Warriors RR:

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors RR:

Warriors RR:

Character: Foxpaw: a recent apprentice in SunClan's overflowing apprentice den due to the large amount of kits.  Foxpaw is a red she-cat with black ears and a white tail.  

We will make up the characters as we go.  Enjoy!

Edemame says waik, I am awake silly! 

Foxpaw proudly strutted away from the Highrock, her head held high.  SunClan chanted her new name. "Foxpaw, foxpaw, foxpaw!"  Foxpaw was glad to finally begin her training.  She had badly wanted to start for a long time now.  Rainpaw bounded up to her, her mew full of excitement, " I'm glad that you're finally an apprentice too!" she mewled " Let me show you the den."  Rainpaw had been a playmate of Foxpaw when they were both kits.  Now they even had the same mentor!  There was such an abundance of kits that each warrior had to take on two or three apprentices, a difficult task, but the clan was happy to have so many budding warriors.  Foxpaw let Rainpaw lead her away from the Highrock and across the clearing to the apprentice den-well one of them.  They had two now, the second built recently since there wasn't enough room for the apprentices.  Foxpaw walked into the shady hollow and sniffec around, trying to find a good spot to sleep later.  She eventually settled on a nest next to one that smelled of Rainpaw.  Rainpaw led her out of the den.  "C'mon you've had a long day, lets share a mouse."  Foxpaw was happy to oblige.



submitted by Echo, age Infinite, My room
(February 5, 2016 - 5:26 pm)


submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., None
(March 10, 2016 - 4:15 pm)

Yes please top!!!

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(March 11, 2016 - 10:33 pm)

So so so sorry for not posting on this! I had written a huge portion, but my computer decided to update and erased the whole thing before I could post! Cry

submitted by Amber
(March 11, 2016 - 10:44 pm)

That's terrible, Amber! Do you still remember what you were going to write about? If you do, could you please post it whenever you have time? If you don't, I could post something else.

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(March 13, 2016 - 4:19 pm)

Since nobody seems to be commenting I guess I will do the next part. 

Beechpaw hurried after Foxpaw. "Wait! Foxpaw, slow down!" He called. She didn't seem to hear him as she stalked away angrily, but fnally she did slow and Beechpaw stepped in front of her. "Look, Foxpaw-" He started, but she cut him off, her voice shaky. "I don't want to talk to you," she said softly, her eyes moist. "J-just leave me alone, Beechpaw." Hurt and confused, Beechpaw stepped out of the way and she brushed past him, her tail flicking his pelt. He let her get ahead, and then followed slowly. 

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(March 19, 2016 - 9:23 am)

Somebody please continue the story!

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(March 22, 2016 - 6:51 pm)

How could she?  And Rainpaw wasn't just with a cat from another clan, she was with a medicine cat from another clan!  And she was a medicine cat!  Foxpaw stalked back to her nest, but she lay awake, Rainpaw's treachery constantly on her mind.  Foxpaw knew that her warrior assessment was coming up, but she just didn't care anymore.  But she was sorry that she had been rude to Beechpaw.  He hadn't done anything wrong.  Beechpaw still hadn't come back to the den, and there had been no telltale rustle of leaves to announce Rainpaw's arrival back at camp.  Sleepless, Fixoaw decided to go and apologize to Beechpaw.  A purr rumbled in Foxpaw's throat at the thought of him.  Beechpaw was so sweet!  And so was Sunburst.  Foxpaw padded out of the den.  There was Beechpaw, curled up on the ground across the clearing.  He sat up when she walked out of the den.

"Are you okay?"

"I guess.  I'm sorry I was so rude to you before."

He purred.  "It's alright.  I know you were shocked about Rainpaw."

A hazy light began to pour into the camp.  The sun was rising.  Foxpaw made up her mind.  She would forget Rainpaw, the traitor and focus on the good things in her life.  Sunburst, Beechpaw, and she would soon be a warrior.  Foxpaw would train hard, and not heglect her training like she had been doing lately.  A heavy weight lifted off of Foxpaw's chest.  Yes!  She didn't need Rainpaw after all.  

The day passed quickly, a blur of patrols and training.  As Foxpaw settled down in her nest, Beechpaw curled up beside her she felt real contentment, more than she had in a long time.  Tomorrow was her and Beechpaw's warrior assessment, and it was going to be great.

