Faery RP!So,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Faery RP!So,

Faery RP!

So, in this roleplay, we are all kids who are transported to the faery world, and trapped there. A faery has called each of us to their world for their own reasons. The faeries shrink each human as they enter the land. There is only one way to return to our world, which will be discovered in this roleplay.

There are three different types of faeries.

Swiftflowers: These creatures have wings like butterflys, and wear clothes wade out of wildflowers. They are usually named after wildflowers, and also traditionally look like them. Swiftflowers live in the Swiftflower meadow. Swiftflowers are usually sweet tempered. Swiftflowers will kidnap people just for the fun of it. They mean no harm. If a human eats any food from here, they are doomed to stay in the fayworld forever more. But, unfortunatley, humans will usually wonder away to Sunspot field.

E.g., Daisy is a Swiftflower faery with yellow hair, and usually wears clothes made out of daisy petals.

Frostflakes: Frostflakes don't have any wings, but are the most powerful type of faery. Frostflakes wear clothes made out of strange, pale animal fur. Their hair is usually pastel colored. Frostflakes are very spiteful little creatures. Frostflakes live in Frostflake mountain. Frostflakes will kidnap humans to be their slaves, to work in their mines. 

E.g., Silver is a Frostflake faery with white hair and wears a dress made out of pale ice-blue fur.

Sunspots: Sunspots have brightly colored hair, have dragonfly-like wings, and wear bright colored clothes. They are very protective, and hate humans. They do not kidnap them, but when they are found in their territory (Sunspot field) they will hold them captive until they can trade mgic and humans with the Frostflakes. Sunspots are known to hold a grudge, and are known for their tempers.

E.g., Golden is a Sunspot faery with red hair, and wears golden clothes usually.

Charrie sheets: 

Name: Ariana Levine

Age: 13

Appearance: Curly brown hair, brown eyes, barely tanned skin, very short for her age.

Personality: She seems very shy and meek on the outside, but on the inside, she's a little firecracker. The other side of her personality should come out during the roleplay.

Position at school: Geek/Nerd, but not wholly unpopular. 

Belongings that you had when stolen: A dark colored T-shirt, jeans, backpack with school supplies, sneakers, and socks.

Type of faery that kidnapped you: Sunspot

Faery's name: Ember

Faery's appearance: Reddish-gold curly hair, dark tan skin, amber eyes, golden dragonfly wings, and a silky orange dress with matching boots.

Faery's personality: She has a fiery hot temper, and not afraid to discipline others, even when they don't need it. 

Reason why the faery has kidnapped you: She has a small collection of humans (2-3) which she's planning to trade to the Frostflakes for more magic.

P.S. You can use the faerys I made up for the examples. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 6, 2016 - 3:59 pm)

I'm joining!!!!! 

Name: Erik Valiente (Brave in Spanish)

Age: 14 1/2

Appearance: Brown curly hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, broad shoulders, tall.

Personality: He is really confident about himself, and not afraid to stand up for others. Tends to get himself into trouble sometimes by being a little to adventurous.

Position at school: The "hero" as everyone likes to call him.

Belongings he had when stolen: Tennis shoes, Hat, Jeans, Sweatshirt, lunch, backpack, and a spiral notebook. 

Type of Faery he was kidnapped by: Frostflake

Faery's name: Silver

Faery's appearance: White hair, and wears a dress made out of pale ice-blue fur.

Faery's personality: Spiteful, cold heart, always is finding fault with her "slaves" even when they didn't do anything wrong. 

Reason why the faery kidnapped him: She was running low on slaves, because she kept whipping them to death, or the slaves would just kill themselves to escape the horror of her whip. She started looking around for new slaves, and thought that Erik would be just right for working in her mines, because he appeared to be "strong and healthy enough."  


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(April 6, 2016 - 7:17 pm)


submitted by Topping Wizard
(April 6, 2016 - 7:28 pm)


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(April 6, 2016 - 7:54 pm)

Can I join?

