well, well, well!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

well, well, well!

well, well, well! it seems we have somehow crossed paths once more, Tea 'n' Tacos. (do you have a nickname that I can call you that's a bit shorter than that? you can call me Elles or Meer if you'd prefer, as I know Ellesmere can be a bit of a mouthful)

I think we know each other somewhat well per our Star Wars conversations, and other occasional meetings, but perhaps we should delve a little deeper. get to know each other beyond simple acquaintance.

so, here I have compiled a short list of random questions that might spark conversation.

1 ~ do you have a favorite book? why do you like that book?

2 ~ what are some of your opinions on some of today's ideologies and culture? (you don't have to answer this if you feel like you might be too strongly opinionated, I just love hearing other people's opinions and the reasons behind them)

3 ~ what state do you live in? what are some things you love/hate about that state? (again, you don't have to answer)

4 ~ do you have any pets?

I'll answer 1, 3, and 4 here, but I think 2 might be more of a drawn-out conversation if youbu do want to discuss it.

1 - I really, really love A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Perry. it's just written in such a beautiful style, and the art is gorgeous. also I love wolves, so there's that...

3 - I live in Florida, and... well, I suppose I do like some of the trees here. the oaks get really huge and spread out if they're allowed to, and it's pretty neat. but otherwise... I really don't like it here. I wish I could move up north, where it's less hot and steamy and there's snow. and the nature and wildlife around here is just... boring. up north, the greens of the leaves are so vivid and there are so many more birds and wintertime actually feels different from the rest of the year and... ok, getting a bit long, lol.

4 - I have a dog, a yorkshire terrier named Chewy. he's so selfish and yet... very empathetic. when I'm sick he's always near me. then I also have a mexican cave tetra, the lone survivor of a diseased aquarium. he abides along with an army of unwanted tiny brown snails, otherwise known as The Infestion or The Demons. I also have a lovely outdoor cat, a beautiful speckled tortoiseshell named Ruby. she's the best cat I've ever met and so loyal. I have a black-and-white rabbit named Oreo, too, and she's so precious. we used to have waaay more pets, but recently we had an influx of deaths.

on that positive note, your turn :3 

submitted by Ellesmere@T'n'T, age 5,145 r., Pabu, getting snowcones
(July 2, 2024 - 7:34 pm)

I just realized I didn't title the thread correctly -_-

submitted by Ellesmere, bottom
(July 3, 2024 - 3:59 pm)
submitted by TOPsmere
(July 3, 2024 - 4:00 pm)

Ahh that is ok about the title. If it is not a problem you could maybe ask admins to change it. I don't care either way. :3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu ,getting snow cones
(July 3, 2024 - 9:23 pm)

Hi Elles! So first things first I haven't thought much about a nickname for me for now I've got T'n'T but I'll come back to that later. You also talked about how you like wolves and I like those too but my favorite animal would be foxes. They're just so cute and fluffy!(=^ω^=)

As you've said favorites are hard so I'll give you two of my favorite books, Wingfeather Saga and Mysterious Benedict Society. I love the way both of them are written. I watched the Mysterious Benedict Society show that was on Disney and I was so sad when they cancelled it but I've heard rumors that maybe Hulu will pick it up. So I'm hopefull. ;3

Florida huh? I've been there once myself a long time ago to go to Disney World. Coming from a place with no palm trees or never having gone to a place with beaches before I thought it was fun. I live in Kansas and for the most part I like it. I mean sometimes when driving out of town and all you have to look at is fields and planes it can get a little boring, but I like to look for the beauty in God's creation, no matter how dull I think it is. So yeah I like where I live pretty well.

My family used to have a dog named Daisy but she died at the beginning of the pandemic. We haven't gotten any pets since then because we have family members that have allergies. Of course we'd like to have a pet it just hasn't worked out yet.

As for question two I'd like to talk about it, but save it for later. Now a couple questions for you:

1. Do you have another favorite fandom other than Star Wars? 

2. Do you have any hobbies? I like to draw, embroider, and I do some polymer clay.

3. How do you plan to spend your 4th of July? My family and I usually go to our grandparents house and do fireworks there.

5. I think I saw you say you were Christian on the make a friend thread, are there any churches or pastors that you like to listen to? My family and I like to listen to a guy called Alistair Begg and his church ,Parkside in Ohio.