A new day dawned, and Foxpaw's eyes flew open.  She nearly ran out of the den to the fresh kill pile, eager to get started.  Beechpaw showed less of her excitement and more nervousness.  Adderstrike walked out of his den.

"Ready to get started?"  he asked, amusement glinting in his eyes.  Beechpaw joined them, with his mentor.  Adderstrike spoke, "First, you two are going to have your hunting assessment.  Catch as much as you can."  Foxpaw gulped.  It was still leafbare, and not a great time to be assessed.  Less prey was available, but Foxpaw knew that Adderstrike was fair and she had faith in her hunting skills.  "Go!"

Beechpaw and Foxpaw rocketed off in opposite directions.  "And remember" he called after them "We will be watching."  Soon she slowed down, not wanting to scare all of the prey away.  A rustle sounded in the tree above her head.  Foxpaw looked up.  A fat squirrel had ventured out of it's nest.  Foxpaw launched herself into the tree and finished the squirrel with a killing bite to the neck.  Foxpaw buried the squirrel under a mountain of snow to come back for it later.  It was too big to carry around.  She stalked the forest listening for any small noises of prey.  She noticed a mouse, nibbling a seed among the roots of a tree.  Foxpaw lowered herself and slowly moved towards the prey.  But a twig snapped underneath her and the mouse bolted away.

"Mousedung!"  Foxpaw spat.

But by sunhigh, time to meet back at camp Foxoaw had made a good catch, one that she could barely carry.  Beechpaw, it seemed had the same success.  Adderstrike praised her.  The second half of the day was the fighting assessment.  The four cats headed to the fighting clearing.



submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., None
(March 25, 2016 - 9:26 am)

Ysy! Thanks so much for posting Echo!

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(March 27, 2016 - 10:40 am)

Yeah, sorry I didn't post it before.  I don't want this thread to die!  Someone please post!  First page please.

submitted by Echo, age None, My Room
(April 4, 2016 - 7:33 pm)

Nooooo!! The third page!! Please post someone! Top top top!!


P.S. Zimp says yrow. Clearly he doesn't want this thread to die.Smile

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(April 6, 2016 - 10:03 am)

BumbleBuddy to the rescue!

Pinepaw crept silently through the dead undergrowth. The mouse he was stalking remained unaware. Pinepaw leapt. He landed on the mouse, which let out a speak, and killed it with a swift bite. "Nice job," purred a voice. Pinepaw whipped his head around. It was his mentor, Blackflame. His dark pelt was speckled with snow. "At this rate, you'll be a warrior in no time!" Blackflame exclaimed. Pinepaw grinned. "I can't wait to be a warrior!" he meowed. His mentor stared at the mouse in Pinepaw's paws. "We should bring that back to camp," Blackflame suggested. Pinepaw grabbed his catch in his jaws. "Okay," he mumbled over a mouthful of fur. 

The two toms arrived at camp with an abundance of prey. Moonstar padded over. "Good catch," she commented, dipping her head approvingly. Pinepaw dumped his catch on top of the snow covered prey pile. Badgerpaw scampered over. He cuffed his friend playfully over the ears. "It's on!" Pinepaw challenged. He leapt at his friend. Badgerpaw toppled over. The two friends clawed eachother.

"Stop!" yowled a voice. The cranky elder Goosewing was stomping over. "You little furballs are always fighting! Settle down!" Pinepaw and Badgerpaw instantly stopped fighting and sat down in the snow. "Yes, Goosewing," they chorused. 


submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Cant count, Virginia
(April 8, 2016 - 6:44 pm)

Hooray! The tread survives!

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Cant count, Virginia
(April 9, 2016 - 8:07 am)

Days later, Badgerpaw and Pinepaw had a hunting assesment. "I'm gonna catch the biggest pigeon you've ever seen!" boasted Badgerpaw. "Not in this weather you won't." Pinepaw laughed.

