I know there

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Lord of the Rings Fanpage
I know there...

I know there are only like...three other people on here who are fans of LOTR, but once a fan, always a fan, and I need a place on here where I can gush to my hearts' content. And where Gilraen and I can argue like heck about things. :)

Post your favorite characters, places, scenes, and quotes on here. This also counts for the movies as well: comparisons to the book, casting choices, action scenes, etc. Also your opinions on comparisons to the Hobbit films. If there's any interesting trivia you know of, share that too.


My answers to the questions-- 

Favorite Characters: Aragorn (obvi.) Gandalf (because he's so wise and...comforting.) Sam (because who wouldn't want a friend like Sam?!)

Favorite Place: Rohan. I love Edoras, and the people of that land.

Favorite Scenes: The hobbits meeting Strider in the Green Dragon. The Council of Elrond. Frodo and Sam on Orodruin.

Favorite Quotes--

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." ~Boromir.

"If by my life or death I can save you, I will." ~Aragorn.

"A wizard is neither early nor late, Frodo Baggins. He arrives precisely when he means to." ~Gandalf.

"I shall return with the sun." ~Legolas.

I just realized all this stuff is from the Fellowship--oh well.

Regarding the films, my favorite is Two Towers--because of Rohan and the Battle of Helm's Deep. But obviously, I love them all, if only because of Peter Jackson's ability to put the crazy, convoluted story into a straight, movie narrative. My only two problems about the casting is Frodo and Elrond. Elijah Wood seemed too American, and Hugo Weaving not kindly enough, somehow.

Please please please, don't let this thread die! If you love me--or, more pertinently, LOTR--don't let this thread die too soon! 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Gondor
(January 7, 2014 - 7:59 pm)

Still on the topic of the Arwen-Aragorn romance, who thinks that Aragorn should have married Eowyn, in the end? I somehow think it would have turned out better in the end. I don't really think Eowyn ended up all that happily with Faramir; he seems too uninteresting for a spunky girl like her.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Edoras
(January 19, 2014 - 1:54 pm)

Intulectualls are intresting. I like Faramir!

I don't think Aragorn really liked her, although if I were him I'd marry her. :) 

submitted by Sir Doctor of TARDIS, age 12, Gallifrey
(January 21, 2014 - 12:04 pm)

I won't argue. but I need a place to gush too. I was gushing to my sisters and they were looking at me like I was CRAZY. 


Favourite characters: Legolas, Galadriel, the for Hobbits (Sam, Marry Pippin and Frodo). I also really like Haldir and Faramir.

Favourite place: Tol Eressia. the undying lands, the deathless lands. who wouldn't love it? 

Favourite scenes: The ones in Lothlorien, and the ones when they're (Aragorn (yes Everinne) Legolas and Gimli) fighting. When people know what they're doing, they look cool.

Favourite quotes:

I can't find it, but there was one where Gimli was telling Legolas not to leave Middle Earth beacuse peoople needed him.


Well, I'm back. -Sam (that made me cry :`( ) 

I have a lot more, but my post would be too long.

My fave film was 2. I loved the elvish content of that movie, and the others were just too sad.  

Hugo Weaving is the best guy they were gonna get. come on Everinne, and Elijah Wood was good too!  

submitted by Gilraen, age 11
(January 21, 2014 - 12:39 pm)

I love the fighting, especially since Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen did almost all of their own stunts. That was why I loved Two Towers, since there was a lot of them in it. I cried like crazy when Haldir died! I loved Galadriel and Lothlorien in the books, but in the movie, I found her slightly creepy. Something about the way she talked, I don't know. Fellowship wasn't that sad, but Return of the King was so depressing, especially when Frodo left to the Havens. And when Sam went back. :(

Well, Hugo Weaving actually wasn't that bad in The Hobbit, which I saw this weekend while recovering. And I liked Elijah Wood quite a bit in 1 and 2; only in 3 did he start to get on my nerves.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Rohan
(January 21, 2014 - 4:52 pm)

I was so sad when Haldir died that I could't cry. and yes, the stunts were AWESOME!! the part that Legolas kindaalmostsortajumpedontothehorsepart THAT WAS SO AMAZING I don't care whether it was Orlando or a stunt preformer. We had to skip back to see it again, especially cos Blackberry didn't see it. My younger sister is now telling me that Orlando Bloom graduated from a stunt school. I'm not sure if that's true, but she said it, not me. 

And HALDIR DOESN'T DIE IN THE BOOK!!!!!!!! You prob all know that, but when I went back after we watched the movie, looked (frantically) in the book, and SIGHED. I was pretty sure that he didn't even come to Helms Deep (which is true) but my memory is too foggy of these chapters (Helms Deep, and the Siege of Gondor OMIGOSH boring chapter) and sometimes it feels better just to make sure even if your 111% sure you're right. (Anyone else feel that way about things??)

submitted by Gilraen, age 11
(January 22, 2014 - 6:23 pm)

Yeah, Haldir and the elves of Lorien didn't show up at Helm's Deep in the book. It made for a cool movie effect, though, having all the elvish archers on the battlements.

And speaking of effects, Legolas's leap onto Aragorn's horse was just so dang AWESOME! I had to watch it twice, too, to make sure I was actually seeing straight. Just too cool. I can't wait to see him in Desolation of Smaug again. Seriously, the best part of the Hobbit is seeing the old LOTR actors and actresses again.

