Admin Q&A 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Admin Q&A 

Admin Q&A 


So, I was thinking about this yesterday, and I was like, whoa, that sounds cool, so here it is!

Questions for the Admins!

I'm pretty sure someone has already thought this up, and if someone already did, I guess they're just as curious as I am. ^^

So, another thing I was thinking, was that if a CBer posts a question for an Admin, Admins don't have to answer if the question is too personal, or then I guess that means they don't show the post at all, or they can answer the question in a sort of sly way. Admins, do what you want because these questions are for you. xD

Alright so first question!


Do you have a separate job than being an Admin on Chatterbox, or on Cricketmagkids? For example: Admin on Saturdays, waitress at a restuarant all the rest of the week.

Admin: We all work on the editorial staff for Cricket magazine, and some of us work for SpiderMuse, and Cicada, too!

submitted by Noelle C., age 13!!
(January 2, 2015 - 11:09 am)

I tried posting a question on chirp at Cricket but I can't find it. Do you know if you posted a question asking: if you could choose one type of magical animal to have what would it be?


I can't remember for sure. I'm quite sure it wasn't this weekend. If it was longer ago I might have forgotten. Look on one of the back pages or submit it again.


submitted by Dragonrider, age Almost11
(May 10, 2015 - 7:57 pm)

ok thanks

submitted by Dragonrider
(May 11, 2015 - 3:32 pm)


I'm just wondering how you see the comments that come in. Do you have to click on each individual thread and see if there are new comments, or do you get all of the comments sent to you, and then they get sent back to their respective threads? If this question would be bad for the security of the website, then just say, but I have always wondered about this. 

The latter. We log on to one list of all the comments waiting to be posted and start posting the oldest one first.


submitted by Over The Rainbow
(May 11, 2015 - 7:38 pm)

Which one of you is reading this right now?

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13
(May 12, 2015 - 11:53 pm)

Okay. You don't have to answer that one. But, what time is it at that very moment for you? Mine is 2:10

submitted by Lindsey R., age 13
(May 13, 2015 - 3:10 pm)

I have a problem. I made a thread like a week ago and it never came up and also I made another 3 days ago and it did not come up? Not to complain just wondering.


It may be on a back page. Or try submitting it again as long as it's suitable for our site.


submitted by Geek girl
(May 13, 2015 - 8:12 pm)

Am I allowed to post the link to my Blog on here? It's COMPLETLY safe!

No, sorry.


submitted by MapleSyurp
(May 17, 2015 - 11:02 am)

Dear Admins,

I am sending my picture today!! Life has been busy. It probably won't mail until tommorow, so it has a week to arrive!!! I hope it makes it!!! If not, think of it as a present! 


I look forward to seeing it! We've been receiving entries every day now.


submitted by Katydid
(May 18, 2015 - 2:53 pm)

Admins, I was wondering exactly what it's like to do your job. I know you work on the computer, reading and submitting everybuggy's posts when they come in. And I'm not sure how to phrase this, but is there any way that you could somehow post a screenshot of your computer screen, showing what that looks like? 


Not really. It's just a window that shows fields for Name, Location, Age and "Body" (where I see the comment you are submitting).

After that comes a list of options. I check Publish, then Submit, and the comment is posted on CB.


submitted by Daphne H.
(May 18, 2015 - 6:01 pm)

What is an Admin?


Admin is short for Administrator, the person who reviews comments for suitability before posting them.


submitted by Poetry
(May 19, 2015 - 4:27 pm)

Hey Admins, 

I was wondering, how do you make an rp, like...Well, how Did Noelle C. make this awesome thing? Like how there is a Hogwarts thing, just the topics. I guess I'm saying how do you start your own story? 


From the Chatterbox home page, select Inkwell (or Pudding's Place). When that comes up, look for the box near the top left that says "Click here to talk about ____." The next screen should allow you to start a new thread.


submitted by Buggy
(May 20, 2015 - 4:31 pm)

Just to be clear on Inkwell is it the ladybug? To start a new thread? By the way thank you so much for all you Admins do!!


You're welcome. Yes, click on the red "here" in the box with Ladybug.


submitted by Buggy
(May 20, 2015 - 5:39 pm)

Okay, so Buggy again. I don't want to be a pest, but I need to ask a few more questions! :) So if you are to submit a chatterbox idea, where do you put the title? And how long does it usually take for it to show up? And also where would you find it? Sorry for "bugging" you. ;) (Puns :) ) Thank you again!! I don't know what us Inkwellers would do with out you guys/or gals?) Well anyways thatnk you!!

I think the title will be the first few words of your comment.

It will usually show up in less than a day. That just depends upon what else we have to do.

To find it, look in the section of Chatterbox where you submitted it. At first it should be near the top of the list, but sometimes threads go to the very back, too.


submitted by Buggy
(May 20, 2015 - 7:42 pm)

Buggy again, 

sorry but I need some answers. Sorry agian for probably spamming you...

But is there a certain world/letter limit on how long your post submition has to be? Like when you are starting a new thread.. Again thank you Admins so so so so so sooooooooo much!!! 


No word limit.


submitted by Buggy
(May 20, 2015 - 7:53 pm)


This might be a little personal, but I really, really, really, want to know. Are you guys the same Admins from the beginning of the CB in 2008? Have you really seen every CBer? Thanks again for answering!



The Admins are still pretty much the same since ChatterBox began in 2008. We enjoy reading your posts! -Admins 

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(May 21, 2015 - 7:43 pm)