Hello, greetings, from
Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue
Hello, greetings, from
Hello, greetings, from the world of MCUs and journalism! We're here to bring you the August MCU. Warning: it's going to be way too long, way too chaotic, and---
|And we should get on with it. Introductions, anyone?|
{Is Eri being punctual???}
/Strictly speaking, not sure punctual is the right word here./
|I think cool would be more like it|
All right YES let's do introductions. Please just introduce yourselves quickly.
|Or punctually.|
^Okay, guess I'll start... I'm Vireo or Vir, she/her, the creative, imaginative, socially adept one here. And I love MCUs.^
{Wait a sec, I'm totally socially adept too. In fact, I'm not sure I'm not more socially adept than you.}
|You guys will have to do a contest.|
^nooooOOO - or, wait, that could actually be fun. Who Is Most Socially Adept? Say hi to a stranger or something--^
~I seem to be more of the sensible one around here every day. Let's just do introductions, all right? I'm Ibis, she/her, trying to keep this at some sort of semi-reasonable length.~
{Yes, it could be hilarious to do that contest. *bows to readers* I'm Aldebaran, he/him, the incredible, the only, star of the MCUs. Please spare a kind thought for the others at some point in your enjoyment of the MCU.}
|I'm Eri! Bubbly, bouncy, imaginative, the essential host for the MCUs, and the perfect person for counteracting Alde. Oh, and he/him.|
/And I'm Silvan, she/her, the quietest one of the bunch. Also the bookworm. And I think I'd better add that, for those who don't know what MCUs are, they're--/
|The greatest invention on the planet >:)|
/Yes. But also an abbreviation for Monthly Check Up, full of CB trivia and other fun stuff. Enjoy!/
Thanks, Silvan (now that I can finally get a word in edgewise). I think you'll be my special helper in this MCU. Now, everyone, please let's have some sILENCE *looks pointedly at Eri and Alde* for Ella Starburst, the founder of the MCUs. As always, thank you so much, Ella; we can't say it too many times. You're amazing.
/Couldn't we just have silence for Ella throughout the rest of the MCU?/
I'd like that. I'm afraid it probably wouldn't work, though... Anyway. *dramatic drumroll, probably played by Eri* Let's proceed to the first item of this MCU! We present... Important Dates, courtesy of Ellesmere ^though the AE banter is Us :D^
August 1st: U.S. Air Force Day, Respect for Parents Day, Swiss National Day (courtesy of Sempreverde)
August 2nd: Dinosaurs Day
August 3rd: National Watermelon Day (courtesy of Ellesmere and Celine BurningBright) |*runs in with piles of watermelons*|
August 4th: U.S. Coast Guard Birthday - all AEs -> {~|/^Happy birthday dear coast guard, happy birthday to youuuu^/|~}, Chocolate Chip Cookie Day ^All right, everyone! Into the kitchen and put on your aprons! We're making chocolate chip cookies :]^ {*wounded pride* Me?? In an apron????}
August 7th: Sea Serpent Day, National Lighthouse Day ~This seems suspiciously ocean-themed~
August 8th: International Cat Day, International Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbors' Porch Day (courtesy of Celine), National Pickleball Day (courtesy of Celine) |*plays pickleball with zucchini*|
August 9th: Book Lovers' Day, National Womens' Day /I'm going to exert my rights today!! I'm both a woman and a book lover >:D/ |Help--|
August 10th: National Eri Day (courtesy of ??) {wAiT a second. How did that get in there??} |*looks at the sky* looks a bit cloudy, actually| {It does. In fact, things are probably going to get stormy around here.}
August 12: Hawkstar's 1/2 birthday (courtesy of Hawkstar) /Great! We'll be thinking of presents :)/
August 12th-13th: Peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower (courtesy of Moon Wolf)
August 13th: National Left-Hander Day
August 16th: Tell a Joke Day ^Did you hear about the pony who walked into the pharmacy? He said "I'm a little horse."^ ~*giggles*~ |Y'all, prepare yourself for a dELUGE of jokes today =))|
August 17th: Black Cat Appreciation Day ~You're insulting my lovely tabbies!!!~
August 18th: Helium Discovery Day
August 19th: National Potato Day, World Photography Day, Orville Wright's Birthday, National Aviation Day |*goes up in a hot air balloon, eating potato chips and taking photos and singing Happy birthday to you in an attempt to honor all of these*| /I'm confused. Why should potatoes and aviation share a day? I don't like the idea of a flying potato/
August 21st: Poets' Day ~I am a poet, and so I sit, and write compositions, about my physician--~ {There has to be a better rhyme for composition than physician}
