Faery RP!So,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Faery RP!So,

Faery RP!

So, in this roleplay, we are all kids who are transported to the faery world, and trapped there. A faery has called each of us to their world for their own reasons. The faeries shrink each human as they enter the land. There is only one way to return to our world, which will be discovered in this roleplay.

There are three different types of faeries.

Swiftflowers: These creatures have wings like butterflys, and wear clothes wade out of wildflowers. They are usually named after wildflowers, and also traditionally look like them. Swiftflowers live in the Swiftflower meadow. Swiftflowers are usually sweet tempered. Swiftflowers will kidnap people just for the fun of it. They mean no harm. If a human eats any food from here, they are doomed to stay in the fayworld forever more. But, unfortunatley, humans will usually wonder away to Sunspot field.

E.g., Daisy is a Swiftflower faery with yellow hair, and usually wears clothes made out of daisy petals.

Frostflakes: Frostflakes don't have any wings, but are the most powerful type of faery. Frostflakes wear clothes made out of strange, pale animal fur. Their hair is usually pastel colored. Frostflakes are very spiteful little creatures. Frostflakes live in Frostflake mountain. Frostflakes will kidnap humans to be their slaves, to work in their mines. 

E.g., Silver is a Frostflake faery with white hair and wears a dress made out of pale ice-blue fur.

Sunspots: Sunspots have brightly colored hair, have dragonfly-like wings, and wear bright colored clothes. They are very protective, and hate humans. They do not kidnap them, but when they are found in their territory (Sunspot field) they will hold them captive until they can trade mgic and humans with the Frostflakes. Sunspots are known to hold a grudge, and are known for their tempers.

E.g., Golden is a Sunspot faery with red hair, and wears golden clothes usually.

Charrie sheets: 

Name: Ariana Levine

Age: 13

Appearance: Curly brown hair, brown eyes, barely tanned skin, very short for her age.

Personality: She seems very shy and meek on the outside, but on the inside, she's a little firecracker. The other side of her personality should come out during the roleplay.

Position at school: Geek/Nerd, but not wholly unpopular. 

Belongings that you had when stolen: A dark colored T-shirt, jeans, backpack with school supplies, sneakers, and socks.

Type of faery that kidnapped you: Sunspot

Faery's name: Ember

Faery's appearance: Reddish-gold curly hair, dark tan skin, amber eyes, golden dragonfly wings, and a silky orange dress with matching boots.

Faery's personality: She has a fiery hot temper, and not afraid to discipline others, even when they don't need it. 

Reason why the faery has kidnapped you: She has a small collection of humans (2-3) which she's planning to trade to the Frostflakes for more magic.

P.S. You can use the faerys I made up for the examples. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 6, 2016 - 3:59 pm)

Ariana ~ I can't stand up. "What's going on?" I whimper, hoping for some answers. "You're going to market. Right. Now," Ember says, snapping her fingers. I wake up again, tired together with three other girls, and being floated through a busy market.

And most of the wares are … people. Dread grips me in its icy hand. Ember goes over to a busy stall, where a gruff, brutish man is standing. "Changeling Flare," Ember says in a false sweet voice. "What wastes have you today?" he asks, his voice muffled by his dark brown--red hair.

"Three female mortals, all ready to be shipped to Frostflake mountain. All healthy, fine mortals," Ember says. "UK be the judge of that," the man growls.

He comes up to me, lifting up my hair, then my lips to look at my teeth. "She'll do. But she won't last long in the mines. Unless she has some common sense. She'll be better off as a maid. I'll pay ten white got her."


submitted by Cho C.
(April 17, 2016 - 7:14 pm)


I fall to the ground with a thud. A few seconds later the little fairy lands next to me, trying not to laugh. But she isn't so little anymore; she has grown to my size. But then I see grass blades taller than my head, so maybe I am the one who shrunk. She helps me to my feet then zooms away, apparently forgetting that I am wing-less.

"Wait!" I call to her, but she is too far away to hear me. I start trudging after her through the tall grass and getting long, deep cuts on my face, arms and legs. Did she lie to me and bring me hear just to watch me suffer through the field? Even seeing dandelions as big as saucer-sleds doesn't make me feel any better. I am so hot, it seems the farther I walk the brighter the sun is. A sudden hot breeze parts the grass in front of me and I see a change in the field. Now it is sunburnt and golden, with grass that I can actually walk through. I start to run to the easier field, and just as I am about to reach it I am caught under the arms and pulled straight into the air!

"Where were you?!? I looked for you forever! You almost went into the Sunspot field!" I peer awkwardly over my shoulder and see the same fairy who abducted me earlier yelling at me.

"Where were you!?! You just left me by myself! I got all cut up with the grass looking for you!" I shout at her, hot, scratched, and peeved.

“Sorry, forgot you couldn’t fly. When the Great Mother accepts you tonight you’ll get your wings,” she says sheepishly, and when I open my mouth to ask more questions she puts in, “the Great Mother is the oldest Swiftflower. When a changeling who was switched without the child’s parent’s consent is found and can prove he or she is the switched fairy then the Mother gives them their wings.” But what happens if they can't prove it?

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 19, 2016 - 4:58 pm)


submitted by Cockleburr
(April 21, 2016 - 8:20 am)

Okay, here I go again.


I have one more question. To 'Her Highness'. "Where am I?" I ask. "On Frostflake mountain." Princess Icicle says, with a flick of her hair. Juat like those popular girls at school. I think, clenching my teeth. "I mean, where is Frostflake Mountain?" I ask. If someone as dumb as you even knows, I want to add. Her Highness says "The Feywild, stupid human scum. Now GO!" "Perhaps someone else should get you water. I don't know where-" 

"Ask some other slave, then. But GO!" Princess Icicle yells at me. There it is again. Slave. Well then, Your Highness, let's see how you fare with ME. I grab a wooden bucket and start to run down the steps to what I suppose is the mines. Well, of course this is the mines. Dust of green, blue, and pink is flying through the air. I cough, then glance over at another girl, about my age. "Can you tell me where the water is?" I yell through the noise, my eyes streaming from the dust. Wordlessly she points next to the castle where a pump is, with a fearful glance at the Frostflake guards overseeing. "Thank you!" I yell. She nods, a half smile on her face. I make my way up the hill, swinging the bucket as I go. I pump water into it until every muscle in my arms ach and the bucket is full. I lug the bucket slowly to the castle, making sure not spill any as I walk up the numerous flights of stairs to Princess Icicle's chamber. Once I get there, she tells me "There's a goblet over there. Fill it up and hand it to me." I open my mouth to protest, but she says smugly, "I forgot to tell you. I don't allow my slave to talk." I close my mouth. That's so unfair! I give her the evil eye, the song from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron titled Get off of My Back going through my head as I walk downstairs.

End of post.

Here's a sample of the song.

Get off of my back,

And out of my face.

Get out of my way,

And into my game.

That's about all that I can remember off of the top of my mind.


Swift says "bpaw." Bye Paw? Bye Pa? Bite Paw? Bite Pa?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 21, 2016 - 10:30 am)


submitted by Cockleburr
(April 24, 2016 - 4:15 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 26, 2016 - 8:08 am)