Sunrise Group!

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Sunrise Group!

Sunrise Group!

Hi guys! I'm so excited to be chatting with you because you are literally the two people I was like 'I want to have a group chat with that person!' So yeah. :)

Um... questions, questions...what are your hobbies? I have a lot, but my favourites right now are reading, writing, singing, listening to music, and biking.

And, I'm pretty much positive you both like reading, so what are your favourite books? I like KotLC, The Inheritance Games, Harry Potter, the Love and Gelato series, and literally so many more but I don't think you want to read this for hours so I'll leave it at that. :DD



submitted by @Anastasia&Moon Wolf, age WildWolf, :DDD
(July 2, 2024 - 8:25 pm)

hiii! i actually think i was the one who was supposed to post so sorry about that!

my current outfit is a white lace tank top and flowy blue linen pants, and gold and pearl earrings

my favorite book series rn is probably the lady janies series and my favorite book from it is the first one, my lady jane

on a scale of one to ten, i think school is like a....7. although i haven't started yet (one week aaaa) so it might be different when it begins.

i just finished the fault in our stars by john green which was beautiful but made me cry so much. highly recommend any of his books he is a great author.

i love cooking! i prefer baking but cooking is fun too. my favorite thing to cook right now is pasta, specifically this goat cheese and italian sausage one. and anything with pesto. a little off topic, but i recently got into making my own matcha and that's another thing i really like making. today i used oat milk and added maple syrup for sweetener.

ooh two truths and a lie sounds fun! 


what song are you currently listening to/what was the last song you listened to? i'm listening to 3005 by childish gambino

any funny dreams you've had recently?

do you have a favorite quote?

what do you value most in a friendship? 


submitted by anastasia, the archives
(August 19, 2024 - 12:11 pm)

My current outfit is a white dress with some leaf-flower like designs on it, pink leggings, and a silver necklace with a dolphin on it.

Right now, other than warriors ofc, I'm reading Artemis Fowl, and it's a good series!

School is also a 7 for me. Its mostly meh, but its nice to hang out with my friends.

Wow what is the fault in our stars about @anastasia? I'm currently reading Pennyroyal Academy.

Making matcha sounds cool!

Yes it sounds fun! I'll start with mine:

1. I play the acoustic guitar.

2. My favorite candy is Sour Patch.

3. I love gardening. 

I'm currently listening to a variety of songs (recently got into Undertale music-) and my current favorite song is Tell Me I Can't by Michelle Khare.

Well I dreamed that I got slushies but waited too long and they were melted 

My current fav quote: "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." - Desmond Tutu

I value effort most in a friendship.


What is your motto?

Which famous person would you meet if you could choose any (alive or dead)? 

Do you like drawing? If so whats your drawing style?  

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(August 20, 2024 - 5:37 pm)

The song I listened to most recently was get him back by Olivia Rodrigo

The most recent dream I had was that I was a dolphin. It was really weird XD

I keep a notebook of funny quotes and my favourite is "I think we should get the llama out of our bedroom"

I value kindness and loyalty most in friendship.

I don't really have a motto, I guess 'stay positive'? Idk :/

A famous person I'd like to meet from the past is C. S. Lewis and a person from the present is Taylor Swift.

I do like drawing! I'm not very good at it but my favourite style rn is anime.

Here's my two truths and a lie:

1. I went thrifting yesterday

2. I live in a cul-de-sac 

3. I go tent camping not rv camping

@moon wolf is the lie number 3?  

submitted by WildWolf
(August 22, 2024 - 8:56 pm)

@moon wolf--hm i think the lie is....number three also. i don't think i've ever heard you talk about it? so maybe that's it

@wildwolf--i think the lie is number two, but honestly i'm just guessing because i don't rly know 

for a motto, i don't really have one but maybe 'be the change you wish to see in the world'? i heard that somewhere and i like it

if i could meet a famous person it would probably be like...marilyn monroe or the obamas lol 

yeah i do like drawing! i don't do it as often as i should, but i've been getting more into painting recently so that's mostly why. i like drawing people and photos from my camera roll

here's my two truths and a lie:

1. i used to have a dog who had no eyes and two teeth left before he died

2. my favorite color is pink

3. i start school in three days


if you had an hour left to live, what would you do?

what food are you craving right now?

do you like drama/gossip or do you prefer to stay out of it? (no judgement, i try to stay out of it but it usually doesn't work lol)


submitted by anastasia, the archives
(August 23, 2024 - 7:56 am)

heh indeed it was #3.

@Wildwolf, is it #1? 

@anastasia, I could always argue that #3 is a lie now, but I'll just go with 2.

My motto might be "Creativity and kindness can take you far/go a long way."

If I could meet a famous person, I might say Ronald Reagan or Susan B. Anthony.

