Cloning RP!I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Cloning RP!I

Cloning RP!

I know there are a ton of RPs at the moment, but this is such a great idea and I get the feeling that the Inkwell isn't going to become uncrowded anytime soon. So...

The basic idea is this. Our charries are outlaws because they're strange. Birth problems. It could be anything: Snake hair like Medusa, seven heads like Scylla (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it but still), or maybe an animal-human hybrid. Youjust have to have some sort of strange mutation that, when used correctly, makes your charrie powerful in some way.

All of these charries are running away from scientists. They're a private organization that figured out how to clone quickly and easily while keeping the original alive. This organization wants to track down all of our mutated charries and clone them to make an army of mutated people that will take over the world and yada, yada, yada. That old deal.

This is completely fantastical. Please don't make your charries super OP, but let your mind wander! Do anything your heart desires! Make tragic backstories! Have them been captured once before! Give your charrie five legs and three arms! I don't care! Make it cool!

So, you know the drill. The charries are all in hiding, they meet up somehow, they get in a lot of close shaves, they eventually destroy the organization. Classic stories, but fun to do.

One charrie each, please. And let's not have two hybrid owls, either. Try to make sure each charrie has unique powers, mutations, and powerful objects. Thanks!

The charrie sheet!


Age: Any age, as long as the charries are literate and can think for themselves

Appearance: Get creative!



Powers if any:

Powerful objects if any: E.X. a headband that makes you fly.

Companions if any: Animal compainions, I mean.

Weapons if any:


My charrie!

Name: Hestia Fallwhite

Age: Unknown, but not older than 14 and no younger than 11.

Appearance: The key highlight: Mad-eye Moody eyeball! For you non-potterheads, it means a gigantic blue eyeball that pretty much has a life of its own. It swivels around every which way and has x-ray vision. She covers this with a blue eyepatch (that she can see through). She has long, straight black hair held back by a red headband, and her normal eye is (also) blue. She runs around barefoot and wears a black short skort (skirt with shorts attatched) and a black T-Shirt. She has a belt in which her weapons are stored. 

Personality: Untrusting and silent. She doesn't talk much, and is very, very serious. She's an experienced warrior, and knows exactly what to do and when to do it, at least most of the time. She rarely laughs.

Backstory: Her eye is, surprisingly, natural. Her mother originally had the eye, not naturally, and it was just kind of "passed on". 's mother raised her as long as she could, but eventually the scientists found her and brought her away. never met her father. Instead, two elderly owls found her and took her in. At least, until recently, when a fox raided the nest and killed her foster parents. Her mother, meanwhile, was accidentally killed as she struggled. (They can't clone unless the person is alive.)

Powers if any: X-Ray vision, obviously, and she can speak to owls. Also, her skin can change color. (This doesn't do much, though, seeing as her clothes can't.) She's also a little faster, a ittle more agile, and a little stronger than the average human. Only a little though.

Powerful objects if any: An anklet. She's had it since birth. It protects her from minor injuries and she heals quickly. Also, temperature doesn't affect her. However, if she looses the anklet, she becomes seriously ill and very weak, and even the smallest change of climate affects her terribly. 

Companions if any: On her travels, she met a baby owl. She deemed it Kendall, after her mother, and it follows her around. It has flight feathers but can't fly for a long time or long distances and usually rides on Hestia's shoulder.

Weapons if any: A sword, but she also can fight/throw with knives.

Other: I think I covered most of it....






submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 6, 2015 - 2:08 pm)


(small puff of smoke)

submitted by Will T
(September 17, 2015 - 10:25 pm)
submitted by Top!
(September 18, 2015 - 8:37 pm)

Since no one seems to be posting.....


"BUT I CAN'T SWIM!!" l scream as the rushing wind tears my words away.  All l can see is the blue-green water, coming closer and closer. And l'm paralyzed. 

Beside me, the girl morphs into a mermaid. l'm too shocked to even think that's odd. And then suddenly, my mind is working again and l snap open my arms to catch the wind. Fish-girl splashes in the water below. l suddenly jerk up and then slowly glide down the the sandy beach, just looking up to see a robot who had been chasing us, fall to the water. 

l flod my arms and drop to the ground. 

"I COULD'VE DIED. I CAN'T SWIM. YOU ALMOST KILLED ME,"  l yell, ultrasonicly at Fish-girl, who is swimming to the beach dragging the body of the robot. She ducks under water. 

For the first time, l look at my surroundings. A wall of rock is behind me, and over it l can just see the others detorying to robots, but more keep coming, and they are getting pushed back father and father, they're getting tired. 

"They can't keep that up," l mutter to myself. 

"Then what do you think they should do?" Fish-girl asks, coming up beside me. She doesn't startle me, l heard her climb up to the beach.

"It's called the fine art of running and hiding," l retort, not turning around. "They can't destroy every robot."

l examine the face of the rock, then get a handhold and pull myself up. Fish-girl watches me for a moment, then follows.


Back in the clearing, more and more robots flood in. They can't fight them all off. For everyone they destory, three more stand in its place. 

l run over to them, then trip because l forgot to use echolocation. 

"YOU NEED TO RUN," l shout to them, picking myself from the dirt.

l'm leaving, good luck to them fighting off all the robots. Thus, l head over to the forest where my motercycle is hidden. No one'll notice, no one's going to stop me. And they better not try to.


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(September 19, 2015 - 12:31 pm)


"YOU NEED TO RUN," bat-girl shouts.

I sigh. She's right, of course. There are so many more robots coming, soon we'll be retreating onto the highway. And now they know our location, too. 

How did this go so wrong?

"Come on, Kendall. We're leaving," I tell the tiny owl, ripping out a last robot's wires. 

"You're giving up?!" he exclaims.

"No. We are retreating. There are too many robots."

Kendall stares at me in shock. I get it; I don't usually run away from a fight. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I turn around, turn my skin green so I can blend in more, and walk into the woods. 

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 19, 2015 - 3:01 pm)

Wait, who turned into the fish?  I forgot.

submitted by The Reader n' Writer, Somewhere
(September 19, 2015 - 3:59 pm)

Asana is the one who can turn into a mermaid.

submitted by Brookeira
(September 21, 2015 - 6:09 pm)


I still hear the sounds of robots behind me. I streak into the nearest building.

It's a small fast food, with a couple of hoobos and such. I rest myself on one of the chairs.

"Hello! Welcome to Lickin' Good! Whatcha want?" I point to one of the milkshakes and throw 10 dollars onto the table. The girl smiles and nods. I wait on the table.

"Number 354!" I go over to the counter and grab my milkshake.

"Come again!" I nod, opening the door and walking away. 

submitted by Danie
(September 21, 2015 - 6:53 pm)


(September 27, 2015 - 3:07 pm)


submitted by Post, Please!
(September 23, 2015 - 9:53 pm)


submitted by TOP!
(September 24, 2015 - 8:31 pm)


submitted by TOP
(September 26, 2015 - 7:21 pm)

C'mon, really?

l just posted....ish...

Where did everyone go???

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(September 28, 2015 - 8:18 pm)


submitted by Top!
(September 29, 2015 - 7:14 pm)