Chatterbox: Down to Earth



So, I need to rant this somewhere. Seriously, this has been in my mind for a bit.

WHY DOES EVERYONE I MEET THINK THAT I'M NOT REALLY SMART? Okay, I make my mistakes, but whenever I point something out or try to join a conversation with boys, they either ignore me or tell me to go away. Sometimes I REALLY wish I was a boy. Then I wouldn't have to pretend to be someone else.

I do this camp called 'tech camp', where you get to learn how to do...well... techy stuff. The camp is divided into classes, and the one I'm taking right now (where we learn how to use a 3D program called unreal) I'm the only girl. And whenever I try to be friendly with the boys, they always gradually move away.

Anyone else want to rant? Any help? 


submitted by Danie
(August 12, 2015 - 7:17 pm)

When I kickbox with my dad he tells me to "hit like a girl who knows how to fight, not like a boy that doesn't know anything". :)

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Secret HQ
(August 25, 2015 - 8:24 pm)

I'm lucky, in my class, there's only about 2-3 annoying boys, and the rest of them are nice. But, I do have a sexist P.E. teacher: here's a story: 

So, we used to have this scraggly little tree up on the playground, but then it rotted and died after, maybe, 10 years. Then the P.E. teacher (let's just say his name is Mr. K) kicked it over and broke into 3 big pieces. So, Mr. K said, "Come on boys, let's move this tree trunk over there." I said, "Why can't the girls help?", and he said, "Well, it you don't have to do all the work. Here, the girls can come pick up these twigs on the ground." EXTRA-SUPER-MEGA-LAME-EXCUSE!!!

Boys aren't stronger than girls. We're the same.


Also, Danie, you are SOOO not the only girl nerd on here. I read books during recess AND take robotics AND want to be an astronomical engineer when I grow up AND won a prize with our robotics team AND am in the class that not only beat the school's average score for (HSA?) but beat the STATE OF HAWAII'S average score TOO!!! 


Sorry, I might be going on a bit much. 

submitted by Kate-the-Great, age ??????????, Hawaii
(August 29, 2015 - 1:14 pm)

I've met plenty of nice boys. Mr. Dwarf- he made a "hello" thread, started writing a fanfiction, and that's about it- he's AMAZING. Such a great kid! And I have a lot of friends who are boys.... they can be jerks at times, but they're good people at heart.

However, here's a short story for you all:
Once apon a time, my baseball team was playing the only other team in my division that has girls on the team. Two or three, I think. One of them was the starting pitcher. One of my teammates went up to bat, and the boy next to me, let's call him Finn, just suddenly shouted, "Hey, ____! You can't hit a girl!"

And I shot him this really mean stare and told him to shut up. Obviously.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(August 30, 2015 - 10:59 am)

Oh yes Ranty time!!  I'm homeschooled so I don't meet quite as many boys but last year I did this homeschool group with PE and we did kickball mostly.  One week like all the girls were all on one team and the next week two boys who were with the girls were complaining. 

AE interuption *But then you played dodge ball and they got knocked out remember?*

That's true.  It was me, my friend Maren, and one other girl at the end of the game.  Then the boys stopped talking. 

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(September 10, 2015 - 3:53 pm)

Not all boys are that bad though.  I have a friend named Levi who's really nice.  All in all, I think it really depends on the boy and you can't just label them all jerks.

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(September 13, 2015 - 9:05 pm)

Honestly, not all boys are annoying. I have some really good friends who are boys, and they're really cool and like lots of stuff I do. Like girls, some guys are mean and some are nice. 

BUT. It is a scientific fact that girls mature faster than boys, physically and mentally. So around the sixth\seventh grade area IT IS TRUE that girls will be slightly more mature than boys. This all evens out eventually, but is can be annoying while it lasts.

And sports. NO ONE ever guesses I play soccer. They say, do you play sports. I say, Yes. They guess volleyball? swimming? softball? SOCCER IS NOT A BOY SPORT! Sheesh, the woman's national team ROCKED it this year!!! (The men's failed miserably in the world cup.) GO CARLI LLOYD! 

In PE also, the  boys never pass to the girls. It's discriminating. When it so happens a girl actually tries her best in PE and gets involved in the action, the guys never pass. Never give her the ball, and make stupid shots that will never work when I am RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GOAL WIDE OPEN!!!! Then, if I actually do get the ball and miss, the boys get so mad at me!!! Like you didn't miss a much easier shot! The world is actually still very sexist, and we girls sometimes have to work harder to get credit in sports and stuff! GIRL POWER!

Whew! Thanks, Danie. I needed a place to rant.  

Ookz says rver. River? What do rivers have to do with anything, Ookz? 

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose in a Book
(October 1, 2015 - 11:36 pm)

Gracious! People are really letting loose on here, aren't they! This is my opinion: (please don't get mad at me for whatever reason) In my class, (6/7 grade) we only have 6 boys, and I'm very good friends with 4 of them almost 99.9 % of the time.