August 22nd: National Senior Citizens' Day, Tongue Twister Day |How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could--| {*hides under sofa cushions* I'm a senior citizen, please respect me} Also Morgan le Fay's birthday (courtesy of Cocoa Cat)!! ^Happy birthday to you...^ |*throws confetti*|
August 24th: National Peach Pie Day, Cocoa Cat's birthday (both courtesy of Cocoa Cat) {Happy birthday to youuu and eco-friendly confetti :D}
August 26th: National Dog Day
August 27th: National Just Because Day |*squirts everyone with a water gun, just because* :D This is mY dAy :DDD :D| ^*hides*^
August 28th: National Bow Tie Day {Just look at me in a bow tie, girls. Doesn't it look wonderful?}, Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day (courtesy of Sempreverde)
August 30th: National Beach Day, Grief Awareness Day ~Hugs to everyone who's experiencing grief <3~
August 31st: Mabel and Dipper Pines' birthday (courtesy of Celine) |happy birthday to you...|
Also, August is National Watermelon Month! (from Celine again :D) It's also National Black Business Month and World Cancer Support Month (courtesy of Anastasia). Tysm to Ellesmere! Evidently, there are lots of important things coming up, but it's also the last month of summer vacation for most of us {*sobs*} So for this month's MCU, we asked you about your favorite ways to appreciate the last of summer and prepare for the upcoming school year. Here are the answers we got:
Moon Wolf says: "Swimming and reviewing subjects for school." |*dives into a pool* SPLASH|
Hawkstar says: "generally, during this time of year I mope around about the fact summer is ending, try and swim more, and then start getting excited for Halloween (two months away *eyeroll*)" /Wait, did someone mention Halloween? :DDD/
Celine BurningBright says: "this actually goes for the whole summer, because time tends to slip away from me, but I try to make a schedule of one thing I would like to accomplish this summer every day, and try to stick to that schedule (an emphasis on the "try" haha). Some ideas include: swimming, a day for writing, a day for reading, trying to learn how to sew hats for my stuffies (I'm still confused...), baking, painting, trying out a new form of art, putting on a play with your stuffies (it's actually much funner than it sounds :D Izzy and Gian Furlough Acorn Harlowe are GREAT actors!!), a day for walking outside and enjoying the breeze and nature, a day for bug-hunting... As for preparing for the upcoming school year, well... I should really be freshening up on math these next few weeks, because my grade wasn't super spectacular last year... so Ig I'd just say a review of what you learned last year if you were confused (plus it's been months so it's good to freshen up your knowledge), especially if it's math, because math builds on itself each grade... *coughcoughCelinecoughcough*" ^That sounds great! I should try having days for reading and thinking and exploring and making friends and... whee :}^
~Also a day for listening to music! (This is a hint, Amethyst.)~ All right, I'll take it. If you want to listen to music as well in the last month of summer, here's the monthly playlist, compiled for us by pangolin!!
"Wildest Dreams" by LÉON
"Airplane" by Indigo Girls
"Breath It In" by sixten
"sun#2" by Lor (ft. Runforrest)
"Free" by Elina
"august" by Taylor Swift
Thanks so much, pangolin! {No month is complete without music, which is just a Fact of Life.}
|Let's wrap this MCU up. I mean, guys, it's six o'clock. In the morning!! I'm so tired.| |Haha. Did I trick you? aPRIL fOOLS|
^But... it's not April^
{What it isn't?? what do you mean of course it's April--}
|oh. wait. it's JULY :0|
{Except we already knew!! April Fools again--}
|Except darnnnn it isn't April. Why not??|
~Mysteries of life, I suppose.~
^I'll never be able to figure Eri and Alde out. They're almost always arguing, and then suddenly they seem to understand each other perfectly.^
Well, books are another mystery of life. /Yesss :)/ So here are August-themed book quotes, brought to us by Celine! Thanks, Celine :)
"I'd never been in that particular gas station before, but it was exactly the same as every other one, so really I'd been in it a million
times. Rows of plastic-wrapped junk food. Walls lined with glass-doored
coolers full of pop and [something] and flavored ice
teas. I walked past the metal racks of beef jerky and candy bars to the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow: the slushy machine." - The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
"and especially I liked the dog/iin the dog poem/because that's just
how/my yello dog/used to lie down,/with his tongue all limp/and his
chin/between/his paws/and how he'd sometimes/chomp at a fly/and then
sleep/in his loose skin/just like that poet,/Miss Valerie
Worth,/says,/in her small/dog poem." - Love That Dog
"And then the dog came running around the corner. He was a big dog.