Licorace the cat: Of course you can, you dumb dog. That would only be the third person and third faery, so of course.


Here's my charrie (assuming I can join):

Name: Miri Lars

Age: 13

Appearance: Middle-length blond hair, tan skin, grey/blue/green eyes, shorter than average but not too much.

Personality: Smart, kind, sarcastic, and gentle. She's a tomboy.

Position at school: Just normal, hates popular girls.

Belongings when stolen: Orange camp half-blood T-shirt (she's not really a half-blood, of course),  denim shorts, a jackknife for opening stuff, socks and sneakers, a backpack with a turquoise notebook, two sharp pencils, a pencil sharpener, school books, homework papers to turn in, a book of her own (The Titan's curse, even though she's read it about a million times), and a Star Wars lunchbox with thermos. (The lunchbox contains: a PB&J sandwich, two double chocolate chip cookies, and an orange. In the thermos, there's milk).

Type of faery that stole you: Frostflake

Faery's name: Icicle

Faery's appearance: Silver hair, pale skin, crystal blue eyes, wears an almost white pale blue dress made out of silky animal fur. (I am not trying to copy, Joan)

Faery's personality: As the princess, haughty, disdainful, hates dirt, superior, prissy, very possessive, extremely selfish.

Reason why faery kidnapped you: Icicle, as mentioned before, is extremely selfish, and she wants the most magic so she can become Queen of the Frostflakes. To become Queen, she has to challenge her mother (the Queen) with magic. And win. Whereas the former Queen would be exiled from Frostflake mountain after submitting. If the former Queen didn't submit, well, you can guess what happens next. X.X for the former Queen. If the challenger won, that is.


Swift says "grif." As in, Griffin! Yayyyyyyyy Swift! You must know my obsession with Griffins and Dragons!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 7, 2016 - 10:47 am)

I forgot to mention something. In these mines which the Frostflakes own, they mine for Chrystallium, which when powdered, transforms into magic.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 7, 2016 - 9:19 am)

Are we doing roleplay posts from only the humans' point of view, or the fae's too? 

Name: Kyena. Just Kyena.

Age: Now, 14. When kidnapped, 5.

Appearance: Very long, soot-black hair and the same color eyes. Her skin is a pale, deathly white, her hands calloused and rough. 

Personality: How to describe this? She's a master of hiding her emotions. Her face remains a clean slate, always, never betraying any sign of fear, confusion, or anger-- because those are the only things she has ever felt, or can remember feeling. Although she seems submissive, quiet, and well-behaved, you could say she's just waiting for a knife. Patiently waiting, patiently scheming and testing and exploring, so slowly, so carefully, learning her limits, testing. Clever. So very clever.

Position at school: None. She never had a chance to go to school. 

Belongings that you had when stolen: One thing: a small crystal necklace that once belonged to her mother. She keeps it with her always and hides it from her mistress.

Type of faerie that kidnapped you: Frostflake (sorry, I know there are a lot of those already)

Faerie's name: Isole (Ih-soh-lay)

Faerie's appearance: Isole has long hair that is exactly the color of ice: if you put it against the walls of her caverns, you wouldn't even tell it was there. In fact, all of her body is like that, including her clothes: leggings and a blouse that are somehow the same color as her hair and skin. Her workers are known to have sharp eyes, as she often hides and watches them; her punishments are much more severe than the ones her guards administer.

Faerie's personality: A rich merchant, Isole is often away on business (usually trading with the Sunspots) and is highly rich and rather haughty. Although her physical punishment is not nearly as bad as other Frostflakes', she is known to be impatient, with a quick temper. Her words are like ice and some say they sting more than the lash of a whip would. However, she is not a cruel housekeeper; to keep her slaves in the best condition, she feeds and waters them as much as they need and slightly more, their accommodations are good (for slaves), and she hates exausting them to the point of death because, as she says, "A life is a life, even if it's a stupid pitiful human one."