Suddenly, Badgerpaw stopped. His ears pricked. "Did you hear that?" he asked, looking around. "Hear what?" Pinepaw echoed, straining his ears. "It sounded like a mouse," Badgerpaw whispered. Pinepaw crouched low. Something rustled in a leafless bush. A mouse scurried out. It was nibbling on a seed. "Over there!" Pinepaw hissed. He put one silent paw in front of another. Just a little bit closer... Pinepaw thought. He leapt. The mouse was too quick. It squealed in fear a retreated back under the bush. Pinepaw landed with a thump.

"Mouse dung," he muttered. "Your crouch was good, but your paw steps were too hard," Badgerpaw informed. "You sound like Blackflame," Pinepaw teased. "I do not!" Badgerpaw retorted hotly. He threw snow into Pinepaw's face. "Hey!" Pinepaw cried, shaking snow off his muzzle. He kicked snow at Badgerpaw. Badgerpaw squeaked. "Now you sound like a mouse!" Pinepaw giggled. Badgerpaw barreled into his friend. "Oof!" Pinepaw gasped, the wind knocked out of him. When his breath returned, Pinepaw shoved Badgerpaw off of him. "We should be hunting, not fighting," he panted. Badgerpaw stood up and shook the snow off of him. "Oh, right." he meowed. Pinepaw got to his paws. "Let's split up," he suggested. Badgerpaw nodded. "Good idea," he agreed. The two toms parted ways, Badgerpaw going to the left, Pinepaw to the right. 

Pinepaw soon located a vole. The little creature was sniffing for food. Pinepaw dropped into a crouch, remembering to set down his paws lightly. When he was close enough, he swiped out a paw and caught the vole. Pinepaw killed it with a quick bite to the neck. He picked up his prey and burried it under the thick blanket of snow so no other predator could find it. Pinepaw sniffed the air. He picked up the faint scent of a thrush. Pinepaw followed the scent trail, which led him to the roots of a large oak.

The thrush was pecking at the base of the roots, unaware of Pinepaw. Pinepaw slowly stalked the thrush. It continued pecking. Pinepaw sprang. His paws landed on top of the bird. It cried out, but Pinepaw quickly scilenced it. He picked it up in his jaws and went back to his vole. He burried the thrush in the same place. 

When Pinepaw arrived at camp, he was carrying his thrush and vole, along with a squirrel he caught. Badgerpaw arrived a few moments later, carrying three mice and a sparrow. His catch was so big, he could barely carry it himself. Pinepaw dropped his prey bundle on top of the prey pile, as did Badgerpaw. "Nice catch," Pinepaw said to his friend. Badgerpaw beamed. "Thanks. It was hard to catch." Blackflame padded up to the two friends. "Good hunting, both of you. But next time, try not to fight," he meowed. Badgerpaw frowned. "He started it!" he whined, flicking his tail at Pinepaw.

"I did not!"

"You did too!"

"Quit bickering!" Blackflame shouted. The two toms instantly stopped fighting and stared inoccently at Blackflame. Blackflame sighed. "You two are always arguing or fighting. I want this to stop." Pinepaw and Badgerpaw bowed their heads. "Yes, Blackflame," they mewed in unison. Blackflame relaxed."I want you to clean out the elder's den."

"What?" Badgerpaw and Pinepaw screeched. Blackflame nodded. "You heard me right." He left the two apprentices with their mouths gaping open.

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Cant count, Virginia
(April 9, 2016 - 10:48 am)

Foxpaw trailed after Adderstrike and Beechpaw, exhausted after a long day of assesments. The fighting assesment had gone well, although Beechpaw had definitely beaten her. Even Foxpaw  had to admit that he was a stellar fighter. When they finally reached camp, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, and Adderstrike disappeared into Moonstar's den, looking pleased. Foxpaw padded over to the fresh-kill pile, with Beechpaw on her heels. She grabbed a plump-looking vole and trudged over to the little pile of rocks next to the elder's den, Beechpaw at her side. A little while after they had settled themselves, Sunburst sat down with a thrush a little ways away from them, and began to eat. Suddenly Beechpaw stood up. "I-I don't feel so good, Foxpaw. I think I'll go to bed a little early tonight," he said, and hurried off. Foxpaw began to protest, but before she could say anything, she heard worried voices coming from the elders' den. She perked her ears up and listened. "...we can't keep 'im forever..." that was Thornheart. "But where will he go?" said the hushed voice of Willowpelt. Foxpaw strained her ears to hear something more, anything, but the conversation seemed to have ended. "What are you doing?" Another (louder) voice said. Foxpaw jumped. She relaxed a bit when she saw it was just Sunburst, but she was still a bit embarrased that he had seen her eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. "Oh, um, I'm just-uh- I thought I heard a- a mouse. In the rocks, I mean. Over there." She pointed with her tail. A flicker of doubt flashed in his eyes for a heartbeat, but then it was gone. "Well, um, do you want to share my thrush? I'm kind of full," Sunburst said, glancing at the half-eaten piece of prey. "Oh- um, no thanks. I-" Foxpaw started, but before she could finish, she spotted Adderstrike bounding over to her. "I've got to go," she said quickly. She expected good news, but instead, his eyes were wide and his breathing heavy. "Foxpaw," he panted. "Go to your den. Quickly! You're not safe! Sunburst, with me. We need to go now!"

submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(April 9, 2016 - 3:59 pm)

So sorry for not writing! I just wasn't feeling inspired. But Sunburst and I are back. :)


The two toms' paws thundered through the forest as Sunburst and Adderstrike raced through the wood. Panting, Sunburst turned to Adderstrike and asked him "What's going on? Why am I needed?" Adderstrike swallowed, leaping over a fallen log. Sunburst followed suit, and the two cats pressed onwards through the dense overgrowth.

"HollowClan. Rogues. Fighting. No tim to explain." Adderstrike's chest heaved as he ran harder. Sunburst could barely keep up. Finally they skidded into a clearing. Sunburst's eyes widened in horror at the terrible spectacle. All around them, cats were clawing each other furiously. Screeching echoed around the clearing as fangs met with fur. Sunburst felt a whoosh of wind beside him as Adderstrike leapt into battle, baring his teeth. Sunburst swallowed and raced in behind him. 

Collecting all his apprentice training in his mind, he lashed out a claw at a thick-furred black and gray tabby. Everything kind of began to blur into a haze of spitting cats and raking claws. As Sunburst grappled with a small HollowClan warrior, an image of Foxpaw enterted his mind. He shook off the cat, forcing the image out of his head. Now is NOT the time, Sunburst! But she kept coming back, along with thoughts of how much the ginger almost-warrior would make him fight better. She lit a flame in him, one that rendered his speech totally useless. 

A loud yowl caught his attention. He stepped back, covered in spots of dark red blood. Stonestar was standing above the cats, seething in rage. His dark silver fur rippled in the wind, smooth as was common to MarshClan. "What is going on here!?" he snapped, leaping down from the boulder he was on. "This is MARSHCLAN territory!" A hush passed through the crowd, and the ranks parted to let a massive clay-red cat through. His muscles were hard and lean, and he glowered at Stonestar, who stared resolutely on. 

"I'm afraid you are wrong, Stoneleap," the cat purred, his voice icy. Stonestar's ears flattened as the cats gasped. To use a leader's warrior name, in front of his face no less... "This is our territory now. The rogues have dwelt on the outside for so long, but now we make our move. I'm afraid all five of your Clans will have to clear out." He smiled, his white teeth glinting in the early moonlight. 

"No!" Sunburst said under his breath, gritting his teeth. That lousy rogue can't take the Clans' land! But unfortunately, Sunburst must not have been quiet enough, for the rogue leader whipped around and glared at him with death in his eyes. "I'm sorry?" the cat hissed. "I may be mistaken, but I believe you just said NO! Are you a leeeader?" Sunburst quaked, terror holding his tongue hostage. "Well?" snarled the cat. Every other cat in the clearing seemed to be paralyzed, no one moved to help Sunburst. "Yes, you, you golden spotted cat! Are you a leader?" Sunburst managed to shake his head, trying to back away, but the cat grabbed his neck in his jaws. Sunburst squealed in pain, but still, no cat made a move. 

Out of the corner of his eye Sunburst dimly saw a ginger she-cat looking horrified. Fox...paw? he thought. But... you can't be here! The pain in his neck increased, and all he could think right now was, StarClan, welcome me when I die.  

submitted by Amber, age 12, Harry Potter Novel 3
(April 11, 2016 - 2:39 pm)