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Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Would You Rather: Book Edition
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On this thread we can ask each other book-related would you rather questions!
I'll start:
Would you rather spend a day with Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?
submitted by Cynthia M, age 12, USofA
(March 12, 2021 - 11:46 am)
(March 12, 2021 - 11:46 am)
a.) Harry Potter. I've only read like the first chapter of Percy Jackson, plus it seems like Harry's a better character than Percy, because especially in the first book Harry kept up his hopes and made friends and was brave and stuff even with his parent fiasco. Percy, on the other hand, while reading the chapter seemed all depressed. And that was fair, and I felt bad for him, but honestly would you rather meet a depressed person or a brave hopeful person who could show you maaaagiiiiic
b.) Oh, that depends. If it was a page in the beginning of the book than "they're their there," because it's important to read the beginning 'cause it sets up the story, characters and setting, and if it was part of the climax, a plot twist, or a page with really nice use of descriptive, J.R.R Tolkein style language, but if it was a rather unimportant page than I'd choose the page missing.
c.) SEQUEL TO MY FAVORITE BOOK. I so need another Wings of Fire book (scratch that, I really really need a rewrite to book 14 because it was the only book in Wings of Fire history that kiinda sucked honestly)
d.) FAVORITE CHARACTER, WOOT WOOT. I don't know who my overall favorite book character is, but whoever they are they're AWESOME. And depending on who they are they might teach me MAGIC or give me something ANIMUS TOUCHED or HOW TO FIGHT or SOMETHINGGGG
e.) Most absolutely my books are amazing. I really hate it when a book gets popular for no good reason, and it's a trend and stuff... I wrote a post on Pancake's Manga thread about my relationship with popular books. To be praised, or popular, or something, and enjoy it I have to know that it was deserved. If it was amazing, I could give the portion of the world that read it something to enjoy. I could write something phenomenal. I could be proud of myself and my work.
(October 14, 2021 - 7:44 am)
For the second one; a page missing because 1) they there and their would be really annoying, and 2) I could probably borrow the page from a friend or look it up, maybe.
(October 16, 2021 - 9:15 am)
Harry Potter without even thinking.
I just LOVE Harry Potter's atmosphere especially when it is Christmas time at Hogwart. Percy Jackson? Hmm... I never tried that one before. I won't be surprised if my journal says I've read Harry Potter series for about 100 times in a year.
(October 30, 2021 - 9:49 am)
Would you rather never be able to read a book starring a human protagonist or an animal protagonist ever again?
I don't know if I can choose!
(November 6, 2021 - 3:37 pm)
(November 8, 2021 - 7:17 am)
Animal. For one thing there are more books with human protagonists anyway, and I kind of prefer them anyway because they seem more relatable. Because...wait I am an animal, shoot.
(November 8, 2021 - 7:17 pm)
I'd choose animal. I'd also choose to meet Harry Potter. I've never read Percy Jackson.
(December 17, 2021 - 7:50 am)
Would you rather read fiction (any type) or non-fiction? (Easy for me! No offense to anyone, but I personally don't really like non-fiction that much at all. Not real stuff, here I come!)
Would you rather read fantasy or realistic fiction? (My two favorite genres! Which do I pick???? [this doesn't mean you can't ever read the other, just which would you rather read.])
There was one more, but alas, it has escaped my mind. My brain shall now go on a perilous journey through forests and deserts to find it.
(November 8, 2021 - 8:48 pm)
1. Fiction. Duh. Non-Fiction is for school.
2. Fantasy.
(November 9, 2021 - 6:42 am)
Fiction & Fantasy!
(November 9, 2021 - 8:39 am)
(December 17, 2021 - 7:51 am)
Here's one:
Would you rather watch the movie first and then read the book, or the other way around?
I say movie, cause then I'm not so annoyed at the movie changes.
(November 9, 2021 - 6:44 am)
I'm for reading the book first, since it's the original story.
Here's mine:
Would you rather live in Middle-Earth or Hogwarts?
It's really hard for me, but I think I'd pick Middle-Earth.
(November 20, 2021 - 12:45 pm)
I concur.
(November 28, 2021 - 9:32 am)
(December 17, 2021 - 7:54 am)