And ugly. And he looked like he was having a real good time. His tongue
was hanging out and he was wagging his tail. He skidded to a stop and
smiled right at me. I had never before in my life seen a dog smile, but
this is what he did. He pulled back his lips and showed me all his
teeth. Then he wagged his tail so hard that he knocked some oranges off a
display and they went rolling everywhere, mixing in with the tomatoes
and onions and green peppers." - Because of Winn-Dixie
"Their adventures began chiefly because it was one of the wettest and coldest summers there had been for years. That drove them to do indoor things: you might say, indoor exploration. It is wonderful how
much exploring you can do with a stump of candle in a big house, or in a row of houses. Polly had discovered long ago that if you opened a
certain little door in the box-room attic of her house you would find
the cistern and a dark place behind it you could get into by a little
careful climbing. The dark place was like a long tunnel with brick wall
on one side and sloping roof on the other. In the roof there were little
chunks of light between the slates. There was no floor in this tunnel:
you had to step from rafter to rafter, and between them there was only
plaster. Polly had used that bit of tunnel just beside the cistern as a
smugglers' cave." - The Magician's Nephew
"I love watermelon! Gulp. I just swallowed a seed. I SWALLOWED A
SEED! It's growing in my guts! Soon vines will come out of my ears! My
stomach will stretch! My skin will turn pink! I don't want to be in a
fruit salad!" - The Watermelon Seed
~And as usual, apologies for any wackiness in the format - you know our copy pasting :/~
/Yay The Magician's Nephew made it in there!! I'm still not convinced that any book-related stuff is complete without at least a mention of a Chronicle./
|But what if it mentions Tolkien? Or other Great Classics?|
/Still. If it doesn't even acknowledge the existence of Narnia, it doesn't count. Narnia is literally The Greatest Literary Achievement of All Time./
|You're insulting Tolkien :0 and R.J. Palacio :0 and and :000|
{I think I'm actually taking Silvan's side in this. Maybe book lists aren't complete without mentions of Tolkien and R.J. Palacio either, but that still doesn't mean that they can omit some greats for the sake of including others.}
/That's actually a third perspective, because I'm absolutely convinced that the others aren't as important./
|oooOOH triangulations :>>|
^There are way too many references to soccer in this place T-T^
~Well, with good reason! It was just the Euro Cup, and currently it's the Olympics. I can't believe Spain won the Euros, I wanted England :|~
^I wanted Croatia (underdogs forever) :|^
{I wanted Portugal :|}
So did I :|
/Why do you like soccer, Eri?/
|Because I was going for Spain :D|
{Ah. Enlightenment. no actually wAIT a sec, why were you going for Spain?? There were obviously better teams. Spain was good, of course, because it always is, but don't you get tired of the same team winning all the time?}
Help, soccer and books are completely taking over the MCU >:0 How does this always happen? Anyway, while we're on books, here's the book of the month from Sempreverde (and then we can move on from books)~
/Nooo I'll never move on from books *starts reading*/
The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues, by Ellen Raskin
Dickory Dock takes a job as a painter's assistant for the artist Garson. On the outside it all looks normal enough, but inside, not all is as it seems. Clues begin to pop up, and soon enough Dickory finds herself assisting Garson not in painting but in crime solving. If you like mystery, this book is for you!
^It sounds good :) Thanks, Sempreverde!^
And if you want to read something other than books, here are some of the best threads on the CB this July and August!
