Cloning RP!I
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Cloning RP!I
Cloning RP!
I know there are a ton of RPs at the moment, but this is such a great idea and I get the feeling that the Inkwell isn't going to become uncrowded anytime soon. So...
The basic idea is this. Our charries are outlaws because they're strange. Birth problems. It could be anything: Snake hair like Medusa, seven heads like Scylla (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it but still), or maybe an animal-human hybrid. Youjust have to have some sort of strange mutation that, when used correctly, makes your charrie powerful in some way.
All of these charries are running away from scientists. They're a private organization that figured out how to clone quickly and easily while keeping the original alive. This organization wants to track down all of our mutated charries and clone them to make an army of mutated people that will take over the world and yada, yada, yada. That old deal.
This is completely fantastical. Please don't make your charries super OP, but let your mind wander! Do anything your heart desires! Make tragic backstories! Have them been captured once before! Give your charrie five legs and three arms! I don't care! Make it cool!
So, you know the drill. The charries are all in hiding, they meet up somehow, they get in a lot of close shaves, they eventually destroy the organization. Classic stories, but fun to do.
One charrie each, please. And let's not have two hybrid owls, either. Try to make sure each charrie has unique powers, mutations, and powerful objects. Thanks!
The charrie sheet!
Age: Any age, as long as the charries are literate and can think for themselves
Appearance: Get creative!
Powers if any:
Powerful objects if any: E.X. a headband that makes you fly.
Companions if any: Animal compainions, I mean.
Weapons if any:
My charrie!
Name: Hestia Fallwhite
Age: Unknown, but not older than 14 and no younger than 11.
Appearance: The key highlight: Mad-eye Moody eyeball! For you non-potterheads, it means a gigantic blue eyeball that pretty much has a life of its own. It swivels around every which way and has x-ray vision. She covers this with a blue eyepatch (that she can see through). She has long, straight black hair held back by a red headband, and her normal eye is (also) blue. She runs around barefoot and wears a black short skort (skirt with shorts attatched) and a black T-Shirt. She has a belt in which her weapons are stored.
Personality: Untrusting and silent. She doesn't talk much, and is very, very serious. She's an experienced warrior, and knows exactly what to do and when to do it, at least most of the time. She rarely laughs.
Backstory: Her eye is, surprisingly, natural. Her mother originally had the eye, not naturally, and it was just kind of "passed on". 's mother raised her as long as she could, but eventually the scientists found her and brought her away. never met her father. Instead, two elderly owls found her and took her in. At least, until recently, when a fox raided the nest and killed her foster parents. Her mother, meanwhile, was accidentally killed as she struggled. (They can't clone unless the person is alive.)
Powers if any: X-Ray vision, obviously, and she can speak to owls. Also, her skin can change color. (This doesn't do much, though, seeing as her clothes can't.) She's also a little faster, a ittle more agile, and a little stronger than the average human. Only a little though.
Powerful objects if any: An anklet. She's had it since birth. It protects her from minor injuries and she heals quickly. Also, temperature doesn't affect her. However, if she looses the anklet, she becomes seriously ill and very weak, and even the smallest change of climate affects her terribly.
Companions if any: On her travels, she met a baby owl. She deemed it Kendall, after her mother, and it follows her around. It has flight feathers but can't fly for a long time or long distances and usually rides on Hestia's shoulder.
Weapons if any: A sword, but she also can fight/throw with knives.
Other: I think I covered most of it....
(September 6, 2015 - 2:08 pm)
Name: Laurie Bleurye
Age: 17
Appearance: She has wings. Large, fantastical, white and gray wings. She basically looks like an angel, without a halo or white robes. She's emo (so Hot Topic to the max) and has dark blue hair. She has blue eyes and is very tall. Her skin is tan. She has long eyelashes, and is effortlessly pretty. (She doesn't think so, though.)
Personality: Closed off, shy, timid, sarcastic
Backstory: She was born with the wings, so her mother gave her to a science lab. She escaped two years ago. (Does this sound too much like Maximum Ride?) She's alone, and looking for others like her.
Powers if any: She can summon halos to use as boomerangs, can fly (duh), and can turn invisible.
Powerful objects if any: none.
Companions if any: A black kitten with tiny wings named Flix. (She found her -Flix that is- in the lab)
Weapons if any: The halo boomerangs
Other: a backpack with everything she needs.
