Faery RP!So,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Faery RP!So,

Faery RP!

So, in this roleplay, we are all kids who are transported to the faery world, and trapped there. A faery has called each of us to their world for their own reasons. The faeries shrink each human as they enter the land. There is only one way to return to our world, which will be discovered in this roleplay.

There are three different types of faeries.

Swiftflowers: These creatures have wings like butterflys, and wear clothes wade out of wildflowers. They are usually named after wildflowers, and also traditionally look like them. Swiftflowers live in the Swiftflower meadow. Swiftflowers are usually sweet tempered. Swiftflowers will kidnap people just for the fun of it. They mean no harm. If a human eats any food from here, they are doomed to stay in the fayworld forever more. But, unfortunatley, humans will usually wonder away to Sunspot field.

E.g., Daisy is a Swiftflower faery with yellow hair, and usually wears clothes made out of daisy petals.

Frostflakes: Frostflakes don't have any wings, but are the most powerful type of faery. Frostflakes wear clothes made out of strange, pale animal fur. Their hair is usually pastel colored. Frostflakes are very spiteful little creatures. Frostflakes live in Frostflake mountain. Frostflakes will kidnap humans to be their slaves, to work in their mines. 

E.g., Silver is a Frostflake faery with white hair and wears a dress made out of pale ice-blue fur.

Sunspots: Sunspots have brightly colored hair, have dragonfly-like wings, and wear bright colored clothes. They are very protective, and hate humans. They do not kidnap them, but when they are found in their territory (Sunspot field) they will hold them captive until they can trade mgic and humans with the Frostflakes. Sunspots are known to hold a grudge, and are known for their tempers.

E.g., Golden is a Sunspot faery with red hair, and wears golden clothes usually.

Charrie sheets: 

Name: Ariana Levine

Age: 13

Appearance: Curly brown hair, brown eyes, barely tanned skin, very short for her age.

Personality: She seems very shy and meek on the outside, but on the inside, she's a little firecracker. The other side of her personality should come out during the roleplay.

Position at school: Geek/Nerd, but not wholly unpopular. 

Belongings that you had when stolen: A dark colored T-shirt, jeans, backpack with school supplies, sneakers, and socks.

Type of faery that kidnapped you: Sunspot

Faery's name: Ember

Faery's appearance: Reddish-gold curly hair, dark tan skin, amber eyes, golden dragonfly wings, and a silky orange dress with matching boots.

Faery's personality: She has a fiery hot temper, and not afraid to discipline others, even when they don't need it. 

Reason why the faery has kidnapped you: She has a small collection of humans (2-3) which she's planning to trade to the Frostflakes for more magic.

P.S. You can use the faerys I made up for the examples. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 6, 2016 - 3:59 pm)

... And Ariana. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 12, 2016 - 9:26 am)

I will make my faery and human too. And post afterwards!

Okay, here's Princess Icicle:


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 12, 2016 - 9:44 am)

And here's Miri:


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 12, 2016 - 9:50 am)

Actually, I'd like Icicle to have extremely light blond hair.


The bell rings. Finally! I think, untangling my legs from my chair. Freedom! I get ready to bolt, but first stretch my legs out underneath the desk. No homework, even! It's a Friday, after all. I get up. Today I can walk home from school, the weather forecast said we weren't due for rain. I start out the door, my backpack slowing me down ever so slightly. YesyesyesFREE! My legs scream, wanting to run. But I'll have to wait until I get out of school, so I walk as fast as I can through the mess of people, at last breaking into the sunshine. I get ready for the walk home, when... Something catches my eye. It's... I don't know what it is. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I go over. It's a small person with light blond hair, a dress made out of some wierd very pale blue animal fur, and crystal-blue eyes. "A faery!" I breath, not wanting to scare it away. The faery looks around, very bored, until she catches sight of me. Her face brightens and she touches me. A bolt of static electricity, or so it seems, runs through me at her touch. And I fall. The last thing I see is the faery's triumphant face looking down at me before darkness swallows me completely and I lose consciousness.




I wake up to a disdainful sounding voice saying, "Wake up, you filthy slave! I didn't catch you for you to laze around, asleep!" The voice is a quite a bit high-pitched, and I crack my eyes open, immediately wishing I hadn't. Everything hurts, and I re-close them. But it's too late. "Aha! You're finally awake! Now, get to work!" I stand up, starting to say, "I'm not you're slave!" But the words never get out of my throat. Standing in front of me is the faery I saw back in the schoolyard. Except... she's my size. No; let me rephraze that. I'm her size. "I'm not you're slave!" I say when I can speak. "Yes, you are. You can fetch me some water and then get to mining," she says, brandishing a whip threatiningly at me. "Are you a faery?" I ask, wanting to make sure. "Yes, of course I'm a faery. Now go, or I'll-" I interrupt her. "But faerys have wings. So you can't be one," I say, but immediately realize that's a mistake. "Not all of us do, just Sunspots and Swiftflowers! Puny, nosy human, don't you know who you're talking to?" she snaps. "A faery," I say, sure of my answer. "What faery? What type? What rank?" she asks snootily. "I- I don't know," I confess, feeling guilty about it. "A Frostflake faery, the Princess, in fact. Princess Icicle. And you're my slave. So you call me Your Highness."