Chirp at Cricket
Waiting List SI~https://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/578333 ~Made by I say below (under an alias) ^Yes! That one's hilarious.^
What aura/colour are you?~http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/579061 ~Made by Moon Wolf
Blab about Books
Book Log 2024~https://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/blababoutbooks/node/562438 ~Made by Pangolin
Favourite First Sentences~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/blababoutbooks/node/534658 ~Made by Hex
Puddings Place
Paradise Updates~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/puddingsplace/node/578588 ~Made by Uriel
Star Wars Thread~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/puddingsplace/node/575098 ~Made by Ellesmere |Boba Fett >:D|
Down to Earth
Photography Contest~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/downtoearth/node/577121 ~Made by WildWolf (me ;p)
Jellycat/Stuffie thread~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/downtoearth/node/563074 ~Made by CelineBurningBright ^Aww stuffies yes :>^
The Terminal~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/553341 ~Made by Lord Entropy
Story Snippets~ http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/576246 ~Made by Sempreverde ^Hmm... *starts scribbling*^
These threads are courtesy of WildWolf - thanks, WildWolf! Great selection :) And, because we always arrange it like this, here are CB quotes after the Threads to Check. Hawkstar gave us these, so tysm Hawkstar!
""Yeet" was an accepted answer for the verb meaning "to throw" on the Latin test I just took" - Vi
"When you dress like your AE and love them very much, to the extent you put their name down as your name on your Starbucks order." - GloomyBear ~I order at Starbucks myself, thanks. Hmph.~ {But you do love us very much, Amethyst, don't you??}
"Distinguished Getleman Tigglypiggly Washygash
Horseteeth Valdimir SnottyPants the fifteenth
four times removed, Baron of Von Withwick, 42 1/2 in line to the throne.
(yes that's his real name!)" - Unfortunate name |I'm not even going to tell you guys what my real name is.| ^We already know. Electronic recording instrument.^ |Definitely NOT O_o|
Actually... don't tell him, but Eri actually does stand for Electronic Recording Instrument. Once someone said that, and I abbreviated it, and well... *looks innocent*
Oh whoops *runs*
"Heyy people. Nothing to see here, definetly not summoning an army of monkeys to overthrow y'all.
*proceeds to do just that*
*wins while sitting on banana throne and wearing banana crown*" - WildWolf
"my mom just walked in and took my chair? and then replaced it with a spinny chair with my brother on it??" - Darkvine
~I'll take over while Eri and Amethyst discuss Things. Here are Inspirational Quotes, to inspire us all to (not) abbreviate words... We're much obliged to you for them, Moon Wolf :) They're related to August being Happiness Happens and National Wellness Month.~
"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." - Dolly Parton
"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion." - Rumi |*pops back into the MCU* yEs I aM|
"Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation." - Audre Lorde {Exactly what I always say. Especially with Eri around the place. Ibis, why don't I take over the MCU for a bit? It's self-care} ~Nope not doing that~
"Take the time today to love yourself. You desere it." - Avina Celeste
"Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that makes you, you." - Beyonce
/This is all so important. You're amazing! You can do it! I mean it./
|I'm back! Who cares, my name is cool regardless of its Origins. But if anyone mentions it... *brandishes pillow*|
{Ooh, got it. You mean whenever I want a pillow fight, all I have to do is--}
All right, let's abbreviate ^What? Noo don't abbreviate us!!^ But guys, look at how long this is. Anyway, since August is about self-care and all that, we asked for your advice on dealing with sadness and finding something to make you happy even when things aren't going right. Here's the advice we got:
anastasia says: "listening to music helps me a lot, preferably music i know will make me happier-it can affect your mood in good or bad ways lol. make a pinterest board, or talk to one of my trustworthy friends who make me feel happy. taking a walk, bike ride, or run is nice too." ^Yes, that all sounds great! Music is amazing, and it definitely helps to get out and around.^
Moon Wolf says: "Reading always takes my mind off things. Writing it down through poetry also helps." /Sometimes it's best to just get your feelings out, through writing or talking. Never be afraid of "unloading" on someone else you know and trust, unless maybe it's about something extremely trivial./
