Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Open to all Alter Egos (although we do not take any responsibility in gruesome deaths). Please no sane counterparts because you spoil all the fun. 

It will be organized as follows:
The more mellow Alter Egos have their own room (Shifting, you ARE NOT MELLOW) and the insane ones have a gigantic ballroom with tables of food to utilize as you wish. Please do not attack our room--
But obviously you have no say in the matter because WE'RE TOTALLY ATTACKING THEM RIGHT?!

Deeev! Shhh! Now, as I was saying, the hyper Alter Egos WILL NOT attack us. Until we do. Be quiet. You can attack each other as you wish though.


submitted by Feather AND DEV!
(February 15, 2016 - 8:33 pm)

Now, I assume since you threw a frizzy haired bat at me, I assume it is fruit bat, which is rather harmless unless you're a piece of fruit. In fact, they're rather cute.

*tickles fruit bat's belly* never use an animal as a weapon against an animal lover. ;)

Next, throws pie at Frederic and co.


submitted by Nova, AE Destruction
(March 15, 2016 - 5:58 pm)

The fruit bat then wacks you with a marshmallow! I told you it was throwing marshmallows everywhere.

Now, now, CC. It's someone else's turn to say what happened. Don't go hogging the story.

If you're saying that I've turned into a hog and am snuffling the story, then no, I'm not hogging the story.

Well, if you insist.

I DO! I want a candy cane, my own TV, AND a huge rasberry pie!

I didn't mean tha..... never mind.








Uh... nothing.

Oh, okay, I thought you asked a question.

Don't worry, I'd never ask you a question, I already know everything about you. 

That's disturbing.

Hey, now you know how I feel whenever you wack me with marshmallows.

Hey! I've never wacked you with marshmallows! But that IS a good idea now you mention it...

"hgtt." Uh... sure I'll give you a hug, Frederic...

submitted by SC/CC/Chinchilla!!!!
(March 16, 2016 - 2:17 pm)



Great, now I have gooey stuff all over my face.

Welll then. CC/SC, I will glady guve you a raspberry pie.

*throws raspberry pie at them* 

submitted by Nova, Whacked by a marshmellow
(March 16, 2016 - 5:06 pm)

Better drawings!












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It's a wave! 

submitted by Russ, Chary & Hallia
(March 16, 2016 - 7:10 pm)

That's cool!

Hey, does any of you know where I might be able to find an atro-drive multirandomizer? I need it to balance out some element differentials in the supplementary equations for my latest project. Curio thinks I'm crazy for even trying it, but if I get the math and the magic theory right, I think I could pull it off. At the moment, I'm a few zethyrs of Chaos short- I discovered last week that I had to completely rearrange the chalk circle and all accompanying mini-calculatrices that I'm substituting for holy oils and all that medievalist poodoo, and that put a huge wrench in things. I would use a vial of panchaotic essence instead, but what balances I've got are tenuous at best, and if I try to stick even a little more magic in there, it'll blow half the temporospatial claudication gates, which by the way took AGES to cast and calibrate!

And then again, putting an atro-drive randomizer in the mix would add quite the element of risk. Of course, the more chaos you add the more that tends to happen, which is why I'm erring on the Lawful side at the moment, but who knows? If I tweak some of the equations for the base interparadigmatic and interdimensional matrices...nah. Too much work. Too much could go wrong there too, and of course then the whole spell would go down in flames and I'd be lucky to escape with what sanity I have left.

...Maybe Curio's right about all this. 

submitted by Disreputable Dragon
(March 17, 2016 - 12:57 pm)

WOW! That's a fascinating project! I do have some holy oils you could definitely borrow and perhaps provide some insight on this... hold on...

*grabs book*

Oooh, this looks fun. C divided by xv(3+9)-π-(87+5576[C2])/9= Complete Chaos!

C=Chaos, x=Lawful, and v=Violation of Everything.

You're the genius-- do something with it!

submitted by Feather
(March 17, 2016 - 1:57 pm)

Huh. Interesting, Feather. That equation looks a lot like something I turned up in The Complete Scientific Notes of Orania the Overambitious, 1266 edition by Smethwicke & Co., except that Orania didn't use Violation of Everything as a variable. Come to think of it, I've never seen that variable before! Do you mind if I ran some tests to determine what exactly it does? If I did a paper for the magic theory journals about it, I'd credit you, of course!

submitted by Disreputable Dragon
(March 20, 2016 - 2:56 pm)

Ya know, all you would need for chaos is to somehow harness the craziness of all these AE's in one room! Bam! Complete CHAOS.

submitted by Pellucid
(March 17, 2016 - 5:00 pm)

I thought of that...but I'd need to get all of you in the same place at the same time, and I'd need all of your permission, and there would be even more equations just to integrate all the disparate energies, and even if I managed to do all that and nobody killed anybody else or turned anybody else into a pie or any such thing, that would be rather too much Chaos, wouldn't you say?

submitted by Disreputable Dragon
(March 20, 2016 - 2:53 pm)

Most of us are already in the same place (giant mansion-thingy) and the only thing where anyone almost died was Nova exploding (crater) and Kitkat and Nova almost crashing the plane into the ceiling. And, if Somebody was ok with it, Volcano Flame has quite a lot of Chaos already. You could just harness it (him?) and maybe me. I'm fine with it and indestructible. There are already quite a few indestructible AE's around.


submitted by Pellucid
(March 21, 2016 - 11:40 am)

You just gave us a good idea for comeplete craziness. Thank you, Pellucid.

