I know there

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Lord of the Rings Fanpage
I know there...

I know there are only like...three other people on here who are fans of LOTR, but once a fan, always a fan, and I need a place on here where I can gush to my hearts' content. And where Gilraen and I can argue like heck about things. :)

Post your favorite characters, places, scenes, and quotes on here. This also counts for the movies as well: comparisons to the book, casting choices, action scenes, etc. Also your opinions on comparisons to the Hobbit films. If there's any interesting trivia you know of, share that too.


My answers to the questions-- 

Favorite Characters: Aragorn (obvi.) Gandalf (because he's so wise and...comforting.) Sam (because who wouldn't want a friend like Sam?!)

Favorite Place: Rohan. I love Edoras, and the people of that land.

Favorite Scenes: The hobbits meeting Strider in the Green Dragon. The Council of Elrond. Frodo and Sam on Orodruin.

Favorite Quotes--

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." ~Boromir.

"If by my life or death I can save you, I will." ~Aragorn.

"A wizard is neither early nor late, Frodo Baggins. He arrives precisely when he means to." ~Gandalf.

"I shall return with the sun." ~Legolas.

I just realized all this stuff is from the Fellowship--oh well.

Regarding the films, my favorite is Two Towers--because of Rohan and the Battle of Helm's Deep. But obviously, I love them all, if only because of Peter Jackson's ability to put the crazy, convoluted story into a straight, movie narrative. My only two problems about the casting is Frodo and Elrond. Elijah Wood seemed too American, and Hugo Weaving not kindly enough, somehow.

Please please please, don't let this thread die! If you love me--or, more pertinently, LOTR--don't let this thread die too soon! 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Gondor
(January 7, 2014 - 7:59 pm)


He's like Elizabeth Swann, and Will Turner, YOU JUST HATE HIM!!!

I really don't know why. I jast have bad feelings about him. like that he works for Harry Potter or something.

Yestarday we watched the first Pirates of the Caribben movie a second time, and 2 things

1. Will Turner made a face that looing like Orlando bloom, whci really freaked me out and made me watch to kill him beacuse Legolas did that and I hate Will) 

2. We had to tell my mom that Will Turner was the same actor as Legolas (thats a good thing ;))

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(March 10, 2014 - 11:15 am)

Well, I suppose it isn't all that far out to completely hate a character--like how I kind of hate Jane Eyre for no substantial reason, but I just do (your sister Blackberry is not going to appreciate that remark). It's a little funny, though, how you can also hate Will Turner when you love Orlando Bloom (I mean, Legolas. :) ) I guess the character can't make the actor--or the actor can't make the character--what I mean is, one part can't redeem a guy for his lifetime of filmmaking (and Orlando Bloom made a heck of a lot of movies). 

I so want to see Pirates of the Carribean--kind of because of Orlando Bloom, but more because I'm in love that romantisied, swashbuckling, Errol Flynn type of film.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Minas Tirith
(March 10, 2014 - 5:37 pm)


I'm reading The Silmarillion and I knew Galadriel was darks rigfht? (which is pretty ironic cos she's the 'Lady of Light') but I could NOT belive that she killed other elves! she must have been either really messed up /and/or/ was just doing what her older brother was doing

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(March 17, 2014 - 4:46 pm)

Galadriel was kind of unlikeable in Silmarillion--but then, I didn't like many of the elves who went with Feänor against all sense back to Beleriand. I know it was all because of Melkor/Morgoth's lies, but still, the Valar are the VALAR. You have to believe them, not the lies of someone you know to have a villanous past! Feänor might have had power of persuasion, but Manwë is like Gandalf: you do not disobey his advice!

In LOTR, the elves seem to all-knowing and wise, but in Silmarillion, they seem as fallable as humans. But maybe it's just lack of comparison. I still like the Men more, though, like Túrin and Beren, because they never seem to wreck as much havoc on Middle Earth itself as the elves. Ok, so Túrin's idiocy led the death of all who loved him (I was most furious about his unknowing slaying of his Elf friend whose name I can't remember but who I always likened to Legolas in my mind) but he never actually altered the fate of anything national. And Beren actually helped things out a bit, though admittedly with the help of an Elf.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Lorien
(March 18, 2014 - 3:04 pm)

I think that the elves were unlikeable in the Silmarillion beacuse they were young and therefore unwise. The first LOTR book as you know happened thousands and thousands of years after the Silmarillion so Galadriel had a lot more experience then when she was young and I dare say stupid ;)

I got really mad when I found out what happened to Finduilas. I came SO colose to throwing the book at the wall I was SO mad at him. But the book was hard-cover and it would've made a big sound so.....

and I think the story of Beren and Lúthien was kind of stupid as you probrably know. I thought it was kind of like Romeo and Juliet in a way. 

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(March 19, 2014 - 8:15 am)

Yeah, I guess that the Elves had more or less learned from their past mistakes by the time Frodo and the Fellowship strayed into Lothlorien.

Frankly, I think Turin treated everyone shamefully. Why did he have such a big head and so much pride? If he had just stayed put in Doriath, then all the tragic stuff wouldn't have happened! Maybe he was grand and heroic and killed Glaurung, but I felt so bad for Nienor. First she gets brainwashed by the Dragon, then she meets Turambar (who is her freaking BROTHER, even though she doesn't remember it!), falls in love with him (bizarre as it is, this does happen a lot in mythology), and then breaks her heart when he doesn't have the decency to be revieved from her ministrations.

Findulias's death was so sad. When Turin didn't save her even though she was crying for him and she told the men who found her dying against the tree to tell Turin that she had died, I just wanted to punch him in the nose!

The thing with Beren and Luthien is that the whole beginning when they fall in love is a little Shakespearean, but at least later they do something--take the Silmarills from Morgoth's crown--whereas Romeo and Juliet didn't do anything but kill themselves. Not a very productive use of time in my book. That's one thing about Middle-Earth--so many bad things happen, there's never any time for brooding inaction. And Tolkien always kindly skips over the times of peace. :)

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Doriath
(March 19, 2014 - 4:10 pm)

The hearts of men are easily corrupted. Undecided

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(March 24, 2014 - 8:31 am)

You can say that again, and not only in Tolkien's world!

submitted by Still Anon, age For No, Reason at All
(March 25, 2014 - 4:51 pm)

Just ask me and I'll give you 3 right now

More if I thought about it.

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(March 31, 2014 - 8:28 am)

All right, let's hear them.

submitted by Everinne, age Immortal
(March 31, 2014 - 9:11 pm)

I reeeally shouldn't I'd get arrested for half on them :p

submitted by Nightingale, age 12
(April 7, 2014 - 4:03 pm)

Do it under alias.

submitted by Anon, age Do it, Like This
(April 7, 2014 - 8:03 pm)

I don't care right now so:

Bashar Al-Assaad for one. a BIG one. 

Justin Bieber is  another.

count Peter Jackson in for ruining the hobbit mowvaies. like I said I could think of more but I don't have the time

submitted by infinity
(April 9, 2014 - 11:08 am)

I thnk we must have the same brain or something because I agree with everything you say!!!!!

Have to add another beloved quote of mine- 

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the shadow!" ~Gandalf


submitted by Eve S, USA
(July 9, 2014 - 12:45 pm)

Did you know that Orlando Bloom (Legolas) actually audutioned for the role of Fermir?  I can't imagine how excited he must have been when he got Legolas, a member of the Fellowship!

"A red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night" ~Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil 

submitted by Eve S, USA
(July 9, 2014 - 12:47 pm)