender: Girl
Hair Color: Whitish-Blonde and it goes past her shoulders
Right Eye Color: Her eyes are brown, although when they turn electric blue you'd better look out, because that means she's lost her mind temporarily
Left Eye Color: Brown or electric blue
Skin Color: Pale white
Scars: None
Weight: Very, very bony and skinny and lightweight
Shirt: A torn, loose, old bluish shirt
Pants: Bleached jeans
Shoes: None
Jacket: Never wears one, no matter how cold it is outside
Other Clothing: She wears a black headband that her mother gave her with her birthstone in the center of it
Other Attributes to Appearance: She has a grayish black right foot, due to an incident in her past six years ago. The blackness spirals up her leg, almost reaching her knee. It grows more and more; it grew slowly when she was young, and it grows at least a centimeter a week now that she's older.
Wings: None
Positive Personality Traits: She is quiet, never rude, ever, hates to be in the way, timid and afraid all the time. She likes to sing hymns, and climb trees. Her favorite food is spaghetti with no sauce or meatballs. So basically, noodles. She tries to be helpful and of some use.
Negative Personality Traits: Has spells of insanity, she's quiet all the time, which is annoying sometimes, reclusive, and she hardly ever gets angry, but when she does she kicks something that's black. She has no idea why.
Other Personality Traits: Her attacks happens due to a blackness overtaking her body, occuring more frequently (about once or twice every other day) and for longer periods of time as the darkness climbs closer to her heart.
Power Type: When she was young, her parents discovered her power to heal. However, they grew greedy with it, and when they discovered that her power was weak as could be, they began looking for a way to maximize it. She ran away when she was four, since she did not know what was going on, and hated the extra attention. This changed her life forever. When she looses her mind, (which is part of her curse), she can shoot lightning. Her eyes change to electric blue.
Power Details and Limits: Lightning striking leaves her physically weak, but she cannot control herself when her eyes are blue; therefore, her curse could potentially kill her
Aura Color: When she is sane and healing somebody, her aura is faintly green. When her eyes are blue, her aura is as bright and vivid as her irises.
Aura Scent: When she is healing, you can smell mint in the air. When she's in her cursed mode, her aura smells like fresh burnt asphalt.
Other: She hates to be around people for fear of her curse breaking loose on them. This is her backstory:
When Hazel ran away into the woods at age four, she entered undetected into a grove fused with magical powers: The place where an evil creature had died and seeped into the ground. When her parents found her, she had collapsed next to a puddle of tar; where her foot was dangling in, dissolving. When her father pulled her out, he soon saw that her foot had not been dissolving, but soaking up the blackness.
All seemed well with her black tattooed foot until one day five-year-old Hazel woke up to feel a terrible pain in her ankle. To her mother and father's surprise, the blackness had spread up and into her ankle, and that was when the attacks started. Her eyes would flash blue for a moment, and Hazel would not look like herself.
Hazel is cursed by the tar, and as the darkness spreads still closer to her heart she knows for a fact that when it reaches her chest she will be fully transformed into something...not herself. She has no idea when or her eyes will suddenly turn blue, but at the age 15, her spells last a minute so.
She tries to enjoy herself while she can, but the years have harrowed worry into her and she spends her time in a tree house by herself. That way, she can harm no one and over all live life normally.
I beg of you to join this! I haven't been in a roleplay in forever...I hope this one lives!
(May 13, 2016 - 4:40 pm)
(May 25, 2016 - 11:15 am)
When do we start?
(May 26, 2016 - 1:40 pm)
Right now!
The sun dipped below the treeline in a brilliant display of fiery oranges and yellows. As it plummeted deeper, it cast a warm yellow glow through the trees; lines of sun that escaped the looming forest around surrounded Hazel, who sat with her hands on her knees near her tree house.
Content, she let out a sigh. The sunset always calmed her, and with tomorrow being village day she needed to be calm. Hazel tried not to let the unsettling task overwhelm her. Once or twice a month she'd need a few supplies that couldn't be found inside the woods where she dwelled, and she would be forced to enter the village and purchase them. It always made her nervous being so close to so many people.
