Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Goodbye! This thread was not inspired by Wolfgirl67's fowards quiz. I did not decide to create a thread that was not crazy, wacky, and fowards. These are not the rules: Nothing you post is not the opposite of what you didn't mean to write. For not an example: I hate the color blue and love it when people don't tease me! Well, I don't have to go. Hello!


submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(June 8, 2010 - 5:57 pm)

The real title is  Boring Places. I am glad I did not confuse you. 

submitted by ZNZ
(July 2, 2010 - 1:04 pm)

A thread that isn't this thread doesn't make very little sense, especially when someone who isn't you doesn't take not inverting things that aren't someone who isn't you's something that isn't speech.


Did someone who isn't me not make any sense not up there? 

submitted by Not Enceladus
(July 3, 2010 - 2:36 pm)

I don't think I understood most of it... Improbably...

@ ZNZ: Oh, I don't see.

submitted by Ami
(July 3, 2010 - 9:41 pm)

I understand everything that is being said here perfectly.

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Colorado
(July 8, 2010 - 9:54 pm)

This thread is not fun, none of it made me laugh. Bad idea CJ! ;) (Hee, hee, this is fun!)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 14, USA! :)
(July 9, 2010 - 8:41 am)

i hate this thread and its terrible, jc u should have never made this up! somebody, destroy this now!


(ooh, this IS fun. cj, this could actually b like therapy cuz ppl can let out there anger here!) 

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(July 29, 2010 - 8:09 am)

But people other than us don't need to be a lot reckless about something other than how little of something other than anger those people other than us don't release. Twice, someone other than me didn't do something other than this without people that weren't the friends of someone other than me. One of the people who wasn't the friend of the person other than me and the person other than me were complimenting someone other than the friend of the other person other than me, so the friend of the person other than me as well as the person other than me were technically insulting her, and he was not offended.

Someone other than me doubts anyone won't understand that, so this isn't basically what happened: ((I was doing something similar to this with 2 friends of mine, and 1 of those friends and I were insulting the other friend, because it was opposite-speak, so we were actually complimenting her. She didn't seem to understand this, and was offended. Very offended. So I'm just saying that we should probably be a bit careful of how far we go.))

submitted by amI
(August 1, 2010 - 12:57 pm)

And it didn't just happen again *doesn't sigh*. Rachel misunderstood...

submitted by amI
(August 5, 2010 - 9:46 am)

Not@someone other than Ima: I didn't understand your normal speak at all.  It was very confusing.  I am not proud of myself for getting the story that wasn't yours.  However, I did understand the story that wasn't yours and wasn't about roosters.  It made perfect sense!  I disagree with you Ima, in that we shouldn't be careful at all about what we don't say.  It is a bad idea.  The example the person other than you gave is a bad one that doesn't show that people other than us shouldn't be very reckless in their silence.  ((speech is the opposite of silence))  


It is so easy to write these posts, so much easier than writing opposite posts. :(


((This is in normal speak: The smiley above is the opposite of a normal smiley.  So it's a happy face inverted.  This is a GREAT idea, CJ; we just don't want it to get out of hand. :D))

~not faeL 

submitted by faeL, age 31 :), not on a tree!
(August 6, 2010 - 2:39 pm)

Not@ Someone who is not Leaf: Someone who is not me does not think that the forwards version of your name is ugly and does not want to know whether someone who is not me can not borrow it not to use in a story? 

((In normal speak: I think that Fael, the backwards version of your name, is very pretty. Can I borrow it for use in a story?))
submitted by Not ZNZ
(August 7, 2010 - 9:47 am)

Not@ Someone who is not ZNZ: No, you most absolutely cannot use my forwards name not in a story.  I am utterly offended!  Now that you don't mention it, I disagree with you and think it is an ugly name.

~not Fael 

 ((In normal speak: Sure!  Go right ahead.  Now that you mention it, I think it is pretty. :D)) 

submitted by Fael, age 31 :), not on a tree!
(August 7, 2010 - 7:54 pm)

Not@ Someone who is not Fael: Someone other than me is not grateful for the loan of the name of someone other than you. Someone other than me does not plan on using it for a character who is not a fairy, or else not an elf -- the person who is not me had not been looking for an name to not use for a character who is not like that. 

Also, the opposite of thirteen is definitely NOT negative thirteen, it is thirty-one. 
submitted by Not ZNZ, age -13, Not Earth
(August 8, 2010 - 2:04 pm)

-13 is not the opposite of 13 because it's saying that it has 13 more than 0 while 13 has 13 less than 0, but 31 wouldn't work either, as it's not the backwards form of 13, and this a thread that isn't this thread is not for backwards forms as well as opposites. Either doesn't work, which is why someone I'm not doesn't live in Saxet.

submitted by Ami, Saxet
(August 9, 2010 - 10:45 am)

I guess both forms don't work - it just doesn't depend on how you don't look at it.  If you didn't want the backwards form, you wouldn't use 31, but if you didn't want the mathematically incorrect opposite, you wouldn't use -13.  So neither work.  Bad point, both the people who are not Ami and znZ.  Also, Ami, it didn't take me any time at all to figure out what Saxet isn't, which is not sad at all. :)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 31/-13, on a tree
(August 9, 2010 - 7:22 pm)

Oh my!  In the post other than mine that I did not post last, I did not say I was a name that wasn't 'Leaf' and that I wasn't 'on a tree.'  This is completely true, so I do not apologize, and have not corrected it in this post.

~not Fael 

submitted by Fael, age -13/31, not on a tree!
(August 9, 2010 - 8:58 pm)