Reason the Faerie kidnapped you: Actually, Isole didn't kidnap Kyena. A Sunspot did. Because Isole's products are so fruitful, she got an excellent price for her Chrystallium, and they threw in Kyena as a bargain-- at that time, she was very young, and most faeries knew that Isole loved to train her slaves from a young age, so they wouldn't act out and she wouldn't be forced to kill them.

I hope you don't mind that my charrie's been kidnapped for a while, Cho!


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 7, 2016 - 4:04 pm)

We can do both perspectives.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 8, 2016 - 9:44 am)

I think I would love to join this! I do have some writing dedications going on for the time being, but I like your *style, Cho.

I will make my character later!


submitted by Katydid
(April 7, 2016 - 4:25 pm)

Thanks Katy!

@St, it's fine! In fact, I enjoy how detailed her backstory is! *applauds* 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 7, 2016 - 6:40 pm)

Ooh! I love faeries! Cho, I love how you used the archaeic spelling.

Name: Myria Thrush

Age: 14

Appearance: Tangley wood-brown hair with strange streaks that look almost grayish, medium skin with a lot of freckles from the sun, bright green eyes.

Personality: Dreamy. Always seems to have her head in the clouds and never seems to notice what's going on. She sees more than most people suspect, however.

Position at school: She doesn't really have one. She is known as one of the artsy kids who always has a giant sketchbook on their lap.

Belongings that you had when stolen: Sketchbook, a few colored pencils, faded red t-shirt covered with paint stains, jeans, shoes covered in doodles, socks.

Type of faery that kidnapped you: Swiftflower

Faery's name: Dandelion

Faery's appearance: Strawberry blonde hair, wears clothes made of fallen maple leaves.

Faery's personality: Curious and mischevious. Very impaitiant.

Reason why the faery has kidnapped you: (Cho, can we do changelings in this rp?) If so, then Dandelion thinks that Myria is her sister, who was swiched. (If we can't have changelings then I will think of a different reason.)

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 7, 2016 - 5:06 pm)

Yeah, it's my favorite way to do it. Otherwise faeries seem so boring.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 8, 2016 - 9:46 am)

Thanks! It's my favorite way to do it. Otherwise faeries seem so boring.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 8, 2016 - 9:47 am)

We can have changelings! It would add more detail.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 8, 2016 - 9:48 am)

I'm joining! I'll post my charrie sheet later. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 7, 2016 - 6:04 pm)

Name: Tabitha Barone

Age: 13

Appearance: Wavy tangled bright red hair that is always down. Bright green eyes and freckles, so she’s basically a ginger. She’s tall and athletic, and loves running. She has a scar across her right cheek.

Personality: She’s very guarded, and never trusts people without reason. She is hard to get to know, but when you do, she’s great. She has a dry sense of humor, and knows not to take anything for granted. She’s an orphan.   

Position at school: A loner who only had a few close friends.

Belongings that you had when stolen: Her red jacket that was a hand me down from her mom, skinny jeans, and an orange top. In her pocket she had a pocket knife that she smuggled into school, and a compass that was her father’s.  

Type of Faery that kidnapped you: Sunspot.  

Faery’s name: Red    

Faery’s appearance: Bright red hair and a big thick beard, he is very tall and muscular for someone in the Faery lands.  

Faery’s personality: He’s not really a Faery, but a changeling who was raised by a crazy Sunspot who wanted a child. He is very gruff and has a tough exterior, but has a good heart.  

Reason why the Faery kidnapped you: He found her wandering in the Sunspot fields and took her, intending to sell her to a Frostflake, but grew to know her and let her be his traveling companion. He doesn’t kidnap children, but takes jobs from other Faeries. He kidnapped her three years ago when she was 10.  

Is this okay? I can change anything if you want me to.

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 8, 2016 - 12:13 pm)