Reads, crouching in
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Reads, crouching in
Reads, crouching in the hollow of her bushes, skimming quickly through the newest Cricket. She quickly flipped to the Crowd-Sorcery section, looking for a new safe house. She ran her finger along the map, finally resting on a home in Vancouver. Not too far from her. She was in Seattle and as far as she knew, the werewolfs were making there way up the coast.
Suddenly, a car whizzed by her bush, making Reads stumble over. Reacting quickly, Reads shot up some grass, cushioning her fall. As she landed with a plop, Reads looked up to the starry night sky. Would she ever be safe? Were there more Nox like her, hiding from the werewolfs? And if there were, would they survive?
Hi guys! this is my first story on chatterbox! This is going to be a CB if thats ok. If you want to be in the story, I just need to know a power that you have. This is a post werewolf apocalypse story, where these people with magical powers (Nox) are being hunted and killed. I will try to include anyone who wants to join! I'm super sorry though if I can't! I will do my best! I dunno how often I will be able to type, so there may be times where I don't. Hope that's ok! But I am super excited to try this out!
(September 7, 2015 - 12:41 pm)
Quick notification: emij114, if you want to be in a mainer part of the story, I need to know your power! It's okay if you don't though, cuz I got a cool idea 4 you. You wouldn't be in the story as much, but you would be in a scene 4 sure! Let me know!
(September 13, 2015 - 11:38 am)
A couple details about Dee. I mean small as in he's short, not that he's a little kid. Each bot is the size of a pinhead, but he's using literally millions of them to lock together and form weapons, gear, etc.
(September 13, 2015 - 12:04 pm)
OK, emij114! I have got an awsome idea 4 u! You're a younger girl with spunk n sass, but u love your older sister, and sneak off from home to follow her when she goes off on a mission. You will develop your powers slowly, I thought super strength! If u don't respond, I will use this idea. Just 2 let u know. But if not, tell me! :)
(September 13, 2015 - 2:46 pm)
Mrs.Cole squeezed through the tile and motioned for them to follow, climbing down a steep, wooden ladder. reads went first, remembring to place on foot infront of the other. Then followed St.Owl, Shadow dragon, and Shadowdancer at the end. Once everyone was down, the four teens stared around in amazment.
The basement was set up like a living room, armchairs, rugs, and even a TV! But the strange thing was all the weapons, spellbooks, and toys spilled around the room. They all watched as a small girl was chased by her older sister, and tripped over a sword.
Then the little girl came running up to Mrs. Cole, her sister following. "Mom!" the younger one wailed. "Daine used her force field on me!!" "You had it coming to you, " snorted the older one, Daine. "Daine!" groweled Mrs.Cole, hands on hips. "You know better than to use your powers on your sister! emij114 hasen't developed her powers yet!" "Thats right, I haven't!" said emij114, sticking her tounge out at her sister.
Reads was to busy wathching the spectecale to notice a boy walk up to their group. "Hello," he said in a handsome voice. Reads turned. "Who are you?" she asked quizzickly.
(September 14, 2015 - 1:07 pm)
(September 14, 2015 - 3:46 pm)
I was grounded... am I too late to join? If so, it's entirely okay! I won't be mad if you don't include me, but if you can, I am a psionic with tele, sono and electrokinesis with an advanced AI and a slightly crazy obsession with biological perfection. Also psychotic episodes.
I actually posted this awhile back. The above is copy x paste.
(September 14, 2015 - 4:55 pm)
The boy was blond, and he seemed to be wearing simple chainmill armor. He also had several weapons strapped to him. "I am Joan B. of Arc," he said with a deep bow. "Call me Joan." "Well I'm Reads," she started. "And this is-" "And who might this lovely lady be?" Joan asked, walking up to St.Owl. St.Owl blushed. "I'm St.Owl," she said with a smile. Reads frowned, arms crossed. "And this is Shadowdancer and Shadow Dragon," Reads finished, indicating her friends. "What up?" said Shadow Dragon, stepping foward to shake Joan's hand. Joan then held out a hand for Shadowdancer, who ignored it and gave a curt nodd. Reads grinned.
"Joan B. of Arc!!" came a shrill voice. Joan winced and turned to face a tall girl, her face steaming. "Yes Somebody?" he said timidly. "You left Hacker ALONE?!" the girl shrieked, throwing her hands up. "Well yes," said Joan, running a hand through his hair. "But only for-" "A BIT?!" the girl yelled. "He melted HALF THE TV!!!"
Joan sighed. "Guys, this is my sister, Somebody. Somebody, this is St.Owl, Reads, Shadow dragon, and Shadowdancer." Somebody was still fumming. "Hi!" she said grumpily. "I see you've had the unfourtunate luck of meeting my younger brother!" Joan put a hand to his face. "Yes, yes sister, whatever you say. And that's our older brother over there, Hacker D." Joan pointed across the room to a short boy, who was wearing infrared goggles, and was standing over the TV, which seemed to be melting onto the floor. Shadow dragon looked puzzled. "Older?" "Mhm," said Somebody, walking over to him. "You got a problem with that?!" "Nooo ma'am!" said Shadow Dragon, looking over to the boy. He seemed to be staring back, his goggles bearing into all of their souls.
(September 14, 2015 - 7:58 pm)
(September 15, 2015 - 4:12 pm)
Er, Joan's a girl.
(September 15, 2015 - 6:54 pm)
"Oi! You four!" called Mrs. Cole from across the room. "Her exellency wants to see you!" Reads looked at her friends in bewilderment, but they walked over to Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Cole motioned them over to a doorframe leading into a dark, long hall. Reads stared as Shadowdancer melted into the shadows. She shivered. "This wouldn't be the way to the showers I suppose?" asked Shadow dragon, his voice echoing loudly through the hall. "No," said Mrs. Cole, her voice quiet. "Just be respectful when we get there." Reads and Shadow Dragon exchanged puzzled looks.
Finally, the Hallway opened up to a circular room filled with light. Shadowdancer appeared as they entered. Every surface of the room was painted with detailed pictures of wolves, stars, mountain, and fairies. There were dozens of candles hovering around the room, giving it its light. "Wow," whispered Shadowdancer, blinking her eyes to capture the moment. Reads nodded. Her eyes fell to the center of the room, where there was a throne. The throne was decorated like the rest of the room, except the edges were trimmed with red and gold paint. On the throne sat a beautiful women, who was wearing a deep blue cape. Her hair was like rich chocolate, and falling in spirals on her neck. She seemed to gliter in the candlelight, shimmering. Her eyes were closed. At the base of the throne sat a girl, her eyes also shut. Her head was resting in the women's lap, her hair spreading everywhere. And her hair was the odd thing; it seemed to change color in the candlelight, from black to dark blue. The woman's hand rested on the girl's head.
The four teens stood there nervously, until Mrs.Cole pushed them fowards. They all looked up at the throne and the figures in it.
Suddenly, the women's eyes shot open.
(September 15, 2015 - 6:01 pm)
Just to clear things up,: I am a girl, not a boy. I'm fine with being a boy in this story, but again to clear things up: I am a girl. Great story Reads! Keep on going, I love it!
(September 15, 2015 - 6:14 pm)
(September 17, 2015 - 3:35 pm)
Cool! I love it!
(September 17, 2015 - 5:01 pm)
Please keep writing, Reads!
Also, just so you know, you can call me Rider instead of TARDISrider, because I know that TARDISrider doesn't sound very... fanciful.
(September 19, 2015 - 11:40 am)
(September 19, 2015 - 3:38 pm)