The sun sank lower, and a gentle breeze shook the tops of the trees. Despite the chill, Hazel wore no jacket, just her blue shirt she always wore. Hazel fingered the black headband that held back her long blond hair. Though it brought back bitter memories, she still wore it, because it made her feel less alone.
"If only..." Hazel murmured, imagining what life would be like without her curse. "I'm so alone," she said aloud. "If only others knew what it was like to be me. If only I had friends and I didn't have to worry about hurting them. Oh...If only that stinking tar puddle wasn't in the middle of the woods."
Hazel rarely thought bad thoughts, for fear of them giving way to the darkness that dwelled within her, but she never cared how much she despised the tar that ruined her life. It only seemed fair to her that she could attain one thing to be mad at on her own; to blame; to take the weight off her shoulders for a little while.
You must understand how fragile Hazel always felt. Imagine that you could turn from kindhearted to evil in the blink of an eye, or the fall of a leaf, or the drip of rain. Imagine that if there happened to be any people there when you lost control of an unsteady balance, they could get hurt or even killed. That only adds to the stress. That was how Hazel always felt. And that is why she was careful in what she thought, said, and did.
The sun had fully disappeared, adding to the bite of the cold fall air. Hazel drew her arms close for a few more moments, and finally retired to her tree house. As she lay down on her feather-down bed, Hazel Harrier welcomed the dreamy relaxation of sleep.
(May 26, 2016 - 8:41 pm)
~|~ Ash
Ash slunk through the town, ignoring the people around him. Ignoring the way that they shied away from him as they saw the small flames dancing through his jet-black hair. Ignoring the whispers, the jeers, and the sneers thrown at him from every direction. He knew what he was. What his parents had been. What, somewhere along the line, his grandparents or great-grandparents had been. They had been born from lumps of coal that had sunk into the oozing tar that still haunted the edges of Merion. Ash was a Fireling. His parents had been before him, and any children he would have would be too.
As he twisted through the rough streets and crumbling alleys of the large village, Ash was pelted with all kinds of abuse, verbal and otherwise. He had grown thin and lithe during his time in his own, so Ash had no trouble dodging the rotten food and stones thrown his way, but he paid special attention to the catcalls. Fireling, Burner, Destroyer, those were normal, but one name surprised him.
"Firicompi!" Someone shouted. Ash whipped around, dropping his calm demeanor. That one was rare. Very few people knew the proper name for a fire spirit, and even fewer dared to use it. Ash was impressed. He couldn't spot the shouter, which was unusual, as the streets in this part of town weren't often very busy at this time of night. Oh yes, it was midnight. Ash had perfect vision, even in the dark, and he didn't like the day. It wasn't odd for Firelings to operate at night, but Ash took his nocturnal habits to a whole nother level. If he could avoid doing anything while the sun was up, he would.
Ash held out his palm, and a little flame sputtered into existence in his hand. He could dwell on the names another time. Dawn was fast approaching, and he needed to swipe some food. He slipped into an alley, and took of into the grey light.
(May 26, 2016 - 11:10 pm)
He knows how to hurt me. He controls me. I learned that keeping your head down and obeying was the best thing to do from a young age.
But he can't control my thoughts. I can think. It is my only freedom. And I relish in it. He won't tell me why I must do all the evil things he tells me to.
But I know that he is smart. That he is devious. He knows I'd be able to break free somehow if I knew what his plans were.
So for now, I dream.
I dream of being free of this prison. I do not fully understand how he controls me, but i wish to learn.
I wish to learn.
(May 27, 2016 - 7:54 am)
(May 27, 2016 - 12:35 pm)
I have an idea for how Hugo is connected to the tar puddles. So, there's someone out there (I'm not sure who, yet) that gives him tattoos at night. What if some of that tar is used to make the ink? Idk, just throwing out ideas here.
