well, well, well!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

well, well, well!

well, well, well! it seems we have somehow crossed paths once more, Tea 'n' Tacos. (do you have a nickname that I can call you that's a bit shorter than that? you can call me Elles or Meer if you'd prefer, as I know Ellesmere can be a bit of a mouthful)

I think we know each other somewhat well per our Star Wars conversations, and other occasional meetings, but perhaps we should delve a little deeper. get to know each other beyond simple acquaintance.

so, here I have compiled a short list of random questions that might spark conversation.

1 ~ do you have a favorite book? why do you like that book?

2 ~ what are some of your opinions on some of today's ideologies and culture? (you don't have to answer this if you feel like you might be too strongly opinionated, I just love hearing other people's opinions and the reasons behind them)

3 ~ what state do you live in? what are some things you love/hate about that state? (again, you don't have to answer)

4 ~ do you have any pets?

I'll answer 1, 3, and 4 here, but I think 2 might be more of a drawn-out conversation if youbu do want to discuss it.

1 - I really, really love A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Perry. it's just written in such a beautiful style, and the art is gorgeous. also I love wolves, so there's that...

3 - I live in Florida, and... well, I suppose I do like some of the trees here. the oaks get really huge and spread out if they're allowed to, and it's pretty neat. but otherwise... I really don't like it here. I wish I could move up north, where it's less hot and steamy and there's snow. and the nature and wildlife around here is just... boring. up north, the greens of the leaves are so vivid and there are so many more birds and wintertime actually feels different from the rest of the year and... ok, getting a bit long, lol.

4 - I have a dog, a yorkshire terrier named Chewy. he's so selfish and yet... very empathetic. when I'm sick he's always near me. then I also have a mexican cave tetra, the lone survivor of a diseased aquarium. he abides along with an army of unwanted tiny brown snails, otherwise known as The Infestion or The Demons. I also have a lovely outdoor cat, a beautiful speckled tortoiseshell named Ruby. she's the best cat I've ever met and so loyal. I have a black-and-white rabbit named Oreo, too, and she's so precious. we used to have waaay more pets, but recently we had an influx of deaths.

on that positive note, your turn :3 

submitted by Ellesmere@T'n'T, age 5,145 r., Pabu, getting snowcones
(July 2, 2024 - 7:34 pm)

Don't worry about the CB or anything Elles! I completely understand, my family will probably be doing homeschool stuff again soon so I may not be as active then either. Again DON'T worry about the CB, there is no problem with being a little busy.

Ty! I haven't done much clay stuff lately cuz I ran out of some supplies, so I've been doing some digital art and traditional drawing. Ya know what would be cool is if you wrote a book and I did the illustrations! But seeing how we can't communicate outside of the CB it's kinda dreaming... Oh well. ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯  I also had started to write and ask what you see at the bottom of this post but my mom was like "she may not even have a switch." so I asked the question that I did and it seems like that idea is not going to work. I mean I am so very thankful for the admins keeping the CB safe, the internet can be great and terrible at the same time, but I wish we could contact each other further I guess.

Anyway do want to talk about the question that you asked me at the top? Question two I think. And other than being a chaotic start to school how you doing?

Ty so much for chatting with me when you can, you don't know how much it means to me to be making a friend even if we don't know each other great. I used to have some more friends (all of them from my former church) but since covid we haven't talked for like four years. And I say former church because we don't go to that church anymore. Not that we don't want to go to church, we want to find a new church home so bad, But we don't have a good local church to go to. To explain would be another post altogether and if you want to I'll try and explain, but I need to go to bed and step away from the screen. So yeah thank you so much for chatting with me, the rants and all. Talk soon , this is Tea'nTacos going to dream land. PEACE! ;P (yeash, this is a long one. Lol)


submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 23, 2024 - 9:38 pm)

Also I meant to say last night, sorry about Auto (auto correction) he unfortunately doesn't know the difference between Thrawn and Throw up. Nor does Auto know the difference between Ahsoka and Shells ( he tried to do that once but I corrected him). So although I try to fix it before I post I may miss a correction or two.

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 24, 2024 - 10:13 am)

Just so I know admin, did my picture not make it to you or was something wrong with it? Thanks! ;)


Yes, I saw the image and removed it. The CB does not allow sharing usernames or other ID materials for other sites or games. - Admin


submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 24, 2024 - 3:58 pm)

Sorry but could you please ignore my last post Elles? I was having a hard time and I kinda said too much and dumped it on you. And @ admins I'm sorry for questioning you, I should have just let it be. Thank you for taking care of that picture. Again so sorry please forgive me. I'd like to try again.

