September 2024

All the world's a stage in this issue of Cricket. So grab the spotlight and take a bow!

A young stage manager believes that everything in the theater must be perfect, so her facial birthmark thwarts her acting dreams. Her view changes after she casts a three-legged dog in Annie. Enjoy learning the history behind peculiar theater traditions, and move like a professional actor by mastering stage direction lingo.

But the drama isn't just onstage. When a car ride to the grocery store becomes unexpectedly scary, a child's quick wit saves her and her grandpa from disaster. Two enemies become friends after their flight on space-age dragons gets out of control. Plus, a pig flees its pen, and a wild chase ensues.

You won't want to miss the Cricket Country talent show. But will Ladybug miss her chance to shine? Break out your good luck charms, and try to solve a superstition-filled Crossbird. Then share your best (or worst) advice in this month's story contest.