Shush, CC! Don't give away our plans for the AEs just yet!

*Grumbles.* If you INSIST, SC.

Good. But really, someone should post their view soon, because I'm getting a cramp by having to stay in the position of wacking Pellucid with fudge. 

"rkeo!" Your favourite piece in chess is a rook? Aaww, that's so sweet!

"eviw?" Sorry Frederic, I'm not going to write my view today. Someone else must rise to the challenge!!

submitted by Chinchilla
(March 20, 2016 - 2:37 pm)

You're welcome. 


Thank you. 

Who's the AE Pie and Brownie supplier? These things are pretty durable. 

submitted by Pellucid
(March 21, 2016 - 11:33 am)

While SC is whacking Pellucid with fudge, Disreputable Dragon turns into a vilent violet dragon and is currently dodging CC's pies. Nova is splatting Frederic in the face with pies and Feather is quoting the dictionary at Dev. Suddenly ThePersonWhoWritesNotes runs into the battle and starts to stab people with pencils. While everyone else is gawking at this amazing display of craziness from the usually normal ThePersonWhoWritesNotes, CC runs towards Dev with a red lightsaber and somehow has a costume of Darth Maul on while Dev dons a jedi claok and puts on a beard that looks suspiciously like Obi-One Kenobi's. Suddenly SC has a black cape on and looks like Darth Vader while Frederic has turned green and is talking like Yoda. Feather turns into Princess Laya and is holding a blaster while Nova has turned into Han Solo with the fruit bat we mentioned earlier has grown huge and looks suspiciously like Han's ailien sidekick. ThePersonWhoWritesNotes has turned very wrinkly and seems to be the Emporer. Everyone else also turns into Star Wars characters. "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER, AND YOU ARE SOO GROUNDED FOR FIGHTING ME!!" Yells SC at Russ. "Strong you are, mm-hmm." Says Yod-Frederic. "Remember, the force is with you Luke!!!" Yells Dev as she rolls and dives to escape Darth Mau-CC's blows. Lightsabers are flashing, people are yelling, and theme songs are blaring from none-existent speakers. "Time to go it is!" Yells Frederic, and SC and CC nod. Frederic, SC, CC, and ~ThePersonWhoWritesNotes start twirling their lightsabers. They start to fade away, but all the AEs suddenly leap forward and catch SC, CC, Frederic and ~ThePersonWhoWritesNotes.

* * *


*Mouth is stuffed with a dictionary*

Oh come on guys, we never meant any harm, we were just, uh, whacking you! And who can blame us, really-

ThmphCanphhBaphhYophhm! *Translated:* THEY can blame us!

Don't interruspt me! As I was saying, who can blame us, really? We're not AEs, but we wanted to join the fun, so we decided to-MMHPGUPHM! 

*Mouth stuffed with chocolate* 


Note: Translation: Don't blame me! Oh come on Frederic, they saw you fight, of course they're going to blame you. And they also saw me. I am very sorry for poking you with pencils, and regret my actions very much. Please give me a second chance. I only acted that crazy because I'd had a pie that evening. I am very sorry for my actions. I'm sure we can come to an agreement-Hmmph.


*Muffed with raw turnips.*


*You can guess what happened to Frederic* 

submitted by Chinchilla, age "zoxk!", Zoo?
(March 24, 2016 - 3:10 pm)

Hello, everybody.

I feel exhausted. Last night was full moon and I went to party. After the party I went outside and howled at the moon. Then I watched a movie. I fell asleep dead tired. Today I just feel blah.


Yep. I spent almost a whole day without wifi. Truly horrifying(sarcasm). 

I'm soooooo tired. Please write back to me in here. I feel sick.

submitted by Pearl, age PRIVATE, Earth
(March 24, 2016 - 7:00 pm)

Wait, was that a reference to Once Upon a Time, or just a coincidence. Anyhow, if I'm Han, does that mean I ----? 

Wait. No spoilers.

Anyhow, Chewbacca, I liked you better as a fruit bat.

I'm sorry. 

submitted by Nova/Han-Solo?, AE Thread/A Crazy Battle
(March 24, 2016 - 7:10 pm)