Hey Elles! I totally understand being busy and stuff don't worry about the CB or anything. My family will probably be doing homeschool stuff again soon so I may not be as active then either. Again DON'T worry about the CB, there is no problem with being a little busy.

I wanted to ask, of the animated Star Wars shows do you have a favorite? I obviously have a hard time picking just one. But if I had to, probably ...The Bad Batch, yeah tbb.

Other than having a chaotic start to school, how you doing? And how was your summer? I've been having a good summer so far, it always goes by to fast, ya know? Lastly any good books you've read or are reading? I've finished reading the first Enola Holmes book and I like it pretty well! I've also read Tuesdays at the Castle, and it was alright. :3


No need to apologise! Always feel free to ask for clarification about our decisions. And sometimes posts don't go through, so it doesn't hurt to ask. - Admin

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 25, 2024 - 10:29 am)

I know the CB isn't an obligation, but I still feel super guilty about not being on here that often. school just takes up most of the day, and then the rest of the day is usually spent emotionally/physically collapsing. but I'M HERE and I'm FINALLY REPLYING!! :D

ughh all of the animated shows are so good for Star Wars. but I just have to say Bad Batch is my favorite. as far as the others, they're all tied for second. I will say Tales of the Jedi was really good, though, and I'd suggest watching it if you haven't.

my summer was pretty good... too fast, though. literally everyone else my age that I know haven't started school yet and it feels really unfair, but my mom's super strict and stuff. BUT, on the positive side, we finally got our camper sold (my mom's heading up to Illinois this weekend to sign some papers, so I'll be stuck with my dad and brother -_-), and I got accepted for a super good scholarship!

I'm not sure if I told you this, but next month, me and my family are going on a mission trip to Guatemala! I'm not sure if I'm excited or nervous yet, but we've gotten a lot of donations and it's been really neat hearing about what we're going to experience.

I'm currently reading Trooper by Forrest Bryant Johnson, and although it's a school read, I'm really enjoying it! it's so wholesome. it's a nonfiction, but I haven't found myself zoning out at all. my friend also gave me an old, beautiful mythology book, Bulfinch's Mythology, which I am currently obsessing over and cherishing dearly. it's such a pretty book, and the illustrations are super elegant and detailed. so excited to read it.

enough about me! what have you been up to? have you started school yet? 

submitted by Ellesmere, age 14 cycles, Pabu
(July 30, 2024 - 1:49 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 1, 2024 - 10:09 am)

Yah I understand, it's probably gonna be busy when we start school again. I think we can still be a little active tho, and if not it's totally fine. ;)

Yes! It's so hard to choose a favorite SW animated show, they are all just so good! I have seen Tales of the Jedi and Tales of the Empire. I really enjoyed the backstories of the different characters especially Ahsoka and Count Dooku. Have you seen TotE? \:3

It sounds like your going to have a very busy exciting trip! Tell me about it if and when you can! And a scholarship to? Sounds like you have been a little busy. ;D I'm going to be starting ballet classes in a couple weeks. I'm kinda excited, like I've been doing it for ten years so it doesn't have the same excitement it did when I first started but still exciting. I'm excited to learn new moves and stuff especially pointe moves! 

I'll have to take a look at the books you mentioned. I'm currently reading a book called The Mona Lisa Vanishes by Nicolas day. It's very interesting learning about parisian history especially with the Olympics and such.

I haven't been up to much lately, mostly doing drawing and stuff. But I did learn and think of a couple Star Wars things to tell you like, did you know that Jedi did not used to use lightsabers but swords? And you were wanting to name your droid in the rp, what if you named it Hammy like your computer? Anyways I'm exhausted, I just finished mowing and I plan to relax and beat my brother in Mario kart. So bye! ;3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(August 3, 2024 - 1:35 pm)

Hey Elles! I know you haven't written back yet (which is TOTALLY fine btw! ;3) but I wanted to catch you up on my week so far. So Monday I had dance class and it was alright.I kinda felt slower than the rest of my classmates but it's fine it's only the first class back anyway. Monday night we had lots of rain and unfortunately we have a leak in our roof. So that will be fun to take care of. \:"

Yesterday we finally finished Clone Wars and rewatched Tales of the Jedi (man it's so good!) Today we are getting me some new pointe shoes cuz I wore my last ones till the plastic underneath shown and it was slippery and not safe to use. (Exciting!)