I enjoy drawing, mostly doodles, and I do an anime-ish style? not entirely though. I also love drawing wolves :)

If I had an hour to live, I'd probably say goodbye to everyone and maybe read a book I really like again?

Right now, I'm craving ice cream! or taiwanese shaved ice!!

I prefer to stay out of it. Like if I see a school fight or something, I'll go out of my way to avoid it as far as possible, though it's kind of interesting to hear about it...


If you had to design a bead (like on a bracelet or necklace) to represent you, what would it look like?

What is something you want to try this year?

What font do you use the most in writing in general? Or what is your favorite font?



submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(August 24, 2024 - 1:47 pm)

If I had an hour left to live I would probably hang out with my family and just have fun.


I’m craving guacamole toast rn lol… it’s one of my favourite foods


I don’t mind a tiny bit of gossip, but I usually try to stay out of it.


Hmm, I’m not sure. It would probably be purple because that’s my favourite colour and maybe be like a heart shape or smth? I can’t really represent myself with a bead bc I can’t really represent myself with just colours and shapes.


This year I want to try cross country skiing


Tbh I have no idea what font I usually use XD


Hmm @anastasia is the lie 2? 




What is your favourite thing to learn about? (Doesn’t have to be a school subject)


Are you an early bird or a night owl?


What’s a goal you’re working on right now?

submitted by WildWolf
(August 28, 2024 - 5:44 pm)

hi there! i'm so sorry i haven't been active at all recently. school started on the 26th so i literally haven't been on my home laptop since the 27th lol. 

the lie was actually #1--it was kind of a trick question because my dog did pass away recently but he had only one eye and four teeth lol so a little different.

if i had to design a bead it would probably be pink and green with flowers. that's pretty much my favorite combo rn.

i'm trying out dance at school this year, and i think it's going to be really fun! at my school we get to choose what they call 'arts core' classes, so kind of like electives? you get 2 per trimester and i picked open studio and dance for the first trimester. i also might audition for the middle school play alice in wonderland.

my favorite font...i love fonts so i really don't know but probably either bookman old style, homemade apple, or aguafina script.

my favorite thing to learn about is probably roman/greek history. in latin class we get to study roman history a lot too and that's really fun. my latin teacher is scary though lol

probably an early bird. as long as no one is waking me up i like to get up early and get coffee and not have to talk to anyone.

one goal i'm working on right now is trying to use less of my energy on people that don't 'fill my cup' i guess? for example last year i spent a lot of time chasing after people who didn't care about me and didn't try to spend time with me. and that really sucked a lot of my happiness to be honest. so i'm kinda trying to use my energy on people i really enjoy and who really enjoy me. which sounds easier than it actually is lol.


what's your favorite band? 

what book has had the most profound effect on you?

do you prefer stability or spontaneity in your life?

who do you admire most in the world? 

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(August 30, 2024 - 9:20 am)

If I designed a bead, it would probably be light purple (surprise surprise) with stars speckled.on it, and maybe a wolf silhouette on it. Maybe light blue or pink streaks?

Ooo it sounds fun! I'm trying drumline this year, and clubs.

I always use spectral as a font for text, and for fancy I use dancing script.

Yeah Roman and Greek history is interesting! I find history overall to be interesting. I like reading historical fiction, so...

I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'm an early bird. I read in the mornings to relax.

Yeah those are good goals! I'm attempting to write a poem every day.

My favorite band...I don't really know, since I focus more on singers. You?

Hmm, Warriors really pushed me to love reading, so maybe that.

A mix of both! Too much stability is boring and too much spontaneity isn't that good either in my opinion. 

I admire hope most in the world, how people still have hope despite things.


What clubs will you join?

What does your water bottle look like?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 1, 2024 - 11:59 am)

Oops I forgot to say the lie! It was #1

submitted by WildWolf
(August 30, 2024 - 11:21 am)

My favourite band is imagine dragons.

Probably A Place to Hang the Moon, that was my favourite book for about two years  


I prefer stability because when I don’t know what to expect I start getting stressed, but I think you need a bit of spontaneity as well. 


I’m homeschooled soo… I’m not really going to join any clubs but I guess my choir is kinda like a club? Idk


My water bottle is purple and is almost completely covered in stickers haha




What's your favourite way to exercise/be active? For me ice skating it's soo fun.


On a scale of one to ten, how messy is your room right now? One being super clean and ten being so messy you can hardly walk through it. For me it's probably like 5. 