I know what you mean about other people agreeing with what you say, even though you already know. Feels better, somehow, like you're holding a candle in a dark room and someone comes in and turns on the lights.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Isengard
(January 23, 2014 - 4:27 pm)

my younger sister was fangirling SO MUCH like squealing. -_- she does that every time she sees a picture of Legolas. She's going to make me hate him, and like Haldir more.

submitted by Gilraen, age 11
(January 24, 2014 - 12:30 pm)

I love LOTR!! I haven't read the books yet, I saw the movies first. (If I had known there were books, I'd have read them first) I have read The Hobbit though. I'm meaning to read them though...

submitted by Moss , age 13
(January 21, 2014 - 6:29 pm)

Hobbits are cool!

submitted by Sir Doctor of TARDIS, age 12, Gallifrey
(January 22, 2014 - 11:27 am)

If you please, check out this thread I created on Pudding's Place:


It's about the Silmarillion and I want your opinion on what I wrote there.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Tol Eressea
(January 25, 2014 - 11:18 am)

All right, who thinks that the soundtracks to the three movies are utterly, ineffably fantastic?

I have been humming the Fellowship theme all afternoon and my mom's sighing her head off every time she hears me, because I sound like a broken record. But I just love the music so so so dang much. It's so pretty and really captures the spirit of the films and the story itself. Not to mention the landscape of Middle Earth.

What's your favorite theme? Besides the Fellowship one, I also really like the one for Rohan, with the Norweigian fiddle.

And May It Be and In Dreams, the two songs from the first film. So sad, but sweet. 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Rohan
(January 28, 2014 - 8:17 pm)

Hmmm... I have not actually heard any of the themes (because of that fact that I have not seen any of the movies... :( ), but Norwigean fiddles sound fun!!! 

submitted by Sir Doctor of TARDIS, age 12, Gallifrey
(January 31, 2014 - 6:04 pm)

Just to keep this thread relavent:

Who thinks that J.K. Rowling actually stole (or at least includuded) quite a bit from LOTR when writing Harry Potter?

Similarities: Ringwraiths/Dementors. The Ring that whispers to Frodo/The Horcruxes that speak to Harry. The fact that the Ring holds Saruon's spirit/The Horcruxes hold the parts of Voldemort's soul. Two gray wizards (Gandalf and Dumbledore) as mentors.

Obviously, Rowling was very original in the whole conception itself, but it is funny to note the similarities between the two serieses. (Serieses--sounds like a Gollumism!)

Unimportant note: I had this really random dream last night involving Boromir, Aragorn, and the capture of this hill (that looked a good deal like Weathertop). It had, as far as I know, nothing to do with Sauron or the Ring, but I also think Faramir was there with his map of Middle Earth. Do you guys ever dream about characters like that??? It's always unnerving when I do.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, West Farthing
(February 1, 2014 - 2:15 pm)

I was so excited when I saw this discussion! I love the Lord of the Rings, have seen the LOTR movies and the Hobbit ones, and have read all the books and a reading them again! I feel misunderstood because at school I keep saying, "read The Hobbit" "read The Lord of the Rings" and no one listens. Two of my friends actually read The Hobbit and didn't like it at all. I just plain don't understand. I absolutely adore them! (If you're wondering why I'm Lauren Oakenshield it is not because I like Thorin; I think he's a jerk for loving the Arkenstone so much, but just because I thought it sounded cool.) Smile

Okay so favorite characters are hard, because there are so many of them. I definitely like Sam, his loyalty to Frodo is endearing. I also love Gimli and Legolas's relationship (in the books). It was funny when they started a contest to see how many orcs they could kill. I also like Tom Bombadil so, so SO much and for those who don't know who he is, shame on you because that means you have seen the movies but not read the books. He is vital to the story and why, why did they take him out?! Cry

My favorite place is Lothlorien-I love trees and elves. I also like Amon Hen although it is somewhat marred by Boromir's death. Frown 

My favorite quote-why have I not seen this-is: "I am no man!" -Éwoyn, in response to the Lord of the nazgul's "No man can kill me!"

I also like the theme song and sing it all the time, too, but I love, love the Revelation of the Ringwraiths. It's dark, but so good!

I'm thinking of reading the Silmarillion, a book on background history of Middle Earth. Oh, that reminds me, Gil-galad! Another of my favorite characters.

Thanx 4 creating this!!Laughing

-Lorin Oakenshield  

submitted by Lauren O., The Lonely Mountain
(February 3, 2014 - 5:10 pm)

Thank you for finding this thread, Lauren O. I'm desperately trying to keep it alive.

First of all, I agree with you about Thorin Oakinshield. Beside his name, he wasn't all that great as a character, and in my opinion, even worse in the movie. Such a tremendous fathead!

Secondly, it really is annoying how people seem to misunderstand these books in general. Everyone thinks they're cheap, tacky, pulp fantasy fiction, but they're not like that at all. It's barely fantasy at all--it's mythology. A mythology for England, as Tolkien always said!

Regarding Tom Bombadil, I agree that it was too bad he was excluded from the film, but I didn't even find him all that important in the book, anyway. He was only around in one chapter, and besides the fact that he could somehow master the Ring, he didn't exactly do anything. Plus, it took away from the impressiveness of the Ring, that it could be defied at all. He did pose as a nice encounter before the Hobbits got to Bree, but as I always consider that meeting Strider is where the exciting part of the story begins, I almost forget anything happened between Bilbo's 111th birthday and getting to the Prancing Pony.

You should totally read The Silmarillion. It's totally fascinating, and really brings my whole point of Middle-Earth-being-a-mythology into place. It makes the history even more real. In a word, spellbinding.

Did I also mention how much I love the music for the Ents? Utterly, hauntingly beautiful. 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Beleriand
(February 3, 2014 - 8:20 pm)