Also zoba and I were wanting to do somethings with our rp but we didn't want to continue without you so if you look at like page 4 I think of the SW thread you can put your input. Anyways I hope you are well and I understand you're busy but don't stress about it! Talk soon! ;3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(August 15, 2024 - 10:37 am)

so I have been offline for over a WEEK and I feel so bad about it... but it's for a good reason: for the last week, I've been horribly sick (and still am, but I'm on the upswing). I've had a fever nearly every day, a horrible, nonstop cough, and a headache and dizziness. not sure what I've got, but whatever it is, it seems so be going away. today I've only had a minor fever and although the coughing is frustrating, I feel better than I have.

over this span of a week, I've watched twenty movies, laid out useless on the couch in my ill state, the most recent three being the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy (I don't really count 4 and 5; they seem to be poorly written sequels). have you ever watched them?

anyways, it's neat that you dance! I used to do jazz dancing when I was younger, but I wasn't a fan of it, the classes were always late in the evening and by the time I got to them, I was exhausted from the day. also the teacher wasn't the most pleasant of ladies.

I'll check on the rp thread after I send this. once again, I apologize for not being on! 

submitted by Ellesmere
(August 16, 2024 - 2:36 pm)

Aww! I'm so sorry you haven't been well! :( I understand, continuous coughing and headaches are not fun. But I'm glad you're feeling better! And I hope you continue to do so!

A couple years ago when I didn't feel well it gave me a chance to finish a game I was playing, I had been trying beat the final boss for weeks and finally I beat him when I was not feeling well. I have seen pirates but only once through but from what I remember I agree that the last two are mehh. What other shows have you been watching?

Yeah dance can be exhausting, normally when I come home I want a shower and to go straight to bed. Since I'm doing pointe I also have to practice every other day which is tiring as well but I think dancing has been fun over the many years I've been doing it though it is lot's of work. In some ways it helps me be a better artist cuz I can think of more dynamic poses. And I probably wouldn't be doing it as long as I have if my teacher wasn't nice. Thankfully she is tho and I'm sorry your's wasn't. Is there any other activities that you participate in now?

Again don't worry about the cb! I understand that life has a way of getting in the way of things. ;3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(August 16, 2024 - 4:59 pm)

ughhh... I'm so sorry I haven't been on here. we had a busy last few weeks, what with the mission trip, and then right after that, some family visiting that we rarely get to see. now that life is somewhat back to normal, I may get to hop on here more often, but we'll see.

the mission trip was incredible! it was so neat to see how God was working in even the darkest places. it was also super neat to be able to see another culture--I've never really been out of the country aside from a cruise trip.

have you ever heard of kandi? it's where you make stuff out of beads (usually bracelets but there's tons of other stuff) and you can trade with other people. I've been wanting to do it for a while, but only recently was I able to get my paws on a nice set of beads and some better quality string. I'm already running out of beads, but unfortunately my mom said I won't be allowed to get any more :( hopefully I'll be able to get some via other methods, like asking for them for birthdays and holidays.

how about you? how's your life been going? 

submitted by Ellesmere
(September 9, 2024 - 7:45 am)

Hey there Elles, good to hear from you! It sounds like you had a busy but fun couple of weeks lately. The mission trip sounds like it went well and I'm glad you got to share the good news with others! :D I have never been outside of the country myself but my parents went on a mission trip once before I was born and they said it was a great experience. I'd love to try something like that someday. 