Hawkstar says: "I find that creating something helps when I'm sad, such as drawing and painting. Singing always cheers me up as well." |I agree - it helps to make something new, especially when something you loved is gone.|
Celine BurningBright says: "well, first of all, it's really hard to deal with grief and loss and sadness, and *hugs* to anyone who's going through that. When I'm feeling sad, I read, draw, write, cry... go on the CB and rant about it haha, but we're 100% here for you if you ever want to rant or want advice!" ~Viva la CB!~
Whoever's going through anything hard, we're here for you, and we love you so much. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and know that you're never completely alone <3
To cheer ourselves up right now, though, let's proceed to the Joke Column! Here's the August-themed (and generally humor-themed) jokes we got:
Moon Wolf: Which bone is your "funny bone"? Your humerus (humorous) |Ahaha, my humerous humerus! Love it XD|
Celine BurningBright: yesterday I went up to my friend and I asked her, "do you want to hear the funniest joke ever??" and she said, "sure!" and I was like, "so, a horse walked into a bar, and the bartender was like, do you want a drink?, and the horse said, "I think not!", and disappears!!" My friend like, "...ha. Ha? and I was like "It's the funniest joke I promise :DD" XD I don't know if anyone gets that...? ^Haha... hmm. OOooh yes I see *collapses in laughter*
And last but not at all least (these things are carefully planned, my friends {no they're not >:0}; we finish up with something light and interesting), we announce the winners of this month's LotM! /that's Location of the Month/ Trumpets please~
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
anastasia, with "rowing in Vermont"!
Why: Vermont is far enough north to not be baking hot in summer (I tHiNk), and rowing is summerish and very nice (the fact that I've never done it most definitely does not limit my expertise)
Cocoa cat, with "St. Augustine, Florida"!
Why: Florida is a classic place to be in summer. It sounds like the perfect place to go for a birthday, too :) Hope you enjoy it there!
Cloud Bunny, with "Hiking in Rocky Mountains"!
Why: Vacation... hiking is a great way to spend August, and the Rocky Mountains are striking and classic and lovely. It's a great place to be in summer :)
Tied for third are~
Hawkstar! with "Last cannonball into pool"
Why: It's somehow humorous, and it mentions pools which is wonderful, and it's somehow very evocative of summer. I love it :)
and Celine! with "Sneaking zucchini"
Why: Zucchine(?) are so symbolic of summer, and they're cool and fresh and the perfect treat for summer, and who isn't going to be sneaking some? :)
Second place~
Sempreverde! with "gelato in the piazza"
Why: I'm not sure why, but it's so full of August and summer and all that summer can be. It's reminiscent of Italy, and there's gelato in there, so it's great :)
And first place (drumroll, please, Eri)~
Moon Wolf! with "Catching Perseids"
Why: Because it's the Perseids meteor shower this month! The word in itself is so beautiful, and I love the concept and imagery of catching them. Great job :)
And with that, the MCU will ~finally~ conclude! |What noo not yet :/| It's a bit early, but better that than late. Thank you so so much to everyone who participated, and we hope all our readers will enjoy! /Also sorry for the lack of an AE theme throughout the whole thing, this one was a bit more... disorganized?/ {But disorganized = great, so that's all right >:)}
Oh, and I need to investigate what it is about my AEs using > emoticons (e.g. >:) instead of :) and >:D instead of :D and so on). But that will have to wait because (yoohoo, guys) we're signing off,
^Vireo, see you again next time!!^,
{Aldebaran, utterly belonging to this month because I'm named after a star after all - take note of that, kids, you can't say I'm not a star},
~Ibis, and look up your definitions, because star can either mean 1) a bright celestial object or--~
--please let's just finish up--
/Silvan, great doing this again!/,
|Eri the great! Don't forget I have my own day now >:P And Alde, I can absolutely say you're not a star, because just because you're named after one doesn't mean--|,
and Amethyst <3
(July 31, 2024 - 9:24 pm)
Behold, you found the Inkling Leaf~ Post our classic Inkling motto, "#ChaosForever", on the Leaf Hunt thread.
(September 11, 2024 - 6:22 pm)
(September 11, 2024 - 6:23 pm)
Can you please add some CONTENT to your thingies?!
(October 17, 2024 - 2:33 pm)