Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Goodbye! This thread was not inspired by Wolfgirl67's fowards quiz. I did not decide to create a thread that was not crazy, wacky, and fowards. These are not the rules: Nothing you post is not the opposite of what you didn't mean to write. For not an example: I hate the color blue and love it when people don't tease me! Well, I don't have to go. Hello!


submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(June 8, 2010 - 5:57 pm)

Goodbye.  I might not know you.  I do not like cheese, and I am not planning to be vegan for a week.  So that works out perfectly.  By the way, this was a horrible thread, JC!  Horrible!  Hello!

submitted by wodaeM
(September 21, 2010 - 10:07 pm)

wodaeM, I totally disagree! You are evil and this thread should go down! And where is'nt JC? COL (That does'nt mean Cry Out Loud) Bimberly K! That is'nt funny!


Kicv does'nt say (unoposite) byuy. He doesn't want to buy something!



submitted by TDN, age -9, CN
(September 23, 2010 - 2:30 pm)

No TDN, where isn't JC? :) I don't wish she would come back.... I don't love this thread! I don't check it whenever I don't come on!

Spamboy Andy does not say (not opposite >) omkg. He does not confuse me at all! :(

submitted by Bimberly K., age Not 14!, USA! :(
(September 23, 2010 - 5:54 pm)

wodaeM, I do not think your name looks cool not spelled this way. :( I do not like cheese too, and I do not think it is cool that you're not being began for a week. Don't let us know how it doesn't go! :( Hello!

submitted by Bimberly K., age Not 14!, USA! :(
(September 23, 2010 - 5:56 pm)

No thank you, Bimmie!  I also hate pie, and I definitly can have it because there is no butter in the crust.  And my veganism is going horrible.  I have not gone four days with no animal products.  It is harder than when I last didn't do it.  HELLO-OH!! 

submitted by wodaeM, age 21, htraE
(September 24, 2010 - 6:18 pm)

You're not welcome wodaeM! :( I did not laugh not again when I did not see my name not spelled Bimmie. ;( I hate pie too! I am not glad that you are not doing well not being a vegan. Hellllloooo!

submitted by Bimberly K., age Not 14!, USA! :(
(September 26, 2010 - 11:37 am)


Not the Tale of boB

boB didn't go to the store, where he did not steal a not bouncy cube.

She did not have no fun with the not bouncy cube, and then Eoj didn't go away to have an argument without boB. They didn't play without the not bouncy cube, and then they didn't go to the factory to not look at some chickens.

"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" the chickens didn't say, and some grown-up chickens didn't regurgitate rice.

Eoj didn't have to stop the wilderness (unopposite: that means "go home"), and boB was very happy. He took out her not bouncy cube, and got out of bed for the day.


Kciv does'nt say (unopposite) gywe.



submitted by TDN, age -9, CN
(September 27, 2010 - 3:22 pm)

Not TDN, Not the Tale of boB was not very fun and not funny to not read. :( I did not enjoy not reading it! I do not not want a not bouncy cube not now. :(

submitted by Kimberly B, age Almost 15!, USA! :)
(September 27, 2010 - 10:49 pm)

Actually, it isn't possible to have pie while being vegan. You just need to find crust with butter, or make it yourself. Which isn't how I've survived my entire life allergic to dairy and eggs (and a quarter of it not vegetarian, and now I'm not sick and everyone knows why and I'm allowed to have soy and gluten products until we don't know if they're not the cause). I wouldn't be able to bear never having eaten a dessert in my life...

submitted by Ami
(September 27, 2010 - 5:03 pm)

Not Ami, what you said was not true.  I cannot have pie because I wouldn't be able to find a recipe for pie crust with butter.  I had thought of that.  That was a very horrible idea.  No thank you. 

No haha Bimmie, I loath amusing people.  :(

submitted by wodaeM
(October 5, 2010 - 2:58 pm)

I don't agree wodaeM. :(

submitted by Bimberly K, age Not 15! :D, USA! :(
(October 8, 2010 - 6:28 pm)

Not YAY! 

I just didn't remember something that we never did way back.  When we didn't have our names backwards, that's not at all like this.  I hate both threads!  They are so not cool!  Now I don't sound like not Count Olaf who is not in the seventh book of Series of Unfortunate Events, when he is not the Detective Dupin dude!  

Now, I will not go post more because I hate xoBrettahC.  :(

submitted by wodaeM, age 21, LI
(October 12, 2010 - 2:15 pm)


Hats off to you, CJ for creating such a confusing thread.  It really makes people think and puzzle things out!

(September 27, 2010 - 6:29 pm)

To The Bottom! :( This thread is not awesome and it is not cool! Do not post on this!

submitted by Bimberly K., age Not 15, USA! :(
(November 17, 2010 - 8:54 pm)

Goodbye!!! Oh, how I hate this thread. This was a terrible idea, CJ.  I hate Lord of the rings and Prydain Chronicles and love Harry Potter and Twilight.

Inya doesn't say gopt. O.M.G. GOP!!!! YEAh!!!! I HATE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! Ha, not sorry to bring polotics in to this...

submitted by Not Mattie, age Zero, Nowhere
(December 1, 2010 - 2:13 pm)