(Is she OP?)
(September 6, 2015 - 2:49 pm)
I don't know exactly how rp works, but I want to give it a try! Dunno how often I can type, but this my first try!
Name: Vivian Lucrane (nickname is Foxface)
Age: 14
Appearance: red head. She wears her hair in 2 buns on top of her head. She is tall,and lean. Her strange appearance is a fox tail that she has. What really twists is the fact that she can turn into a fox! Oh, she is also fair skinned.
Personality: She is a trickster, but also serious. She is a lot like Foxface from Hunger Games.
Backstory: She was born as a fox, to her normal parents. She was then abandoned and raised by foxes. She learned to hunt and fight, even trick, like a fox. She eventually came to civilization but lived in alleyways.
Powers: She can turn into a fox! She always has a tail, but she can change back and forth. She is also is super fast and light. She has all the charecteristics of a fox. She can communicate with animals.
Powerful objects: celestrial bronze knife she obtained from a demigod when she lived in the alleyways.
Companions: Trixie, a fox she grew up with. He is her hunting companion.
Weapons: throwing knives! She has 8 alone with her celestrial bronze one.
Other: She does not talk (inspired by what does the fox say!). It's not that she can't she just doesn't.
(September 6, 2015 - 3:00 pm)
Name: Asana Turganner
Age: 12-14, I'll decide later.
Appearance: Dark blonde hair, teal eyes. Gills in the side of her neck. A few scales on her legs. Very slim.
Personality: Shockingly smart and wise (there's a difference between smart and wise, BTW. However, she's equally both) beyond her years. Charismatic.
Backstory: Was born to kind parents who loved her despite her oddities, but she ran so they wouldn't be killed by the scientists. She's still on the run.
Powers if any: She can turn into a mermaid (she can't speak underwater but uses her gills to breathe), can create ice and control water, and uses bioluminescence (glowing). She isn't OP because she would need water to control it in the first place or even turn into a mermaid, also glowing isn't REALLY helpful.
Powerful objects if any: A seashell amulet. She doesn't know what it does yet...
Companions if any: A small blue cat that was injected with some fish DNA and can also become a mer... cat, I guess. Why? Because I said so. Its name is Frosty.
Weapons if any: Trident and epee (pronounced eh-pay, it's a fencing sword).
Other: not that I can think of.
(September 6, 2015 - 4:13 pm)
RP is roleplay, which is where you play a role (that you've either created or are using) and interact with other characters. Hope I helped.
(September 6, 2015 - 4:56 pm)
Thx! That helps a lot!
(September 7, 2015 - 11:44 am)
Oh, outfit! She basicly looks like Foxface from The Hunger Games, with a knife strap across her chest., olive green jacket, combat boots, white t-shirt, and jeans. She has freckles.
(September 7, 2015 - 12:02 pm)
Toppity Top top!
(September 6, 2015 - 3:45 pm)
Please save me a spot, I will make a charrie soon.
(September 6, 2015 - 5:01 pm)
Name: Jim Thomas
Age: 14 (geneticallly)
Appearance: Medium height, a bit on the scrawny side. He wears a black tee-shirt and jeans. He has brown hair and eyes.
Personality: He is crazy and has a sense of humor. He dosn't have much fear of anything.
Backstory: Jim was one of the scientist's first attempts at cloning a human cell. He managed to escape the lab, however, after he realized his creator's real scheme and has been on the run for four years, ever since he was created.
Powers: Pyrokinesis
Weapons: Shotgun
Companions: A young wolf named Sek.
Thanks! Great idea!
(September 6, 2015 - 7:08 pm)
Name: Azelé
Age: twenty one, but she looks eleven.
Appearance: She has ombre hair that slowly turns from chocolate brown (at the top) to a blondish orangish gold at the bottom. She is not very good with centering her ponytails and perfers to have them more on the right than in the middle. Her hair, even in a ponytail, reaches far enough she could sit on it. She has eyes that are brown mixed with gold and orange, sort of like her hair. She's slim and tall with delicately sized feet. She wears a chocolate brown, knee lenth skirt that is a bit like a tutu in the fact that when she twirls, it goes horizontal, and chocolate brown leggings that end a bit past her knees. On her feet she's wearing sandals. They have one gold piece that goes along the length of her foot, and another that goes around her ankle. Hanging between the two gold pieces are strings of red beads. She wears some jewelry (rounded ruby earrings, for example) and then also has a copper bracer on her left forearm.
