100 Ways To
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
100 Ways To
100 Ways To Annoy Darth Vader
...In memory of Daisy. This is like the Voldemort one, except we add on to it, post to post to post.
Oh, and make sure to put the number you are posting in your name box, so that even if your comment hasn't showed up yet, another person can post, knowing what number you've already done.
1. Call him "buckethead" and slam his helmet down on his head
2. Step on his cloak when he's walking by
3. Slosh a can of hot pink paint over him
submitted by Leafpool, 1, 2, 3.
(December 26, 2016 - 3:26 pm)
(December 26, 2016 - 3:26 pm)
21. Bake him a cake that says, "Eat me" and make sure there is a shrinking potion mixed in it. Then watch him shrink tiny with a little squeaky voice...![Laughing Laughing](/profiles/palantir/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif)
(December 28, 2016 - 9:04 pm)
22. Hijack whatever plane/ship he's on, and fly him to the Sahara. Then just leave him there. Sand, sand, sand!
23. Have everyone around him respond to "Andy's coming!" Watch his confusion as everyone drops to the ground.
24. Show him a video remix of literally anything he's said. I'm sure there are plenty out there.
(December 28, 2016 - 11:28 pm)
I went back and counted three annoyances that hasn't been counted. So although I last posted with #24, the next number would actually be #28.
(December 29, 2016 - 12:08 am)
28. Put on a Darth Vader costume and tell him he's been cloned.
(December 29, 2016 - 3:00 pm)
29. Tell him that he really should become friends with Lord Voldemort. He does have such good contacts...
30. Ask him what he thought of his portrayal in Rogue One.
31. Call him Anakin for the entire day.
(December 30, 2016 - 1:30 pm)
Ask him if he can do a demonstration of nose picking.
(December 30, 2016 - 6:39 pm)
33. Sign him up to be a camp counselor in some random kid's camp in Okahoma or something
34. Tape a piece of paper to his back that says "Kick me"
(December 30, 2016 - 9:52 pm)
{35} Sing annoying baby songs like, 'If you're happy and you know it' or 'twinkle, twinkle, little star'
{36} Sign him up for an online dating service
{37} Force him (haha, FORCE HIM!!???? I didn't even mean to do that! *cracks up*) to watch Finding Dory and replay the part where she goes 'I like sand. Sand is squishy.' Twenty times.
{38} Throw his suit out and make him wear Khakis for the day. (Credits to Nugget, who said kkax)
(December 31, 2016 - 9:31 am)
@Leeli yours were funny! I'm doing one inspired by yours.
39. Sign him up for FarmersOnly.com and show him a female dating profile under the name Annie Kin Skywokker. ("They'll never know it's you!")
40. Build him a sandcastle.
41. Show him Darth Vader memes.
42. Steal his light saber and replace it with a fake.
(December 31, 2016 - 11:02 am)
Omigosh that is so funny.
I would do some, but someone just posted and didn't put the number in their name, so I won't at the moment because I might mix things up.
(December 31, 2016 - 2:07 pm)
Thanks! Haha, I love the one about Annie Kin Skywokker! Lol! XD
(December 31, 2016 - 5:01 pm)
39) Turn his cape and armor stuff hot pink.
40) Make the strongest strawberry cotton candy bubblegum perfume in the galaxy and activate it when ever he tries to use the force.
41) Let Ewoks invade his home!
Queen Lavender the 67th (my CAPATCHA) is an Ewok, by the way. She says afke.
(December 31, 2016 - 12:18 pm)
42. Turn on the Imperial March on top volume every time he starts to speak.
(December 31, 2016 - 2:54 pm)
*Hacks* Oh my gosh I LOVE that one.
43. Tell him that you gave bought him tickets on the S.S. Sandy, going on a tour around the world and stopping at all the sandiest places.
44. Give him a tribble that's wearing a cape saying "I <3 Darth Vader (He's DA BOMB!)"
45. Set up a pingpong table in his personal quarters.
(December 31, 2016 - 3:44 pm)
And, by the way, after we've got to 100 we can vote on who to do next. Like, other famous villains, although D.V. and Voldemort are the most commonly known.
(December 31, 2016 - 2:09 pm)