I think it's safe to say that with school time starting up again and other things that neither of us should worry about the cb or replying back immediately. Not that we can't chat of course but my Mom says that with school I'm going to do less screen time so I may be a little delayed in my response and I hope that is all right with you just as it's alright with me when you're delayed. So all that to say (and I'm saying this for myself) Don't worry about the CB, we will chat when we can chat and it will be okay! ;D 
I have not heard of kandi before but I may have seen it and not realized that is what it is called. I make jewelry from time to time as a hobby and I enjoy it so I may look into making something similar to kandi. But currently I'm working on making some embroidered handkerchiefs that I got for my birthday this year. I have four of them and I'm trying to make them coordinate with some sort of theme like the four seasons or something like that. My problem is I have all these ideas for what I want to do but making them coordinate is a little tricky. I'm also working on making some oc art but I don't have very many ocs (* makes a mental note to imagine some more ocs. ;3) And I'm working on a meet the artist sheet for myself. So that is what I've been working on art wise.
I'm working on my drivers license cuz my parents are working on fixing up my mom's old car. It doesn't need much but has just been sitting around for like three or four years and needs some upkeep. And I have read the whole manual but I'm getting caught up on remembering stuff like "how many feet before you signal?", I can't remember the exact numbers so I'm like why don't I take the test and if I fail I know what to study. It's four strikes and I have to try again a few months later, so it's not too bad if I try and fail. Other than that things at my place are pretty chill. I'm rewatching the Bad Batch and that is fun. Any books your reading? I'm currently reading Glitch by Laura Martin, my brother read it and recommended it to me and it isn't bad so far there's a little fighting between two characters and it's a little annoying but I think they may become friends...maybe. Idk! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still interesting so far. 
Other than having a busy couple of weeks how's Elles doing? ;3
submitted by Tea’n’Tacos , age 16 cycles , Pabu
(September 9, 2024 - 7:40 pm)

I totally get the whole less screen time thing. you don't need to worry about the CB, it's supposed to be a slow-message platform anyways. respond when you want to, and so will I :3

rewatching the Bad Batch is awlays my go-to comfort. somehow, even though 99% [haha get it. 99] of the characters are traumatized and need therapy, it's a very cozy show for me.

well I just finished a book in the newer arc of the warrior cats series, as well as a graphic novel adaptation of the very first book. if you've never read warrior cats, I definitely recommend it to you. it's currently got like 48 books, but most of them are of great quality and story. but it may not be your style of reading, and that's fine. my friend is also letting me borrow book 5 of percy jackson.

ugh, I'm definitely not excited to start learning to drive. I mean, it'll be nice to transport myself without assistance, but still. all the signs and rules and symbols just kinda overwhelm me. and anyways, our vehicle situation is pretty tight right now, so I might not start learning for a while.

as for other stuff in life... I've kinda hit a rut in math. it's always been pretty hard for me, but this category of equation is just insane for me. I get overwhelmed super easily by stuff I don't understand. I've been stuck on this one lesson for what, going on five days now? I've watched videos on it, asked family members, but I still can't figure it out. I'm almost there, though.

it's been raining for the past two weeks. it's getting on everybody's nerves. yesterday, it started to get a little less cloudy, but today has just been gray, gray, gray all day long. I usually like the rain, but this? this is just plain dreary.

alright, this post is getting a little long, so I should probably end it here lol 

submitted by Ellesmere
(September 11, 2024 - 3:05 pm)

He he he, 99. ;) I think that Bad Batch is my go to comfort show too, that and Bluey. And the best way to get rid of the trauma the characters feel is to chop their hands off. Lol. On the topic of Crosshair and his hand problem, you know the scene in Toy Story where Woody asked Buzz to give him a hand and he literally gives him his hand, I think that would be Crosshair and Hunter after the last episode. He would give him a hand that Tech made him or something. XD

I've heard of Warrior cats and I think my library might have the books but I haven't read them yet. I'll have to either add it to the many series that I'm reading or finish the ones I'm currently reading and then read it. It sounds interesting tho and I would love to try them! I also watched the Percy Jackson show on Disney and I want to try those books too.

I understand finding things that I don't understand overwhelming as well. I didn't used to like math but it's not too bad now, I mean it's probably just going to get more difficult as I go. Oh well it's gonna be better in the long run to know zee math and driving stuff I suppose. \:]  And it's ok to start learning late! Better late than never and even never can be good. Some thing my family likes to say is "It's all in Gods timing." So no matter when or if something happens it's always in Gods hands! ;)

Agh. I also understand the seemingly endless amount of rain. I mean the weather here just changes on a whim! Windy, Sunny, rainy, Sunny again, windy, it's crazy! But it's not always bad and I try to be content and I'm sure the gray grinding weather over there will change. Probably. Eventually. lol ;P

Lastly what are your thoughts about the new skeleton crew coming and the Lego Star Wars movie? 




submitted by Tea’n’Tacos , age 16 cycles , Pabu
(September 12, 2024 - 12:02 pm)