Sunrise Group!

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Sunrise Group!

Sunrise Group!

Hi guys! I'm so excited to be chatting with you because you are literally the two people I was like 'I want to have a group chat with that person!' So yeah. :)

Um... questions, questions...what are your hobbies? I have a lot, but my favourites right now are reading, writing, singing, listening to music, and biking.

And, I'm pretty much positive you both like reading, so what are your favourite books? I like KotLC, The Inheritance Games, Harry Potter, the Love and Gelato series, and literally so many more but I don't think you want to read this for hours so I'll leave it at that. :DD



submitted by @Anastasia&Moon Wolf, age WildWolf, :DDD
(July 2, 2024 - 8:25 pm)

Ooh that sounds fun, anastasia! What National parks are nearby (to both of you)?

Oooh that sounds good! I love lavender ice cream! It has such a good flavor and stuff. Do you prefer ice cream or popsicle?

Hmm, I want to get more into art, or maybe more medical related things to see if I'm actually interested in it. 

"'Of course they are; I made 'em myself,' re- (this is line 18) turned the boy, with pride." - The Marvelous Land of Oz, L. Frank Baum

Average weekend, cleaning, reading, trying to write haha.


What are your AEs?

What is your favorite plant or flower?

Do you reread? If so, which book have you recently reread? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 22, 2024 - 9:55 am)

indiana dunes national park is probably the closest one to me, i live in chicago so it's not that close but still. 

i definitely prefer ice cream, popsicles are good though! 

my ae's right now are shyla hyacinth, cyrus and cyrria moore, raven beckford, ophelia chen, and maurelle auclair. i was thinking of adding a new one but i haven't gotten to that yet--and i used to have this guy named arden but i just...retired him idk. what about you?

my favorite flower is maybe orchids or peonies. 

i definitely reread, usually bc i love the book so much lol. my most recent reread is castles in their bones by laura sebastian.


what's something you like to cook/bake?

and on the flip side of some of my other questions, what's the worst movie you've ever seen?

who's your best friend, and why are they your best friend? (you don't have to share names)

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(July 22, 2024 - 5:14 pm)

Sorry for taking so long to respond! I was hoping wildwolf would.

Nice! Probably for me, Joshua tree National Park is closest. 

I also prefer ice cream. Ice cream or sorbet or Gelato? 

My AEs are Lyra, Aries, Crescent, Callisto, Astra, Orion, and Rigel. @anastasia, I feel like we shipped Astra with Ophelia at some point in an RP but the rp never really took off. Do you want them to meet somewhere or anything?

Mine is lavender. Favorite tree?

Nice! What is it about?

I love making deviled eggs. I like experimenting with toppings. I haven't made them in awhile though...

The Artemis Fowl movie was a disappointment because there were many differences between the book and movie. I don't know about the worst though.

My best friend in school is someone from my PE class. She's my best friend because we share some common interests, and we both are serious about grades and stuff. 


Opinion on each school subject you have?

Nearest word you see?

A song you have stuck in your head? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 29, 2024 - 5:23 pm)


submitted by anastasia, age toptoptop, topping
(July 22, 2024 - 7:50 am)

I'm back! 

A hobby/interest I want to get into is playing piano.

K page 23 line 17, there isn't one since it's the start of a chapter so it has like a big space where it says what chapter it is. There are only 15 lines, line 15 is "where Mangkon began. Centuries ago, it was probably" it's from The Last Mapmaker.

My weekends are usually pretty relaxed. video games, lots of reading, visiting grandparents, chores, etc. 

Hmm, I don't know what my favourite plant is, but one of them is the Christmas cactus.

Ya I love re-reading, I recently re-read the Princess Academy.

I like to make guacamole toast, chocolate chip cookies, eggs in a hole, and a lot of other things that I can't think of rn lol.

I'm not sure what the worst worst movie I've ever seen was, but Lyle Lyle Crocodile was pretty bad.

My best friend is B. She's my best friend bc we're very similar, she's a very good listener, and she's just plain fun to be around. We've known each other since 2nd grade when we met at a homeschool thing. Sadly she's the only one of my friends who doesn't have a phone, so we don't get to talk that much.

I'll be back later today with some questions! 


submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(July 29, 2024 - 4:55 pm)

I'm back with some questions! 

What are your favourite part(s) of the chatterbox?
Do you play any video games or board games?
What's your favourite indoor activity, besides reading? 
Who are you asking? Me?
submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(July 29, 2024 - 5:23 pm)

@admin no, sorry I didn't make that clear I was asking Anastasia and moon wolf bc I didn't ask any questions in my original post :)

OK, good. Because I have a hard time naming favorites.


submitted by WildWolf
(July 29, 2024 - 8:33 pm)

hi! nice to see you again!

i think my favorite school subjects are...ELA (which ik is an unpopular opinion) but i love writing essays about books and reading books so that's mostly why. and definitely art. i'm also taking latin again this year which should be fun. what about you?

the nearest word is prismacolor because i have a tin of them on my desk.

the song stuck in my head right now is all my life by lil durk and j. cole. this is because my dad just played it on the alexa speaker and it's very catchy. 

my favorite parts of the, i think i agree with you. favorites are pretty hard. probably just the community? it's nice to have people to talk to that aren't going to judge you.

