Trump banned immigrants
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Trump banned immigrants
Trump banned immigrants from 7 Muslim majority countries . . .
can I just collapse somewhere please
that'd be amazing
submitted by CaykeTheCook
(January 29, 2017 - 8:12 pm)
(January 29, 2017 - 8:12 pm)
Well, I posted something I thought was peaceful and respectful, but the Admins didn't...sooooo.....yeah..
Oh well, they know best! :-)
But can I just vent?
I don't think that Trump is a bad person.
I believe that he's a misguided person.
Yes, there could be better presidents.
But we need to take a peaceful stand.
For one, if you're Religious (I'm Christian), pray for the president. Every president deserves prayer for assistance guiding our country.
Along with the bad, let's look for good things in this presidency. It's only been ten days, but let's be confident and remember that there was votes and he earned this. Every president makes mistakes, right? (Although this was more than a mistake). Good and bad may come of this.
(February 2, 2017 - 12:32 pm)
I normally don't like to get involved in politics because I don't quite understand it totally yet, but this seriously deserves attention. I think it's not even conservative politics anymore, it's just downright hatred.
The seven countries that got blocked were predominantly Muslim. I think he did that just so that more Christians could enter. No one group deserves that kind of treatment. I'm sorry that happened, Cayke.
Also, let's say there was a family who was visiting a family member in one of the seven countries that got blocked. Then Trump does the temporary ban. Would they be stuck then?
And what does being Muslim have to do with being a terrorist anyway? As other CBers have mentioned, Muslim does NOT equal terrorist.
Now, of all times, is when we really need to "Make America Great Again" because I think Trump just made it a million times worse. He's not even following his own slogan.
Once again, I'm sorry this happened.
(February 2, 2017 - 5:13 pm)
1. It was Washington D.C
2. No. It actually was not angry. Yes, some of the signs were... inappropriate... but there were a ton of really clever and hilarious signs. I drew the Schuyler Sisters onto mine and it had the quote "We're gonna compell him to inclube women in the sequel, work!" On the drive there we stopped off at a place to get dinner, and literally everyone that I saw wearing a cat hat and saw me wearing one too were so friendly, they gave high fives, the smiled, they talked to us - everyone wearing the hats felt unified. It was amazing. Not a single person at the march was causing trouble, and no one was angry. They were cheering and chanting and it was so so so cool. Whatever critisism you read about it is wrong and probably written by someone who wasn't there. It was just a call out to Trump to tell him that we are here and there are lots of us and that he cannot ignore us. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
(February 2, 2017 - 6:13 pm)
I really wanted to go to the marches, but my dad was already booked and my mother was afraid to take me and my sister without my father there. I have, however, written songs in protest, and I'm saving up for a T-shirt that says 'I'm a Suffragette'
I had a friend who went to the rallies. She's an only child and her mom's a single parent.
(February 3, 2017 - 6:32 am)
I'm not a big Trump supporter, but I will say this in his defense-- there's a reason for what he's doing. Our new security measures are very similar to those employed by the European Union. There have been a great many attacks planned in Europe that were caught before they could be carried out. Others weren't. This may not be the most ideal way to stop terrorists from entering the USA, but nothing in this world is. The trouble and sorrow this is causing is not in vain-- a terrorist attack in the United States would not stop at troublesome and sad.
Also, this executive order is not drastically different from the visa ban Obama instituted in his presidency. Trump is not banning "all Muslims", he's taking the precautions he said he would during his campaign. They may not be perfect measures, but again, nothing on earth is.
(February 4, 2017 - 11:06 pm)
Rodent16: That does seem like a lot of executive orders!
(February 4, 2017 - 11:09 pm)
*starts sobbing like crazy* A few days ago my teacher shared a poem with my class, and if you read it from top to bottom, sounded exactly like Trump's view of the world and if you read it from bottom to top it was exactly the opposite...
(February 7, 2017 - 3:27 pm)
Iwould just like to say something: the people who are immigrating need somewhere to go because their homes are being bombed and banning them isn't going to help,it's gonna make things WORSE
And building a wall?!? I think that's going to destroy relationships, families, and so many other things!
(February 7, 2017 - 3:41 pm)
This thread hasn't had a post in over a week, but I think it's really important... PLEASE TOP IT!
Top top toP TpoTPOpOPtopoPOTOTotopOTOpt
(February 16, 2017 - 2:13 pm)
I think that this is a total outrage!!!!! And Gared I completely agree with you, it is totally like Catastrophe what he is doing! I am about to cry.
(February 19, 2017 - 8:00 pm)