 There was another who goes to the public school now, but we're really close, he lives right across the street from me and when he comes over for one reason or another, we goof around, explore, and watch movies, but we're so close that if he does something that my mum would reprimand me or my brother for doing, he'll get in trouble too, just not as severely as us, because he's basicly my brother. He even calls my parents mama and papa, same as me.

Another friend, who left our class last year, I was almost as close with, and he's a boy. The reason I'm an "Honorary Boy" (they actually call me that sometimes) is because when we were younger, I decided I was tired of being on "the girl's team" and having to be enemies with the boys of our class, so I just started hanging out with them, building forts with them, and not ever bringing up the fact (like some of my girl friends did) that "I'm a girl, so... you're can't hit me (because I did, and sometimes do get in fights with them) or so I'm cleaner, or you can't go in the kitchen of the fort, because you're a boy. And other silly things like that.

But don't get me wrong, I know that boys  say stuff like that also. But then, there's the infuriating fact that some people think that if a boy and girl are close friends, that it imediantly means that thay are "boyfriend and girlfriend!" Well, that's not the kind if friendship that we have, even though there were and are a few girls in my class who think that's the way it is. What was kind-of relieving in a way, was that a girl who I am very close with, let's say Ellis, and the boy who lives across the street from me (how about... Will) started "dating" and that finally makes people believe that Will and I are friends in a brotherly sisterly way, not a lovey dovey way.

So I guess I must be very lucky, if almost everyone else thinks that all boys (fine, 99.9%) are jerks and idiots, and all they do is play video games (one of my friends lives on a dairy farm, owns his own dairy cow, and gets up a 5:30 each morning to milk her, and then do chores with his sister, such as sweeping and cleaning eggs, and he doesn't even know what they are, let alone has played a video game in his life *they are home-schooled, which probably helps) exclude girls in every possible way, and also ogle them. That's not what boys are all about! They are not Cave-Men! (most of the time, but aren't we all sometimes)

And yes, I know, men have treated (and still do treat) women in horrible and annoying ways, but some women agreed with that themselves! (of course, that was a long time ago) but still! Just because some men did sexist things, doesn't mean all the other men and boys are that way too! (that goes for racism too) Please don't anyone take this as anti-feminest or anything, because I'm all for it, just maybe not as aggressively amazon and girl power! all boys suck! as some other people. Okay, going back to what I said at the top, ("Gracious, people are really letting loose on here aren't they!") I just unintentually did it. Again: I'm not denying that some boys can be horribe, but then again, so can girls. 

submitted by AWT, Maine
(October 2, 2015 - 2:16 pm)

Shadow Dragon is saying I said "most, like 99%" of boys are idiots. I did not say that. I said "plenty of boys are idiots." I don't mean most in general, just most in the seventh grade.

If you went to my school you would agree. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 2, 2015 - 8:49 pm)

Of all the people you've meet and all the people that you ever will, is just a tiny, tiny, smaple of humanity. Get opened minded, beyond what you can see.There's other people, and they're going to be a lot diffrent. Deal with it. Don't judge all of humanity on just the people you're around.

And it is extermly rude to call anyone a jerk or a idiot. Because they probably aren't, and even if they are, you really should have better manners than that. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it at all. (yes, l would tell you this if we were talking face-to-face) And being on the Internet doesn't exculde you from being mannerly to people in real life.

Also, what the heck is wrong with video games? Or sports?

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 3, 2015 - 12:26 am)

I said I didn't mean most IN GENERAL. I meant in MY seventh grade. There are about seventeen jerks and thirteen non-jerks.

And by the way, I would be COMPLETELY fine with them finding this thread. Don't want me to say jerk? They are vulgar, crude, cruel, sexist, and rude.

DO NOT STOP THERE. The boys in that grade who are nice are kind, caring, sweet, smart, hilarious, and great to be around.

I specifically said "I don't mean most boys in general, just in the seventh grade." And I meant MY seventh grade at MY school.

I am not mad at you, SD. It's my fault, I should have been more clear.


Plenty of boys are jerks NOT IN GENERAL but IN MY SCHOOL'S SEVENTH GRADE. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 3, 2015 - 9:05 am)

Guys, GUYS! Cheer up. First, the people who support boys: I'm not saying every boy is annoying. I have loads of guy friends.

And I want to say to all those boys: If you where in my situation, if you where my gender, what would you think then? (But then, I'm pretty sure there won't be any annoying boys on this thread, so that shouldn't be nessessary.)

So. Think about just for a moment. If there is anything that may seem disagreeable, then disagree with me. This is my facts and opinion, and its staying that way. 

(Note: Yes, I know, all these arguments can be used the same on the other side. Humph.) 

submitted by Danie
(October 4, 2015 - 9:12 am)

I totally get you! I am smart not genius but smart and some of my friends who are boys go around and act like I know nothing. I am good at sports at all except for hockey which I rock at and all things to do with water which I also rock at and they think I can't do anything! I am really strong because I live on a farm and do ballet and if they would just let me practice I could be much better then them! Boys are frustrating sometimes. No offense. Sometimes you're great.

submitted by Adelle W., age 12, Montana
(October 12, 2015 - 1:29 pm)