4. Lastly how is your summer so far? I'm sure it is hot where you live so stay cool and hydrated! (also I was super excited when I saw we were grouped up!) ;3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu ,getting snow cones
(July 3, 2024 - 9:20 pm)

yeah, Florida isn't my favorite state to live in, but I try to appreciate it for what it is and how God made it, you know? I'd just rather not be here, haha

1. I dabble in a few other fandoms, like the Tolkien fandom and a little bit in Wings of Fire, but my other main one is Warrior cats. I've been reading the book since I was 7 or 8, and now the series has grown with me so much that it feels like part of me.

2. I like to draw! I'm not too good at it, but I'm getting better. I also like crocheting, embroidery, and nature-hunting.

3. actually I just posted a hiatus post, I'm spending a week up in Illinois with my grandparents starting today. we had our camper towed up there, so we'll actually have a place to stay instead of sleeping on the couch and stuff.

4. yes! I don't necessarily go listening to specific pastors and stuff (I love the little group of pastors that we have at our church), but I've heard Jack Hibbs (or was it Gibbs? not sure, brain scrampled egg) preach and he's very intelligent.

5. ughhh yet another thing I DESPISE about Florida is the HEAT. it's so humid and muggy here. luckily we have a working air conditioner in all of our vehicles and our house, so we can avoid it most of the time.

anyways, this'll probably be one of my last posts before I kinda disappear off for a week. do respond, though, and I'll try to get back to you at some point :3 

submitted by Ellesmere, age 14 cycles, getting a jogan snowcone
(July 4, 2024 - 9:15 am)

Yeah I understand wanting to be somewhere else. My family and I want to move out of town for multiple rpeasons, to be closer to where my Dad works, ( he mostly works from home but sometimes he has to go to the office and it is a fairly long drive so it would be nice if we were closer.) to live in a bigger house with my grandparents, to get out of the town itself. But I'm told the housing market is bad so for now we're stuck.

Oh Tolkien... I love his stories so much. ( ̄︶ ̄) I like how LotR and hobbit are kind of representing of things in the Bible. Like how Gandalf dies as a sacrifice for the fellowship and comes back (essentially pointing to Jesus.). Do you have a favorite character in LotR or Hobbit? In LotR I like Legolas ,Gimli ( I like their friendship) and Samwise (so loyal!).

I've never heard of this Hibbs fellow before but it sounds interesting. My family and I unfortunately don't have a current church home (another reason we want to move.) But for church we listen to Alistair and his church.

So yeah, have fun at your grandparents house! We'll talk soon and stay cool Elles! :3

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, getting a jogan snowcone
(July 4, 2024 - 10:36 am)
submitted by Top
(July 11, 2024 - 7:01 pm)

I'm back!! oh, I had so much fun. my grandma has 16 cats (don't worry, only two of them are indoors, the others live outside on their large property) and I always get a little bit closer to being friends with them all every time I'm there. so far, I'm able to pet 10 of them and there's one that I'm really close to being able to pet.

for Tolkien, I'm not sure about favorite characters. I mean, I've mostly just read the Silmarillion (twice in English, working on it in German now), and I've read the Hobbit a couple of times, but I still haven't gotten through all of the LotR trilogy quite yet. BUT, in the Hobbit, my favorite character is and always will be Smaug.

oh, you would not believe how many Bible parallels there are in the Silmarillion! you should try reading it sometime. your mind would be absolutely blown. it's a difficult read (think 1 and 2 Kings or Chronicles with a bit more narrative for writing style), but it's so worth it. 

submitted by Ellesmere, age | back! :D, getting a jogan snowcone
(July 13, 2024 - 10:31 am)

Gahhh! I accidentally hit the wrong button and everything I typed disappeared, so take two.

Hey Elles! Glad you had a safe trip to there and back! Sounds like you had a good time with those kittys. Do they have any names?

Silmarillion huh? German ehh? Sounds interesting, my Dad has told me that he tried to it but it was to tricky for him to read. Ahh Smaug the terrible, the Great etc etc. He's probably my favorite fictional dragon.

Quick question of opinion. Do you think I should leave a note in the books that I take back to the library? I obviously don't want to do something I shouldn't, but I don't think that my library has any rules against it. I was just thinking of leaving a bible verse or book quote or something like that on a sticky note.