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 12, 2016 - 2:26 pm)

60 degrees is WARM for you?!? It's currently 61 in Virginia, and for me that's kinda cool. Not cold, but certainly not warm either. It's pleasent on the cooler side.

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 12, 2016 - 4:13 pm)

60 is niiiice.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 13, 2016 - 6:54 am)

Yaaasss Cho. Yaassss

60-80 is a warm/hot summer day!

submitted by Katydid
(April 13, 2016 - 10:41 am)

So true! *high fives*  

submitted by Cho C.
(April 13, 2016 - 12:54 pm)

70-85 is nice. After that it's hot, but not terrible.

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 13, 2016 - 2:52 pm)

Where I live (no, I don't actually live in the North Pole), it's staying 50 but it's supposed to be 60 at the end of the week. We're all rejoicing.



I strut through the halls at school, Sophie and Lanie, my dance friends, at my side. My designer bag swings at my shoulder, and I catch people glancing at me. I smile my innocent angel smile at them and keep walking, out the door.

"See you at dance tonight!" Lanie calls, flicking her curly orange hair over one shoulder.

"See you then!" I reply, raising one hand in a half-wave. I keep walking, and once I'm out of sight of everyone, I shake myself out and stop walking with my supermodel pose. I sigh and plop down on a tree trunk, waiting for my mom to come in her beat-up Jeep. I told the girls at school she drove a sports car. If only they knew...

A bright flash of light glitters in front of my face, and I stare at it, confused. It's too early for fireflies, so...

The bright flash brushes against me and I fall off the tree trunk, pain searing through my body. It's like I'm being pulled apart and rearranged, and I close my eyes. Then the pain all subsides, and I open my eyes to find a girl standing over me, in a lavender-colored dress and cap.

"Sorry," she tells me, in a voice like bells ringing. "I hope that didn't hurt too much." I stand up, brushing myself off, about to make some rude remark, but that's when I see her wings. Wings?

"I must be dreaming," I say, assuming my supermodel pose once more. She laughs sweetly.

"They always say that," she tells me, still giggling. 

submitted by Carolion K, age Classified, North Pole
(April 13, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
I open my eyes. I am lying down in a patch of fresh, green grass.
"Where am I?" I wonder out loud.
I hear someone giggling. I sit up.
It's a petite little girl, with snow-white hair and icy-blue eyes.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Oh, you finally woke up!" The girl giggles some more, with a sound that's almost like--
I squint at her. "Wait, do you have… Wings?"
Suddenly, I start to look around frantically. Faeries, faeries, faeries! Everywhere I look. Flying, soaring, dashing, playing, swooping, giggling, laughing!
"Am I dreaming?" I watch in horror. I have to be dreaming. This is impossible! Magic isn't real!
She shakes her head. "They always say that."
I continue to stare at her until she throws her head back and laughs.
"You're so cute! And it was SO fun kidnapping you. And finally, I got one without blonde hair!" I don't respond.
"I am dreaming. I am dreaming. This is not real, nothing but a dream. This is not real, nothing but a dream." I start to whisper-chant, putting my face in my hands. "Nothing but a dream."
submitted by Ji-ji
(April 14, 2016 - 2:09 pm)


submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(April 15, 2016 - 9:41 am)

Victoria~ It is the last day of school finally. Something is wrong. What is it? Wait the lockers are yellow not blue. Their are yellow, orange, and red swirls everywhere. New people are walking in to school. They have wings? It isn't Halloween is it? One with dragonfly wings walks towards me. Sparkly swirls come out of her fingers. Am I shrinking? All of the kids in school are shrinking. All I know is I'm in a bag knocked out. Words are echoing in my head "dragonfly wings." "Shrinking" "could it be a faery!". " the ones I studied last summer.".


I know now it is short; please forgive me.


Also when I was knocked out

1. I could hear words

2. It was black but I remember pictures

3. My eyes were wide open the whole time 

submitted by Vikk, age 10, The South
(April 16, 2016 - 8:04 am)


submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(April 17, 2016 - 10:30 am)


"I like her," one girl says to the other girl, "What should we name her?"

"Two things,"  I say, "One, I am right here so you don't have to talk about me like I am in a different country. Two, I have a name already." "You do?" The first girl, Daisy, I think, asks, "What is it?" 

"It is Remy," I answer. "Riemy?" The other girl says in disgust, pronouncing it wrong, "Well it isn't anymore, I want to call you Iris."  Iris? What kind of name is that? All of the sudden I hear my mother's voice echo in my head. "Always be Remy, because everyone else is taken." That was what she told me last year when I wished I could be anyone but me. But I know now if I want to make it home, I will have to be Remy.  

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(April 17, 2016 - 6:55 pm)