Chatterbox: Down to Earth



So, I need to rant this somewhere. Seriously, this has been in my mind for a bit.

WHY DOES EVERYONE I MEET THINK THAT I'M NOT REALLY SMART? Okay, I make my mistakes, but whenever I point something out or try to join a conversation with boys, they either ignore me or tell me to go away. Sometimes I REALLY wish I was a boy. Then I wouldn't have to pretend to be someone else.

I do this camp called 'tech camp', where you get to learn how to do...well... techy stuff. The camp is divided into classes, and the one I'm taking right now (where we learn how to use a 3D program called unreal) I'm the only girl. And whenever I try to be friendly with the boys, they always gradually move away.

Anyone else want to rant? Any help? 


submitted by Danie
(August 12, 2015 - 7:17 pm)

*shrugs* Hm. So I may have been mistaken.

submitted by Danie
(August 22, 2015 - 10:39 am)

Wow, none of that ever happens to me. But, I guess it's cause I always avoid boys. In elementary school my best friend was a boy, and he was totally normal. My friend told me that he said I couldn't make video games because  I was a girl. I actually didn't care.

BUT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL all the boys were jerks. They never did anything mean to me but to my friends they were evil.

So In my whole life I've NEVER EVER wished I was a boy.  Why would I?

submitted by Palmtree
(August 22, 2015 - 1:59 pm)

In my experience, boys are perfectly nice people. l do a lot of sports, and l've never been treated differently because l'm a girl.  

@Savvy: l've never heard that swimming was a girl's sport. l know many boys who do swimming.

@Phantom: Agreed! Don't judge people on their genders. 

@Brookeira: And plenty of them aren't. It's not very nice to go about assuming that all boys are idiots. Or girls for that matter.


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(August 22, 2015 - 7:51 pm)

Actually, Shadow, I never said ALL boys are idiots. Don't twist my words. 

submitted by Brookeira
(August 23, 2015 - 2:27 pm)

Some boys are idiots, and I think Brookeira meant the same. There are plenty of awesome boys.  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(August 23, 2015 - 3:59 pm)

And some girls are idiots as well (Not you peoples, of coruse!)  And some of them are wonderful.

She said most. Like 99%. 

l'm sorry, Brookeira, if l was rude, but that's what you said. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(August 23, 2015 - 7:11 pm)

I never said 99%! I have really good friends who are boys. I meant, in SEVENTH GRADE, about 53% of boys are jerks to me. Please don't twist my words!

submitted by Brookeira
(October 2, 2015 - 8:46 pm)

@Shadow Dragon

Hmmm... I guess for you, but for me, I used to take swim lessons and a boy was made fun of for doing it too since all the other participants were girls. But I guess some boys do it and it's ok. 

submitted by Savvy44x
(August 23, 2015 - 6:39 pm)

At my school about two thirds of the boys are the stereo-typical, sports-loving, video game-obsessed, idiots. Those boys are rude, noisy and they fight a lot. The other third is a group of boys who are kinda quiet and much nicer that all the other boys.

Saying one gender is better than the other is WRONG. Girls are just as smart and capable as boys and vice versa. Some girls are mean and some boys are nice.

submitted by Hermione Granger, age 11, Hogwarts
(August 23, 2015 - 4:08 pm)

Exactly the same for me, dude.

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of boys
(August 25, 2015 - 4:42 pm)

I totally agree. No one is better than the other. 

submitted by Aubrey L., age 13, Camelot
(August 25, 2015 - 5:38 pm)

Okay, I just read through all the posts and have decided how I shall say this.

Not all boys are jerky and mean and stuff. Some boys are realy nice and fun to be around. I believe that girls should not be treated differently just because they are girls.

I am a girl nerd. It's okay, and I don't mind.

More later. My ankle's about to explode. 

submitted by S.E.
(August 23, 2015 - 7:24 pm)


submitted by Phantom N., age 12, Ghostly Places
(August 23, 2015 - 8:54 pm)

And I'm not saying that all boys are like this. There are many kind, nice, wonderfuly friendly boys out there. I have great friends who are boys. I'm just talking about one particualar set of boys.

The boys on the CB are amazing. The girls on the CB are amazing. It really doesn't matter. 

submitted by OtR
(August 24, 2015 - 5:47 am)

I don't hate boys, though I'm not friends with any. I actually haven't had the problems that you have, though my little sister had that problem. Once during field day, her class was testing how far they could throw. The guys got soft, light balls. The girls got heavy ones. The problem isn't just assuming girls are weak, but making them look weak as well.

Sorry, but this is going to have multiple topics and stories. I have a small suggestion for if someone says you do something "like a girl." This hint will work most affectivley for girls. When someone says you do something like a girl, just reply "Well I am a girl, and I *insert whatever they're insulting you on* pretty great." And if you are great at it, prove it.

Here is a little story from Buggy and me. My cousin, who is a boy my age, invited Buggy and me for a foam sword war, since he and I love to have them. He also had two other boy cousins, and his friend came over somewhere in there. Basically, it was 4 boys against 2 girls (PS, incase you don't know, Buggy is female). Buggy and I teamed up, and beat them. All of them. Although I was wielding a foam sword and battle axe like a warrior. I was waving my weapons everywhere, and Buggy was great at hitting at the perfect moment. It was awesome. 

submitted by Lindsey R.
(August 24, 2015 - 8:38 pm)