May/June 2012
Run to your nearest Cricket magazine and join the fun crowd this summer!
It’s an ill wind that blows no good. When Jess’s trailer is whacked by a tornado in “The Day I Didn’t Go to the Pool,” he learns the value of his family—and of paying attention during school assembly.
Did you know that for many years the Boston Marathon did not allow women to enter? Bobbi Gibbs changed all that in the true story “The Bandit Runner,” which inspired Sluggo to run his own—very slow, though very short—marathon. (Will he beat the other buggies?)
What was pirate booty during the California Gold Rush? Sometimes it was—eggs! Read all about it in “Yao Bai and the Egg Pirates.”
Does anyone know “When Will the World End?” You can work out the exact date, at least according the ancient legend of the temple priests of Brahma. You’ll also find out whether Shlemiel ever solves the puzzling logic of why he seems to have two identical families in Chelm One and Chelm Two. And in part 2 of “Bar Mitzvah Man,” you’ll read how Solly resolves the puzzling logic of his own family and accepts the responsibility of being an adult.
All this and a new story contest about your favorite sport, in this months sporty Cricket.
Cricket League
Story Contest: Sports
For this month’s contest, Sluggo is all in a sweat to read your best sports story. (Entries due by May 25)