I glance at myself in the mirror one last time, making sure that none of my tattoos are visible. My gloves are on, concealing the newest one; a row of seven parallel arrows that cover the top of my left hand. Seven weeks ago, the first arrow appeared. The week after, a second one, a week after that, a third, and so on. Each one is a different color of the rainbow, and each one represents one of the seven deadly sins, something I had only figured out yesterday. I can't see how they would be of any use, but at least they look nice. Better than the creepy skull inked on my right-arm bicep.
I don't have to go to work just yet, so I sit down at a workbench and pick up a tiny mechanical spider I've been working on. My workspace is covered in gears and screws and random parts I'd found in the dump, (If you can think of a better name tell me) but I like it messy. The spider's legs are unfinished, but the body is a work of art, with it's newly polished bronze plating and flickering, beady eyes that can actually see. It can fit in my hand, and responds to only my voice. I'm hoping that it will be useful in some way, because I'm starting to get attached to the little guy, but I'll probably just have to take him apart and use the parts for something else. "Arachno," I speak, saying his name. His body immediately whirs to life, eight unfinished legs protruding from his shiny body. I take off my gloves and grab a few tools. "Hold still, buddy. I'm gonna fix you up."
He does know how to hold still. Soon, the spider's front four legs are fixed and fully functional. It's only then that I realize I am very late for work. Quickly, I tie up my hair and rush out the door, hoping I don't get demoted, or worse, fired. Then I remember my gloves, but by the time I get to work it's too late to go home to get them. For today, I'll have to make do.
I should not be shamed for something I have no control of, after all.
Hey, Shadowmoon, could Hugo work at the Broken Moon, too? Because then we could all meet each other.
(May 27, 2016 - 3:41 pm)
The reunion of two CBers who haven't seen each other in almost a year is a wonderful thing :) So of course we're posting together while we can, and I'm joining this RP because I was on Mega Charrie Sheet.
ame: Cobalt Dusk
Age: (assumed to be somewhere in his early twenties)
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Very deep brown
Right eye color: Bright blue, rimmed in twilight grey
Left eye color: Bright blue, rimmed in twilight grey
Skin Color: Dark tanish
Weight: Aprox. 160 lbs
Shirt: A loose grey shirt with elbow-length sleeves
Pants: Loose grey pants with several decorative symbols etched in silver on the edges (really not coming up with the right word for this, but the edges that come to your ankles).
Shoes: None (really)
Jacket: A long, loose jacket made with fabric that captures the appearance of clouds on a stormy night. The sleeve edges, which stop just above the wrist, are etched with the same silver symbols.
Other Appearance Attributes: None
Positive Personality traits: Respectful (usually), A generally good observer, thinker, and has a pretty mild and peaceful disposition (again, usually), Cobalt also keeps calm in the midst of action.
Negative Personality Traits: Unpredictable, Never smiles, A slight bit condesending, bitter, and not a good socailizer (generally of his own choice).
Power Type: Master of The Four Winds (In other words, controls, talks to, and pretty much keeps under control the winds)
Power Limits: Cobalt cannot fly, call wind to himself by thougt, etc. He was pretty much born with the extrordinary ability to talk to wind. A pretty small power.
Aura Color: When he calls out to the four winds, he speaks the words embroidered on his pants cuffs and jacket. As he says the words, they peel off of his clothing and fly into the air to seek the four winds.
Aura Scent: The smell of night, of clouds, and a nearing storm.
When he was younger, Cobalt would sit in the tiny backyard (consisting of some dreary brown grass and a spindly tree) of his parents' house and talk to the winds. He always knew he had this power, and at first, it was a game to him. The winds made themselves appear slightly human, taking the forms of floating, indistinct figures. The North Wind was a kind and beautiful lady with flowing hair who had a soft spot for children. Sometimes she would carry him into the city so that he could see tall church spires and gorgeous stained-glass windows. The South Wind usually took the form of a man with greying, unkept hair. He was always busy, and would tell young Cobalt about the times "over in Antarctica when the war took place." 'The War' was a time when the earth and the sky-wind and sea were involved in a great battle. South Wind pretended that he didn't like talking to Cobalt, but he, too, loved the boy when he was young. The West Wind favors the form of a woman wearing mystic robes that swayed around her as she roared through the sky. Rather haughty, she often ignored many of Cobalt's calls. The East Wind took the form of a young man. Really, he was the kindest of all the winds, and always there for Cobalt, although he tends to be extremely condescending and has a fiery temper if disturbed.
