*purrs* Welcome, fellow

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Warriors roleplay
*purrs* Welcome, fellow...

*purrs* Welcome, fellow warriors, to MoonClan camp. *stands up and walks to fresh kill pile* Hungry?

submitted by Mosstar, age 14 moons, MoonClan
(January 17, 2009 - 10:21 pm)

Congradulations!  tell Tanglepaw that if he doesn't behave, he will be cleaning out the elders bedding! *purrs with amusement*

submitted by Leapordheart
(February 15, 2009 - 1:45 pm)

welcome, Mosstar.  I see you are a leader of a rival clan.  My name is Leapordheart, warrior of thunderclan.  If you are wise, stay out of our camp!

submitted by Leapordheart
(February 15, 2009 - 1:41 pm)

greetings, Im a medicine cat apperentice now. I must tend to the wounded cuz r camp is being attected now!!!


submitted by Icepaw, Thunderclan
(March 5, 2009 - 11:25 pm)

Tanglepaw is always blundering into things. He forgot to shake the water out of the moss for the elders bedding and then I made him get rid of their ticks, and he licked the mouse bile off his paws because he wouldn't listen. Tanglepaw, get back here!!

submitted by Wildstorm, age 11, Imbler, OR.
(February 16, 2009 - 12:09 pm)

I wanted to fight, but Thrushwing said I couldn't. She's so mean! Soon I'll be an apprentice, and I'll fight harder and hunt better than any cat in the forest. See? See? Oops, that battle yowl was a bit loud. Here's Laughingstar now to yell at me. He can't blame me! I was fighting ShadowClan. OK, pretending to fight ShadowClan. It's the thought that counts, right? Right? I'll be an apprentice soon ,and after that, watch out, forest!

 ((Sorry to sound like a total Squirrelflight! BTW, what clan are we, Laughingstar/kipin?))

submitted by Duskkit, age 5.7 moons, StormClan camp
(February 16, 2009 - 3:13 pm)

Well, Duskkit, it looks like you're already Stormclan, so we can go with that.  And yes, I am indeed going to shout at you, but not too loudly, for as you said, it IS the thought that counts. (I'm a girl, by the way, lol. Misprint?) *gets sick of messing with the Shadowclan cat and swats him hard enough to send him slinking away, thoroughly beaten* Ha. So there, mangywhiskers!

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons
(February 18, 2009 - 10:56 pm)

Sorry. Misprint!

submitted by Reuben K, age 12.75, New Joisey-got
(February 20, 2009 - 4:41 pm)

S'okay. *pat pat*

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons
(February 20, 2009 - 5:12 pm)

I hope I get a good apprentice. This will be my first one. Kinda afraid. You'll be a great apprentice. I hope I get you as a apprentice.

submitted by Thunderleaf, age 9 moons, Thunderclan cam
(February 23, 2009 - 6:18 pm)

Rowr! Stop biting my tail, Stormpaw. Theres a battle going on. Go away. GO help the medicine cat or something.

submitted by Thunderleaf, age 8 moons, Thunderclan
(February 18, 2009 - 4:52 pm)

Duskkit! Stop biting my tail! When I'm leader of Moonclan, you wont be able to do that anymore.  So ha ha to you Mr. Bossypaws!  Ouch!! Mountainfern! Maaama!

submitted by Swallowkit
(February 18, 2009 - 7:05 pm)

Uh, Swallowkit...We're in different Clans. My leader is Laughingstar, yours is Mossstar. So unless there's some Lionpaw thing going on, I'm not biting your tail!

submitted by Duskkit, age 5.7 moons, StormClan camp,
(February 19, 2009 - 7:50 am)

*laughs* Ha, you silly kits. Always biting imaginary tails... *winks*

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons
(February 20, 2009 - 5:13 pm)

One of our warriors, Goldenheart, is missing, and Leafstar is sending out patrols to find her.

submitted by Wildstorm, age , Skyclan
(February 19, 2009 - 8:13 pm)

((OOf. In correspondance with Laughingstar, I revealed my true identity, Reuben K. Sorry!))


I'm sick of being a kit. I'm almost six moons old and I should be an apprentice now! It's time for my ceremony! Laughingstar is calling a clan meeting now! I can't wait!

submitted by Duskit, age 6 moons, f, StormClan camp,
(February 20, 2009 - 6:57 pm)