
Press the "Play" button next to the title of the story/poem/play you would like to hear.

  • "The Man Who Sang to Ghosts" by Aaron Shepard

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - A Japanese ghost story read by Aaron Wynn.

  • "Smoke" by Robert San Souci

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - Katie was surprised at how the smell of burning lingered so long in her
    senses after the fire. But a bigger surprise awaits her in this
    extra-scary story.

  • "Nighttown" by Robert San Souci

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - Sammy was just having a bad dream...or was he?

  • "Melodious" by Linda Lee Sand

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - Just about everybody's heard of Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill. But doggone
    it, why hasn't anyone written a speck about Melodious Angelinika
    Carlson? Her story just might take your breath away.

  • "The Glashtyn" by Josepha Sherman

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - During a fierce storm at sea, Nance opens her door to a strange visitor. Is he man or . . . Other?

  • "Bigger than Death" by Nancy Etchemendy

    from Cricket

    CAMPFIRE STORY - Josie and Jake wanted a dog more than anything on earth. But there's something mysterious about Shadow.