Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

pretty much the only things keeping me (kind of) sane at this point are video games and ball pythons. also Tears of the Kingdom music. *melts into a puddle*

*un-puddles* also does anyone else's mom constantly give you that 'all knowing look' whenever you state you have no interest in 'boy+girl drama'?

submitted by Darkvine
(January 9, 2024 - 2:15 pm)

Mine doesn't, thankfully. She understands how I hate to be tease like that, and how I'm not interested in dating or anything. Plus, she's just awesome like that. I'm assuming yours does?

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 9, 2024 - 3:38 pm)

Mine doesn't either, pretty much the same reasons as @Hawkstar

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep, dark woods
(January 9, 2024 - 7:18 pm)

I feel you. My parents don't really get that aroace is a thing either 

submitted by Scuttles
(January 10, 2024 - 2:52 pm)


submitted by WiLdSoNg
(January 9, 2024 - 6:33 pm)

Heyooo!! That's happened twice now with me... (The 0 sec ago by WildWolf)

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep, dark woods
(January 10, 2024 - 12:43 pm)

The other day my sisters and my mom and I were walking into a store, and a man came out and just put a $100 bill in my mom's hand!! It was so unexpected, and he just walked off right away and we couldn't even say thanks! We took a cart, went inside and started crying, not really sure why, just tears of thankfulness or joy, maybe?

submitted by AvaraStar, age Elven, Minas-Tirith
(January 9, 2024 - 6:50 pm)

That is wild and I would like to meet that man

submitted by Lupine
(January 10, 2024 - 5:47 pm)


submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep, dark woods
(January 9, 2024 - 6:51 pm)

recently I've been wondering if my mind acts like a normal person's.

how my mind works:

1. no mental 'voice' or anything, I don't say my thoughts in my head.

2. I have trouble paying attention or caring about things I don't want to do.

3. how other people act, whether it's towards me, someone else, or to their surroundings, affects my emotions more than I care to admit. for instance, if someone glares at someone else or slams a book down on a table with more force than necessary, I immediately get angry and start acting that way too. or, if a few of my friends are being crazy and excited, I join in and get even more into it than anyone else.

4. possibly the reason behind 3 is that if no one else is doing anything with strong emotion, my mind just kind of... drifts. I tend to stare at a random object or out the window, not thinking or feeling anything. in other words, my 'emotions' are actually just a mirror that turns up the intensity by 60%.

if I'm weird or if this is just how a normal person's brain acts, let me know 

submitted by Darkvine
(January 10, 2024 - 3:25 pm)

A lot people have a 'internal monologue' where you think in words, but it's not completely unusual to not have it, about 30-50 percent of people don't. I'm kinda half and half, sometimes I think in words and sometimes I don't.

I think most people have this, and as long as you can manage it, I'm pretty sure it's normal. But, as you can tell from my 'I think' and 'pretty sure', I'm not an expert or anything.  

This doesn't happen to me; but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's weird. I can definetly see how that would happen, it makes sense: if people around you are having a strong emotion, than it might 'transfer' a bit of the emotion to you. 

Hm...this doesn't happen to me either, but again it makes sense.


submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep, dark woods
(January 10, 2024 - 5:17 pm)

I can't relate to 1 or 2, but I kind of get 3. (I do know a lot of people who say they don't think in words, though, so I think that's pretty normal.) Whenever any kind of conflict arises, even if it's not related to me in any way, I kind of want to go shrivel up and hide. So I guess it stresses me out more than making my emotions mirror those, but I think both could be symptoms of being a very empathetic or sensitive person.

Even if I can't 100% relate to how your brain works, that doesn't mean it's wrong. There are almost 8 billion ways the human brain can work. I think the best thing to remember is that everyone has their own weird little things that they think are unique to them but aren't necessarily. I definitely thought something was wrong with my brain before I got diagnosed with OCD, but then I realized that there are thousands of other people who have similar thoughts and emotions.

submitted by Lupine
(January 10, 2024 - 5:54 pm)

If you have a lot of trouble paying attention, you could talk to your doctor about potentially having ADHD or something like that. If you think you might be neurodivergent, having an official diagnosis could make things a lot easier and make it possible for you to get help where you need it.

submitted by Scuttles
(January 11, 2024 - 8:39 am)






submitted by Poinsettia, omg the cb is so nice!!!!
(January 10, 2024 - 3:52 pm)

That is amazing! I love the CB! 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(January 10, 2024 - 6:12 pm)