Personality: She's a very detirmined and strong individual. If you try to befriend her she will take a long time to get to know you, but once you are friends with her, you have a friend who will never backstab you. She is kind and very loyal. However if YOU backstab her, your friend will turn into your worst enemy. She holds long grudges and acutely remembers every time someone has wronged her and expects them to pay the price for what they did to her. She doesn't make such grudges lightly, though. She's get a sharp sense of humor and uses sarcasm easily.
Backstory: She was raised in a family of dragons. A huntress killed them (she killed the huntress, later, but that's besides the point). Now she travels around visiting various places and trying to make the world a more just place.
Powers if any: She has huge pyrokinesis powers, but they have strings attached. You see, if she doesn't use her pyrokinesis colors, she gets mentally and physically exhausted. Using her powers makes her exhilarated and empowered, but if she's in hiding and can't use her powers, she's probably exhausted and grumpy. This substances her such that she doesn't need to eat or sleep if she's used her power recently.
Powerful objects if any: She's got a plain silver gray shirt that ends before covering her shoulders that is enchanted such that it works as a breastplate and does not tear. She also has a very torn up top that used to be whole but the bottom got ripped off she cut more evenly, now it just covers her arms and about to the end of her ribcage. It has a small collar. She also has a gold pendant that falls right in the center of her chest when she wears it and used to hold her mother's last gift to her, a bunch of errosive dust. However, she used it up.
Companions if any: A dragon named Kevu. Kevu is not the same type of dragon as the family of dragons Azelé lived with. She has a body about nine inches long and a wingspan a bit more than two feet. She's a bit more intellegent than a dog, but nowhere near as intellegent as a human.
Weapons if any: She uses a bow of carefully carved strong, flexible dark wood that has a grip made out of silver. The quiver she keeps the bow and arrows in is made out of soft leather. It has a gold trim on the opening. She has an assortment of arrows. She has a couple arrows made with swan feathers, but most of her arrows are made with more regular feathers. She enjoys setting her arrows on fire, so she doesn't reuse them often. She also has a dagger she can use, but she's better with a bow.
Other: Nothing, I think I covered it all.
I know Jim Thomas has pyrokenis too, but I think our characters are sufficently different, right? I mean mine's a girl, his is a boy, etc.
Please tell me if Azelé is overpowered, and I'll take off some of her skills and magical objects.
(September 7, 2015 - 9:07 am)
No, she's fine and a great charrie!
P.S: Sorry, I'm not good with kenetics. Pyrokenetic means fire powers, right?
(September 7, 2015 - 10:56 am)
Ok, cool! Yeah pyro is fire.
(September 7, 2015 - 11:37 am)
Oh yeah, I forgot to explain that the reason that she only looks like she's eleven even though she's twenty is cuz of the way the pyrokenisis substanes her.
(September 7, 2015 - 11:43 am)
Age: 11
Appearance: Has no lower jaw-- instead she has mandibles extending from her upper jaw. Her legs are kind of like long crab legs. Her eyes are yellow, slitted and have double eyelids and she has growths on her arms that shoot acid. She has short hair she dyed neon green.
Personality: A bit happy-go-lucky, cheery, and optimistic most of the time but she has a lessened sense of pity and empathy. When you make her mad, she doesn't show it-- she bottles it up inside and ferments it, storing it almost like a weapon until it becomes a burning hatred, and at a precise time she lets out all her accumulated anger...
Backstory: She was contaminated by bacteria when she was five and abandoned by her parents because they didn't "want to raise a monster".
Powers: Well, other than the mandibles, acid-shooting growths and bottled-up anger pretty much made to order, she heals quickly and moves fast... plus her companion can be a parasitic spy.
Powereful objects if any: See companion.
Companions if any: A bug-- a really large centipede-like thing on her head. She named him Lazarus. He was her only friend after she was contaminated. He's a form of insect that can only live on people with similar afflictions and has a telepathetic connection with Kate. Kate can use Lazarus as a spy.
Weapons if any: Only the biological ones.
Other: None.
(September 7, 2015 - 11:18 am)
One question... do you mean insect mandibles? Because a mandible can also mean a human's lower jawbone.
Can we start? I vote we start in different places and slowly meet.
(September 7, 2015 - 5:37 pm)