i play smash bros and mario kart with my friends sometimes but because i don't have a nintendo i can't play at home. as for other games, i like exploding kittens and mastermind is fun. 

favorite indoor activity, probably baking. or right now, watching the olympics. i spent like four hours yesterday watching them lol. and i like drawing, mostly from photos i've taken. what about you?

also yes wildwolf lyle lyle crocodile is a pretty terrible movie. shawn thanks. the worst movie i've watched is the christmas dragon. it's very low-budget, and kind of amazing. it's a movie everyone needs to watch to see how hilariously awful it is.


coffee or tea? and what's your favorite kind of either? 

do you have a favorite sport to watch? 

what are some things on your summer bucket list?

biggest role model?  


submitted by anastasia, the archives
(July 30, 2024 - 8:47 am)

My favorite subject is also ELA, but only creative writing portions. I don't like writing essays. I also like history.

The nearest word is Artemis Fowl, the book I just reread.

The song stuck in my head is Party jn the USA right now for no reason at all. 

My fav parts are probably the writing and poetry stuff, though the community is also nice.

I don't really play video games, but I like playing UNO and some other card games. I also play Monopoly and Trailblazer (it's a board game my sister came up with)

For me, reading definitely, but I also watch the olympics. I also like making ambigrams, though they are difficult sometimes. 

I love tea! My favorite kind of tea is oriental beauty, but oolong is also pretty good. I don't really drink coffee though...

I like watching badminton, as well as archery and soccer and swimming, mainly for olympics. You?

Reading lol. Okay, but also watching Perseids. Its really cool to watch!

My biggest role model might be my sister. You?


Favorite emoji/emoticon?

Favorite bag you have (if you carry one)?

What is your CAPTCHA saying? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 30, 2024 - 2:49 pm)

my favorite olympic sports to watch are rowing and synchro diving, also gymnastics. 

i think my biggest role model is probably my best friend, i feel like she's a whole lot more responsible than me lol.

i don't rly have a favorite emoji, but my most used ones on my phone are the skull and the bow

i have a lottt of bags, but my favorites are my green canvas messenger bag and my alo tote

marigold my captcha is saying 'dftck' duck? idk. 

funniest thing that happened to me recently....i went to six flags a couple days ago and these kids kept telling me and my friend that we were 'totally sigma' like multiple times it was so hilarious


if you could pick one fictional character to be friends with, who would it be?

do you have plans for your birthday?

are you going anywhere for summer or have you already? 

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(July 31, 2024 - 11:36 am)

Mine would probably be :D or ;D

Mine is a black bag with a panda on it.

Twilight my CAPTCHA says <heaoi>. A weird way of saying hi?

Funniest thing...can't really think of anything that happened to me. Though earlier I did just get sprayed by a perfume by my sister multiple times and it wasn't exactly a good scent.

One fictional character Id be friends with would probably be Mina from Spark or Wren from WoF. But if I had to choose one, Mina.

No plans yet, since its pretty far away.

I went to Taiwan for the summer. :D


Current outfit?

Current mood?

Favorite book series of all time?  And fav book from the series?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(August 2, 2024 - 3:15 pm)

Definetly tea, since I don't drink coffee. I love a classic cinnamon, but I had a peach tea one time that was really good.

My favourite sports to watch are skateboarding, F1, and hockey.

I don't have a summer bucket list honestly, but some things I want to do the summer are go camping, have many water fights with my siblings, and spend less time on screens.

Hmm, I think my biggest role model is my aunt.

My favourite emoticon is either <3 or :DD

I have a really pretty book bag one of my aunts made me. That's probably my favourite. 

My captcha Addie is saying /bddzr/

submitted by WildWolf
(July 30, 2024 - 4:35 pm)

Oops I forgot to ask any questions lol~

What is one of the funniest things that happened to you recently? For me I was at a spray park with a friend and we were running around and being crazy, and this one kid just staredat us like 'what are they doing??" We laughed so hard. 


submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(July 30, 2024 - 4:40 pm)

oh and @moon wolf i totally forgot about astra and ophelia! we should make a thread :)

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(July 31, 2024 - 2:32 pm)

Omg I'm so so sorry, I got confused and didn't realize that I was the one who hadn't posted on here yet. D:

If I could be friends with a fictional character, I'd choose Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter or Keefe from keeper of the list cities. :D

Since my birthday is in April, I don't have any specific plans yet, but I might go to a rock climbing gym with some friends or something like that. 

I haven't gone anywhere this summer yet, and we might not be able to go anywhere this year, but possibly my family will go on a camping trip later, but probably not. But, I will be going to choir camp for a weekend mid-September.

My current outfit is denim shorts and a pink t-shirt. 

My current mood is happy but slightly annoyed because my little brother is acting annoying.

My favourite book series... okay I'm going to have to choose two. Keeper of the lost cities and Harry Potter. And the Lunar Chronicles. Lol I can't choose just one XD 


On a scale of one to ten, how much do you like school? (One being you absolutely hate it and ten being it's the best.) For me it's 4 some days, and like 6 to 7 other days.

What book are you currently reading/have read most recently? 

Do you cook at all? If you do, what's your favourite thing to cook?

Also just wondering, do you guys want to play two truths and a lie? 

submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Not the eras tour :(
(August 18, 2024 - 11:01 am)