Reads, crouching in

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Reads, crouching in

Reads, crouching in the hollow of her bushes, skimming quickly through the newest Cricket. She quickly flipped to the Crowd-Sorcery section, looking for a new safe house.  She ran her finger along the map, finally resting on a home in Vancouver.  Not too far from her.  She was in Seattle and as far as she knew, the werewolfs were making there way up the coast.

Suddenly, a car whizzed by her bush, making Reads stumble over.  Reacting quickly, Reads shot up some grass, cushioning her fall.  As she landed with a plop, Reads looked up to the starry night sky.  Would she ever be safe?  Were there more Nox like her, hiding from the werewolfs?  And if there were, would they survive?


Hi guys!  this is my first story on chatterbox!  This is going to be a CB if thats ok.  If you want to be in the story, I just need to know a power that you have.  This is a post werewolf apocalypse story, where these people with magical powers (Nox) are being hunted and killed.  I will try to include anyone who wants to join! I'm super sorry though if I can't!Frown I will do my best!  I dunno how often I will be able to type, so there may be times where I don't.  Hope that's ok!  But I am super excited to try this out!   


submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 7, 2015 - 12:41 pm)

This is a great idea, Reads! Count me in!

My CBer self is basically half-angel/saint. Basically, I have gigantic wings. So, yeah, I can fly. Also, if this is okay with you, I have the other kinda random thingymabobs- you know, like, holy stuff. Because I'm half saint.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 7, 2015 - 2:35 pm)

Hullo! l'm Shadow.

l have the power of shifting from a black dragon to a human. And whatever powers dragons useally have.  

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(September 7, 2015 - 2:37 pm)

(Top sends a thread to the first page from the back pages.)

submitted by Top!!
(September 7, 2015 - 2:38 pm)

Sorry top! I don't know what you mean!  Sadly, I'm not very "tech savvy" (if this has to do w/technology). 

submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 7, 2015 - 5:37 pm)

Oops. l should've explained that. 

So when a thread gets its first comment, it is sent  to the back pages, the ones when you push "Last" on the first page.

Then you've got to post "Top" to get it to go to the first page. Is that understandible? 

submitted by Top/Shadow Dragon
(September 7, 2015 - 8:13 pm)

I think so!...  sorta not. but I will learn!Wink  So wait.. you are actually Shadow Dragon and top?


Many people use Top to move threads. It really doesn't matter what word you use.


submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 8, 2015 - 5:08 pm)

Hello Reads! I'm Shadowdancer and well I can blend into the shadows and I have a photographic memory. So hello again!

submitted by Shadowdancer
(September 7, 2015 - 6:06 pm)

Can u do me?

submitted by emij114
(September 7, 2015 - 6:08 pm)

Sure emij114! Just tell me your power and I will see if i can get you in!  

Oh, and fyi for the rest of you guys; if you don't see your charecter come in for a while, don't worry!  Like I said, I will do my best to get as many people in. 

submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 8, 2015 - 5:11 pm)

i am going to start the story, but anyone how wants to join still can! Please do!


It was October, and Reads was heading for the safe house.  She had already written to them through Cricket.  They had joined the Crowd-Sorcery because their own son was a Nox as well.

Now Reads was in Surry, a town right outside of Washington.  She had also been traveling with a Nox named St.Owl, whom she met in Bellingham.  St.Owl had wings, enabling her to fly.  She was half angel/saint.  St.Owl had helped Reads fight off some members of the Werewolf Association, who had attacked Reads with machine guns.  After fighting them with Magix, the girls became fast friends, and St.Owl decided to travel to the safe house as well.

The two girls were crouching in an alleyway, surrounded by boxes to conceal them.  "It-t's c-cold!" St.Owl shivered, wrapping her wings around her.  "Yeah," agreed Reads, pulling her shaggy blanket.  They sat silently for a moment, and then St.Owl cried out, "Wait! I got an idea!"  Reads watched as St.Owl bowed her hands in silent prayer.  She cupped her hands and pulled them apart. "The warmth of God," she whispered, and a warm ball of light appeared in her hands.  "Wow!" exclaimed Reads, reaching her hands forward to warm them.  "How did you do that?!"  St.Owl shrugged. She gave a small smile.  "Magix."  Reads grinned as both girls were warmed by the light.  

Reads twitched. "What?" asked St.Owl.  "I-I think I heard someone!" Reads whispered, bending over the light.  "Put out the light!"  St.Owl did in one swift motion.  The girls were left in complete darkness, both not daring to breath.  Suddenly, their box tent was knocked to the ground and the girls found a huge, dark, dragon glaring down at them.

submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 7, 2015 - 6:08 pm)

Hullo! I think I want teleportation and force field powers. 

submitted by Danie
(September 7, 2015 - 6:15 pm)

OK, so this is a creature I made up, so I hope you don't mind me using it.

They're called Rahjons, and they're pretty much five foot wolves that live in the night sky. They make the stars by singing, like the stars are songs, but my character is only half Rahjon. She can make stars, but she can also change from human to dark blue wolf.

Sorry, I know that was more like an RP character than a CB character, but I hope you don't mind.


If you want one that's more like a CB character....... I guess I can bend water and ice. 

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(September 7, 2015 - 6:22 pm)

I really like the rahjons idea! I will use that for sure!  GREAT idea!!!

submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 8, 2015 - 5:05 pm)


submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(September 9, 2015 - 8:04 pm)

I'm Booksy, and I can foretell the future. Anyones future, that is, but my own. And, I can't tell anyone what their future is. I'd love to be in your story!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(September 7, 2015 - 11:36 pm)