Also my siblings and I got to s6 of the Clone Wars and we watched the part where Ahsoka leaves the Jedi order, very emotional and we are currently in the middle of the episode with Tup and Fives (ya know the one where Tup does order 66 to early) very sad. ಥ_ಥ We also have been trying to learn something totally unnecessary but totally awesome, Lightsaber tricks and techniques. I know, I've hit peak nerdiness.lol. ;3

Lastly my Dad's birthday is Sunday and this is the card I made him. (His favorite Star Wars character is Darth Vader.) 

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age Pabu, getting jogan snow cones
(July 13, 2024 - 1:01 pm)

ughh sorry I haven't responded, I just started school again (homeschooled :D) and it's been a major mess.

oh my GOODNESS that card is spectacular!! that's funny because for father's day, me and my brother drew Thrawn for my dad because that's his favorite character. guess we both have nerdy dads lol.

I think it'd be really cool if you left notes in library books! as long as it's just on a sticky note or something though, so that you don't get in trouble for vandalizing public property or something. you should definitely do that one verse at the end of John that's like "if I had written down all that Jesus did all of the books in the world wouldn't be enough" or something like that.

yeah as soon as I get my paws on a lightsaber from Galaxy's Edge I'm totally going to research lightsaber styles and pick one!! that'll be so much fun. ugh, wouldn't it be cool if we could get together in real life and have a lightsaber duel?? that'd be epic.

noooo Ahsoka D: I remember I was so, so upset when I first watched that scene. pretty sure both me and my dad were crying.

submitted by Ellesmere, age 14 cycles, Pabu, getting snowcones
(July 17, 2024 - 10:43 am)

That's ok Elles! I totally understand the homeschool stuff, my mom during the summer has us do math and reading that kind of thing. And when school starts up it can take a while to get back in the groove.

Yaasss! Thrown up so cool! It is funny how nerdy our families are. Lol. (for last fathers day I made my Dad this penguin. The penguin is a inner family joke.) >U<

That sounds like a good verse from John. I'll have to do it! Tho it might be a while cuz we got lots of books this time and had to extend the due date.

Your so lucky that you live in Florida, so close to Disney World and therefore Galaxies Edge. I want to do the build your own lightsaber but it is sorta expensive and I don't live close to Disney soooo... Ya. But I found a cheap lightsaber online that I wouldn't have to worry about breaking and I could sand, paint, and weather it! And yes I wish we could meet in real life! I've been trying to think of a way we could do it while still being safe online and not giving out personal information but I didn't want to talk about it and seem like a weirdo or something. It's been nice to make new friends since I don't have any irl (yet another reason we want to move.) I just wish we could talk privately to discuss different things. Oh well I'll keep thinking and I told my mom that if we never meet in real life we'll one day meet in heaven, and that makes me happy, ya know? 

Ahhh, Ahsoka! Ahhh, Palpatine! I had just recently finished the episode with. Tup and Fives, my brother and I were crying so bad.ಥ_ಥ We decided that we wouldn't only watch through Clone Wars but also the other animated series in timeline order. CW, TBB,and Rebels.

Lastly I was wondering if you saw zoba tea's thread, I wanted to know if you would be cool inviting her to our star wars rp and maybe a chat thread since she has similar interests as us. I wanted to be welcoming if you are good with that. ;3 

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu ,getting snow cones
(July 17, 2024 - 3:25 pm)

Wow @ admins! 44 min ago?! You read that WHOLE thing? Ty! Good job!

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 17, 2024 - 4:12 pm)

Oops! Forgot the penguin.

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 17, 2024 - 4:34 pm)

Also Elles do you have a switch? If so want games do you play? 

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(July 19, 2024 - 7:17 pm)

AUGH once again I have neglected the CB! it's just been so busy recently... so now I'm going to just say in advance that if I don't respond for a few days, it's because I've been busy, and I will EVENTUALLY come back.

OH. MY. GOODNESS. that penguin is ADORABLE. you're so good with clay!!

yeah, I suppose it's one perk of Florida to be close to all the theme parks and stuff. but it also means you're very far away from everything else... like, for example, my extended family, who since I live so far away from, I only get to see at most twice a year. 

ughh @admins are we able to share any information like that??

I haven't seen their thread yet, I'll go look for it right now after I send this. I systematically check the CB, so I might not have gotten to it yet :3 

Chatterbox does not post the names of other websites or any usernames for other sites or games.


submitted by Ellesmere, age 14 cycles, Pabu
(July 22, 2024 - 4:21 pm)