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(September 4, 2024 - 10:22 am)

tbh none of the clubs this year look that interesting, i might join student leadership though, which is like planning events and rallies, and other leadership things. i'm going to do track and field at school in the spring, and i was thinking about basketball for the fall, but i'm pretty mid so idk.

my water bottle is a navy blue owala water bottle and i have another one that's a clear blue nalgene with a bunch of stickers. how much do you guys usually drink during school? for me i have two full bottles which is 32 oz each. i actually think i hydrate more during school lol.

my favorite way to be active is to take walks with my friends or do pilates or something. ice skating is fun too though!

my room is like a two right now. i usually keep my room pretty neat because i can't do anything in a messy space lol.


if your life was a novel, what would the title be?

how are you liking school so far? (for me it's like an 8/10)

cd's or vinyls?

if you could pick your own name, what would it be? 

(also a place to hang the moon is so gorgeous i loved it) 

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(September 4, 2024 - 4:31 pm)

I'm going to join the Creative Writing/Newsletter club. My friend created it and it was kind of fun and chaotic to write the newsletter. I'm also going to do Asian Culture Club, and drumline.

My water bottle is light purple. I might add stickers but it's empty for now. I only drink one water bottle amount usually.

My favorite way to be active is playing badminton or take a walk or swim.

My room is a 7. It's pretty messy, and I need to clean it lol

If my life was a novel, the title would be something like Creativity.

School's also an 8/10 for me. I think it's better than last year, for the most part.

vinyls look cool! a super cool retro feel.

If I picked my own name, it would probably be Luna. But I'm fine with my current name.


What is your favorite word?

How do you like your eggs (if you eat eggs)? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 4, 2024 - 5:55 pm)
Oh I have an owala as well @anastasia! I throughout the day I usually drink like a water bottle and a half or so, I don't know the exact number of ounces or anything.

School for me is also 8/10 so far, although I only just finished my second day so I don't entirely know yet.

I don't have either cds or vinyls I usually just play music off my phone lol, but I agree with @Moon Wolf vinyls seem really cool, I kinda want some. 

I honestly don't think I would change my name, but I think the name Elodie is really pretty.

My favourite words are petrichor and crepuscular. If you don't know petrichor is the smell of rain, and crepuscular is the word for animals who are most active during twilight and dawn, like wolves for example.

I love having omelettes, but probably my favourite way to have my eggs is fried.


What are your favourite song lyrics? 

What's your favourite season?

And on a similar note, if it could only be summer or winter for the rest of your life, which would you choose? 



submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(September 4, 2024 - 8:40 pm)

guys today was a really good day at school. i actually enjoyed myself lol. (this may have to do with a certain person actually having a conversation with me but whatever)

my favorite words are idyllic and effervescent. they just sound really pretty to me idk

i love eggs so much. i cannot express my love for eggs lmao i'm obsessed. my favorite way to have eggs is either boiled but runny (like how they are in ramen) or omelettes or fried eggs...but i love all eggs tbh.

my favorite song lyrics..i don't really know. i tend to not pay too much attention to lyrics lol.

my favorite season is fall for sure. i love the vibes

if it could only be summer or winter for the rest of my life, definitely summer. i mean i don't like hot weather but winter for forever is not fun.


would you rather have a life rewind button or a life pause button and why?

what would you put in a time capsule?

do you have any ideas for your halloween costume? 

what outfit are you wearing right now? (i'm wearing a gray dartmouth college t-shirt, black flares, and converse)


submitted by anastasia, the archives
(September 5, 2024 - 5:07 pm)

@anastasia, that sounds nice! :) glad you had a good day! how was your day, wildwolf?

My favorite words are mythical and luminescent. I love the vibe to them.

I like my eggs fried mainly, though I also love soft-boiled eggs that have been marinated in sauce (usually a mix of soy sauce, sugar, red good!) I also made omurice once and I loved it! Oh and deviled eggs! (I love many forms of eggs)

I love many song lyrics, especially empowering and meaningful ones. Like "I'm learning how to get up off my knees / And all it takes is practice". 

I like winter the most :) it's nice to see snow and feel warm and cozy with hot cocoa 

I would probably say winter because of above ^^ and also it's more practical. It's always too hot during the summers and during school (especially PE)

I would rather have a life pause button so I can have time to take in everything and enjoy everything. A rewind button sounds great, but then I think about what I've learned from all my mistakes and stuff and I think it's probably better for me to have a pause button instead to take in the moment instead of regretting the past and constantly changing it, to accept my mistakes.

I'd probably put my journal in a time capsule. It would be nice to look back on it on what I did years ago.

Eh, I don't really have any ideas family doesn't really celebrate halloween, though if there's an opportunity like at school or something, I might be a panda or something. Do you have any ideas?

I'm currently wearing a tie dye shirt with purple, blue, and pink colors, as well as beige pink shorts.


Typical hairstyle?

Dream outfit (doesn't have to be a dress if you don't like dresses) for a special occassion?

What's sitting on your shelf?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(September 5, 2024 - 8:35 pm)