As Cobalt grew, he became better friends with the winds, and learned the ways of nature. When the sea began rising again, this time attempting to swallow the land, the winds rose in protection. However, the sea struck Cobalt, realizing he had more power than he thought he did. Cobalt can control the winds, unless they resist. The winds warned him, and Cobalt went into hiding. Throughout the second war between the wind and sea, Cobalt could sometimes be found at dusk, the mystic, silver wind swirling around him. He became a legend: the magic boy who could call to the winds. Some claimed to have seen him talking to indistinct forms, others saw him lifted in the arms of one of the winds (usually the East wind). No one knew his true name, so they called him Cobalt Dusk because of his startling blue eyes, and the time at night when some would see him, communing with the winds. No one now knows if he still lives or not, but he is known as Cobalt Dusk, the magic boy who controls the skies.
(May 27, 2016 - 7:58 pm)
@Shadowmoon: Sure! That's what I was thinking would happen to begin with!
@Bluebird: That's a good idea. What would the tar ink do to Hugo?
(May 27, 2016 - 8:33 pm)
Um... Well, the tattoos are taking over his body, so maybe when he's entirely covered in them he'll go all crazy and stuff like the other people? I don't know.
(May 28, 2016 - 8:58 am)
~|~ Ash
I whizz through the streets of town, closely followed by some angry shopkeepers. Cursing, I shoot around a corner and skitter up a drain pipe, coat flapping behind me. I settle myself on the roof, far above the shopkeepers' heads and sneer. So what if I had stayed up a bit to late? I could still always outrun them.
Still smirking, I gnaw at the rough loaf of bread that I stole. I'll snatch something better tonight when people can't see me as well, but honestly, how do they sell this stuff? Tired of the rock-hard, dry bread, I stand up and peer down over the city, pondering. Not about the shopkeepers, or even how they managed to chase me for so long, but about the girl. Her black hair and purple eyes, they're hiding something. Fighting something. I don't know how I know, but I do. What did she say to me again? "You're not the only one who's different?" This girl is not a Fireling. She's not a Waterling, and Earthling, or even an Airling. I've met plenty of those, and never particularly like any of them. She doesn't even know what I am. But she is different. That, even I can see. So, I slip off the roof and run off towards the tavern.
I know the Broken Moon. I've been there a few times before, but I don't really like it. Too loud. Too bright. I like to live on my own light thank you very much. I slip through the doors, hoping that no one will notice a skinny flaming boy in dark clothes plopping himself down onto their bar. Luckily, it's so early in the day that only a couple very, very drunk men are at the bar, both snoring away. I sit for a while, waiting.
Finally, a grubby-looking man steps out from somewhere, presumably the kitchen, and steps over to me, scowling.
"We don't serve your kind here." He spits disdainfully at me.
"Well I'm not here for food." I flick a spark into the man's scrubby beard, the the end lights. The man roars and smacks at it for a few moments until it sputters out, on my command.
"Look here Fireling," he snaps. "I don't know why you're here, or who you're looking for, but-"
A small voice interrupts him. "He- he was looking for me."
We both whirl around to see a girl, the girl, standing in a door way. She's peering at me closer now, and I can tell this is not going to go down well. How can I tell? She looks terrified. Assumably, of me. Well, she knows what I am now.
(May 28, 2016 - 9:11 am)
(May 28, 2016 - 1:58 pm)
So, he can use his tattoes, right? Well, how 'bout the more he uses them, the more of a life of their own they get. They can be the insurance that Hazel, Jasmine, and Crystal's curses don't get broken and that they safely find their way to the monster king's tar pool!!! Once he uses them enough, and once they're all there, they'll peel themselves off of him and form a small army that sneaks the cursed three whatever they need to see to make their other side become permanent. If you want, they could even take over him. The tattoes could have been made from the ink of the monster king's most trusted servant---so he becomes the servant after all the tattoes cover him! So either they become an army or he becomes taken over by te servant or both!!! :D:D:D:D:D Eh? Do you like it?
