*purrs* Welcome, fellow

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Warriors roleplay
*purrs* Welcome, fellow...

*purrs* Welcome, fellow warriors, to MoonClan camp. *stands up and walks to fresh kill pile* Hungry?

submitted by Mosstar, age 14 moons, MoonClan
(January 17, 2009 - 10:21 pm)

I love the warrior cat books but which one is that from is it the new one?

submitted by Annie p, age 13, new hampshire
(February 25, 2009 - 11:10 am)

Umm hi I'm new and I'd like to know if I can be a part of the Warriors roleplay. I've read a little bit of the first old book and it was pretty cool. I'll reread the few I have if I can join . It sounds like a lot of fun, but I would need help picking a name. Please reply soon :)

submitted by kittypet, age confusion, outside forest
(February 25, 2009 - 5:26 pm)

you kittypet,will have the name glowpaw despite your dark eyes because you do have a suprisinglly happy personality.And yes welcome to the lake.Do you kittypet wonder why I am in front of your eyes and yet am dead?Do not be afraid,I was sent by starclan itself ,sent to help the clans.Now about your clan, hmm....you cannot be in shadowclan because they hate kittypets,not windclan because your too plump,maybe thunderclan ...wait Starclan has whispered in my ear and has told me that you belong to riverclan and their water.Scurry now I have to talk to medicine cats at moonpool now goodbye and good luck!!!

submitted by BlueStar, age about doze, Thunderclan
(March 1, 2009 - 10:33 pm)

ok thank you for the help i love my name , and sorry its been a while our internets down but ill try t post as much as possible

submitted by Glowpaw, age 9 moons, by the river
(March 11, 2009 - 3:41 pm)

Greetings, Kittypet. I am Wildstorm, warrior of Skyclan*.  Go to the warriors website, click on Games & extras, and then click on "consult Starclan for your warrior name" to find out your warrior name and then click "consult Starclan for your warrior clan" to find out your Warrior clan.


 *read Firestar's Quest to find out about Skyclan(it's a special edition).

submitted by Wildstorm, Skyclan
(February 27, 2009 - 4:53 pm)

OK, seriously, these Warriors are getting furbally. Any medicine cats out there?

submitted by Dawnstorm, age 108 moons, Moonpool
(February 28, 2009 - 10:17 pm)

dawnstorm,there is a medicine cat named snowflower that has only been medicine cat for a few sunrises .Maybe you could help her.Now goodbye and may starclan be with you!!!

submitted by Bluestar, age unknown, thunderclan
(March 1, 2009 - 10:39 pm)

(( Ah, the warriors name thing. It dosn't work. Well, at least, I'm not fond of it.))

submitted by Willa
(March 1, 2009 - 11:12 pm)

Willa, I am Spottedleaf. I was a medicine cat in the very first Warriors book but I was killed. Now I walk the skies with other noble cats. I have consulted with the other cats of StarClan and we think that you should be a medicine cat. I have also talked with Windstar, the original leader of WindClan, and he thinks that you should be in WindClan. Lastly, I consulted with Yellowfang and Cinderpelt. They think that your Warrior name should be Pinefur. What do you think of this name? If you don't like it we also thought of Goldenheart and Wavepelt. Any of those three would be acceptable. Now, I must go warn Laughingstar of great trouble to come...

submitted by Spottedleaf, age many, many, StarClan
(March 2, 2009 - 1:16 pm)

*conspiritorial whisper* What kind of trouble?

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons
(March 2, 2009 - 6:44 pm)

What about Willowleaf?

submitted by Thunderleaf, age 9 moons, Thunderclan cam
(March 3, 2009 - 8:39 pm)

What do you mean the name thing dosn't work? I wish I had a name like the warriors.Yell

submitted by Christina M., age 9, Los Angeles CA
(March 2, 2009 - 8:41 pm)

Smile Oh don't worry Christina M.!  they are just talking about this thing on the Warriors website. You can totally do that  or, just make up your own name.  In a name all you need is a first part and a second part.  Both parts usually have something to do with your personality and/or something in nature.  Like, for example, my name is Breezepool and I am a medicine cat, which is kind of like a cat doctor. In real life, I actually do memorize all the important herbs from the Warriors many series.  Do you want to be my apprentice?  I'll tell you all about Warrior cats and we will have so much fun!!!!!!!!! Pick the first part of your name and then put paw after it (Wildpaw), which symbolizes that you are an apprentice.  Complicated, I know, but you will get the hang of it! you will soon become a warrior, and then you can change paw to something else.  Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeee be my apprentice!  I want a friend!Laughing


Remember that we cannot post links to other sites.


submitted by Poetgirl, age 10.5 years, California
(March 7, 2009 - 11:40 pm)

hello Mosstar congrats on your new leadership.*purrrrrrr*.And thank you for offering but sorry,i'm not hungry.Undecided

submitted by HollyRose, age 19 moons, IceClan
(March 1, 2009 - 10:44 pm)

Hi, I'm Elmkit! I was just born recently. I can't wait to be an apprentice! I hope i get a cool Warrior name! I have a friend named Silverkit but she's really shy. I wonder who my mentor will be? Hmm...

submitted by Elmkit , age 2 moons, the forest
(March 2, 2009 - 12:59 pm)