Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

noooo eggs are disgusting (unless they're in fried rice) >:(((((((

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(January 31, 2024 - 10:28 pm)

Oh gosh... my ballet recital dance is so hard rn... and we've only learned the first two parts (the dance is a series of moves each repeated four times before moving to the next series)! And it's all holding hands. And then for the recital, once we finish this dance, we're gonna do another... I love dance, don't get me wrong, just I'm tired and this is hard. Btw the dance is "Little Swans" from Swan Lake. Go look up the video of it with the choreo, 'cause we're doing that choreo, except with 5 girls, not 4. I'm on the end.

submitted by Rainbow, Ow everything hurts
(January 31, 2024 - 8:20 pm)

*gaspppppp* Ahhhhh you're doing Dance of the Little Swans?!?!?!?! I'm literally watching that act of Swan Lake right now XDDDD I literally just went back to it heh. Who choreographed it (like a local person or is it a more famous one)? The music is so good :D I mean it's Tchaikovsky that's not surprising (though I still don't get how Tchaikovsky could write three ballets of that quality when it's such a high bar, especailly with all the other amazing stuff he wrote). also i don't know why having 5 swans is so funny to me but it is XD (not insulting it or anything i just wouldn't have thought that)

anyway how do you get everyone to dance at exactly the same time? what other dance are you doing?  do you perform with a pit orchestra or a recording? which do you practice to? if you've done both how is it different? 

Tchaikovsky wrote Swan Lake with very little guidance as far as what the heck was going on in the choreography, and it was even his first ballet so he had to figure that out on his own. i believe there are even inconsistencies between the libretto and the choreographer's descriptions and I think some stuff Tchaikovsky wrote, which is interesting. I thought that was how it was with Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, especially because both of them have clearer-cut movements with less theme changes musically, but I think he had good direction with The Nutcracker too, so that wasn't why they were less popular than The Sleeping Beauty (though the choreography was the most criticized in both Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, and then both of them were rechoreographed after his death and became huge successes XD). do you have a favorite Tchaikovsky ballet? Or ballet in general, especially a classic one like Romeo and Juliet or Sylvia or Don Quixote? (Although technically Romeo and Juliet was actually written after like Rite of Spring and stuff, but I think the Soviet Union wanted more classical ballets. And I mean it's Prokofiev, but still) also i find it really sad because Tchaikovsky was probably gay and so Swan Lake is probably based on that to some degree. I mean he was really excited about it. he wrote more music than is in a standard production in around a year.

also side note but music in ballets is always played so much better in the actual ballets than in recordings without them. Like, I haven't really found any recordings of any ballets I've liked as much as when they're in the ballets. I guess they just decide to record the bad years???? *shrugs*

probably long and you probably don't care sorry XD

submitted by Bobcat@Rainbow, age Odette, Swan Lake!!!
(January 31, 2024 - 10:19 pm)

Hi sorry it took so long for me to reappear but no I don't mind that it's long, I rly like your enthusiam :)

So we've only had two classes learning the dance so far, so I don't know much. The reason we have 5 swans is because we have 5 kids in the class... I don't know who cheorgraphed it, but my teacher is modifying some moves for us. Like, instead of doing the endrechat it's just a saute in 5th (Although we might change it later back to that endrechat, we'll see). We... don't get everyone to dance at the same time. At least, not yet. To be fair, we've barely practiced, but wow, most of us were off-beat (except for this one girl, that when I came to the studio in 6th grade, since they already were learning the recital dance, I had to play catch-up so to figure out what we were doing I'd look just at her, and I still look at her to figure out what we're doing half the time bc honestly, she's the best in the class. And also she's in 5th grade now, so back then she was in 3rd, but I thought she was like my age or maybe 1 year younger bc of how good she is. but I digress). We don't perform with an orchestra bc my studio is rly small, and it's a bunch of different types of dance (there's jazz, tap, lyrical, ballet, hip-hop, and a rhythmic gynastics sort of thing [just for the little ones]), and the teachers choose songs for the recital that match the theme (the first year I was there, it was "Light" I think, last year's was the best in my opinion, bc it was "Broadway Bound", and this year is "Icons") and the songs can range from Respect by Aretha Franklin to a Madonna mix (that one's me!!) to You Will Be Found (one of mine last year) to Masks from Romeo and Juilet (also mine last year) to Taylor Swift, so songs are in different keys, some with electronic sounds and whatnot, and also singing. I do not have a favorite ballet (alas, I have not yet seen enough to choose). Is there one you suggest I could find and watch? Wait Tchaikovsky was gay? I didn't know that! That's cool, thanks for telling me! :D Actually thank you for all of that information, it's really cool, and fun to read when it's clear that the person writing about it is very passionate :)

submitted by Rainbow, Holding up the sky
(February 3, 2024 - 1:21 pm)

Don't mind me, I'm just sufferin' from not bein' able to sleep.

Long story short, I'm sick, I went to bed at 8:30 last night, woke up at 10 that night, woke up AGAIN at 2:47, and I couldn't go back to sleep :(

And the worst part is that I get sick just a couple days before my church's Skatefest on Saturday >:(

submitted by Thunder, age 15, Lightnin' City
(February 1, 2024 - 2:35 pm)

oh no! i hope you feel better soon! *gives you chamomile tea, chicken noodle soup, and warm blankets (and anything else that might make you feel better :])*

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(February 1, 2024 - 5:34 pm)

I'm so nerdy I can't even write a decently satirical article

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, Complaining but gtg :)
(February 1, 2024 - 10:53 pm)

@Thunder, aw man that sucks. :( I hope you feel better soon.

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(February 2, 2024 - 8:26 am)

I'm up super early for a dentist appointment... set my alarm for a lot earlier than needed becuase I knew I'd hit the snooze button at least once. Gotta go get dressed!

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(February 2, 2024 - 8:20 am)

Punxsutawny Phil appears to have announced to the world that spring is coming :) But he's supposed to be correct less than half of the time, so we'll see how that turns out... I just love the conclave of black-coated men in top hats, though :)

submitted by Amethyst
(February 2, 2024 - 4:24 pm)

Yess the 21st time Phil has announced early spring! It might be inaccurate (61% of the time), but still...it's rare :)

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 2, 2024 - 6:54 pm)

Hey indie-loving people! I have a recommendation - it's called "It's Raining," and it's by Wren. Wren is like super obscure (I don't know anyone who's ever heard of her), but her voice is gorgeous and the song is, too. It's a little Celtic-sounding, and it has a sort of rainy, exuberant vibe to it. It's frankly amazing.

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(February 3, 2024 - 11:08 am)
I listened to it and it's pretty! It makes me think of when I was younger and also my grandma who lives very far away. I'm listening to it again and it has me thinking of much of my distant family… it's a bittersweet experience, and I appreciate the recommendation. Here are some songs that it made me think of you might like. If you try them, let me know what you think:
Dusty Morning by Birdie 
Irish Eyes by Rose Betts 
Edge of the Night by MALINDA (well not the song just the general artist)
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac  
submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Somewhere in the stars
(February 3, 2024 - 1:59 pm)


I'm sorry, I just LOVE that song 

submitted by Rainbow, Epic the Musical :D
(February 3, 2024 - 3:35 pm)

I'm glad you like it :) I'll listen to the songs you mentioned and get back to you on them! Thank you so much for the recs. It's always so much fun to discover new songs and singers~

submitted by Poinsettia
(February 3, 2024 - 8:53 pm)