(May 28, 2016 - 2:00 pm)
OMG YES! That is such a good idea. I'll do that.
(May 28, 2016 - 5:00 pm)
I'm sorry if I already posted this, but my browser was acting up and im not sure if it worked.
I wake up, covered in sweat. The dream that I had last night, the horror of the monster's face..... I tell myself what I tell myself every time I have one of my dreams. Shake it off. It's just a dream. Even though I've told myself this over and over, it still doesn't change the fact that most of the time, my dreams come to pass. I get dressed for work, hurridly brushing and rebraiding my hair, and rush down the creaky wooden stairs. I run into Hugo on the way down. He's holding something tightly in his hand, and I can hear a slight mechanical clicking coming from it. I grin at him, and he grins back. Hugo and his ridicules inventions. I hear Crystal coming down the stairs, and I turn to her with a grin on my face. "Hey Crystal. Late night? Our customers sure do love a good round of "Row Row Row your ship, eh?" She grins back. "Admit it, Jen, you like a good song as much as the next barmaid." I shrug, yesterday's worries disappearing. Almost. The visit with the Fircompi boy still nags at me, but I shove it aside with a shrug of my shoulders. Today feels full of opportunities, and I won't be wasting them. I walk down with Crystal and Hugo. Something about working together, especially in such a rough place, has made us friends. Crystal is the only person who I've told about my wings, and we've often gone for flies together. I've often wondered about her wings, how they slowly are beginning to turn black, but I've never asked. And Hugo never fails to fascinate me with his marvelous inventions. We grab our greasy aprons from the hooks where they hang, and begin the unpleasant morning work of mopping up last night's spilled drinks and food. A few men are still snoozing away, but the tavern is practically empty. Until the boy steps in. He looks hungry, and for the first time I notice how skinny he is. He sits down, and Grub waddles over, an angry look on his face. He says something that I can't here, although I assume it's probobly insulting, and spits. Much to my pleasure, the boy flicks a spark at Grub's beard, igniting it. So he's a Firecompi. I suspected as much, becuase of the color of his aura. But I need to defend him. I'm the one who got him into this, and I need to say something. I step forwards and say "He's looking for me." Both Grub and the boy whirl around, and Grub looks so angry that it terrifies me. "You KNOW this..... this...... Monstrosity? I do not need helpers who conspire with firelings." He spits out the last word, like it's disgusting to even say. On my part, I'm incredulous. I got fired, just becuase I wanted to talk to this boy? "I'll go get my things." I mumble. I know that there's no reasoning with Grub. I gather my meager possessions, and the few coins that I have left from my tiny room. The tattered, faded curtains hang limply from the windows, not a single bit of breeze reaching them. It's not like I'm going to miss this place. I will miss Crystal and Hugo, though. They're my only friends. I trudge downstairs, and run into them. "Guys." I whisper. "I just got sacked. But I know someone who might have answers to our questions. Crystal, your wings, and Hugo.... I just know that you'll have something to ask as well. You both have.....auras. I can tell you about that if you meet me by the old well at midnight." They nod, and Crystal hugs me. "Stay safe, Jen." She says, and I slip downstairs. The boy is gone, presumably chased out by Grub. Grub comes up to me and says. "That creep said to meet him at midnight. Something about a well." I nod. I had had a dream recently, about a well at midnight, and I had just know that that was where we were meeting. I walk out of the inn, my meager possessions on my back. I stroll down to the village boundaries, to a small clump of trees, to make camp for the night. As I'm making myself at home, I hear a strange, whispering noise. Curious, I sneak over to investigate. I see a man standing there, talking to no one in particular. By this time, it's twilight, and the setting sun illuminates his blue-grey eyes and wind-whipped hair. I've seen this man before, in my dreams, and I have to know who he is. I step out of the shadows and ask "Who are you? Who are you talking to?" The man grins, and says "My name is Cobalt Dusk, and I am taking to the wind."
(May 28, 2016 - 2:52 pm)