Cats of LavaClan!

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Cats of LavaClan!...

Cats of LavaClan! Gather under highstone to hear what I have to tell you! (THIS IS NOT AN EVIL CLAN!!!!!) Greetings, clan mates. My name is Beachstar. I am leader of LavaClan. We live on an island. We live in Lava tunnels, hence the name. Our medicine cats den is its own tunnel. We can run very fast in order to catch mongoose (i was in Hawaii lately so this is all kinda based of that), we can swim to get fish, we climb trees, and we can jump very high to catch birds. Our prey is plenty here, and there's never much snow, so we don't freeze in winter! We need a deputy, medicine cat, warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders! PLEASE JOIN!!!

submitted by Beachstar
(January 20, 2010 - 11:22 pm)

Silverwind: *yowls* *first kit comes* No! She's, she's, she's dead! *wails* *next kit comes* No!!! *tries to lick second dead kit, but stops as the third kit starts to comes* *yowls* Help!! Oh, help! *yowls* *third kit comes* *the kits is dead* *yowls* Why? Why are my kits dying?! *sobs* *yowls again* Please, Starclan! Don't let my kit die!! *yowls as fourth kit comes* *kit is born* *Silverwind passes out* *the kits is alive, but very weak* 

submitted by Silverwind&, Brightstorm
(February 4, 2010 - 9:37 pm)


Pelt Color:Tan

Eye Color:Blue

Personality:Kind, agile, helpful

Special Markings:White streak on flank

(Optional) History:


May I join?

submitted by Granitepaw
(February 5, 2010 - 8:13 am)

You may join Granitepaw. Silverwind, I'm so so so so sorry. I will be your mentor. We will not train tonight, though. We will sit vigil for Silverwind's d-dead kits. 

submitted by Beachstar
(February 5, 2010 - 10:33 am)

Hang in there Silverwind! *runs to Moonpool to get Swanflight*

submitted by Shadowpelt
(February 5, 2010 - 3:06 pm)

Silverwind: *is conscious again* *sees her one live kit* M- M- My k-
kits! They're gone, they're gone . . . all but you. I will call you
Oceankit. I promise you will always be safe, darling. Brightstorm. W-
We must n- name our d- d- d- d- d- dead kits. 

Brightstorm: Y- Yes, my dear. We m- must. The white she-cat would have been Silkkit.

Silverwind: The brown tom would h- have b- b- been Bramblekit. The orange and white tom w- would have been Stripekit. 

Both: Farewell, my kits. 

Silverwind: We will see you in Starclan someday. *sobs*

Brightstorm: *tries to comfort Silverwind* 

Silverwind: Brighstorm?

Brightstorm: Yes, darling?

Silverwind: We should adopt them. Snow, Lightning, and Storm.

Brightstorm: If you want, dear, then I would be happy to. I know Silkkit, Bramblekit, and Stripekit couldn't be replaced, but adopting Snow, Lightning, and Storm might help. 

Silverwind: I agree. 

submitted by Silverwind, Brightstorm, an
(February 5, 2010 - 9:35 pm)

I will join Beachstar. I have come with my mate Silverpelt. She is expecting kits this moon.

Name: Stoneclaw

Fur color: flame-colored

Eye color: Green

Special markings: One ear (caused by badger) and long scar across back(rats) long claws

Position: Warrior


Name: Silverpelt

Fur color: glossy silver

Eye color: Light blue

Special markings: One black paw

Position: Queen



submitted by Stoneclaw, age 11, Lavaclan
(February 5, 2010 - 7:10 pm)

Hi! Silverwind, We're here!

submitted by Snow,Lightning,Storm
(February 6, 2010 - 2:30 am)

Sure you can join!

submitted by Beachstar
(February 6, 2010 - 2:31 am)

Snow, Lightning, and Storm, you can join too! Do you want kit names? As in Snowkit, Lightningkit and Stormkit? 

submitted by Beachstar
(February 6, 2010 - 12:06 pm)

*is speaking to Swanflight in a dream* Greetings. I am Goldberry of StarClan, the cat who appeared to you once before to speak of a horrible disease, and have returned for the same purpose. I am very sorry about the death of Silkkit, Bramblekit, and Stripekit. I have come to tell you the cause. It is the great illness that I spoke of before, the one that cats old enough to catch their own prey can escape unharmed, but that shall be great peril to the very young. What I hadn't realized, for no cat, even a member of StarClan, is all-knowing, is that this malady is not limited to living kits. It can take even those who are still in the womb. These kits did not die after taking their first breath of air; they were born dead. No disease could work so swiftly, unless the kits caught it when they were yet unborn. Therefore, these kits were poisoned before birth, and that is why they never lived.

If you continue to have the queens stay in the nursery, all of your kits will die. A Clan without kits is devoid also of a future.

These kits and their mothers must be moved.

Silverpelt must go to CaveClan, or her kits will be stillborn.  Silverwind, also, must take her adopted kits to CaveClan, or they too will perish. I am sure she could not stand to lose another litter. Their stay will not be permanent, of course, but they must linger until the kits reach 6 moons of age, or until the disease is banished.

If other cats wish to visit the queens and kits (or stay with them, even), they may ask Silverstar's permission. After all, it is his territory.

You may wonder why I am asking them to go to CaveClan. Why not just explore until you find a new piece of land that is free  of diseases, and stay there? ((The real reason is that you said that the StarClan cat wanted the queens and kits to go there, but of course I have to make up a reason for the RP)). The disease is strong. Wherever you go, it shall spread. But there is a certain plant growing in CaveClan territory that wards off diseases if the scent is breathed in. It is called torrijek ((which isn't a real plant, if you were wondering, because no such plant exists, so I invented one. I'm horrible at making up names {even Goldberry came from another book}, so that's why it's so odd)). Inform Silverheart (as it's his Clan) and Owlflight (as their medicine cat, he's in charge of the herbs) of this, and ask if you may take some back to plant in your territory. Tell them that a StarClan cat asked that you do so, and I'm sure that they will both agree to it.

Once the plant has increased its numbers enough that there is a noticable, sweet smell in the air, this Clan will be safe for kits.

But before any of this is done, tell the rest of your Clan what I have revealed to you ((just say, "*tells Clan*," as they can read this as well as you can)). They need to know about this.

I must go, for it is morning, and you must awaken from this dream. But remember what I have told you, and inform your Clanmates. Goodbye.

submitted by Goldberry, age dead, StarClan
(February 6, 2010 - 6:10 pm)

Swanflight awoke with a jolt and sat down. She hurried into the center of the camp and looked around for Beachstar and the warriors. She told them about her dream, while the queens looked horrified.

submitted by Swanflight
(February 7, 2010 - 11:52 am)

Why then, we must move at once! I will go ask.

submitted by Beachstar
(February 7, 2010 - 1:36 pm)

I'll come to, just in case of unpleasantries. You shouldn't go alone Beachstar. *slinks over to Beachstar*

submitted by Shadowpelt
(February 8, 2010 - 5:38 pm)

Thank you, Shadowpelt. Sliverwind, Snowkit, Lightningkit, Stormkit, and Silverpelt. We must go to CaveClan. Silverwild, what is your only living kit's name?

submitted by Beachstar
(February 9, 2010 - 11:01 am)

No problem Beachstar. Let's get going.

submitted by Shadowpelt
(February 9, 2010 - 5:54 pm)