If anybuggy did

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

If anybuggy did

If anybuggy did not know this I am Jewish, so this month's ( April 2010 ) issue made me super duper totally positively extrodinarily happy!!! If anybuggy else is Jewish, please tell me.

Andy PC says ngeiSmile

submitted by Choco, age 11, here
(April 8, 2010 - 3:12 pm)

Hey, that's cool that you are Jewish :) But this issue bugged me, not because I dislike Jews - which I don't - but because this mag has covered almost every religion except Christianity. Kinda annoying - people are always trying to be tolerant, open-minded, and multicultural, but Christianity always gets ignored :/

submitted by Dakota
(April 8, 2010 - 4:49 pm)

I don't think that Cricket is ignoring Christianity. You can probably find some stories on Christianity in past Crickets.  Suggestion to Cricket--how about doing an entire issue on different religions?  And religions not usually written about in magazines like Buddhism, Native American religions, etc.

submitted by Amy G., age 13, Pennsylvania
(April 13, 2010 - 7:32 pm)

@ Dakota   Okay so you're saying that the most popular religion is being ignored.  Even if it is it's 'cuz every one knows what we celebrate and stuff.  I'm catholic, which is a type oh Christain Religion so...

submitted by Smile :P
(April 22, 2010 - 7:34 am)

Actually I am Jewish too, but my family is unconventional-my Grandpa doesn't believe in God but does keep the Sabbath every week, and observes all the holidays and is in general interested in Judaism, and my brother is totally non religious.  I am not that religious either.

submitted by Amy G., age 13, Pennsylvania
(April 13, 2010 - 7:35 pm)

@ Amy G.  Not to sound offensive, but being religious is kinda important.  I am very religious.  I don't get to church very often, but I always pray, and I'm a Bible reader. I also go to Religious School every Sunday, and I am probably going to help with a camp this summer that the school is having.  I guess I just feel better having a relationship with God and Jesus. Even when others don't... *sighs*

By the way I'm Catholic.

Smile :P

submitted by Smile :P
(April 18, 2010 - 3:25 pm)

I'm Christian, but I really liked this issue.  Idk, I guess I find Judaism really interesting.  And probably the fact that it had an article about Maurice Sendak (squee! <3) helped, too. 

submitted by Kenzie
(April 14, 2010 - 5:04 pm)

This is the way to get TM popular again.... a religious debate! I'm Jking, we don't want this to be a debate. I'm Catholic, too, Smile. I think a very large percentage on this site are.



submitted by R~D~, age 13, I'll be 14 in 2
(April 26, 2010 - 10:31 am)

Oh, really? I only knew Mary Liz was.

I'm Christian Reformed.

submitted by Brynne
(April 26, 2010 - 7:15 pm)

I'm Catholic! So are Maddy, Grace, Mary Liz, EW, Claire, Mary Jo, Smile, and R~D. If there are more Catholics out there that I forgot, please post!

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(May 4, 2010 - 12:07 pm)

Hmmm... I think Analesia is.

Not that this is Analesia...Wink

submitted by Moustache Guy, age 12, Its a secret
(June 6, 2011 - 6:10 pm)

@ R~D~, yeah it just makes sense.  Hehe having a religious debate! LoL

~* Smile *~

submitted by Smile :P
(April 27, 2010 - 7:10 am)

My family is all very religious, and we have fun worshiping God!

~Hehe I just thought of something!  "Never take a rock for granite."

submitted by Smile :P, Hehe I'm actual
(April 28, 2010 - 7:42 pm)

...I'm sorry to say this, but I believe all of our good debaters are gone. Maybe that's good... *thinks of "Hello! Hola! Hurray!" thread* *shudders* We used to have debates all the time... We had debates about Creationism vs. Evolution, global warming, the correct age to date (*shudders*), politics (HAHA, the Admin left us a loooong post on that thread telling us to calm down... good times..), homeschooling (that was when the CB's population was mostly made up of public schoolers), and even debates about not debating. The Admin either deleted most of the threads or left us posts explaining how everybuggy's different and has different points of views. Haha, I gotta say, I was a pretty darn bad debater... Haha. OH, and there was a thread about whether or not aliens were real. But anyway, all who believed, eh, basically what I don't, thought the arguments were one-sided and just ditched us. Most of them are still on MB though.

submitted by Kenzie
(April 30, 2010 - 4:14 pm)

@ Smile: I know that religion is very important to a lot of people, it's just not in my own life too much.  I definitly respect being religious and think that it's great that God is so important in your life!


@ Kenzie:  I am pretty new on this site, but I had no clue that people used to have debates!  If people would still debate I would probably fill up the threads with posts, because my family are incredibly stubborn and enthusiastic debaters.  By the way, what is MB?  So who wants to debate?  And how many homeschoolers are there?


But the one subject I will not have a debate on on the internet is politics.  *Shivers in horror at thought*

submitted by Amy G., age 13, PA
(April 30, 2010 - 7:00 pm)

How many homeschoolers are there? Like on the site? I'm not sure. It used to be mot everyone. And MB stands for MuseBlog, which like a blog posting site thingy. I'm not sure how to describe it. Actually, it says, "MuseBlog is a forum for Muse readers and anyone else who believes in living la vida Koko." Yepp. That's it. It's the type of site where, if you miss like two days of posting, you'll be completely lost and confused, so I don't use it. Other CBers (Chatterboxers) do, though, like TNO, Cara/CC, Jenni, umm, I'm not really sure who else haha.

submitted by Kenzie
(May 3, 2010 - 4:32 pm)