Chatterbox: Inkwell
I MADE A BLOG!!!!!!!!! Ooooooohhhhhh can I say how people could find it?
Sorry, Adina, we aren't allowed to show the address of your blog here.
(July 16, 2009 - 10:02 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I just got
I just got a story concept for a story set in the War for Independence, but American history ended a full year ago in school for me, and the War for Independence was more like a year and a half ago. I need to know about the politics of the time, not so much the events, and while I will do my own research, I wanted the perspective of everyone on here who is a history person. (which I'm not) Thanks!
(July 15, 2009 - 10:44 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I just wrote
I just wrote this poem on the spur of the moment. I have read it exactly twice, once while writing it, and once while looking for grammar errors. So I haven't done anything to it yet and it's very rough, but any suggestions? Critiques? Well-meant stinging accusations? :D
One of the baby robins
From the nest just behind me
Is croched on our driveway, speckled
Chest attesting to his youth. He opens
His beak, lets go a pink squawk, hoping
For his mother to come and
(July 15, 2009 - 10:39 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
CAMPIs anyon
Is anyone here at or has been at the Duke Young Writer's Camp? I am and it is a great camp. I highly recommend it.
(July 13, 2009 - 9:54 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
So, being the
So, being the easily sidetracked writer that I am, I have dumped both BD and my vampire story to write a story about Thursday Silvertongue, Melder and rebel against the Maq'can race, and Faro, captain of the Queen's guard. Here goes.
(July 13, 2009 - 7:11 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Story I'm working
Story I'm working on. Suggestions? Help? Critique? Disgust? All are welcome :D. Ideas for titles are also welcomed :D I have no clue what to call it...
(July 13, 2009 - 6:46 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hi!!!!! I'm NOT
Hi!!!!! I'm NOT new here. I've been on here for six months or so, sense January. It's just that people think that not many people are on here and I'm informing people that I'm here. And... I never made a "I'm new here" thread, so now i'm making "I'm NOT new here" thread!!!!!
P.S. I LOVE choklit!!!!!!!! It tastes SO good!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. I have absalutely NO idea why I made this thread, I just had a urge to.
P.S.S.S. Post, people, post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(July 12, 2009 - 10:05 am)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
I love to
I love to write and read! They are two of my favorite things to do! Right now I have just finished writeing the first draft of my story! I haven't desided on a name for the story yet.
Got to go!
P.S. I love getting Cricket mag!
(July 9, 2009 - 8:54 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
If I post
If I post my poem here for peer review, can I still enter it in the contest Admin?
Yes. Good luck.
(July 8, 2009 - 9:47 pm)
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Happy B-day TNO!!!
Happy B-day TNO!!! Put all your birthday wishes for her in the comments. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... blow out the candles on the pie * gives pie* [}
(July 7, 2009 - 9:08 am)