I know it

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Blood of Olympus
I know it...

I know it is still really early, but since the cover has been posted on Rick's blog, I thought I'd make a post about this last book in the Heroes of Olympus series.

As Blonde Heroines Rule said on another thread, I think, the American cover of the novel does seem a little anticlimactic. Not that any of the covers are especially good, but at least Mark of Athena showed the kind of seperation and unity between Camp Half Blood and New Rome, which is ostensibly supposed to be what the series is about. Personally, I prefer the English cover for Blood of Olympus, especially Gaia's wierd, Malefiecent kind of presence. And at least all the seven chosen are pictured, even if Riordan does think they look like 20 year old Abercrombie models.

What do you think's going to happen in the last book of the foreseeable Percy saga? Who do you think will die? Do you think RR will ever continue the story? Will you be relieved, as I might be, that the aimless rambles will be terminated in the place of his Norse series? And what do you think might happen, after the series is over, to Annabeth and Percy and everyone else left alive? Oh gods--I just considered the fact that Rick might be incredibly cruel and kill off Annabeth or Percy. Do you think he could be so terrible to his readers? I surely hope not.

What are your thoughts on it?

submitted by Everinne, age 15, CampHalfBloodNewRome
(June 30, 2014 - 4:02 pm)

I so cannot wait for the Norse series either. I hope he does a good job, but he did the Kane Chronicles okay. I read this knockoff series about Norse mythology that was just terrible. I wonder anyone published it; it seemed like such a plagarization of Rick Riordan's whole style. Though I guess he has enough loyal supporters that it wouldn't matter so much.

Is it terrible that I would want to be a daughter of Loki so I can shapeshift?

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Asgard
(July 22, 2014 - 3:48 pm)

Alright, I know that I am super late, but is it too late to post now? *pauses* Alright, yes, I am pretty late, and nobody at all has to read this post because I am probably going to repeat things. 

In order from laest favoirite to favorite...

Jason: I know some people like him, and some people not so much. I like all of RR's character's, but Jason... just I like him the least. He's just a bit too perfect, and even though he isn't so much now, my most current problem (along with others) is that he chose Greek in the HoH. If Jason chose Greek, will Percy chose Roman/ *sobs and screams, "NO PERCY DON'T!"* NO NO NO NO NO!!! I do not want that to happen. Ever. I really don't know what I have against Percy being Roman, I just hate the idea of it. 

Piper: I like Piper, (like Everinne and BHR, I would love to cut my hair with safety scissors:)) and she's pretty cool, but she can be a bit too perfect for my liking, too. I think that she was better in the first book, and worse in the HoH, like Jason rubbed of some of his perfectioness on her. Oh, but I'm starting to like her better as she's learning sword-fighting skills. 

Frank: I like Frank. I just think he might die. I mean, his like is a stick the size of a candy bar. I think he and Hazel are gonna die, thier blood will bt spilt on the ancient stones, Gaea rises, and the rest of the seven defeat her. This has to happen with a couple, right? so why no the one who is living a second life and the one who has barely any left? I don't want them to die, (I would rather Jason and Piper, although that wold still make me sob) I wil screma and cry if they do, but anybody, anybody I would rather have die than Percy or Annabeth. As a side note, I absolutely LOVE Franks powers! 

Hazel: I love how in the books, RR has given everybody, "their moment" I mean, the first two were easy, and then he gave Annabeth her big moment, and then he got Hazel and Frank theirsin the latest book. I mean, everybody got to shine in the HoH. Hazel is just pretty awesome, overall. 

Leo: Leo, Leo, Leo. Why, why, WHY did you have to swear on the River Styx?!? Now there's a chance that your'e gonna DIE! *sobs hysterically* NONONONO THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!! He's... just... so... great... and he just... found... love... Not now! It just can't happen! So, yeah, I'm rather attached to the idea of Leo living.

Percy and Annabeth: I put them together because I can't decide which is better, and because didn't Annabeth say in the HoH that Percy had become a part of her? I ocouldn't seperate them. That would be cruel. I'm not going scream all ove them (I'm saving that for another post) but I'm just going to say...

Percy was way better in first person than in thirde. I miss first-person Percy. A lot. Third persson makes him seem more perfect, which has me wondering if all the seven were written in first person, if they would all seem better. I think they would. Except Leo. Leo is perfect how he is. And I would be very interested to seee what Annabeth's point of view in first person is. Annabeth is really awesome, so is Percy, and I'll go crazy over them later. 

I apologize if this entire post sounded stoic, then crazy, then stoic again. I'm like that in the morning. 


submitted by Katie M , age 11
(July 23, 2014 - 7:26 am)

@ Katie M: Oh my gosh, yes, thank you! Nobody's mentioned Percy going to New Rome and Jason to Camp Half-Blood, but I HATE that idea too! I mean, Camp Half-Blood wouldn't be Camp Half-Blood without Percy! It wouldn't be the same. Just, no, I'd cry oceans of tears if he goes to New Rome. Please no.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Camp Half-Blood
(July 23, 2014 - 11:47 pm)

Camp Half-Blood IS Percy. It was his haven! If he goes to New Rome, even if he marries Annabeth to live there, I will be so upset.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, NOT New Rome
(July 24, 2014 - 3:58 pm)

NOT TERRIBLE AT ALL!!! Also, I actually decided I'd like to be a child of Aegir, god of the sea. All of the gods can shapeshift in the original mythology, so I don't think we'd all have that ability...... however, as a daughter of Loki you could control fire!

submitted by Brooke E., age 11, AR
(July 23, 2014 - 3:25 pm)